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20782288 No.20782288 [Reply] [Original]

The Nazi ideology derives from a country and people that had been beaten and bullied after a Great War. It makes Nazism inherently an ideology of resentment and slave morality. Nietzsche would agree.

Nazi obsession with mass rituals are also an indication of Nazi mentality

> Nietzsche emphasised that rituals are the domain of weak people who need to feel – if only for a while – that they are participating in something grand and important, and its form, a ritual satisfies their needs because they do not give a thought to its meaning or content.

>> No.20782302

Who cares about Nizza though.

>> No.20782303

Yes and?

>> No.20782308
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thats cool and all but the ebic nazi maymays i consoomed growing up told me that whites (including irish white trash like myself) are ubermensch and that we need to kill all brownies cuz some game journalist fucked some developers and wrote a biased article about a game or some shit like that

>> No.20782326

Hitler is the only man in recorded history who seriously undertook the process of elevating the human quality to that of the Superman.

>> No.20782340

Nietzsche would disagree because of all the Jews he killed

>> No.20782350

I am allowed to agree with Hitler and disagree with Nietzsche on some points and vice versa on other points, or any which way I see fit.

>> No.20782353

People are always beaten and bullied by every government. Effective leaders exploit that fact but it doesnt have anything to do with nazi ideology. Even I as a non-chud see that your post is weak (just like your biceps).

>> No.20782408

But you see. The Nazis tried to make an ideology out of it.

It goes

> We the humiliated and bullied are actually superior to the people who defeated us

>> No.20782423

Nta but the germanic superiority mindset was a thing before the nazis and ww1. What fueled nazis was feeling "cheated" at Versailles. The superiority was because of Napoleon and the Franco-Prussian wars. Nazis were just a subgroup who made great use of Germanic melancholy.

>> No.20782427

Where does Nietzsche say rituals are for the weak? Also, dionysian experiences involve identification with something greater so the reason given is odd.

>> No.20782442

Every political group does that.

>I'm so much more tolerant than these conservatives. We will force our tolerance upon everyone.
>I'm so much more ethics and God and shit than these liberals. We will force our ethics upon everyone.

>> No.20782493
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>> No.20782499
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How gay

>> No.20782502

of course its slave morality, its literally all about helping other people. it pretty much rides the border of leftism

>> No.20782514
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It does have to do with the ideology, it's an ideology of losers, that did nothing but lose, for losers.
Btw you definitely sound like a chud

>> No.20782529

Thanks for the (You)s. I'm declaring victory in this argument and leaving.

>> No.20782532
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Here's another one, (you)

>> No.20782552

No, its a political ideology like any other.
You think like a woman.
>just jump on the winning ship
Good guys don't always win.
And I'm not even seeing the Axis as good guys. Just a less terrible alternative.

>> No.20782570
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Okay nigger, might is right, don't you know.
Go larp in /pol/

>> No.20782578

>The Nazi ideology derives from a country and people that had been beaten and bullied

>> No.20782581

Weird angry reply to that post. Calm down, dude.

>> No.20782593

It's not angry, I only said you sound like a chud, because you do. The thing about the nazis isn't about you and it is completely right, idk why you would consider that to be weird.

>> No.20782611
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Overplayed your hand there tranny. I'll take that as a win. My owner says its napping time anyways. Check and wuff.

>> No.20782623
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No retort, I'll take that as a win, faggot, your mother says it's napping time anyway.

>> No.20782758

>Jews are based because they'll do anything to secure their own interests, often in a collective way.
What was his problem?

>> No.20782779

Being a nationalist is not securing your interests

>> No.20782797

Yes it is, it's securing your collective interests.

>> No.20782806
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>Nietzsche emphasised

>> No.20782830

No, not in the same way, the jewish he was talking about were defending their interest in much smaller groups, modern nations won't help with your interests.

>> No.20782833

you must be confused with some other place because that's not what gamergate was about here

>> No.20782876
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I don't care what Neitzche thought.
I don't care what Marx thought.
I don't care what Ayn Rand thought.
I don't care what Bertrand Russell thought.
I am better and smarter than all of them.

>> No.20782880

Tribalism, nationalism, racialism, whateverism, these are all just terms for in-group preference. Nationalism is just tribalism scaled up to fit modern population sizes. Jews organize collectively in order to secure their interests, the NSDAP simply did the same for Germans. The only difference is that Jews parasitize off white civilizations, while the NSDAP removed detrimental parasites such as them. But both behaviors are done to secure one people's interests over another people's, the only difference is how that is achieved due to different circumstances. It's not "slave morality" to purge parasites.

>> No.20782896

Ummmm but you're a heckin problematic toxic incel chud

>> No.20782909


How are the special ed classes going OP? I see they started teaching you about the holohoax HAHAHAHAH did you drool all over the sheets again?

>> No.20782913
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>> No.20782914

>being this BTFO
No wonder leftists need the nanny state to coddle them LEL

>> No.20782918
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>> No.20782932

Pretty sure he was being ironic

>> No.20782939

What makes nations "modern population sizes". Nationalism is what justifies the concept of nations, not the other way around.
Liking a president because he likes the nation won't secure your interests. The NSDAP definitely did not secure the interests of Germans, unless by securing the interests of Germans you mean dying in a war, losing a war, and coming down on history as the incarnation of evil, and being thought as so by almost every person on the planet that knows of the nazis existence.

>> No.20782947 [DELETED] 
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Did Neitzche actually like Jews or not?
He seemed to go back and forth on the matter.

>> No.20782968 [DELETED] 

>dude slave morality is like so lame and cringe bro
>wtf krautbros, antisemitism is despicable, why aren't you thanking them for giving us Spinoza (who wasn't even that good compared to Proclus or Plato)

>> No.20782981

Nietzche's analysis of Christianity was retard tier.

>> No.20782998

>misinterpreting N this hard
Really gets the noggin jogging if OP is implying that Nietzsche thinks the Rothchilds are "master moralists". ie, a family dynasty who are unconcerned with values like empathy, compassion, and other social-based values is what N strives for when he doesn't state this. Also, Jews are slave moralists ( Judeo-Christianity, complaining about the holobunga, complaining about getting screwed by their host societies, ma anti-Semitism, etc)

A misconception is that two of these morals are separate when they need each other. N also doesn't say we need to discard the slaves and all be masters, this is a simplification. Master and slave morality are a genealogical explanation for our modern-day moral ideas. This means our modern-day moral ideas are descended from both: the intermingling of master and slave morality. We hold presumptions related to both within our thought process even today. This produces tension and sometimes unhealthy regulation of the master/slave relationship within the self. This is what Nietzsche is trying to address. He felt it was the master morality, which is ultimately derived from the pagan Greeks, which had been largely suppressed, even though its moral footprint was still within every individual human.

He wanted to make the master morality: understood once more; palatable once more. He had to bring into the light that this domineering, indifferent, self-centered aspect exists within the human being, and force the European mind to accept the truth of its existence, even though the society was currently enchanted by Christian pro-slave morals. Now, modern-day Nietzsche fan edge lords riff on the idea that "you should be more like a master than a slave", which always involves abstract ideals of independence and self-determination, or outright parasitism and immorality made into virtues by that same token. Mostly, the people who talk like this are not actually independent and have not self-determined anything; they all end up justifying parasitism in the end because it is a form of existence that they end up living by. And is that admirable? Is that what Nietzsche saw coming up, as his future audience, his philosophers of the future, A bunch of cynical parasites?

>> No.20783010

A nation is a a people who share common ancestral roots, culture, and land, it's just a modern tribe. The NSDAP secured the German's peoples interests by destroying the Jews stranglehold on the German nation, building up the nation's economy (inb4 muh vampire economy meme, like you can fund a modern military operation by looting paintings like a meme barbarian) and by trying to secure more territory for German people to live in. Often individuals have to make sacrifices for the greater good of the whole, for example, on a sinking ship with only one lifeboat. a father sacrifices his own life in order for his wife and children to survive, the interests of his in-group, his family, and their future are more important than his own individual interest to survive. Now of-course Germany lost WW2 unfortunately, but had they won, the German nation's long term interests would have been secured until the next great collapse, like the bronze age collapse, Hitler was only a villain because he lost.

>> No.20783130

>the ONLY man
Nah. Hitler did try though. Although, his project failed because his approach was wrong. Nietzsche knew how it had to be done. You can't fuck with the Jews directly.

>> No.20783142

Its a bait thread. But nice speech.

>> No.20783209

reddit tranny terminology

>> No.20783257

Nietzsche was a retard.

>> No.20783263

No, a nation is a people who have or want to form a state, by your definition, there are a million ways you can configure the nations of the world (you can have a million different combinations of the possible nationalities).
The vampire economy is not a meme, although I wasn't going to use it to argue, but it is true, it's not stealing paintings, it's seizing a slave workforce. In any case the reason Germany became an economic powerhouse once again (after ww1) is because they skipped the sanctions of the treaty of versailles, which has nothing to do with antisemitism or the nazi ideology. Germany was in a state of economic depression because of the sanctions, the invasion of the Ruhr, and the wall street collapse.
I agree that Hitler is just bad because he lost, however, don't you think it's a little bit late to bring him back? You do agree that he lost and that he is indeed "the bad guy".

>> No.20783270

>Your entire post

>> No.20783278

(I mean that by your definition, there would be a million ways... Not that a nation is a people who want to form a state by your definition.)

>> No.20783279
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why are they like this

>> No.20783284

Because you are retarded

>> No.20783389

No I'm not and that is a nonsequitur.

>> No.20783398

Your whole ideology is a nonsequitor.

>> No.20783407

why are leftists so afraid of discussion? they have to troll and misrepresent, they are too stupid/uneducated to engage in discussion with the far right, no wonder they are so desperate to have them censored by their corporate shepherds.

>> No.20783413

Let's do it then, what do you want to discuss

>> No.20783423

the fuck do you care what some dysgenic mutants mutter

>> No.20783429

Are we going to discuss, or you aren't far right and it's actually inappropiate of me to assume that you are just because you treat the far right with the minimum amount of respect every human deserves?

>> No.20783446
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>How do I drive people away from ideas I don't like?
>I know, I'll post stupid shallow lazy shit about them so that any thinking person naturally thinks that there must be something to them
How many right wingers do you think have been created by this amazing propaganda strategy?




>> No.20783459

Does anybody want to discuss?

>> No.20783492

But weren’t Nazis the ones constantly complaining about being screwed over by Jews because they took all the top positions in societies? How is that different from jews complaining?

>> No.20783501

If Nietzsche walked on burglar robbing his flat, he'd start praising this burglar for his mastery of picking locks and for his will to disregard arbitrary norms to enrich himself, instead of trying to stop the burglar.

I don't understand how people take Nietzsche seriously.

>> No.20783513

Yeah. He lost, proving himself wrong. Might makes right.

>> No.20783552

The Jewish ideology derives from a people that had been beaten and bullied for two and a half millennia. It makes Judaism inherently an ideology of resentment and slave morality. Nietzsche would agree.

>> No.20783558

> how dare Jews live in a continent that us Euroshits brought them to live in after pro-LGBT Hadrian destroyed their homeland!!!!

Why do euroshits seethe about Jews living in Europe? Jews have lived in Europe for longer than ethnicities like Hungarians.

Also Hitler’s method of fighting Jews proved to be the most ineffective anti-Semitic policy in history. machiavelli warned against turning your enemy into a martyr. Hitler went and did just that, proving himself to be the greatest failure in history. Everything he set out to achieve only ended up yielding the opposite results.

>> No.20783569

> The Jewish ideology derives from a people that had been beaten and bullied for two and a half millennia

But your stupid ideology says the opposite. It tells us Jews rule the world.

>> No.20783570

I can never tell with these types whether they're just pretending to be retarded for the sake of an argument or if their brains have genuinely imploded and turned to mush to the point where cause and effect are completely detached from each other

>> No.20783572

Socialist ethnic nationalism and mass rituals aren't inherently those things but still always associated with nazi resentment through propaganda.

>> No.20783574
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Wow a right winger that is not a completely incoherent schizo, incredible sight!

>> No.20783576
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see >>20782913

>> No.20783577

>Why do euroshits seethe about Jews living in Europe? Jews have lived in Europe for longer
Palestine for the Palestinians, then.

>> No.20783578

Just so everyone knows, we're getting raided ATM

>> No.20783581

Makes sense that I don't partake in rituals at all.

>> No.20783582


>> No.20783583

Yeah it's the usual schizos. For some reason they do a good job of standing out and making themselves obvious.

>> No.20783586

>ethnic nationalism is wrong because propagandists have enough power to convince everyone of that

>> No.20783587


>> No.20783594

By whomst'd

>> No.20783597

So you don't believe in might is right

>> No.20783643

Nobody capable of tying their shoes together does.
The reasonable version of the claim is that our perceived world is defined around power but that's not about a powerful guy being able to dictate what's true. It's about the evolution of life establishing based on what serves its pursuit of power, the framework within which we make our truth statements.
If you're forced to agree that the moon is made of cheese your mission to retrieve the cheese won't depend on how "powerful" the guy that told you is.

>> No.20783652
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>a slave rebellion is slave morality

>> No.20783657

Nazis believed their might justified them imposing their will on others, not redefining truth.
They believed this completely reasonably based on established precedent including Britain and France imposing their will on them, justified by might only a few years earlier.

>> No.20783662

Isn't it though? The aristocrat among slaves doesn't cause a rebellion, he climbs (or at least imagines climbing) the ranks into free society. He doesn't resent the hierarchy he just wants to be higher in it.

>> No.20783664

I agree with you, I was just assuming you were a retard who was trying to push that idea to cope with being useless. Anyway, IMO, might is right because right is might, the person who is right will be favoured by the most amounts of people (in moral situations) for obvious reasons, thus he will have an upperhand against the other one, saying israel is right because might is right is retarded, how mighty they are will be determined by how the events play out, which are influenced by the positions of the different countries, which are influenced by the cultures and the popular opinions of said countries, which are based on morality, like anything to do with politics, except the sheer description of the political game with no interpretation what so ever

>> No.20783666


>> No.20783669

This is retarded.

>> No.20783671


>> No.20783690

The "might is right" retards barely exist or ever existed. The closest thing to this position really existing is among pomo anti-nazi reactionaries becoming the evil they made up to "fight it".
The disembodied voices on the internet promoting it are just throwing shit out and seeing what sticks or actively trolling.

>> No.20783691

>the democratic majority determines if something is moral or immoral

>> No.20783694

By free society, do you mean free from slavery or free to have slaves?

>> No.20783697

Not him, but because Jewish morality (Judeo-Christianity) is based on an inverse of master morality out of resentment ( Basically everyone outside their view is a Roman goyim barbarian occupying them), rather than as positing its own values (e.g. the master values strength, and I hate the master, so, therefore, I say that vitality is bad and weakness, conservatism, and rebelling against the Roman morality is good). Your thinking is too economically based, even if a Jew is a banker, you can still have slave moralist tendencies; Nietzsche doesn't speak of power as in political power but cultural, like an artist. So Jews are known for always comparing their being to others and having these views, so That means that the slave is unable to escape the master-slave dichotomy since their morality relies on a master figure (real or imagined) to be opposed to when Nietzsche says that to be free we should posit our own values. When I think of Germany, I don't see slave moralists, but passionate, vitalitic, and groundbreaking people who don't wallow in others and compare themselves, their influence in history speaks for itself because it shows footnotes of a different morality.

>> No.20783704

I know, that's what I meant. They do exist, anyway, but they are throwing shit to see what sticks, that was my point. What does that have to do with the nazis

>> No.20783706

That's not what I said, it's just a coherent way of thinking about the might is right bs

>> No.20783721

Both, as a free man he would expect the benefits of it including having slaves and have no resentment towards the practice. It's just the established hierarchy he has no resentment towards so if he fails to move up it it's his fault not some master keeping him down.
I'm not saying I know if he's right. I'm not sure the strict binary formulation of slave/master morality is as helpful as just keeping these tendencies pointed out in mind a bit.

>> No.20783741

What are the benefits of slavery to society in your opinion?

>> No.20783748

Isn't it the opposite?
The Germans DID get fucked after WW1. They WERE effectively slaves.
Wouldn't a slave morality be to concede to being a slave, and a free morality to be to attempt to escape servitude?

What are you suggesting they have done instead? Rolled over and taken it? How is accepting the status quo and doing nothing to improve not slave behavior?

>> No.20783761

I think it's a net negative. However as a rule of thumb for any society with slavery at any point in history maintaining relatively stable hierarchical structures was more important for long term prosperity than abolishing slavery. The latter can always be done in specific cases if convenient, like mass freeing slaves in a city to create jobs. The structures that maintain stability and allow for knowledge build up are so fragile. All this kind of "slave morality" resentment tends to be absolute poison. I don't agree with absolutely putting Christianity in that category though many of the criticisms do need to be addressed if Christianity is going to survive in any form other than various strange fringe cults.

>> No.20783770

The slave overturns the system or game because he perceives it as keeping him down. The master uses the rules of whatever game he is in to outplay everyone.

>> No.20783782

Controlling the status quo IS the game.
You can't arbitrarily choose what is or isn't part of the game.

>> No.20783796
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Nietzsche does not prefer master morality---for reasons that come out in the third essay of GM, among a number of other places. The central thrust, though, is that the blonde beast (or whatever other metaphor you wish) is not a particularly complex, and thus not particularly interesting, animal. The followers of master morality, as Nietzsche characterizes them, are not particularly introspective or self-aware; they don't consider what it is that their values aim towards. The ability to self-awareness is a contribution of slave morality, and what Nietzsche hopes for is something that combines the life-affirming elements of master morality with the self-awareness made possible by slave morality. Exactly what this philosophy looks like is up for dispute ---this is the task of the philosophers of the future.

>> No.20783801

> When I think of Germany, I don't see slave moralists, but passionate, vitalitic, and groundbreaking people who don't wallow in others and compare themselves, their influence in history speaks for itself because it shows footnotes of a different morality.

Absolutely fucking lol

Yeah being buck broken by Christian conquerors and later commie conquerors really shows how impressive germshits really are

Oh no. Did you forgot that the germshit nation (“Holy Roman Empire”) was literally founded on a Judeo-Christian slave morality that you hate so much and the main mission of germshits for over 500 years was to spread it further?

>> No.20783824

>Controlling the status quo IS the game.
When you throw over the table you didn't play the game. The slave rebellion isn't manned by individuals confident in their own abilities to master any situation. They resent the game so they destroy it with the collateral damage of the collaborative enterprise it sat within which was about human prosperity, including the prosperity of slaves. The entire population of some area being slaughtered by an external threat after a slave rebellion is not uncommon in history. The slaves weakened everything because they resented their position within everything.
The nazis didn't establish the precedent of throwing over the table but they followed it and said so. The hardened anglo criminals followed this by completely abandoning all precedent and decency, mass murdering civilians through carpet bombing and weapons of mass destruction as the official strategy.

>> No.20783850

Again, you can't arbitrarily decide what constitutes as flipping over the table. You lost, plain and simple. That's why the "slaves" are standing over your body. If anything, you sound like a sore loser by screaming that it was against the rules after getting btfo.
I'm guessing whining and throwing a tantrum when things don't go your way is what you consider master morality?

>> No.20783872

Talking about phases of morality and crisis of meaning doesn't really refute what I said: Germany is influential,, and has made plenty of advancements the world has never seen anywhere, and rightfully so. You're no Kant your certainly no Hegel, your a slave. This is pure resentment on your part, arguing a “might makes right” hogwash and are just strawmaning me to fit some retarded dogma of yours. Are you right for bashing a baby's head on a rock? It's retarded.

The point being is that N sought to describe these genealogical definitions of modern-day moral ideas, these are two moralities intermingle in our minds and opinions, so he wished to create a new morality, a morality that took the slave's social awareness and the master's love of life, creating the Ubermensch.

The Last Man by contrast will never accept life, since he wants to turn away from it and reduce life to being easy, being painless, being manageable. Therefore he will never grasp life and never affirm and never be the creator of new values. The triumph of the Last Man isn't a good thing, it is the conversion of the world into a safe coddled environment where nothing is bad and therefore nothing can happen, these are the people who control the world right now, massive resentful pussies.

>> No.20783874
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Okay but explain why I should allow Jews to rule my country.
I am a slave and will participate in a slave revolt. I have no pretensions to masterdom, spiritual or actual. After the revolution I will be a slave of a better master.

>> No.20783899

>you can't arbitrarily decide what constitutes as flipping over the table
I mentioned how I evaluate it. The game is supposed to serve wider goals like the nation, when you violate that you don't have any real legitimacy, it's all bought through lies or based on stoking unreasoned resentment. The Roman slaves that rebelled and caused their areas to fall to external enemies including those slave families didn't win any game. They turned over the table based on resentment and brought everything around them down with them while the noble spirits or "masters" among them strengthened their own position and enriched those around them at the same time. Causing chaos, destruction or anything like that is always a failure, you're inherently weak if you couldn't achieve your goals while also strengthening everything around you.
Nazis were a reaction to previous slave rebellions but they were still in the same mold despite talking about venerating stable hierarchies that should last for a thousand years. They didn't actually act like people with long term goals, they acted more like the anglo pleb slaves they were reacting to.

>> No.20783911

Check out ‘Notes on the Third Reich’ by Evola
He talks about all this
“Volkism” is plebeianism

>> No.20783927
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Unironically none of this means anything. Just take power and enact the political and moral system that you want
>uhhh germoids are slaves
>nuh uh anglos are slaves
Every single person in this thread is a fucking slave. You will NEVER be a noble, you will NEVER have autonomy, so stop arguing over which class of historical elites was more lordly like you're a member of them or like it even matters.
You're locked in the Kali Yuga with us plebs for another couple thousand years. Get used to it.

>> No.20783937

So does that mean we should discard the philosophers of ancient Greece because they couldn't defend themselves against the Macedonians? Your are actually a leftoid using a might makes the right argument when you accuse everyone of doing so? The “commies” are pragmatically and politically dead (and that's a good thing!), and Christianity is dying.

>> No.20783962

Just tell me why I should be impressed with germshit history?

> do nothing for thousands of years
> get buck broken by Huns
> flee to the Roman Empire
> along the way convert to Judeo-Christianity even faster than the Romans
> 300 years later and many still living slothfully in the swamps and dark forests of Germania
> end up getting invaded by your Christian cousins
> get buck broken once again
> get civilised by Christian missionaries and colonists through force like a bunch of Africans
> Establish the first Reich with the main purpose of spreading of Christianity
> terrorise Eastern European to spread your religious ideology
> then become Protestant. Sink even deeper into judeo-Christianity
> become so obsessed with Jew along the way it becomes your sole fixation
> invent a schizo ideology about Jews so you can still continue to think the Jew everyday even after you’ve left judeo-Christianity
> Terrorise Eastern Europeans again to spread your ideology
> end up getting severely buck broken a third time by commies
> lose most of the territory in the east gained under judeo-Christianity of the first Reich
> then pat yourself for at least being better than those judeo-Christians! Ha!!

>> No.20783972

>what Nietzsche hopes for is something that combines the life-affirming elements of master morality with the self-awareness made possible by slave morality.
Nowhere in his works does he say this.

>> No.20783977

>Just take power and enact the political and moral system that you want
You don't really "take power", it's a slave fantasy. People are either powerful higher men like me or they're weak resentful bitches like you.
I don't care what game we're playing, I will beat you in a game you choose and I will do it in a way that everyone will love me for while iteratively improving the game.

>> No.20783994

>heeb spazzing out
Just remember, round two is coming. You had the entire world sympathizing with you and you got yourself right back to Weimar levels of hate within two generations lmao

>> No.20783999
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You have 100k college debt and work in an office lol.
You will NEVER be a nobleman, you will always be beholden to a ruling elite. People aren't intimidated by you because of your Kshatric aura, they're put off by your xkcd shirt.

>> No.20784023

>You have 100k college debt and work in an office lol.
Like I said, I win in any game you choose. This is the game you chose and you already lost miserably without me doing anything.

>> No.20784029

Cool, anyway I and my fellow slaves are going to overthrow the Jews but you enjoy being a superior man or whatever lmao

>> No.20784030

Not a Jew. Go outside. 4chan isn’t real life.

Also pick up a history book on Germany. You have to understand that Germany was conquered by judeo-Christians like Charlemagne. Their slothful mud hut culture was completely and utterly erased and replaced by a Judaic one through force. This has left them with a deep resentment towards the Jew, who has ruled over them as part of the aristocracy since the time of Charlemagne.

>> No.20784033

As long as we are both agreed Germans have a right to hate Jews little buddy

>> No.20784042

Because it's gross under oversimplification and doesn't touch the uniqueness of German art, politics, and mortality. The moralities are not separate, but together regulating each other. All of this doesn't address my points of the uniqueness of Germany, and neither does it contrast or criqtues N’s philosophical system in a historical basis. The Germans had a disnct worldview during the age of Modernism and the Enlightenment, and Western Europe has common, germanic elements all across whereas someplace like Russia lacks it in its core. Everywhere in Italy and Scandinavia there are institutions of higher, faustian learning and burghs with westernlike craftsmen. And don't get me started on the cathedrals.

What really discarded your whole post here was that Germans are singularly obsessed with Jews. That shit is retarded. Germans were mildly antisemitic like everybody else down to Napoleon's emancipation of the Jews and beyond, which they imitated within Prussia by giving Jews as many avenues as possible to assimilation. Jews also weren't as visible as they were in the later 19th century, after they had become heavily identified in Europe (thanks to the Rothschilds and similar families in Britain especially) with finance. Sombart's book The Jews and Modern Capitalism does a good job of chronicling this, although its reading of a Jewish "pariah" volksgeist extending back thousands of years is tendentious and gratuitous.

Jews prior to the mid-19th century, their rise in Britain and their troubles in Russia (Pale Jews are really distinct from other Jews and had a massive, massive, outsized impact on Jewish "identity") were far less visible than we think today. Christian hatred of them was more traditional and cultural than "political."

Antisemitism became political in the 19th century when constitutional nation states became the norm and people began to view themselves in a struggle for existence over scarce resources and territory, which turned people's attention to fifth columns and issues of social ill health, like the rise of the social question (the poor, hitherto ignored parts of the third estate, the "bottom 90%," wanting active representation and participation in politics and beginning to articulate an autonomous corporate identity where previously they had been largely passive), and various problems of mass immigration and social dislocation as feudal aspects of society transformed under the pressures of industrialisation. While European society was changing and experiencing new pressures, morality, and opportunities, and European ideas of Jews were thus changing, Jewish ideas of themselves and Europeans were changing in parallel radically. This is the age of the emergence of debates over the origins of Zionism, conflicts between religious, religious revivalist/reformist, and secular Jews, etc.

You should read histories of antisemitism in the 19th century.

>> No.20784048

>and my fellow slaves are going to overthrow the Jews
You're too incompetent, too conditioned to your slave role. You've been "going to" do that since they got their crowns. You're also playing their game, framing what they feed you as a super secret antidote. As if everyone just completely accepted the narratives the jews/anglo propagandists fed you the jews (the source of all ills) would be overthrown tomorrow.

>> No.20784050

Your entire argument is based on "might is right", but you fail to explain how that means national socialism is wrong.
There are plenty of national socialists still around. You can say "might is right" when the last nazi is dead, I guess, but then who would you be telling in this timid mocking manner.
In fact, you don't even believe might is right, because every actual non-larping national socialist can kick your ass IRL.
>but the cops will...
The cops aren't going to unkill you and unfuck every female in your family.
>b-but might is ri-
Yeah, nigger. Might is right. I'll do more working out before bed tonight. HAIL VICTORY.

>> No.20784060


>> No.20784076

Germs have no more right to hate Jews than Jews have a right to hate Germs

Germs should move on from their past resentment

>> No.20784087

>literally have a global holocaust industry churning out propaganda
>it's illegal to even criticize jews in many countries
>still can't get rid of antisemitism
>antisemitism always rises exponentially
The problem is you

>> No.20784099

Yes. Germs were definitely obsessed with Jews, starting with their nation being founded on judeo-Christian basis in the 9th century to the reformation and Luther who evinced an obsession jews as a people and through the bible to the socialist nationalist movement which was really an attempt to replace the obsession with jews found in Judeo-Christianity into a more Germanised ideology.

>> No.20784103

> antisemitism always rises exponentially

Like I said 4chan isn’t real life

>> No.20784136

It could be reasonably argued that a slave morality or at least one with a slave component is required for the masses, as the average person isn't doesn't possess the capacity to be a 'master'.

I'm not totally sure, but I seriously doubt Nietzsche ever imagined that unalloyed master morality was a pursuit for the average man.

>> No.20784233

He said something like if you don't know how to follow you don't know how to lead. I say the same kind of respect for the game is needed.
The slave works out of compulsion, social status etc and resents it. He'll try to get out of work every chance. The noble spirit works because it's who he is, he's an instrument of creation and will, an actual natural human with naturally aligned goals that aren't just based on petty resentment or short term material gain.

>> No.20784281

Keep spending your real life failing to run agitprop on it, then, you ineffectual thin-skinned duplicitous kike.

>> No.20784293

Oh I think I get it...
weak people form communities and build camaraderie

strong people jerk off and watch marvel movies

Thanks Chaim!

>> No.20784303

>i’m so much more BASED than these SNOY DRINKERS, i will force my BASED on them
>i’m so much more HANDSOME than these CHUDS. i will force my HANDSOME on them
>i’m so much more SNEED than these FEEDNSEEDERS, i will force my SNEED on them
you’re right man it all tracks

>> No.20784304


Why are you regurgitating false & spurious psychologizations from some book that you just read? Do you even think?

>> No.20784305

Absolutely seething.

>> No.20784312

>Nietzsche would agree.
I hate nazis but who cares? He was a failed composer and a failed philologist. His philosophy is not any better.

>> No.20784406

N disagreed with any and everyone

>> No.20784408

Hmm. Yes, that's a fair distinction.

>> No.20784450

Why is it that all the most passionate critics of Fascism never actually address its totally nonsensical fundamentals? I am on your fucking side, I dont like this ideology either, but your sort is so impotent and frankly are exactly the sort of opponent to it that is going to do nothing but aid in its resurgence. Youre like an atheist autistically focusing on exegesis instead of the fundamental question of the existence of the Christian God. You're missing the mark, and I think its because your whole shtick is to make opponents to Fascism look foolish, because you are a supporter of it behind a dumbass facade.

Its really easy, read the book. Gentile, Origins and Doctrine of Fascism. I get it you're a /lit/poster, but the book is like 80 pages and most of it is irrelevant historical info. Fascists believe a single person can embody a certain Hegelian style Will or Spirit of a given people. That is manifestly absurd. Why attack anything else? A leader is not messianic, they are human with human biases and the corruotibility of humanity. Fascsism is untenable because it is contrary to human nature, this is where the debate is. Not over whether Nietzsche would agree with its political philosphy, get a fucking grip dude.

>> No.20784472

If only the Boches had offered the French a joint adventure in Russia, instead of eternally seething over Alsace-Lorraine, the world today would be a White Men's utopia.

>> No.20784501

No it isn't, I was just explaining that being a nazi is irreconcilable with Nietzsche larping and with the concept of might is right, because they aren't mighty. I could report a threat to the police, and I could shoot you with my handgun. There being 2 or 3 larpers who call themselves "national socialists" around the world, doesn't make you stronger or as strong as liberals, marxists, conservatives, anarchists, etc.

>> No.20784506

your arguments are bad, irrelevant, and assume a materialist worldview which will inherently never grasp at hegel, idealism, or anything really worth talking about. on top of it’s sheer uselessness in meaningfully discussing anything related to the human condition, or perhaps because of that, it’s also very very boring.

>> No.20784510

This whole thread

>> No.20784593

People focus on the things that actually bother them about ideological tendencies rather than trying to refute them outright. Not saying that's bad, but OP isn't an antifascist from a philosophical angle like you, he's an antifascist because he thinks himself an aristocrat of the soul and that fascism, a mass movement, is too plebeian and resentful for him.

The comparison that could be drawn is actually to atheists who focus on morality and attempt to prove to Christians that God, or their religion broadly, are immoral. Because that's not even engaging with the belief in a superficial way, it's instead *purely* a sop to the speaker's own moral righteousness. The actual holder of the belief just says "lol" watching someone fellate themselves and call it an attack on Christianity or fascism.

I also will say that I do not believe attacking the existence of God is a fruitful endeavor for atheists, which is why they don't engage in it. A variety of philosophical and religious traditions have arrived at the idea of a supreme being, and a Christian (or a follower of any specific tradition) can easily marshal the other traditions to their defense. Atheists don't argue against theism, as such, because fundamentally they can't without adopting completely impoverished philosophical stances like empiricism.

>> No.20784640

Just that German work ethic. I bet most Germans didn't even want a war but how could they ever turn down an opportunity to play with machines? Imagine how many factories and jobs were created - it doesn't matter if any of them were built to razed within 10 years, it's the opportunity to work that counts. BTW ww2 as we know it never happened. The two world wars were a single nonstop battle between mechanical gods.
Never happened, not as we know it. You think you can trust ANY country when the whole battle was a war of attrition against man via the forces of coal, electricity, steel, radio - the whole catastrophe was that of the consolidated industrial state exploding into being. Unfortunately, there was no possible 'good' ending to ww2, especially not after ww1, not after tens of millions of young men drowning in mud. Heads squashed like pumpkins by the tracks of some black-spewing grunting behemoth. Legs go cold and you look down with a hole where your cock was. We know that only the bad guys could win because, where America makes call of duty, Germany makes train simulators. Auschwitz on the bifröst.
Nazis never happened - it was just THE GERMAN(IC)S. This whole time, just THE GERMAN(IC)S. And you can't hate them for it, for they do it all to themselves.

>> No.20784646
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>> No.20784687
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>Fascsism is untenable because it is contrary to human nature, this is where the debate is.
I don't know about "human nature" but I agree it's untenable. There may be something inhuman about it though. I just find it actually disgusting in the gut on a visceral level that probably has to be experienced to be really understood at the level of perception instead of merely an abstract or intellectual exercise. Like you'll know it when you see it. You'll feel... dislocated. It somehow manages to dehumanize people or turn them into mere things or machines while also being more decadent than liberalism is. It's actually obscene. This pic is from Nazi Germany.

>> No.20784693

>>20784687 (me)
Like... you know that deep, empty, dreaded sinking feeling in the stomach when something horrible has happened? Like the sudden death of a loved one, or your beloved dog just got run over. Like the most vile and disgusting thing you've ever witnessed. Not emotional distress, but like visceral horror. That's what you'll feel. Trust me.

>> No.20784710

Clearly a pseud. Tribalism is a different thing from nationalism with different organisation, social structures and interest groups. You conflate apples and oranges. You're a clown.

>> No.20784720

>because of all the Jews he killed
>[citations needed]

>> No.20784728

By having industrial wage labor Capitalism.

>> No.20784740

>Nietzsche emphasised that rituals are the domain of weak people who need to feel – if only for a while – that they are participating in something grand and important, and its form, a ritual satisfies their needs because they do not give a thought to its meaning or content.
In what way, shape or form does this not read like the cringe ramblings of an angsty teenager who tries to argue with his mom against washing his teeth and visiting grandma?

>> No.20784744 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.20784795

Yeah I'm getting that feeling reading your posts. You're like a worm that's only comfortable when burrowed into shit.

>> No.20784845
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I feel this way about liberalism. The entire system is obscene and anti-human and every aspect of it fills me with disgust.

>> No.20784868
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>> No.20784876
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>> No.20784908

Ok but neetsche was a big loser so who cares

>> No.20784914

This, Hitler deserve more respect in and of himself than anything Nietzsche ever said. Nietzsche was a pretentious loser who could only make a mark on the world by masturbating self-masturbatory authors, Hitler actually accomplished more than Nietzsche could ever dream of doing himself. Hitler made his mark on the world despite the world's efforts against him, N. just played into the zeitgeist.

>> No.20786201
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Hail Victory

>> No.20786245

>impotent seething, the post

>> No.20786301

>the irony

>> No.20787110

Hitler achieved none of his goals. Literally none.

His influence on his own generation was great but his effect on later generations was the perfect opposite direction from what he intended.

Hitler strived to expand German influence and territory. Despite his expansive conquests, today Germany has less territory than we he took office. His passion was to destroy the Jews, but fifteen years after assuming power an independent Jewish state came into existence for the first time in 2,000 years. He hated Communism, but after his death, Russia was able to extend its control over a large part of Europe that lasted for 45 years. He despised democracy and hoped to destroy it but Germany is now a functioning democracy.

>> No.20787136

>Hitler achieved none of his goals. Literally none.
Stopped reading right here. You're either a disingenuous JIDF shill or a history-illiterate retard who's never opened a single history book in his life.

>> No.20787369
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You're implying National Socialism hasn't always existed? Hitler merely translated it to politics.
National Socialism's largest goal was the creation of the superman through eugenics, they (we) were (are) disciples of Nietzsche.

>> No.20787498
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>translation: I've no rebuttal
You may hate me, and you may be a Wignat, but I dont think anyone is beyond God's love and mercy. Ill say a prayer for you if you can tell me the actual ethnicity of the actor for this Sopranos character.

>> No.20787510

slave morality is when you fight back

>> No.20788052

No it isn’t.

>> No.20788636

>and a failed philologist
Not true, he was a prolific philologist and was the youngest head of the philology department at his university.

>> No.20788681
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>t. literally shaking right now

>> No.20788745

kek that's a great image

Is the rerelease worth it? Diablo 2 has such a special place in my soul, I can literally hear Lut Gholein music and patpatpatpat footsteps in the back of my mind right now just from seeing that image. Some part of me doesn't want to overwrite all those memories with the new snazzy graphics if they're somehow soulless on a deeper level.

>> No.20788910

It's when you strike from behind

>> No.20789319

Nazism was the German will to power. To take what they can. To expunge all culturally toxic (Jewish) elements from their society. To create a utopia. There was no slave morality there.

>> No.20789328

>an independent Jewish state came into existence for the first time in 2,000 years
This isn't necessarily at odds with some of his pre-war aims.

>> No.20789330

>Germany is now a functioning democracy
Functionally destroying their own economy kek

>> No.20789335

That picture looks more human than any art I've seen made in my lifetime, though?

>> No.20789364

>rituals are the domain of weak people
Technic reductionism of a Brahman class relying on divination over actual knowledge and the ability to apply it (with will to power) -- it's Apollonian, visionary in the sense of otherworldly, dreamy.

>derives from a country and people that had been beaten and bullied after a Great War
Not enough in itself but being beholden to revolutionary socialism/communists after being laid prostrate despite inflicting 3:1 casualties and never fighting on home ground, nor being the first to mobilize while your head of state had his de-escalation entreaties squashed by the British Foreign Department pursuing war against British Crown's interests and Parliament's protests

>> No.20790784

Hitler was larping and acted out of pure ressentiment over not getting into art school.

>> No.20790792

Because the majority of them identify as Jewish while not believing in a single word of the Torah, due to the blurred distinction between Jewish ethnic identity and religious identity.

>> No.20791540
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>> No.20791623
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The Nazi ideology was splattered all over a wall in a bunker underneath the Reich Chancellery.

>> No.20791946

This is actually a religiously coherant opinion for the jews to have, which can be seen supported in some texts such as the talmud.

>> No.20792029

>which can be seen supported in some texts such as the talmud
The Talmud is a satanic text that promotes pedophilia, though.

>> No.20792226

And yet the world's rulers live in terror of it, and will continue to do so until their overthrow. Goebbels lives forever and you will be forgotten.

>> No.20792438

correct me if I'm wrong: Does an ideology need a hinterwelt to be classified as slave morality, or is it not as necessary. If im not wrong, slave morality is based on resentment, inaction, a transvaluation of values, and calling themselves good as a result. Although I can see a lot of it in nazi ideology, it's still missing the hinderwelt part of the equation.

>> No.20792531

That isn’t what slave morality is. Slave morality in a Weimar context would have been something like Germany disarming itself and then sending cultural proselytizers to England and France to tell them how everyone should read fairytales and how the Middle Ages were the best time ever and Gott Strafe England for industrializing. Slave morality isn’t coping, it’s about using a negative image of the oppressor’s moral system to become his master through moral means

>> No.20793580

>Goebbels lives forever
not really lol

>> No.20793615

You could do all that as part of a conscious strategy that's not motivated by those lower "slave" derived perspectives. "Slave morality" is about the underlying motivations not any specific strategy.
The situation you're describing would likely be a result of those motivations but not inherently or definitively.