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20792124 No.20792124 [Reply] [Original]

Please teach me how to read more. I've completely fried my brain with internet and porn addiction for well over a decade now. I sit down to read and get extremely bored/tired after just 5 minutes. How do I overcome this? I want to be able to read for hours.

>> No.20792134

These threads are so fucking boring it's incredible, just kill yourself I don't give a fuck that you can't read. It literally could not be less relevant to my life

>> No.20792217
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Also do you a écrit dopamine detox.
Is used to read a book a year when I was a teenager and it didn't feel like a chore
More like and adventure.

>> No.20792255
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everyone is different so maybe this will work or maybe it won't.

>go to libgen and download picrel
>read intro
>read one short story and one poem a day from toc

Once you've read all of that, just start with the novels in order. If there's something you don't like just skip it and move on till something grabs your attention.

>> No.20792284

I always read under certain conditions. I have to be sitting, can't read in bed because I fall asleep, I put my phone somewhere unreachable (another room or another floor), no music, no screens. Sometimes I need to meditate 5 or 10 minutes before reading.

>> No.20792316

I don't know anything about you or your life but I'm not convinced that it's "fried" because that implies a permanent condition. I'm in the same boat and have read tons of books in the last 6 years, now whether or not I've absorbed or fully digested them is another question entirely, but it's a starting point. If it helps to listen to music or have a little toy or something on hand while you read then try that. Honestly though, you just gotta do it more, I think that's really all it boils down to, just keep reading and reading and it will feel more and more natural.

>> No.20792332

You definitely got to find the right books/genres. What have you been trying to read?

>> No.20792341
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I just finished a book in 2 days. You just have to find something good. Pic related. Simple writing style. Short as well. Loosely based on a true story. Pretty fucking horrifying abuse done to children by children as well as adults.

>> No.20792345
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agreed, it definitely helps to start with shit that you don't find gay and boring and irrelevant to your life and interests

>> No.20792518

>What have you been trying to read?
generic non fiction best sellers like homo deus
to get into a habit of reading regularly

In general my core problem is that I waste colossal amounts of time online, I genuinely think that I have an internet addiction and this is the first thing that I need to fix because as soon as I start browsing the internet I lose track of time and any resemblance of self control goes out the window. Same thing when I try to start reading something, after a few pages im getting distracted by random thoughts and keep looking for my smartphone.
>definitely got to find the right books/genres
I remember really enjoying no country for old men, any recs that might be similar to this ?

>> No.20792535

whats your job and daily job like
if you are just mcdonnald employee that may be, you are just retarded, people like that dont read, they never did

>> No.20792631

Read things you enjoy. Read in a comfortable spot; if possible, a room where without electronics. Keep your phone either outside the room entirely or on the other side of it (if you really need it). Just take baby steps and you'll train yourself to read for longer periods.
No harm in getting distracted by thoughts, just ensure they don't lead to you picking up your phone. Think about your thoughts and return to your book when you're done.