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20798369 No.20798369 [Reply] [Original]

New book coming out in September that's going to talk about our corner of the internet. I sure as hell am not going to buy it because I don't want to give this obese slug money, but something to look forward too. Could be an interesting read.

>> No.20798373
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This is the author btw

>> No.20798386

t. actually non-binary

>> No.20798389
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>democracy in America

>> No.20798398

Actually based, a white man would never achieve this level of basedness.

>> No.20798791


>> No.20798811 [DELETED] 

they're trying to pull us into their knowledge/power system by systematizing and heirarchizing meme culture

>> No.20798825

based nig

>> No.20798826

idk she seems pretty based to me. Was recently thinking how memes such as wojacks were used to manipulate people. I could see how a suddenly flow of people posting basedjacks negatively depicting them doing some activity to give people a negative view towards it. Great example of this is wojacks in a lot of nintendo threads on /v/.

>> No.20798831

>bunch of kikes
Imagine my shark

>> No.20798860

>A groundbreaking investigation into the digital underworld, where far-right operatives wage wars against mainstream America, from a masterful trio of experts in media and tech.

>Memes have long been dismissed as inside jokes with no political importance. Nothing could be further from the truth. Memes are bedrock to the strategy of conspiracists such as Alex Jones, provocateurs like Milo Yiannopoulos, white nationalists like Nick Fuentes, and tacticians like Roger Stone. While the media and most politicians struggle to harness the organizing power of the internet, the “redpill right” weaponizes memes, pushing conspiracy theories and disinformation into the mainstream to drag people down the rabbit hole. These meme wars stir strong emotions, deepen partisanship, and get people off their keyboards and into the streets--and the steps of the US Capitol.

>Meme Wars is the first major account of how “Stop the Steal” went from online to real life, from the wires to the weeds. Leading media expert Joan Donovan, PhD, veteran tech journalist Emily Dreyfuss, and cultural ethnographer Brian Friedberg pull back the curtain on the digital war rooms in which a vast collection of antiesablishmentarians bond over hatred of liberal government and media. Together as a motley reactionary army, they use memes and social media to seek out new recruits, spread ideologies, and remake America according to their desires.

>A political thriller with the substance of a rigorous history, Meme Wars is the astonishing story of how extremists are yanking our culture and politics to the right. And it's a warning that if we fail to recognize these powerful undercurrents, the great meme war for the soul of America will soon be won.

Sounds dumb

>> No.20798899
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The left can't meme, so they have to write tedious shrill "books" like these.
>Leading media expert
>veteran tech journalist
Logical fallacy: appeal to authority
>memes waah waaah
They're nothing unless the ideas behind the memes resonate with people.
The writers of this book are just sore their ideas don't resonate.
Consider...Warner Brothers just blew $90M on a "Batgirl" movie they'll never release, because it went over so badly with test audiences.
Their lack of connection with their audience is literally costing them millions.

>> No.20798996
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The powers that be must coping so hard right now, this has to be paid for by the government.

>> No.20799004

Why is it whenever normies do shit like this it's more cringe than a grandma trying to fit in with a bunch of schwarzes

>> No.20799014

Indeed. For example, Liz Cheney is so desperate, she asked her father (noted neocon Dick Cheney) to shill for her.
They must be absolultely flat-lined desperate to try to rehabilitate Darth Vader.

>> No.20799029

Why does my blood pressure spike and fill my body with adrenaline whenever I see a smug guy with a maga hat

>> No.20799036

It's a great hat, positive message, everyone loves the hat

>> No.20799037

right. no one gives a shit about "credibility" anymore. I'd trust some random anonymous twitter poster more than I would any university educated, public or institutionally recognized "expert"

>> No.20799050


Because they're actually trying to give a serious account of a fluid online subculture, whereas personal experience of the said subculture(s) commonly involves an element of subversive humor, of unseriousness. By taking it (internet culture) seriously as an object of study, the 4chan user/alt-right blogger can dismiss their efforts as "not getting it" exactly because they're being serious, not treating it as a game in the way that many forum posters (here and elsewhere) do. The authors would never giggle delightedly to themselves at the details of the latest mass shooting.

>> No.20799060


Addendum: well, unless the said mass shooting exclusively killed several socially upstanding whites.

>> No.20799073

Sounds like a personal problem.
How about looking into it yourself?
You know, thinking for yourself?
Is that a non-starter for reasons I don't understand?

>> No.20799088

>I'm WAAAATChhhing you, Mike Wazowskii....

>> No.20799105

Newly discovered species, convergently evolved toad-like features.

>> No.20799118

It’s a lot leas benign than that but hey, I’m also trapped in 2007.

>> No.20799125
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>> No.20799132

This is how I imagine most of you looking. Except you identify as male

>> No.20799136

I look like Gigachad except I only have one big eye in the middle of my forehead and I'm raping your sleeping body

>> No.20799138

holy Shit


>> No.20799156

Ahh, anti-intellectualism on display, I'm sure you have a solid grasp of epistemology and certainly don't believe tons of flagrant nonsense

>> No.20799167

monstrum in fronte monstrum in animo
you can be fat, or you can be ugly, but I'm not reading shit from a fat AND ugly author
God hates them and they hate themselves. why the fuck should I care what they have to say?

>> No.20799187
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Normies will never understand

>> No.20799345

I hit that close to home, did I.

What is this new memespeak now? Stupid little toady zoomer here to lap up the fat millennials farts? Why? Because he said gigachad?

>> No.20799731

3 words and this geriatric is assblasted lmao

>> No.20799763

>2016 corpses
Literally who?

There’s a reason actual research (not that this shit is) doesn’t—can’t cover memes and take part in ‘the conversation’. The time it takes for one of these tenured slouches or meth pumped replaceables to write something decent has the topic born, lived, dead, buried, grave discontinued and forgotten.

>> No.20799767

I have the urge to touch that fat neck

>> No.20799774

did research on this woman for a class. she's actually pretty based against big tech. you have to consider a woman who looks like that must take up a hobby more adjacent to thought than sex

>> No.20799781



Every time.

>> No.20799854

You’re being spooked, goyim.

>> No.20800073
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>maymays are actually dangerous

>> No.20800103

You’re the one who lapped up the farts. You’ve been ass-blasted

>> No.20800105

This is outdated already. I can find better analysis with an archive of organized receipts in their kiwifarms threads.

>> No.20800116

Well yes. The meme wars are over
The pentagon won

>> No.20800789

Surely i already know more about memes than 2 kikes and one fatass

>> No.20800797

And then someone posts a bunch of gigachads doing the same thing

>> No.20800813

You mean rejection of appeal to authority

>> No.20801790

>Ahh, anti-intellectualism on display
Anti-intellectualism is based wdym

>> No.20801797

kek this is great

>> No.20801836
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Eh, wasn't this already done?

>> No.20802003

yeah exactly they do the exact same thing like gigachads. It's almost like wojacks are some covert glolwie psy ops scheme to control people through memes. Like how do you argue against an image? Since globalhomo has taken an interest in internet culture I wouldn't be surprised. A lot of viral videos turn out to be marketing campaigns. This thread itself could just be some sort of guerilla marketing via outrage marketing. Outrage marketing is very interesting but I don't know too much. I'd suggest to read about the release of the original Grand theft auto. The way people acted outraged it was like it was going to flop but it turned out to be one of the highest selling ps1 games in the top 100.

The only thing I disagree with is that the book is obviously bias towards one political belief when both sides are capable of executing the same techniques.

>> No.20803269

a /lit/ dog hollers

>> No.20803327

Unironically though any serious discussion of this topic that does not focus on organized meme campaigns from world governments and corporations with the means of governments is bunk. That is where the real story is. Memes are just a footnote in the history of propaganda efforts.

>> No.20803364


The basic idea that I wrote applies to the current period, although it's interesting to wonder whether your "less benign" refers more to "us", or to them.

>> No.20803386

It doesn’t. Look at Donovan’s mutuals, look who she works for, look at what her peers want.

>> No.20803418


It doesn't matter whether they're doing it for the WEF or the CIA or the jews or what have you. None of that changes the basic presentation of the text, what it purports to do (regardless of whatever the real agenda is: to give a "serious discussion of memes", as I correctly stated. The original question was "why does this stuff come off as cringe", and that's what I correctly answered earlier. It doesn't matter whether it's some ZOG operation or otherwise, or if it's "bad on purpose" for some reason or another, because what you have in the end is still some text that purports to explain alt-right/4chan/trump meme culture with some seriousness. That's why what I wrote controls.

>> No.20803438

Huh? People like this are a problem because they write books like this one to further their credentials so they can be consulted on what kinds of controls the government should use on its people. I guess you can plug your ears and just read the text and not see what people like this want, but…ok. It’s fairly clear they want to stifle speech they don’t like and I’m sure this book is out to paint memes as an implement of stochastic terrorism for the right wing. Joan literally does that for a living.

>> No.20803510

If you can't tell the difference between real and specious expertise then you unironically need someone to tell you how to think

>> No.20803521


Now you're getting into the actual agenda and its frightening implications, but again that's not what was being asked about at first. "Why does this book suck/why is this book tone deaf" is an old question that goes at least as far back as Kill All Normies (the shoddy research on that one was one aspect, but not the main one). Put another way, let's suppose it's a 4chan user that's reading whatever book. The question rephrases as: "Why does reading this thing personally irritate me?" Because the author "just doesn't get it". Why don't they "just get it"? Because they browse the given forum (and related forums) not for pleasure as we do, but as research tourists. They don't "like" being in any of the given forums, they're just doing it as part of their job/project so that they can report on what they find with a smarmy, faux-serious moralizing disgust (and also possibly the insidious policy recommendations, to your point). But it's usually the smarmy, faux-serious moralizing disgust that is off-putting first and foremost in these sorts of books, and that's my main point. That and the simple fact that the short prose narrative cannot encapsulate the subtle permutations of, say, pepe.

>> No.20803553

215 lbs

>> No.20803564

Sure. I agree that they usually misunderstand online culture and have knee jerk reactions to stuff that their best argument against is normalizing imagery they don’t like.

I guess I just think most posters here and well, most people online don’t see how these kinda of people have an impact. They comb through the archives here, they’re backing up your Twitter feed or any other social media to pick through later, and they’re often consulted as experts when it comes to this stuff. Anyone with the wrong kinds of follows, posts, etc is a potential target.

>> No.20803740

Quicksilver never got over Magneto being an absent father, eh?

>> No.20803777
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>> No.20803812

Yeah I'm sure its the online battles on japanese forums that are upending democracy. Jesus Christ

>> No.20803925

we really live rent free don't we. who would've thought some obscure anime forum would yield this much power and influence