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20800369 No.20800369 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>finish work on Friday evening
>go for 2 hour walk while listening to Twitter space
>buy junk food on way home
>get massive rush of optimism for life as I'm carrying the junk food home; clearly Pavlovian reaction, as that feel normally comes after the sugar rush
>binge, waste rest of evening, skip gym
>wake up on sunny Saturday morning
>browse internet, drink coffee, read book
>day flies by to 3 pm
>go walking outside for 4 hours and saw a new place
>eat prawns and tub of Ben and Jerry's and browse internet
>go to gym in late evening, lifting goes well
>browse internet, which meant my fast food binge was post-midnight
>slept too fucking late
>woke up at 9 am on Sunday, browsed internet, slept more, browsed internet
>now 11 am and should sleep more
>plan to go for a walk, then maybe a final binge, then gym, then idk

My main hope for the upcoming week is that I can stop having a pathetic beta demeanour. Do any other losers have that feeling where you get paranoid about people criticising you for imposing yourself if you were to talk loudly and normally?

>> No.20800373

why do you post this every day. get your shit together have some self respect

>> No.20800374

Stupid fucking frogposter.

>> No.20800390

These days I say what I want as loud as I want. I've been working at a liquor store for about a year now which has been a bit nice for my social skills and stuff. In the beginning I was always "the bigger person" but as time went on I started returning the attitudes I'd sometimes get. Absolute shit place to work though whatever positives I could get from it I've absolutely drained and ill be gone soon.

>> No.20800508

What a truly abysmal fucking thread. You should be ashamed of yourself and your truly pathetic thread.

>> No.20800540

Do not be rude! Shame on you. Go think how your behavior affects others.

>> No.20800611

I don’t know why you keep making this thread
There are treatments for BED you could be pursuing instead of rambling into the void.

>> No.20800703

oh hell ya knew lf dropped

>> No.20800709
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It blows my mind this guy actually exists and posts here every weekend.

>> No.20800714 [DELETED] 


>> No.20800715

didn't have coffee yet, had to check /lit/ the second i wake up of course

>> No.20800787

Ignore the plebs LF. Keep going.

>> No.20800814
File: 1.71 MB, 1500x1125, dollartwentyfiveburritos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lf are you a people pleaser? read a book about it, it might resonate. also, you can get in the habit of drinking a sweet ass protein shake after your workouts instead of binge shit, might be an improvement. personally i can't resist dollar store burritos. they have so much fucking salt and i think some additive that triggers my adhd but when i see some asshole charging $1.50 for a tiny slice of cardboard pizza, i think fuck no, i'll go home and microwave a big ass burrito for less. it's not like i can't afford it, it's just the principal of it. maybe i need to work through my issues from being poor for a decade, idk.

>> No.20800852

dumb frogposters belong to auschwitz

>> No.20800854


>> No.20800864

they deserve gourmet meals, swimming pools, exercise facilities, and luxury abodes? I agree, chuds deserve nothing less for their service

>> No.20800872


>> No.20800880

Nice blog-thread.
>be me
>buy a cheeky rather fat gram of cocaine on a thursday
>be high as a kite from noon until midnight for three days
>going to Prague for a needed drug break to fuck cheap whores instead
>just found out Kratom which has been illegal in my home county for some time is sold in shops there
Well, guess I'll be drugging it for a little longer. The /lit/erary lifestyle is a hard but wonderful one, but I have to say, I am looking forward to escaping NEETdom and teaching at the university again by september.

>> No.20801019

are you a german person? :D

>> No.20801269

when is the next volume of the last binge coming out?

>> No.20801312

wow i forgot i have a burrito in the microwave lmao good thing you bumped this

>> No.20801322
File: 25 KB, 713x611, 1590588088923-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigger londonfrog!

>> No.20801328

i didnt realize londonfrog was still around, you were the only reason i used to come to this shitboard. stopped coming altogether when you disappeared, happy to see youre back. i know there are likely many anons who have been londonfrog, but in my heart, i love the concept you represent regardless of how many pairs of hands have typed that concept into the world. i love you, londonfrog

>> No.20801333

20800880, nice LARP, bud

>> No.20801340

I wonder how many newfags don’t get this

>> No.20801348

can you say that word?