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20790996 No.20790996 [Reply] [Original]

>”There is no truth!”

>> No.20791012

God, I hate all the underage fags who spam this board and their inane posts

>> No.20791019

>nietzggers can't explain this self-refuting statement

>> No.20791021

This post is worse than saying n word

>> No.20791025

why do christfags spam these kneejerk NIETZSCHE posts? like we can tell you're a butthurt christfag

>> No.20791027

never read nietzsche never will,
but can anyone fill in the gap for me as to why the nihilist framework
>nietzsche wasnt nihilist!!
(yes he was, he just didnt like it)
wouldnt conclude that although our means of understanding ethics and values are arbitrary, everyone carries the same presuppositions that values are born out of? eg a person with eyes experiences the same table that everyone else does, as does everyone with the divine spark experience morals ethics etc

>> No.20791028

>but only perspectives
Fucking retards, by Dyonisos!

>> No.20791083

Nietzsche’s existence is one of the best pro Christian arguments ever

>> No.20791090
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>> No.20791132

Nietzsche admired Christ, just disliked Christians. But he'd have little to say about the heroism of somebody who fully committed themselves to the path that Christ walked upon. The problem is that few self-proclaimed Christians do

>> No.20791137

Totally not Witgenstein! I hate this retard so much it`s unreal. He is literally 100% detector of midwits here in Russia.

>> No.20791147

>Nietzsche admired Christ
did he? I'm pretty sure his whole shtick with Christianity is how it "curses this life in favor of 'the other life'"

>> No.20791167

>”There is no truth!”
Fixed you, faggot.

Or better yet:
>"There is no Object X!"
>"Operation successful, 0 critical errors. Object X not found".

go fuck yourself, midwit.

>> No.20791170

He deserves the based billy award, just for introducing entirety of epistemological thought in fun and interactive way in ALL of his works. Something, that no one before him achieved even in the slightest. His conversion of money making and materialistic obsessions from ampire V, into a multi-chapter gnoseological theory, was the most smile inducing literary moment for me in idk how long.
Way to out yourself as a contrariaNPC #125012512, by poking at most lively, witty, nihilistic son a bitch a in a literary world today.
(pls no further yous, i will not contact someone whos outed himself for more than 1 message)

>> No.20791174
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Actually he did. He said the last christian died on the cross, and Jesus was too young to understand what N. understood.

>> No.20791180
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"Pain is vanquishing my life and my will." He wrote in a letter. "What months, what a summer I have had! My physical agonies were as many and various as the changes I have seen in the sky. In every cloud there is some form of electric charge which grips me suddenly and reduces me to complete misery. Five times I have called for Doctor Death, and yesterday I hoped it was the end — in vain.

"Though I am in my forty-fifth year and have published about fifteen books…there has not yet been a single even moderately reputable review of any one of my books. People help themselves out now with the phrases "eccentric," "pathological," "psychiatric"."

"It hurts me frightfully that in these fifteen years not one single person has 'discovered' me, has needed me, has loved me."

"How rarely a friendly voice reaches me! I’m now alone, absurdly alone…And for years not a word of comfort, not a drop of feeling, not a breath of love."

"It has been ten years already: not a sound reaches me any longer – a land without rain…If only I could give you some idea of my feeling of isolation. Neither among the living nor the dead is there anyone with whom I feel any kinship. This is inexpressibly horrible."

>> No.20791185

>But he'd have little to say about the heroism of somebody who fully committed themselves to the path that Christ walked upon
"And when a person goeth through fire for his teaching—what doth that prove! It is more, verily, when out of one’s own burning cometh one’s own teaching!"

"Thou goest the way to thy greatness: it must now be thy best courage that there is no longer any path behind thee!
Thou goest the way to thy greatness: here shall no one steal after thee! Thy foot itself hath effaced the path behind thee, and over it standeth written: Impossibility"

"“This—is now my way,—where is yours?” Thus did I answer those who asked me “the way.” For the way—it doth not exist!"

>> No.20791186

Place something serious in LE FUNNY context. Jesus Christ go fuck yourself.

>> No.20791195

>Actually he did.
He also admired Cesare Borgia

>> No.20791208

Where is contradiction? For him only ingenious individuals matters. For him suffernig of one genius is more tragedy than suffering of millions normies. And Christ suffered for this dirty pleb? No way.

>> No.20791588

refuted by Girard

>> No.20791633

retroactively refuted by Nietzsche

>> No.20792071

> t. midwit

>> No.20792570

The nihilist framework concludes something similar to this but with a significant key difference. People’s values throughout history are born out of VERY DIFFERENT presuppositions based on their cultural climate. That’s one of his main points: many of the moral stances humanity has arrived at over the years contradict each other. They are born out of a myopic set of principle beliefs in the nature of reality, all differing from one another, and all seen as inherent until they’re eventually cast out or modified. Yes, it is true that our experience of the world has a kind of isomorphism in regards to perception and sensation and all the metaphysical bla bla… but much of this similarity is washed away by the more present macroscopic social and economic demands of society which cause people to adopt moral viewpoints that give them emotional catharsis and moral righteousness. For the noble Greek humanists, it was a “pathos of distance” from the masses, where good is equated with purity and excellence, and bad is equated with impurity and corruption. For Christians, good became associated with virtuous struggle and the bearing of suffering, thus it becomes harder for a rich man to get into heaven then a camel to fit through the eye of a needle (or some shit). Not to mention the idea of everyone experiencing the same table is a conceptual sophistry. People in different social climates experience incredibly different tables and furniture from one another. They experience incredibly different architecture, art, literature, customs, folktales, religions. This is an undeniable aspect of human diversity which supersedes most existential unities.

>> No.20793080

Nietzsche was spot on. Just look at how many people are still seething over his shit more than a 100 years later.

>> No.20793141

No, there is indeed no truth

Also, this is true because I say so

>> No.20793567

the worship of power is indeed a philosophy, but one which is proven (and which ultimately destroys itself) in furious activity, not in thought

>> No.20793756
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>Nietzsche hate thread #996

>> No.20793793
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>nietzsche was a nihilist
I dare you to read the entirety of Thus Spoke Zarathustra and then come back to say to us, with a straight face, some horseshit like this again.

Nietzsche's philosophy is that this world, this life, is something that should be loved so much that you'll look in the face of death when it comes to you and say "So, that was life? ONE MORE TIME!", forever and ever.

If this is nihilism then all trannies are women and two plus two is five.

>> No.20793878

>write a funny book
>become eternal Hitler of philosophy

>> No.20795082

so true

>> No.20795112

you got it

>> No.20795115

>"So, that was life? ONE MORE TIME!", forever and ever.
That's still nihilism. Enjoying a rollercoaster ride is not meaning.

>> No.20795145

Looks like the Pringles guy

>> No.20795147
