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20784044 No.20784044 [Reply] [Original]

Surely this gem inspired modern Sci-fi authors

>> No.20784055

There are some vague similarities between Eva and the works of Cordwainer Smith and Asimov

>> No.20784062

I mean Millennial authors

>> No.20784064

Anime is not original enough to inspire books, similar thing with movies. The creative chain descends from above with literature.

>> No.20784163

Yoko Taro said it was an influence on the writing for Nier: Automata, but that’s all I know of.

>> No.20784198
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>> No.20784272

Hideaki Anno made the best adaptation of the Bible and you can't prove me wrong

>> No.20784286

You realize you're just proving the stereotype that weebs only enjoy anime because they're retarded and uncultured?

>> No.20784306

I don’t think anyone ever thought it was planned, but the premise is essentially Gnostic and subsequently a rejection Gnosticism, whether it was intentional or incidental.

>> No.20784308

Weird take since he admitted himself that all of the biblical imagery in the show was just for aesthetics because he thought it looked cool

>> No.20784315
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Unrelated but your post reminded me of the painting
PoM by S Dali 1931

>> No.20784358

Did the show started before anime was even invented? how???

>> No.20784362
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I actually consider Eva deeply influential on my own writing.

In addition to engendering within me a fascination with conspiracy theories and grand plots to alter reality on a metaphysical level, the big thing I took from Eva was a desire to create characters that people get to know inside and out. NGE gives us a very, very deep dive into Shinji, Asuka, Rei, and Misato; by the time the series is over, we know pretty much EVERYTHING there is to know about them. We feel we know them better than they know themselves. I've enjoyed that aspect of Eva from the first time I saw it, and it's become an influence on how I write my own characters.

>> No.20784398

Everyone with half a brain in their head knows Anno is always referencing old sci-fi. Half the show is borrowed from Gerry Anderson and Ultraman. You're just admitting you don't know anything when you post shit like this.

>> No.20784405

>the big thing I took from Eva was a desire to create characters that people get to know inside and out.
Yeah, no books like that...

>> No.20784566

No, because nobody relevant watched it.

>> No.20784570

How does it embody and then reject Gnosticism?

>> No.20784763

Give some examples then

>> No.20784992

There’s been a lot written about this online but the world and the instrumentality project in particular set up a very Gnostic-like world of differentiation fallen from the pleroma and policed by archons (angels), while unreachable gods lie in the background of this world and beyond (Nerv and SEELE). In the end Shinji rejects the return fullness.

>> No.20784996

Is that true for Rei. She is basically a puppet from start to finish.

>> No.20785066
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>> No.20785074

This was clearly inspired by Eva. Especially the weird ending.

>> No.20785078

Der Ring des Nibelungen.

>> No.20785082

There are some vague similarities between Eva and Houellebecq's Elementary Particles

>> No.20785096
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Best adaptation of GR anyway

>> No.20785102
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>> No.20785106

The many ways in which Gravity’s Rainbow directly inspired Neon Genesis Evangelion:

>> No.20785112

The ending always reminded me of the ending of Steppenwolf.

>> No.20785115

Call of the shill faggot

>> No.20785273

The older I get the more I hate Eva.
The pseudo-depth, the troubled production, the money-saving tricks, the things left unexplained, the role it plays in anime history, the obnoxious fandom, the cynical merchandising and the fact that it seems to mean entirely different things to everyone.
I’ve grown to hate Eva

>> No.20785391

It seems that the older you get the more plebeian you become.

>> No.20785473

>The pseudo-depth
Compared to almost any other anime it's full of interesting ideas and concepts that people still discuss after decades
>the troubled production
>the money-saving tricks
You hate Eva because the production was troubled? And they had budget limitations? How does that make sense?
>the things left unexplained
Every great novel or work of art leaves things unexplained
>the role it plays in anime history
>the obnoxious fandom
>the cynical merchandising
all external to the anime itself
>the fact that it seems to mean entirely different things to everyone
You hate ambiguity? Good luck then since that's another quality of almost any great work of art.

>> No.20785495

>Compared to almost any other anime
Not that anon but that's not a good argument.

>> No.20785554

Shinji tae, ta,

>> No.20785657

>Things left unexplained
If you could be more specific about this one, I am quite curious. The anime focusses heavily on the lives all the protagonists have, like a slice of life type of show, because of that the show does not let a lot of room to include his own lore. To be fair, it can be extremely frustrating to pay attention to every single random conversation people have to get a larger understanding of the lore (ie. each impacts, or even the reason why the angels attack the earth, etc). And the very fact, that most viewers have to see a 15years old video on youtube explaining the whole lore is horrendous.
>Pseud-depth + Different meanings to everyone
I 100% agree with you. It is infamously well known now that the whole christian imagery has been poorly used because "it looks cool" and "it is original for the japanese market". Now that we know that the imagery is just aesthetics and has no meaning, it instantly removed the whole "depth" the turbo autists were praising about for a long time. In the end, NGE is basically a bunch of people having relatable issues and they try to deal with them in a sci-fi context.
>Role in anime history + Money issues + Troubled production
IMO, it's independent to the final product. Also, I do not think I have ever heard a movie/shows/books (even) having no budget or no production issues.
Well, it's a money-grab thing. Completely external to the final product and it's just a mean to milk the license some extra dollarz. The merchandising does not make a show/movie/book less good like Star Wars 4/5/6 or Lord of the rings ( just to name very mainstream licenses ).
>I have grown to hate eva
I understand your point, I can easily relate to that because I am the same way towards different licenses. People praising X to death and when you finally read/watch it and you find it not particularly good, it leaves you frustrated or even cheated feeling. Fortunately, I did not meet many NGE turbo autists, therefore they did not ruin it for me. I genuinely hope you can just rewatch it and enjoy it someday ( or not ;p ).

>> No.20785663

It sounds like the Twin Peaks of anime except Twin Peaks is actually good

>> No.20785820

Let's be honest, the only thing Eva OBJECTIVELY excels at is cinematography and visual storytelling. Everything else comes down to the viewer's subjective taste.
I personally love everything about it and I think it's a semi-masterpiece, but I can see why someone would call it pretentious and/or derivative.

Twin Peaks and Eva are two of my most favourite works of visual fiction, they are both works of genius, but TP gets bogged down by the less than perfect middle section of S2.

>> No.20785842

yeah but the overall aesthetic is the only thing of value in the bible. an art piece that can appropriate this aesthetic in its pure form and replace the empty content with something engaging (mecha battles and anime girls) is superior in every aspect
this is the equivalent of the edgy atheist phase. you'll come back around to appreciating it once you discover that the art with supposed "true depth" is even worse in all those aspects

>> No.20785846

It’s the opposite for me. I sort of “got over” Japanese media in my early 20s, but by the time I was 25 I was coming back to it because it was like a creative oasis in this current desert of Western storytelling.

>> No.20785888
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>> No.20785895

>he admitted himself that all of the biblical imagery in the show was just for aesthetics because he thought it looked cool
This fake factoid needs to die. He (Hideaki Anno) never said anything of the sort.

>> No.20786276

In the context of western sci-fi literature, it largely had no big impact or any at all, mind you, but for anime it's a different story.

>> No.20786384

I generally dislike all anime/manga-related content. Checked out Berserk, disliked it, though Griffith in Golden Age was pretty cool. Checked out Steins;Gate, dropped it 7 episodes in. Vinland Saga was just a shonen with vikings. Eva was also super pretentious, didn't care for it. HxH, FMA, Naruto, One Piece - all bad. Death Note was fun but ultimately very shallow. Don't even get me started on all the moe/fan service shit. The only anime I actually really liked were AoT and Ghibli movies.

>> No.20786479

Midwit take. Aesthetics without substance is meaningless. What makes the Bible great is books like Job, Proverbs, Psalms, Ecclesiastics, etc which go far beyond just mere aesthetics, they contain actual depth that has shaped much of western literature. But even on just pure aesthetics, KJV's prose completely blows anything Japan has ever done out the water. I much rather read great writing than watch pretty pictures.

>> No.20786523

I can’t believe shazamfag was right

>> No.20786536

>I generally dislike all anime/manga-related content.
>lists that bunch of shit
it seems you don't, friend. It's ok if you like them, though.

>> No.20786556

Sorry to tell you but I still don't like anime.

>> No.20786628

Death Note is the best piece of audiovisual art i ever see, and one of the best art i ever encountered along with edgar allan poe. Yes it was fun and yes it was shallow but the point is that deepness doesnt exists in art. Its just an illusion, that the more you grow, the more you realize. Ultimatly the only qualities that remain in art are originality and funness. And artist cannot top Death Note and Poe on that. They are literally the unsormontable peak.

Aot was a contender, but from 5 stars became a 1 star what a shame

Yes all other animes are garbage (with nice scenes once in a while)

>> No.20786649

You need to be 18+ to post on this board

>> No.20787223

>likes AoT
Shit taste.

Watch Monster, Paranoia Agent and Satoshi Kon's films, Metropolis, Aoi Bungaku, Serial Experiments Lain, Haibane Renmei, Texhnolyze, Terra e, Cowboy Bebop, etc.

>> No.20787269

I tried Monster. Dropped at episode 20, shit was beyond boring. Literally nothing happens.

>> No.20787284
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>> No.20787309

That picture is stupid.

>> No.20787355

Probably the best comparison. Gardner’s books are trippy as hell.

>> No.20787358

/thread & saved

>> No.20787481

>shit was beyond boring. Literally nothing happens.
Both story and character progression happens, sorry you're an adhd moron in need of his big bombastic moments.

>> No.20787496

Call of the Arcade >>> Call of the Crocodile.
For some reason this board never shuts up about Call of the Crocodile. But Call of the Arcade is the better book by a large margin.

>> No.20787636
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Every single day I regret the hours and hours I will never get back, spent consooming chinese cartoons that in retrospect have the depth and artistic sensibilities of young adult schlock and video games, from the ages of 9 to 20. Now I'm paying for it by struggling to read any work of fiction and non-fiction, can't give my attention to old arthouse movies and am super awkward and withdrawn around peers, especially women.

>> No.20787668

fed post

>> No.20787691
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How have we gone the entire thread without mentioning a severely underrated anime, Ergo Proxy? It's philosophical themes and transhumanism questions were extremely well executed.

>> No.20787696

>shit taste
>recommends Cowboy fucking Bebop
Take off the nostalgia goggles, for fuck's sake. I hate all these Toonami faggots claiming it's this mindblowingly good show that everyone should watch. It's 7/10 at best.

>> No.20787717

Horror’s Call is the single best recommendation I’ve ever gotten from this place. Way better than boring Infinite Jest or Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.20787753

So much wasted potential.
We’re you hoping the cogito virus plotline wasn’t going somewhere?
Too bad, it doesn’t.
Ergo Proxy’s problem is it merely HINTS at interesting philosophical concepts to incorporate into the narrative but it never explores them fully.
Also Re-L is so much more interesting than Vincent’s but gets a fraction of the screentime.
Come on, she looks like a young Amy Lee, I would have much have preferred to see an anime about a goth chick kicking ass than what we actually got.

>> No.20787795

Dude, go rant about Bebop being overrated somewhere else, it's a good show regardless if you think it deserves the praise or not. If all you can spout are tiresome buzzwords, then don't even bother because I do not care.

>> No.20787811

>it's a good show
compared to what? other anime? not a high bar.
doesn't come close to the few actual good tv shows imo

>> No.20787825

Its funny that Rei gets called a puppet when she disobeys orders all the time, and acts on her own. While other characters seek validation and attempt to conform other people's expectations.

>> No.20787826

Doesn't matter if it's original, intentional or not.

>> No.20787829

>compared to what? other anime? not a high bar.
Like you know enough anime to say that.

>doesn't come close to the few actual good tv shows imo
Agree to disagree and let that be the end of it because you're not worth talking to on the matter. Besides, don't judge Bebop as you would a tv show, judge it as you would a piece of animation since that is its medium, not television. Different rules apply and different things are employed to craft a story and tell it, the medium is important and you shouldn't ignore it. And another thing, what is your point in saying that, it's as stupid as saying "yo, this film doesn't come to a good novel". Sure, youw have your internet smirk and think you've said something worthwhile, even though you're eating shit and aren't even aware of it.

>> No.20787831


>> No.20787837

Bible isn't literature

>> No.20787887

Only trannies enjoy Evangelion for Evangelion's sake. Me (high IQ male) enjoy the idea of affirming life by raping Asuka's tight tween ass.

People who pretend Evangelion isn't libidinous are wrong and retarded, it literally is just porn.

>> No.20787958

those are the shittiest meme on here
ive snatched the fucking crocodilian as a used one for a buck and there is literally a typo present on the first page
suck my dick is that a gay of a book

>> No.20787961

fuck off prude

>> No.20787994

How am I a prude for admitting that Evangelion is hyper-erotic softcore pornography? How do you even justify the character designs, let alone the themes of masochistic sexual impotence in the character Shinji, or the "divine Eros" Asuka is obviously based on?

>> No.20788007

Yeah, F Gardner said Evangelion was an influence for Call of the Crocodile in that one interview that gets spammed on here.

>> No.20788019

Didn't ask

>> No.20788022

I don't have to explain myself to a idiot

>> No.20788047

Ah, I think I found the type of person Evangelion who's meant to appeal to.

>> No.20788075
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SEX with Asuka!

>> No.20788083
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>you're an adhd moron in need of his big bombastic moments.
Are you retarded? I wouldn’t be on /lit/ if that were the case, Melville and Dostoevsky are my favourite writers. Monster was just a bunch of boring nothingness, perfect example of how people overrate anime.

>> No.20788089

Makes sense. CotC is certainly on the same level of weirdness as End of Eva.

>> No.20788092

Pachinko addicts?

>> No.20788095

I will fucking RAPE you.

>> No.20788098

Melville AND Dostoevsky??? BIG brain over here!!!

>> No.20788105

They do tend to be sexually frustrated so yeah.

>> No.20788107
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>> No.20788121

>sexually frustrated ;)
I'm not the one reading softcore porn into everything lmao

>> No.20788126

Imagine missing the point this hard

>> No.20788129

no, I get it

>> No.20788141

Cope, coomer autogynephile.

>> No.20788148

>The best way for me to get my original project through would be to make a robot, space or beautiful young girl one because I thought these categories would have the best product value. It's easy for sponsors to pay for it.
>You need to understand that Japanese animation is an industry that is, for the most part, male, and as quite evident, everything is made for their gratification...animation is on certain points, very close to pornography.

>> No.20788200
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calling something porn does not a freudian analysis make

>> No.20788211

If my experience with Evangelion was largely that of an erotic nature then who's to say that wasn't by design? All anime is like this btw.

>> No.20788248

I'm glad this image exists because it means someone out there beyond me understood the point of Anno and his team coming full circle with age and the production of Rebuild, embracing their stupid otaku roots and their lusting over fourteen year old fictional girls.
It's a shame no other piece of media will ever be as thoroughly introspective into the mind of your usual otaku's twenty years long midlife crisis.

>> No.20788282

that doesn't make it porn

>> No.20788432

>perfect example of how people overrate anime.
It's a show that uses every scene to its maximum efficiency and has masterful pacing and pays great deal of attention to details, I don't know how you can say it's "just a bunch of boring nothingness" when there's things happening every episode, be they character development or plot advancement, and honestly boggles me that a person who loves both Melville and Dostoevsky didn't found any merit within Monster.

>> No.20788456 [DELETED] 

MAGMADIVER kinda drags, but works as a brennschluss ep i think

>> No.20788458

how could one find merit in monster, it's bloated and has retarded wattpad writing. aiiiiyeee the blonde man is making go insaaaaaane, adults are le real monsters in the end, heheh im actually a super sick and twisted killer when i get serious, etc.

>> No.20788486

Yeah, how can anyone find merit in a show that tackles complex questions pertaining to the human condition, tough moral and ethical questions, explores themes such as government experiments on orphans, the Cold War, racism and nazism, personal regrets and redemptions, etc. It's just a dump japanese cartoon with a lot of episodes so people think it's deep and has meaning, meanwhile it's just rubbish because I, anon, the arbiter of good taste and all things quality said so. Look at my taste and despair, ye plebeians!