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File: 399 KB, 1446x2098, Ivanhoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20783452 No.20783452 [Reply] [Original]

Post good non-fantasy medieval fiction

>> No.20783528
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>> No.20783647

the white company by arthur conan doyle

>> No.20783834

>Jews was good boys! They dindu nuffin!
Fuck this book and fuck England.

>> No.20783839

You niggers literally are obsessed

>> No.20783846

Britfags simping for the jews ruined the world.

>> No.20783851

I looked up the book on wikipedia and it mentions "jew" six times which is extremely minimal so I'm going to assume you're mentally ill and want to kill people because random internet numbers tell you that Jews eat and rape babies

>> No.20783861

>Jews eat and rape babies
They do, though.

>> No.20783889
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this is still one of my all time favorites. just a great ride.

>> No.20784123

I've never read this book ever. Am i IN FOR A DARK GRITTY TALE of novgorod warbands slaying catholics and mongols alike?

>> No.20784139

>They do, though.
Shoot up a synagogue then schizo

>> No.20784194

Nice try, fed.

>> No.20784216

You've already been groomed

>> No.20784381
File: 39 KB, 634x347, duckmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a duck-man?

>> No.20784572

Nice ptojection, Chaim. Suck any baby dicks today?

>> No.20784620
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>> No.20784633

Are you referring to ww2, where combined "powers" of allies did only 16% of nazoids? ww2 where soviets did the rest?

>> No.20784637

Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset. Get the Nunally translation from Penguin.

>> No.20784641

does anyone know whether the ivanhoe tv series from the 90s (or was it 80s) is good?

>> No.20784863


>> No.20784889

Is Glorantha /lit/

>> No.20784902

nearly finished, it is indeed excellent. very nuanced for a book about VIKINGS.
Laurus, although it has fantasy/sci-fi elements.

>> No.20785345

I thought Ivanhoe was supposed to be anti-semitic

>> No.20785619

Teutonic Knights by Sienkiewicz

>> No.20785648

Yep, this was pretty good. Nowhere near the quality of most of Wolfe's other work, but I liked it.

Also I'm pretty sure I (as usual) didn't understand parts of it.

>> No.20786119

It's anti-Catholic

>> No.20786181
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>> No.20786280

>Also I'm pretty sure I (as usual) didn't understand parts of it.

yup. Like why was Wat also a gentleman persona guy?

>> No.20786793

The Long Ships
The Dwarf

>> No.20787076

Yes box

>> No.20787129

So its good?

>> No.20788072
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Any book about the life of a medieval jester? I've read The Dwarf

>> No.20788087

Well duh

>> No.20788100

Do you mean good non-fantasy medieval fiction like Canterbury Tales or bad judeophilic historical fiction set in medieval times like Ivanhoe?

>> No.20788106

look in the mirror

>> No.20788130

not cool bro

>> No.20788263
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>> No.20788301

What book is that?

>> No.20789126

Sad how rare non-fantasy medieval fiction is

>> No.20789361

Soviets lead by jews that the British chose to ally with instead of their saxon kin

>> No.20789363

imagine the smell

>> No.20789367

letter of cossacks to ottoman sultan

>> No.20789369

the soviets would've collapsed and been destroyed without allied support

>> No.20789395

they didnt collapse at the moscow, why do you think they would collapse later?

>> No.20789432

because even with the millions of dollars worth of ammunition, guns, trucks, tanks, food, money etc that the Soviets received they still were close to defeat, take all of this away and course the war is different. there's a (probably) legitimate quote from Stalin saying that lend lease prevented Russia's collapse.

>> No.20791206

Count Belisarius

>> No.20791573

I've seen a lot of recommendations for Dorothy Dunnett's historical fiction, set mostly in the Renaissance but sometimes earlier. Haven't read any myself, though.

>> No.20791837

Really says a lot about society.
RR martin wanted to write a story about the hundred year war/war of roses but was told to make it a fantasy setting similar. Many such cases.

>> No.20792021
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a politically acute book

>> No.20792028
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Poles have a talent for writing historical literature

>> No.20792560

One of Gogols worst works, just trashy romantic pulp, could've been written by a high schooler.