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/lit/ - Literature

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20792586 No.20792586 [Reply] [Original]

How many books have you read this year?

>> No.20792590

Probably around 15. I need to read more novels but I have had weird schedules and have enjoyed a lot of piecemeal philosophy and short story collections.

>> No.20792599


>> No.20792603

I have read 5. The Book of the new sun.
I didnt like it.
I'm neet so I should have read a lot more

>> No.20792606

based student of the Koran

>> No.20792609

finished? four
>black company
>to rescue Tanelorn
>the duel (Casanova)

>> No.20792612


>> No.20792627

you have to answer first

>> No.20792630

3 or 4

>> No.20792632
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>> No.20792634


>> No.20792636


>> No.20792639

like 3 or 4, working on my 5th

>> No.20792651

Soon-to-be bishop unravelling biblical truth

>> No.20792669

The Darkness That Comes Before
The Warrior Prophet
Eaters of The Dead
The Idiot
The Growth of The Soil
At The Sign of Triumph
Project Hail Mary
Starship Troopers
The Hot Gate
Lonesome Dove
Last of The Breed
Building Harlequin's Moon

Currently working on:
Through Fiery Trials
Gravity's Rainbow

Lots more planned as well

>> No.20792706

Finnegan's Wake
Blood Meridian
The Bible
The Odyssey
The Iliad
The Tunnel
In Search of Lost Time
The Recognitions
Infinite Jest
Paradise Lost
Pale Fire
To the Lighthouse
The Waves
Mason & Dixon
Complete Works of Plato
Aristotle's Organon, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Great Ethics, Eudemian Ethics, partial completion of Politics
Apollodorus' Biblotheca
The Histories
Oedipus Rex

did all this in 5 months, after not having read since high school. feels good

>> No.20792722
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PLEASE read something that isn't /lit/core. That quantity of books read in such a timeframe is an impressive accomplishment, but you need to branch out. /lit/core is far better on average than /mu/core but even so, just read a book about a topic you personally like. Maybe something non-fiction or a historical fiction/memoir about a time period you enjoy

>> No.20792748

What’s wrong with that? I listened mu core first couple months and now I listen obscure shit. You need to have experience to build your taste and before going down the rabbit hole.

>> No.20792763

20-25 I think.

>> No.20792803

>You need to have experience to build your taste
Why should a bunch of people on an anime image board dictate what constitutes necessary "experience" to appreciate literature? Go out and read whatever you want, /lit/ chart completionists are a bunch of circlejerk losers anyway

>> No.20792823

>Complete Works of Plato
>Aristotle's Organon, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Great Ethics, Eudemian Ethics, partial completion of Politics
>5 months
retention: zero
engagement: zero

>> No.20792848

The Sun Also Rises
Crime and Punishment
Death and the Dervish
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
A Hero of our Time
Deep work
A mind for numbers
The Great Gatsby
A Sorrow Beyond Dreams
Romeo and Juliet
not included are some random short stories, some obscure/untranslated works and books I've only read parts of
But in all honesty I've barely understood/retained any of them

>> No.20792856
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I don't read. I just download books from libgen, read them for about 15 minutes, get bored, then delete them from my kindle. Repeat. I spend infinitely more time looking for books than I do reading them.

>> No.20792877

How was Lonesome Dove?

>> No.20792895

>In Search of Lost Time
>Infinite jest
>5 months
Nigger, fuck me sideways if you remember a single thing from any of these

>> No.20792980
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About to add the 12th to my list. And its Silence by Endo.

>> No.20792995

Next Kant over here reinterpreting Aristotle's corpus to fix modern philosophy

>> No.20793001

Isk, 10?
I was busy

>> No.20793004

Why does /lit/core make you mad? No one is making you read it

>> No.20793010
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Then why are you here?

>> No.20793011

Finished The Idiot (reading since last year) and then Demons. Now reading Zorba the Greek

>> No.20793012

1. The brothers Karamazov

But I started a month ago , couldn't earlier because of classes.

>> No.20793017
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Yup this one right here

>> No.20793020

>u mad
I'm not mad, just bewildered why you don't have any original books on there beyond /lit/ and other internet "classics"

>> No.20793030

>Internet classics
You are retarded

>> No.20793051

He's bitter because he got filtered. Ignore him and continue your path you're doing well.

>> No.20793052

The “lit classics” includes hundreds of books and they are among the best

>> No.20793056

I’ve read nothing this year, like the rest of /lit/.

>> No.20793058

28 so far. the last book I read was american psycho in 2018 so its been fun reading all the classics and ive had alot of women at my work ask me for recommendations, bretty good stuff

>> No.20793059

I finished 6

The Fountainhead
Foucault by Deleuze
Technological Slavery
Fanged Noumena
Revolt Against the Modern World

>> No.20793067

Yep. It was Storm of Steel.

>> No.20793074

about 30. 70 if you count fanfiction.

>> No.20793102

Nobody is dictating anything. If you don’t like a book you don’t read it. I really don’t understand your hostility. If you don’t read books you are going to ask what books are fun and get recs from people who read. You don’t live in a vacuum wtf

>> No.20793159

>you need to branch out
No, he doesn't.

>> No.20793173

>they are among the best
t. lets reviewer Youtubers and algorithms dictate your taste

>> No.20793221

If you don’t think many of the numerous books that /lit/ has discussed over the years aren’t good, you probably don’t like reading. I’m guessing you are either a YA or a hipster faggot

>> No.20793227

I never said "don't read /lit/core", I said "read more than exclusively /lit/core". Work on your reading comprehension

>> No.20793241

Chances are if /lit/ has never discussed a writer they aren’t worth reading

>> No.20793267

>Chances are if /lit/ has never discussed a writer they aren’t worth reading
How far up your own ass are you? There is plenty of obscure fiction and nonfiction that is very interesting.

>> No.20793284

I refuse to read non-whites/women

>> No.20793287

So you’re a hipster type faggot. Not all of lit is Joyce, Pynchon and Dfw. There are plenty of more niche writers who get mentioned here like Abe, Brautigan, Powys, Adler, Sebald, etc. I’ll bet those types of writers are better than some literal who. Just because someone is obscure doesn’t mean they are good. Unless you are 50+ years old, you will never run out of “lit core” writers to read. If a writer is good, he will be known to some degree

>> No.20793308

>all those names
Been here since 2017 and I've seen a Sebald thread maybe once. Never saw a thread for any of the others
>“lit core”
Wait wait wait, do you think I mean authors who are popular in general? I'm specifically talking about people /lit/ obsesses over and there are always threads about them.

>> No.20793348

Finished 7:

Ideas - Husserl (started last year)
Essay on Human Freedom - Schelling
The Ages of the World - Schelling
The Way Towards the Blessed Life - Fichte
On the History of Modern Philosophy - Schelling
The Grounding of Positive Philosophy - Schelling
1804 Wissenschaftslehre - Fichte

>> No.20793358

around 40-50

>> No.20793376

I made a thread on A Glastonbury Romance while I was reading it a couple months ago and I’ve seen threads sporadically before. Sebald gets mentioned here and there. I bet lots of results would show if you searched The Rings Of Saturn on warosu. Lit barely talks about literature anymore anyway and you arrived post 2016. Your obscure writers aren’t really obscure. Also remember that many here are in their early 20’s and have read less than 50 books total(if they even read). Do you expect someone to pick up something like Zorba The Greek or Shadow Country before they’ve read the big names?

>> No.20793379

I've finished at least 9 books during my 5 week vacation, and I don't consider myself a big reader.

>> No.20793406

which books?

>> No.20793418

>Do you expect someone to pick up something like Zorba The Greek or Shadow Country before they’ve read the big names?
Sure, if they want to! I read Kazantzakis' St. Francis when I was 16 and I enjoyed it. Why would they need to read Plato and Dante before reading that? Only thing worth going chronologically for something like that is pure philosophy ("start with the Greeks" for philosophy is the one /lit/ meme I endorse)

>> No.20793420

My God give me a fucking break

>> No.20793423

That's why it's not a meme. It's a sound advice

>> No.20793428

8. I am right on pace for my new years resolution which was to read a dozen in one year. Feelsgoodman

>> No.20793435

Yes, on one specific point. I'm a classics enjoyer, but philosophical thought is different than approaching fiction. No one on here tells people to start with The Golden Ass for fiction, even though it's one of the first modern novels.

>> No.20793449

The Idiot
St. Augustine’s Confessions
Swann’s Way
The Divine Comedy
Atalanta in Calydon
The Metamorphosis
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Don Quixote

I’m a busy guy

>> No.20793456

>The Idiot
Now listen to the Iggy Pop album

>> No.20793457

Not saying you can’t or shouldnt but I don’t think you are being honest with how time consuming reading is and the average age of anons here. DQ, Moby Dick, TBk, etc will always seem more alluring to someone who’s never read them than a semi niche writer. I consider a “serious reader” to read 25+ books a year. If you read that amount for 10 years there are still swaths of the cannon left. You also have to take into account rereads. Chances are you’ll get more out a book when you read it at 30 than if you read it when you 20 and just getting into reading. Also keep in mind that these are very dark times for the board. It may be dead. It isn’t fair to judge lit now. I wouldn’t be surprised if a sizable portion or even majority of /lit/ has read less than 50 books total in their life

>> No.20793475

You really can't help yourself can you?

>> No.20793485

You're seriously moving the goalposts. My original argument is that someone should read more than EXCLUSIVELY /lit/core and take a chance on something, anything. See an interesting-looking book ar Salvaltion Army but you've never seen /lit/ discuss the author? Take a chance on it! I've read 25ish /lit/core books myself and enjoyed most, but there is a lot more to the written word than 4chan chart books.

If anything, people like you who insist on exclusively starting with /lit/core for newcomers are the types killing this board, because dumbass zoomers will start browsing this board, try to read The Bible or Moby Dick straight through because they top the /lit/ chart, and burn out and seethe about how much literature sucks and is boring. /lit/core has both difficult and simple works on it, and if your only experience with it is trying to force your way through IJ, I don't blame someone for leaving this board.

>> No.20793489

I will not tolerate Iggy Pop slander

>> No.20793495

Seek help

>> No.20793515

Listen to some Iggy, irony has eroded your brain and your think I'm being hostile. I have no opinion on the book "The Idiot". I legitimately enjoy this album. Bowie even helped in writing this album if you like him

>> No.20793517

My point is you are complaining that a board that barely reads anymore isn’t reading minor works. If you don’t know why the Iliad would seem more appealing than Zorba the Greek to a newbie, I don’t know what to tell you. Perhaps it’s you that has unrealistic expectations for this board. And I never said newbies should be chart readers, just that books that stand atop the western cannon will be more appealing than minor works to newbies. Can you understand that?

>> No.20793524

Based Iggy appreciator

>> No.20793529

I started W&P once school ended and I'm almost finished. I don't read for pleasure or browse /lit/ much during the semester, it just feels like a chore among all the other required reading.

>> No.20793531

also next I will be reading The Idiot by Dostoevsky. Gonna open it up the second I close W&P. Once I finish The Idiot, I will finally be taking a break from Russian lit. Thinking of diving into Zola next.

>> No.20793534

Why would works of the western canon be more appealing than something like pulp or YA for a new reader? /sfg/ is a dedicated general for a reason. Furthermore, a lot of authors which /lit/ is obsessed with have little to no impact on other works, like Guenon.

I think people should find what they like and read similar works, regardless of their "canonical" status. In essence, people should stop reading for clout

>> No.20793543

Two, but I'm on a roll.

>> No.20793547


>> No.20793552

You first

>> No.20793564

only one. i am very sad

>> No.20793576

When has the culture of this site ever been about pulp and sci-fi and fantasy? It has also been centered around the western cannon, with some favorites receiving more shine than others. You came when /pol/ started taking over. Guenon is a /pol-lit/ meme. Why don’t you go to r/books and complain why they don’t discuss Gunter Grass and Barthelme? Because the culture of r/books is different from that of /lit/.

>> No.20793606

>guenon is /pol-lit/

>> No.20793616

Till the end? 4. I've started reading like, a couple months ago. I finished two novels and two philosophy works.

Boris Strugatsky - Roadside Picnic
Joseph Conrad -Heart of Darkness
Arthur Schopenhauer - Studies on Pessimism
Friedrich Nietzsche - Thus Spoke Zarathustra (i read some of Genealogy of Morals, Twilight of the Idols and Antichrist before, not cover to cover tho)

>> No.20793629

>culture of this site
The culture of this entire site is anime. Where are the light novel discussions on /lit/? Lord knows /jp/'s are sporadic. The scifi and fantasy lifestyle people hang out on /tg/. I'm sure there is overlap, I know I overlap on /tg/ but I'm not as interested in their threads, so I spend time here.

/lit/ has many factions that don't care much about the western canon. I already mentioned /sfg/. There are also consistent threads on eastern works, notably Buddhist and Hindu works. Christian generals abound, with far more works than merely The Bible.

>guenon as /pol-lit/
Totally wrong. /pol/ would hate that guy, they'd be more into somone like Savitri Devi. It was one of many /lit/ memes which started out with one guy shilling Guenon, then esotericism became a big new meme religion, and people actually tried to read him.

Notice how I never mentioned someone like F. Gardner in all of these posts, and that's because we all know that is one spammer propping him up. But if you went by the sheer amount of times he namedrops, he might be near the top of this board. Yet who reads him?

>> No.20793631

Sure he got mentioned here and there previously pre2016 but he stuck after Guenonfag spammed him constantly. Then he became a meme and then /pol/ latched onto him because muh traditionalism

>> No.20793652
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I’m almost finished with one but I started it last October.

>> No.20793684

I meant the culture of the board not the site. I know those generals have always existed. They’ve generally kept in their bubble. The board used to larp as snobby academics at ivy leagues and the struggles of living life with an English degree. The culture of the board is totally different now than it was in its heyday. I’m not sure if you are the 2017 anon but you arrived when the board was already on its way down. You missed the whole lit life meme.

>> No.20793692

I think you came here looking for that after seeing some dark academia video but i can assure you. It has always been like this

>> No.20793696

No it really hasn’t. There has been a massive uptick in philosophy and religion compared to how the board used to be

>> No.20793703

That's just not true. Philosophy and religion threads are almost gone now. They really peaked between 2018 and 2020.

>> No.20793708

>the whole lit life meme
What are you talking about? There are still threads about this everywhere! People boasting about MFAs and other assorted English degrees are still pretty common for me

How is philosophy not canon though? Beyond weirdos like Guenon, I'd even consider newer works like Being and Time or The Stranger as part of the western canon

>> No.20793712

And they were even rarer 10 years ago.

>we have always been at war with East Asia

>> No.20793749

So you don’t notice the difference of the board 10 years ago versus how it is now? If you don’t you are blind or dishonest

>> No.20793774

How would I know what the board was like 10 years ago if I clearly admitted I came here in 2017, O Wise Oldfag? You are the one making claims about how the board was 10 years ago. I claim that the same trends from back then are still around. You say I am being dishonest.

>> No.20793778

Why do you expect this board to remain unchanged in such a large amount if time? I think you just want to point fingers at subjects that you don't personally enjoy talking about.

>> No.20793786


>> No.20793814

Post 2016 /lit/ is different
Because it veered away from what made it the best literature forum. You can tell there are a lot less readers today

>> No.20793828

>Post 2016 /lit/ is different
How so? Because, like you said, there are fewer readers? How did you know they were all readers?

And most importantly, how does any of this analysis argue against my point that people should read more than just /lit/core? You seem like a fine guy and I wish you the best, but I've been internet arguing with you for 4 hours and I want to shower, wrap a birthday gift for my girlfriend, and clean my gun (in that order)

>> No.20793845

Because there was more discussion and “lit core” is basically the western cannon which contains hundreds of writers

>> No.20793853

lol you people actually read and it isnt cliff notes?

>> No.20793860

Not that anon but I’ve been kicking around this POS since 2010 or so. /lit/ has always been pretty shitty but I think there were a handful of people digging at the edges back then. Now you guys mostly post to show superior taste or bring up the same old handful of writers. It should be more damning that anyone thought this place could be more than this.

>> No.20793864

Couldn't care less about your feelings. I just want to talk about movies here because /tv/ is a shithole filked with pajeets and legit trannies

>> No.20793865

around 45

>> No.20794258

Not that anon, but it's not worth it

>> No.20794361

4 or 5

>> No.20794370

35 but I should be freer to read after slogging it at work for a while.

>> No.20794393

More writers like welbeck?

>> No.20794396

onwards toward my second book right now. I'm reading pale fire

>> No.20794398
File: 839 KB, 613x878, readings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I've read this year. 22 books.

>> No.20794405

Boring and autistic

>> No.20794446


>> No.20794513

41 books, I'm currently reading a relatively THIC novel.

>> No.20794514

i like history nigga

>> No.20794544

Are you a faggot?

>> No.20794566

It's a long read. Like a lot of pages, sure, but also kinda slogs along. It wasn't a bad book, though, and if you like westerns I would recommend it.

>> No.20794570

I got back into reading 103 days ago. I’ve finished 6 books. I’ve been focusing on books that I think I’ll find entertaining that aren’t very long.
Count Zero
Bodega Dreams
Fight Club
Red Dragon
Silence of the Lambs
Currently reading Blood Meridian.

I’ll take any book recommendations if you’ve got.

>> No.20794586

I dunno man like 8 or 10
Kind of burnt out on novels I just read Byron's poetry and try to memorize the best bits.

>But silent let me sink to earth,
>With no officious mourners near:
>I would not mar one hour of mirth,
>Nor startle friendship with a tear.
How was this nigga so good?

>> No.20794591

13 if you count audiobooks

>> No.20794876

Infinite Jest
The Stranger
A portrait of the artist
The crying of lot 49
Actual Air

A sad list I know. I’m half way through:
Gravity’s rainbow
Cosmopolis (my first DeLillo)
Generative Energy
Capitalist Realism

>> No.20794921

Switching to non-fiction has really boosted my numbers and got my motivation for reading back, it’s just amazing.

>> No.20794934


12 of which I read when I was a NEET for the first six weeks of the year

>> No.20794967

aside from fountianhead, very based

>> No.20794972

which uni are you doing your postgrad in?

>> No.20795018

Dosto will be a HUGE disappointment after W&P. Should probably skip him entirely, he wrote utter trash pulp fiction, stick with Tolstoy or Turgenev

>> No.20795023

Zola is great. Stendhal is also worth a shot as he was an inspiration for Tolstoy.

>> No.20795028


>> No.20795086

im impressed. id have guessed you were in a masters or phd at warwick. good job anon :)

>> No.20795096

Thanks, but I wouldn't say reading certain books is very impressive.

>> No.20795170

You'd be wrong.

>> No.20795200

some, maybe between 20 and 30.

>> No.20795527

25 but a lot of rather short books so the overall page average is only about 180

>> No.20795704

Blood Meridian
All The Pretty Horses
Kornel Esti
The Rings of Saturn
About half of the Old Testament
Les Gnostiques
Foucault's Pendulum
Don Quixote
The Maimed
Melancholy of Resistance
Locus Solus
The Sound and the Fury
The Twilight World

>> No.20795721

What’s the point of keeping track of how many books you’ve read in a calendar year? When you’re done one book, pick up another. As long as you read ~50 pages a day you’ll be fine

>> No.20796044

79 so far
I'm reading "Why Men Love Bitches" rn

>> No.20796162

>The Early Church Was the Catholic Church
>Pope Peter
>The Dogma of Hell
>The Great Gatsby
>Tales of Faith
Next up will either be Of Mice and Men or the Divine Comedy.

>> No.20796238

Started reading a month ago.

Finished 2 books
How to Read a Book
Mythology by Edith Hamilton

Currently reading:
The Iliad

>> No.20796248

this is bait.

>> No.20796252

I've read half of a lot of books. Once I figure out the general idea I'm about ready to ditch it.

>> No.20796388

around 15 or something
this week i read visit to godenholm, steppenwolf, the wild boys, and are currently finishing neuromancer

>> No.20796394


A true /lit/izen

>> No.20796399

Lmao. I seriously hope you're joking

>> No.20796831

13, my nigga, but I'm reading 4 more at the same time

>> No.20796887

I think I remember seeing this exact list in a "What do zoomers read?" thread and every reply was telling him that he would never have an original thought in his life.

>> No.20797045

negative five

>> No.20797194

Outside of books that i read?

>> No.20797234


>> No.20798527
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a few

>> No.20798619


>> No.20798636
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Manga is Literature, FUCK YOU IF YOU DISAGREE!

Also, I read Schopenhauer and Tolkien, so you can't tell me to go back to /a/ because I didn't just read manga.

>> No.20798667
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good taste anon

>> No.20798693
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Only been reading a year. I've started many more but had to stop until raise reading level.

>> No.20798696
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12 if you count comic books.

>> No.20798715

Based. What was your favorite?

>> No.20798735

manga is not literature
schopenhauer is not a philosopher
get real you faggot

>> No.20798738

150ish. aiming for 250 for the year. people get so assmad though when i mention how much i read. people desperately want other people to fail so they can feel better about themselves.

>> No.20798771

7 but I also went from being a NEET to nearly a normie in that time

>> No.20798814

I'm sure you write about and reflect on each of those books, anon. It would be a shame for you to spend so much time consuming without expending any effort internalizing

>> No.20798854

Gravity's Rainbow
Mason & Dixon
Gothic Violence
Inherent Vice
Based on a True Story by Norm
The Alchemist

And currently reading Mistborn bc a friend reccommended. So I guess that's 8 so far.

>> No.20799160
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32. The books I've enjoyed the most have been
Jed Mckenna's Theory of Everything: The Enlightened Perspective
Jed Mckenna's Notebook
The Sovereign Individual
The Lessons of History
A Christmas Carol
and Spy Family Volume 1.

it's kind of funny how I've been reading all these physics and biology books since last year, only for it to all culminate with Jed Mckenna's I Am/Consciousness and untruth-unrealization.

>> No.20799871

i wanna read more

>> No.20799914

physicals help. audio books can be nice too but they don't really develop the skills reading does
this is impressive but I'm skeptical of our comprehension, at least of Ulysses to be blunt. seems like it would take most people a straight month at fastest to really get through all the references.
you've undoubtedly busted some ass though good on you my man
about 35 if you count short stories. maybe 20 of not?

>> No.20799919

same but to be fair it was a 2 million words webnovel, shit took me 2 months to complete

>> No.20800706

King Arthur the making of a Legend followed by the Hundred Years series have been my favourite for this year. In biographies Henry the Young King was my favourite, next to William the Conquerer.

>> No.20800751

15 books so far, though I am slowing down and haven't read as much in the past few weeks.
>Tokyo Vice
>Inherent Vice
>The Sympathizer
>Killers of the Flower Moon
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
>The Motorcycle Diaries
>The Fever
>The Tell-Tale Heart
>The Communist Manifesto
>The Hobbit (Re-read)
>Capitalist Realism
>The Twelve Caesars
>Dune Messiah

Currently Reading:
>Hue 1968
>LOTR (Re-reading)
>Children of Dune

>> No.20800772

Uh... Can't remember. Three at least. Maybe more, but that might have been last year.

>> No.20800798
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