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/lit/ - Literature

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20792610 No.20792610 [Reply] [Original]

This mindset killed good writing and is only useful for making the most worthless pop media possible.

>> No.20792672

What mindset? The one he's arguing against, or the one he's arguing for?

>> No.20792676

Against. Explaining basic aspects of your world and worldbuilding is what makes for good writing.

>> No.20792688


>> No.20793099

Lol fantasy spastic detected

>> No.20793107

Some people are unironically too autistic about it.

>> No.20793108

Morrison is just very angry that he isn't Tolkien, huh

>> No.20793178

Missed opportunity for brilliant engagement

>> No.20793186

We've had this thread already, you were wrong then and you're wrong now.

>> No.20793415


>> No.20793479

Alfred pumps the tires. He's the FUCKING BUTLER
God what a retard

>> No.20793494

Yeah, who would ask that question?

>> No.20793508

In the comics, they actually had a mechanic for a while. He was a mute hunchback who lived in the bat cave.

>> No.20793533

You have to go back to whatever fantasy forum you came from, anon.

>> No.20793535

Never knew Brandon Sanderson browsed this board

>> No.20793588

Tolkien ruined fantasy

>> No.20793622

That's actually true. Fantasy was actually good and had literary merit before Lord of the Rings was published. Nothing against Tolkien, but he did open the door for the genre evolving to the mess it is now

>> No.20793651

If you're too fucking stupid to pick up context clues and put two and two together, but instead need shit explained to you like a child, you shouldn't be talking about what amounts to good worldbuilding.

>> No.20793666

name a good fantasy novel pre-tolkein, i’ll wait

>> No.20793771

the bible

>> No.20793869
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No worthwhile author is going to limit their already precious space reserved for character development, thematic exploration, and actual literature just because some autist demands to know how tires are pumped.

>> No.20793876

Simple. Superman and Batman are not adult fiction and shouldn't be read by adults

>> No.20793897

He's correct in some cases and not in others. There are times when something not being explained or being contradictory will harm the reader's suspension of disbelief, and there are times when it won't. A good writer can understand which is which, and a bad writer can't. If you have to wave away any complaints by appealing to this, though, you're probably the latter.

>> No.20793902 [DELETED] 

I always felt that there are two kinds of story: myth and simulation. Myth follows dream logic and tends to be heavy in symbolism. Simulation follows real life logic and tries to account for as making variables as possible in order to be realistic. The very best stories do both of these things at once. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

>> No.20793905

I always felt that there are two kinds of story: myth and simulation. Myth follows dream logic and tends to be heavy in symbolism. Simulation follows real life logic and tries to account for as many variables as possible in order to be realistic. The very best stories do both of these things at once. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.

>> No.20793942

Gormenghast, The Well at the World's end...everything on King Arthur. If you don't think there was good fantasy before Tolkien, you just haven't looked/read enough

>> No.20793986

There is always another "why?" underneath any explanation. Fostering a suspension of disbelief is what's more important, and attempting to explain things is only a single tool among many that you can use to achieve it.

>> No.20794065

Was going to say this. Anon must not have looked at all.

>> No.20794423

Oh huh interesting

>> No.20795938

All these seething replies and not a single one can prove it wrong. Worldbuilding has been done since the beginning of literature. Homer and the Greeks were such good world builders they thought they actually lived in it and it became part of their language and history.

>> No.20796086

Tell me, are you trained in any of the STEM disciplines? You sound like a computer science guy.

>> No.20796104

the bible is real?

>> No.20797518

No one asks those questions

>> No.20797693
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that this anon is getting shat on is sign that /lit/ is still a good board

>> No.20797731

Contrary to what your friends on the fanfic forums you frequent tell you, "Worldbuilding" is the least significant aspect of good writing

>> No.20797735

There is zero worldbuilding in the Iliad

>> No.20797749

There are already terms for this, it's called hard vs soft fantasy.

>> No.20798782

Establishing ground rules and locations for your setting is bad because...?

>> No.20798829

Imagine being above the age of 20 and still reading fantasy and harping on about some fourth-rate writer's "exquisite world-building". Genuinely lower than manga readers.

>> No.20798883

care to posit examples of stories that are both myth and simulation?

>> No.20798889


>> No.20798892

Sure but they didn't explain every fantastic thing that happens.

>> No.20798896


>> No.20798897

You eat mystery and shit out convention

>> No.20798900

Because the best works drop you right into the world, like reality