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20784297 No.20784297 [Reply] [Original]

What would he think of his current day legacy?

>> No.20784302

What would he think of current day race mixing rates?

>> No.20784313

Honestly his work has proliferated to such an extent he's one of the most influential writers of the past 200 years. That's a legacy to be proud of.
Sad, but not as sad as he'd be over modern architecture.

>> No.20784318

He stopped liking Hitler toward the end and liked FDR so I'm not sure he'd care for his meme status among certain internet cirlcejerks
He'd still be pretty racist beyond that though
He'd be disgusted by what Japs do to his mythos
I don't know what he'd think of games like Call of Cthulhu and how common in fantasy his stuff is, probably positive?
Overall mixed but he'd be happy to know he's as if not more influential then his idols

>> No.20784321

He wasnt even famous while he was alive, he died poor and riddled with cancer.

>> No.20784347

>not as sad as he'd be over modern architecture.
Based. You've actually read him unlike the retards who meme on him.

>> No.20784349

He'd probably love it, honestly. He was always extremely open to people using his mythos and encouraged writers who contacted him to do so. The fact that his creations are ubiquitous and synonymous with the type of horror he wrote is likely a better result than he could have imagined.

>> No.20784352

Both volumes of I Am Provedence. Best biography I've ever read.

>> No.20784478

Now read his complete works.

>> No.20784509

even though other none-white enjoy it myself include?

>> No.20784550

There's no evidence he was as racist as the soi like to pretend.

>> No.20784578

he would probably think it was gay how commodified and flanderized a lot of it became, but i bet he would personally love my fanfic

>> No.20784589

>he would probably think it was gay how commodified and flanderized a lot of it became

That's probably true, I wonder what he thought of Delerth's material? I think that's where a lot of the commodified and flanderisation comes from imo (boardgames rely on Delerth heavily, for example).

>> No.20784604

I would try to ask him, but he would stop to think about writing a short story about the nearest light bulb, ask some questions about light bulbs, and rush off to write. I'd see him in a few months. He'd venture out to see a world lit with lightbulbs. After a couple of hours at the nearest bar we'd set him up with some cute girl who liked him. He'd point at the nearest lightbulb and stammer something awkwardly out about illumination. She'd be taken aback, but politely reply with something.

A few months later she'd be wondering about that cute nerd and texting me and my friends, and he'd have a short story about a lightbulb monster.

>> No.20784610

Lightbulbs are older than Lovecraft you absolute mong.

>> No.20784617

so was cthulhu but he still wrote about it you silly goose

>> No.20784625

He'd be surprised because so many people shit on him during his life and yet now you can easily trace his influence all over fiction everywhere.
It's the fate of all good writers it seems. They don't get appreciated until they're gone.

>> No.20784628

He seemed to generally loathe all of humanity in some way or another and his horror was just painting everyone as evil or weird monsters in their own way.
The Black Man was a prominent villain, sure. But Innsmouth was called white trash. He generally had a bad guy group of every race, just showing evil as corrupting everything and everyone. Tolkien based the Orcs on this idea too.

>> No.20784681

>The Black Man was a prominent villain, sure
He was ambiguous a lot of the time. Also he's explicitly described as not African in features.

>> No.20784813

He never had a problem with nonwhites in person -- he extensively helped several Jewish amateur writers for free -- and the foremost living authority on him is ST Joshi, a South Asian. He was a nice polite guy who believed what he read in the papers.

>> No.20784817

Everyone who knows anything about historical New England knows who The Black Man is (hint: it's not a black man).

>> No.20784831

Ok elaborate. I'm curious.

>> No.20784835

Why would you think I haven't? Why would I read the biography of a writer I'm not familiar with?

>> No.20784838

>"I hate niggers."
His stance of race was really ambiguous.

>> No.20785708

so true...

>> No.20785896

desu it's kinda sad to think that if given the chance in his latter days he would've traded all the fame and influence for simply not dying in terrible agony

>> No.20785916

Does his work have literary merit?

I hate his prose.

>> No.20785986

I think he'd be secretly happy to know that his work has gotten such wide recognition while also being repulsed by the fact that it's being enjoyed by masses of commoners and coloreds that couldn't possibly appreciate it beyond a superficial and inadequate understanding of it. Hell, maybe he could be humbled by that, who knows?
He'd be absolutely mortified by the publication of his personal letters, though, as I think most people would.

By the way, in relation to this thread's topic, I recommend this guy's channel. It can be really insightful and funny at times.