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/lit/ - Literature

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20776644 No.20776644 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically how do I get a girlfriend who reads?
At this point I don't even care if it's just YA shit (I can redpill and fix her later anyway)

I just can't fall for these hoes who only watch tv and scroll on Insta endlessly

>> No.20776647

Groom lit student

>> No.20776649


>> No.20776659

I graduated last year and didn't take my opportunity to do so
I no longer live in a uni city now (working fucking sucks)

>> No.20776673

try highschoolers then

>> No.20776678

Just talk to people outside.

>> No.20776680

That would perfect but I don't want the social judgement that comes with dating prime 17 yo girls while being 26

>> No.20776685

I've unironically almost never met a woman who reads
and I go out regularly and meet quite a bit of people. I used to be pretty popular in high school even. Nobody reads.

>> No.20776688

Frequent a bookshop that doesnt just sell YA shit. Most given advice but that's where I picked up some reader cuties as well.

>> No.20776693


>american moment

>> No.20776700

unless she's 40 or more, i think i only have like a couple of example

>> No.20776701
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Men read for transcendence.

Women read for sexual and romantic satisfaction. That is, they consume the book, and after their refractory period ends they require another for sustenance. It could be the exact same book but with different character names and a different setting.
It does not matter to them, just as it does not matter to you how much your sandwich differs from day to day.

>> No.20776712

English department at any university. Filled with women

>> No.20776714

That was my idea as well. I do this with a 2nd hand bookshop that mostly sells classics.
I've drunk coffee there for hours a month ago and not a single woman under the age of 40 came in

last time there was a chick there she was unfathomably ugly, so yeah.

>> No.20776720

I'm European (Belgium)
just because it's legal doesn't mean people won't judge you
you are trailer trash tier if you date high schoolers as a 25+ yo

too bad because they're unironically all more attractive than the fems my age

>> No.20776722

If you unironically don't care about what she is reading, maybe go to your local church and meet people there. Some will probably read the Bible and nothing else, but still, maybe you are happy with this.

>> No.20776728
File: 252 KB, 792x217, frencharesobased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm European (French)
and it's fine here

>> No.20776736

maybe the younger generation reads more in France but basically nobody reads here my age
quite sad

>> No.20776746


where are you from ?

>> No.20776750


>> No.20776756

He said Belgium.

>> No.20776766

>Girlfriend who reads
Go back to /lgtbbq/ you dumb tranny.

>> No.20776767

i love titties

>> No.20776770

he doesn't have the same ID

>> No.20776777

Suck my fat wallonian dick you flemish homo.

>> No.20776784

Kill yourself freeloathing subhuman. Latin-tongued, swarthy commie.

Get a fucking job and bow to your Flemish masters faggot

>> No.20776799

get a room (in Bruxelles)

>> No.20776864

Vlamingen zijn een inferieur ras. Jullie mongolen hebben minder dan honderd jaar geleden leren lezen en schrijven en doen nu arrogant omdat jullie 5% rijker zijn dan wallonie omdat hun industrie naar de kloten is. Laffaards zoals u hebben een grote mond vanuit hun incest dorp maar vrezen voor hun leven (en terecht) in Brussel.

>> No.20776875

jullie waren kankerirrelevant voor 2000 jaar. Wij waren het rijkste volk van Europa en hebben oneindig veel dingen uitgevonden.

Maar 90 jaartjes bovenop en de achterlijke waal krijgt een ego van hier tot in Charleroi (somalië-tier)

>> No.20776878

This girl doesn't read. This girl gazes in the general direction of open books during pornographic photo shoots. The book is merely a prop to justify casting down her eyes.

>> No.20776905 [SPOILER] 

This is the 21st century. Speak English you moroccan imbeciles.

>> No.20776908
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Incels deserve sex

>> No.20776918

just learn Dutch chud

>> No.20776926

Och jantje toch, iedereen weet dat je gewoon een dommere Nederlander bent en dat uw cultuur begint en stopt bij aardappelen.

>> No.20776935

Dood jezelf. Je bent zelf een Vlaming
Er is geen Waal op deze wereld die meer dan 5 woorden Nederlands spreekt

>> No.20776944

>te dom om te weten wat Brussel is
Wat een verrassing

>> No.20776951

Women shouldn't be reading. You need to read bible passages to her and give her a sewing or knitting kit to occupy her time when she isn't cooking or cleaning while you're at work.

>> No.20776953

Niemand spreekt Vlaams in Brussel buiten een 50k boomers van 80+ die van miserie zijn gebleven

>> No.20776983

maybe she'll redpill you and fix you. but you're too oblivious to have considered what that might mean.

>> No.20776986

No, she really won't convince me to be pro-immigrants. Sorry.

>> No.20776995

i wasn't going to say anything about immigrants. but i'm not surprised your potato brain went there.

>> No.20776998


>> No.20777006

Get money

>> No.20777071

20% nederlandstalig onderwijs en 0% die met u wilt omgaan jantje

>> No.20777084

Boeit me niks. Hoe is het om dagelijks de messen te moeten ontwijken van Mohammed en Ibrahim?

>> No.20777106

what's the appeal?

>> No.20777144

don't talk much but when they do, it's usually interesting

>> No.20777197

literal subhuman language

>> No.20777204

My last gf was very into reading. Murakami of course, a lot of other Asian lit and some modern femcel stuff (the likes of Cusk, Moshfegh, Batuman). She was cute, but honestly I wouldn’t recommend it. If you’re on here you’re probably fairly introverted, and in my experience it’s better to date more extroverted, adventurous types who push you out of your comfort zone. You’re more likely to learn things about yourself you didn’t know and grow from dating a person not too much like yourself

>> No.20777209

fair point but I already have a chad friend group who drag my out of my house pretty often to go do shit
I wouldn't mind a more introverted gf

>> No.20777210

>At this point I don't even care if it's just YA shit (I can redpill and fix her later anyway)
this doesnt work btw. they dont care about reading the way you do. they just like self inserting into romantic fiction

>> No.20777217

Fall in love with a normal person and introduce her to the world of literature. My wife wasn't an avid reader, actually she isn't, but from time to time she would read what I recommend or buy her. She recently read a book by Mishima, another by Ranpo and another by Endo. Now we are going to read "The Adventure of the Busts of Eva Perón" together.

>> No.20777221
File: 219 KB, 360x336, 1648903626602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically how do I get a girlfriend
I don't know...

>> No.20777224


>last gf
>implying more than one gf
Please refrain from speaking of this, it's too painful for some of us. Show some consideration.

>> No.20777278

Just stop trying to get "a girlfriend who ..." in the first place. Get a nice girl with a good head on her shoulders and a high IQ without being a neurotic fuckup. By all means if you can find some Hannah Arendt type intellect and unique personality, hold onto her. But remember that even Yeats was disappointed when he finally fucked Maud Gonne.

Fuck women if you can, find a good mother with good genes whom you get along with if you want kids, and pray for a super special soulmate if you want, while having low expectations of success. But don't go around thinking women are your male best friend + the satisfaction of all your stupid fetishes + your intellectual and spiritual companion on all your autistic adventures + the solution all your problems in life.

They usually fall short of male friendship while having a few uniquely feminine bonuses (in fact some of those bonuses are precisely a result of falling short of male autism but being more empathetic in a way men can't provide, which has its pros and cons in different situations). They almost always fall short of intellectual and spiritual companionship in the sense autistic men desire, and it's particularly pathological to want your girlfriend to be your male autism sidekick with tits so you have someone to rant to autistically. Like with the previous point, you can rant autistically to them and they can listen in a "I care because you care" way that men are bad at and women are good at, but this has its ups and downs (male friend is more likely to actually share in the thing with you, girlfriend is more likely to empathize with your struggles in a vaguer but emotionally deeper way). Women rarely satisfy men sexually, especially modern porn-fueled expectations. Most relationships are sexual dead zones or passionlessly going through the motions at best after a few years. And women are the source of most problems in life, not the solution. You should only commit to a woman when you're in a good place personally and psychologically, not because you're in a bad place and want her to fix it.

All this shit is masturbatory and autistic, it's what D.H. Lawrence called "sex in the head." Zoomers sitting around online playing dolly dress-up fantasy with each other about their ideal waifus. It's the modern version of the madonna/whore complex, the art hoe waifu who likes RTS games as much as I do / instagram walking fetish sex doll complex. Women are neither of these things, and they are even sadder and more confused than incels because at least incels have a complex fantasy life and RTS games and porn to keep them busy. Since men all became 2010s incel zoomer video game porn addicts women have just been sitting around rubbing '90s dating culture together like damp sticks still trying to get a fire started, and self-medicating with Tinder sex that only digs them deeper into the pit they're in. They want you to save THEM, they can't save you.

>> No.20777284


>> No.20777288


>> No.20777294

Anyone remember this photographers name? There's a whole series of these.

>> No.20777296

More of this please.
We need another potential front for WWIII.

>> No.20777301


>> No.20777362

I dated a girl who read, I knew right away because she literally had a copy of Lolita on her desk in her room. She had massive daddy issues from her absent father and had almost married a guy who beat her by the age of like 23. For her everything was very competitive and transactional. Flirting was always a race to see who could one-up the other and she was hesitant to perform sexual favors without an immediate payoff of me doing something for her. I also believe she was into femdom, she wanted to peg me (I didn't let her) and one of the last times I saw her she jerked me off without letting me finish and then put my dick away and climbed on top of me cuddling me "her nice boy". She clearly had very deep issues and suffice it to say we stopped seeing each other and she moved across the country. Now her and her books are some other guy's problem.

>> No.20777394

hot as fuck
would sex

>> No.20777424

Zoomers have had their brains fried by algorithms before they reached middle school

>> No.20777439

Nothing she read sounds lit. You're most likely a stupid piece of shit too.

>> No.20777444

She was a cute girl and it was fun but her issues were annoying. I don't think she quite had BPD but when people describe what it's like to be with a BPD chick it sounds similar to what it was like with her. She had super low confidence for how attractive and fun she was and trust issues which meant she blame me for her confidence issues because I didn't compliment her enough or whatever, and if I did she just didn't believe me and thought it was all a lie. Exhausting in a fun way but eventually just exhausting.

>> No.20777482

>(I can redpill and fix her later anyway)
Oh you sweet summer child...

>> No.20777506

look mate, I’m gonna be honest with you. No. No do not get a woman. I’ve had women my whole life until now at 27. I’ve come to realise that women are dumb as rocks. People humanise them too much. They are lower beings. They do not operate even nearly on our level. They’re closer to robots than they are to humans. All their behaviour is purely instinctive. They do not love you. They love the food you give them. They have to be moulded and trained to be exactly what you want. You shouldn’t buy slave companionship and that’s exactly what a wiman is. The only good reason to get a woman imo is home defense and you’re probably better off with a security camera and insurance. You can buy a woman and love it and enjoy it. But make no mistake. Do not delude yourself into believing it is an intelligent creature. It doesn’t see like you, it doesn’t feel like you do. It is an animal. An animal that has been warped by man to just about fit into even being indoors. The better your woman is purely comes from how much time you spend brainwashing it. The people with the best behaved women are homeless people who have nothing better to do than brainwash a woman all day for years. Woman owners will cope and disagree. Only buy a woman because you’re fascinated with the creature it is and then allow it to exist as what it is under your responsibility. Women aren’t friends nor kids nor human. They pretty much belong outside doing woman shit. Can you provide what you think would be a fairly natural life for a woman? You don’t have to live in a hole in the woods but it makes a lot more sense if you live in the country.

Don’t get me wrong I love women, I just don’t like what people do to women.

>> No.20777544

Who is grill?

>> No.20777563

Kill yourself op.

>> No.20777608

And what do men save images of women rolling around half naked on a bed for? Is that all part of your transcendental reading habits?
Or are you also a non-perfect human being, with wants that need fulfilling, just like these fabricated women you pretend to be better than?
I think a little introspection can go a long way.

>> No.20777641

Men are sometimes horny, women live entirely as a sexual being advertising its wares and being evaluated by buyers.

>> No.20777671

At least he's not the woman doing the rolling.

>> No.20777677

Didnt read lmao

>> No.20777685

Woman offended and seething hahahahhaha

>> No.20777734

>Unironically how do I get a girlfriend who reads?
By going to places where women read. Not a hard concept.

>> No.20777750

This was an absolutely savage blowing the fuck out of that retard and I wanted to let you know I appreciate the chuckle. For whatever reason a lot of posters from LGBT end up here and they're super anti-woman because they're beta males.

>> No.20777759

People are fucking animals. There you go, fixed it for you.

>> No.20777761
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I just love women so much

>> No.20777768
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>> No.20777783

Woman moment

>> No.20777799

then they can pay for it.

>> No.20777833

love my gf so much bros
she bought me a box set of percy jackson cause it's one of her favorites and then we proceeded to go back to her place so i could smash her pawg ass

>> No.20777848


Most men pay for it, one way or another. I suppose you could that arch-chads simply have women throw themselves at them, but they're a small minority of men. And even he's gonna buy her dinner at some point.

>> No.20777858

Be careful what you wish for, as soon as society starts to implode and fall back on real production there are going to be millions of useless women with nothing else to offer and it will be a buyer's market for years

>> No.20777888

What about moege

>> No.20777930

Unironically Tinder/Bumble.
Create a profile that has good references to mass but well like authors (or even filmmakers like David Lynch or Noah Baumbach).
Source: had "David Lynch is my boo" as my tinder bio and had 3 dates a week off of it

>> No.20777961
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>I just can't fall for these hoes who only watch tv and scroll on Insta endlessly
This is my fiancée. I like it because I actually don't want to talk to her about the things I really enjoy or actually care about. She's a stupid twat, undeniably, but it also takes little more than wiping my ass and pretending to listen to her to keep her happy, and that's far more important to me, a happy wife and thus a happy life, than being a stupid faggot who thinks love, like "love-love," is possible with or woman or a good idea even if it were; it's not.

>> No.20778387

Get a girl who doesn’t read, but isn’t a total dopamine addict with a fried brain, then ease her more and more into reading. First start off with good short stories with things that she may enjoy in a genre she likes. Then novellas, then short novels, then regular novels. After this, you can get her to branch out into genres and themes she hasn’t explored yet. It’s been working for me so far.

>> No.20778393 [DELETED] 

You will never be a woman tranny

>> No.20778398

You will never be a woman tranny.

>> No.20778417

Genuinely some of the wisest shit that's ever been posted to one of these gay threads
If you aren't attracting quality women, that's just as much your fault as any of theirs

>> No.20778439

I don't understand you guys, why do you want specifically a gf who reads? For what purpose? As a decoration?

>> No.20778491

>self-medicating with Tinder sex that only digs them deeper into the pit they're in. They want you to save THEM
I’ve given up on saving American hedonists, men and women alike. The formal and cultural institutions of the place actively incentivize people to be as self destructive and dopamine-addicted as possible, and then they turn around and wonder why people do self destructive shit in the pursuit of happiness. They have failed to differentiate between satisfying desires and having desires that are worth satisfying. Desires are seen as fundamentally worth satisfying, even when they are insane, self destructive, and alienating. The American sees the solution as removing all consequences for satisfying self destructive desires via the implementation of formal systems that allow the financial and physical burden to be shifted elsewhere. A more sane country would see the solution as establishing different institutions which don’t incentivize self-destructive and socially destructive hedonistic acts in the first place.
I think in a just world a place like the US would be allowed to collapse under its own weight.

>> No.20778603

Bro I think women pretend to read to be seen as a girl who reads but their vocabulary or lack of it betrays their illiteracy.

>> No.20778718

I don't normally save coomer images but damn this is a good one

>> No.20779017


>> No.20779028

Do it anon, find a hot one at the beach. They won't all say no.

>> No.20779139

Finally a good post.

>> No.20779220
File: 287 KB, 610x900, 560509C9-9D5C-4648-8989-AF7B281F2EE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are models.
But I do see this exact same dynamic working with you anonymous.

>> No.20779454

What the actual fuck, a reasonable post in a thread about women??

>> No.20779465

>love, like "love-love," is possible with or woman
If you don't belief this, you are literally a faggot. Please don't marry your fiance, you'll end up leaving her when you mid-life crisis hits and you can no longer contain your repressed homosexual tendencies.

>> No.20779494

???? Do you know what board you're on?

>> No.20779715

absolutely btfo that anon my friend, well done. Not that he's wrong about women but he's almost certainly wrong about himself and projecting

>> No.20779719

this is a really good post

>> No.20779723

you're just mad it's not you in that photo

>> No.20779768

Gonna have to stop your pseuding bro
Modern women don't want relationships
Most guys I know who got to smash were put in the friend with benefits zone and left there

>> No.20779772

>he doesn’t see IDs
kek ngmi

>> No.20779908

except that was me both times so idk what different ID he is seeing

>> No.20779917
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>nooo you are slightly less germanic than me but pretty much exactly the same genetically so I have to hate you
>nooo you are poor now even though we were the poor ones 100 years ago
>nooo you are soulless capitalists
>nooo you are soulless communists
you are both drones.

>> No.20779920

Leave it to virgin inexperienced retards to tell you what "modern women" are like
>now let me tell you what modern men are like!!!
all generalizations are false. cry about having a room temp iq somewhere else please

>> No.20779924
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Okay let's just address the elephant in the room shall we. Who is this titty monster?

>> No.20779939

Nvm found her IG. It's kind of a letdown so I won't post it

>> No.20779943

victim of the wall?

>> No.20779973

Everything I said is God's truth, and you're clearly crippled by loneliness.

>> No.20779990

I just want to be loved :(

>> No.20780011

Nice, I bought my gf a nice edition of Jane Eyre for Christmas once and that's when she started allowing me to bury my head between her thighs and lose myself. She'd been pretty shy before that winter.
Good times

>> No.20780024

imagine not only having to read Percy Jackson but having to pretend to like it all just for some pussy

>> No.20780041

stop posting pics like these, I can't stop cooming. help me god

>> No.20780348

Women can't love you brother. Once you realize that, you become free. You are and will always be a utility for them. They're not programmed to love you, they're programmed to love their children.

>> No.20780360

It should be a test. If you can't restrain yourself from spilling seed when seeing a little bit of pixels representing a sideboob, what the hell are you doing?

>> No.20780373

>what ths hell are you doing
Don't worry I ask that to myself every day.

>> No.20780400

Go to Russia

>> No.20780629
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>stop playing video games
>sit in book stores and coffee shops

Good luck anon, use a book as a bait for the woman you wish to attract.

>> No.20780823

Did you graduate from an arts program? What job do you do now,are you a wagie or do you use your degree?

>> No.20780845

I like this part of 4chan it doesn't seem like you can get genuine male camaraderie anywhere else on the Internet that isn't filtered through some sort of ironic or "critical theory" postmodern sieve.

>> No.20780859

Extroverted women means she's fucked a lot of guys before you.

>> No.20780887

so i can attract retarded women? is this how we save the white race?

>> No.20780900

I mean, if you're 16 I guess it matters. But not having sex because you only fuck virgins is pretty sad, gatekeeping yourself.

>> No.20780908
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I like seeing people strive to do better and try to encourage it where it shows. Hope he tries.

Nice try rabbi

>> No.20780915

Last time i randomly hit on a womeme I just told her I wanted to eat her ass and pussy. Anons she gargled my dick like it was her last meal on earth.

>> No.20780924

Not necessarily, coomber goober

>> No.20780946

White women everybody. Too bad I'd probably get reported to the police for sexual harrasment in my country.

>> No.20780948


>> No.20780956

Scott Pilgrim is dating a high schooler?!?

>> No.20780972

Seems like from what I've seen, women are more likely to be extroverted or maybe I'm just coping for my extreme social anxiety.

>> No.20780974

I actually had a phase during lockdown where I talked to a million qt Russian girls on Interpals
was pretty fun. They were all smart, most of them read classics. Got nudes from a few

but the distance is a bit cringe and I want a girl who speaks my own language fluently

>> No.20780978

Stop being ugly

>> No.20780981

Nope. graduated in anthropology with all my free subjects being history related
wagie for government. Pays well but quite boring

>> No.20780988

Easy to say but it's hard to look good in 3rd world unless you're inherently good looking.

>> No.20780992

top-tier tang.

>> No.20781120

I keep coming back to 4chan for this type of content. Great post.

>> No.20781129
File: 188 KB, 640x640, 1658036596220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They want you to save THEM, they can't save you.
Begone, manipulator roastie.

Men are happy to spend their life competing for women. this is not an atheist thing.

this competition is literally the heart of any society.
Men even love more to compete for women in atheism thanks to the shows like how i met your whore mom where the crowd cheers for the gay actor competing for whores lol
In atheism, women are at the center of the society, because according to atheists, women are not ''objects'', so this coupled with the innate male devotion to whores, women are bound to dominate any atheist republic.

Women will always sit at the top of the sex market,& men will always like it.
Over thousands of years men have developed a neurotic narrative where somehow they are the stronger sex for putting their energy into pleasing women and the ruling class. Men are the one talking about hooooonor and how seducing women is awesome. Again even fucking Casanova took pride into a being free dildo to whores.

The day men stop putting women on a pedestal is the day society dies forever. And normies are fucking obsessed with living, with '''transmitting genes'''', like any atheist NPC keep saying, with building crap to fill up their lives with.
And women love to sit on the top of the sex market. Women get free easy life just by existing. That's how fucking insane their life full of privileges is. & women will never ever let this go.

Even in the apocalyptic days that beta cucks keep dreaming about and somehow they survive thanks to all their dubious survivalist skills they learn in atheism by watching youtube, they fancy themselves as providers to women lol. They literally would give lots of free shit to women, from all the hoarding they had done before the apocalypse. All of this because of vagina , fucking lel.

You even had 2 fucking top military guys from Rome fighting over the egyptian roastie known as Cleopatra. that's 2000 years before atheists took power. That's how pathetic military guys are. And how men in general are pussyslaves and wageslaves.

>> No.20781130

You thought 'shy introverted' women don't have high bodycounts, and that's why you buy this pseudo parade of the lit gf? Kek

>> No.20781133

Well put.

>> No.20781227

That sounds very cucky. Real men want virgins.

>> No.20781232

introverted women have fucked the exact same amount of guys, they just started at 18 instead of 15.

>> No.20781254

Nigger try 12. I was knee deep in pussy at that age.

>> No.20781258

All women are whores anon. But that doesn't change the fact that "extroverted" women have 3 or 4 times higher bodycount than introverted/femcel types

>> No.20781265

>real men don't have sex when they can
yeah, nothing manlier than spending friday night playing League. But no, sure, make more excuses and add more conditions. That way it's not your fault and you don't need to change anything.

>> No.20781274
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This man is the end goal of refusing to wash, lift and read.

>> No.20781276

This nigger likes roasties lmao. The absolute state of 4channers.

>> No.20781365
File: 125 KB, 740x925, 740full-taylor-lashae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I just love pretty women so much. I don't want sex, just the aesthetic gratification of being near beautiful women.
Currently in the process of befriending a group of young lesbians for that very purpose.

>> No.20781366
File: 575 KB, 693x755, 1658938807124619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

150 posts and maybe just two of them about how to get a girlfriend.

>> No.20781421
File: 665 KB, 806x770, pol-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is dishonest, anon. Lift, wash and read and you will attract beauty. You must cultivate it within to attract it to you.

>> No.20781450

>Lift, wash and read and you will attract beauty.
I do all these.
Health issues have killed my libido completely. Nothing too bad, but it'll take years to recover, if it ever does.
I thought the mix of being an incel for the first time in my life with me frequenting /lit/ so much would turn me into a women hater, but it really hasn't.

>> No.20781482
File: 207 KB, 540x810, 1640119988780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope your issues resolve to your benefit anon, happy to hear you're in a good place. What health issues did you suffer?

>> No.20781823

Never got properly diagnosed because doctors are for the most part fucking charlatans, but figures it's a chronic prostatis. Because it took so long to diagnose (2 years), there was nerve damage.

>> No.20781905
File: 107 KB, 774x600, 774px-David-Oath_of_the_Horatii-1784-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A friend of mine had nerve damage, he was told to expect a certain set of life conditions. He angrily refused to abide by them and recovered almost all motor fuction over the next several years. So do not abandon yourself to no hope.

>> No.20782037
File: 162 KB, 1080x1201, 1657482650372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Thanks for the hope.

>> No.20782056
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>> No.20782118

The fucking size of those ducks.

>> No.20782255

I am a woman who reads but I wouldn't date a man who does.

>> No.20782260

Nobody asked your opinion, cunt.

>> No.20782263

Same. I'm a woman with confirmed 500+ iq. I would only date stupid guys

>> No.20782411
File: 50 KB, 414x474, 1654281298642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20782443

>tfw no bf whose favorite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.20782454

>tfw no bf who can't spell restaurant without looking it up

>> No.20782566

>tfw no bf who doesn't have to sound out "rest are raunt" in order to remember the spelling

>> No.20782714
File: 20 KB, 526x402, 1648814586693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20783211

You just need a girlfriend who isn’t codependent and is okay with you doing your own thing. Usually this implies she has hobbies. Then you can read without getting bitched at. That is what matters long term.

>> No.20783353

i work in philly and take the train. I see people reading regularly on my commute and at my work during their breaks.

>> No.20783680
File: 760 KB, 1692x736, 1606087686633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because according to atheists, women are not ''objects''
I suppose this may be the case on average, but it's a cultural artifact—not a logical consequence of atheist philosophy. Logically speaking, an atheist is more likely to be a physicalist ('materialist'), in which case they would view all 'subjects' as a subset of objects (i.e. everyone is ultimately a type of object).

The reverse is also true, in that a spiritualist believes that subjects are of a fundamentally different set from objects (and so a women can't be a mere object if being consistent).

Not sure what to make of the rest of your post (your end goal isn't clear), but it seems futile to rage against our nature. Those who forsake nature just end up being eliminated from the equation (and their values become irrelevant along with them); they don't stop nature, they're just replaced. Now I'm not going to assert that opting out is what is really pathetic, because on an individual basis that's not necessarily the case. What I will point out, however, is that humanity will go on and intelligent men opting out will at best have no impact (but quite possibly negative impact) upon that future.

>> No.20783695

Is this a c-copypasta

>> No.20783795

You’ve probably seen me reading

>> No.20783816


>> No.20783856

>And what do men save images of women rolling around half naked on a bed for?
for sexual gratification no shit. Did that gotcha sound more clever and insightful in your head? The difference is men's porn is decoupled from their reading material and search for meaning. Do you try to find poetry in your breakfast cereal?

>> No.20783873

>girlfriend who reads
My girlfriend reads fucking Marx. I guess it's a start at least.

>> No.20783893

What this image tries to convey is so unreal, it's astounding

>> No.20783898

worst timeline. to embrace marxism is to reject soul. i don’t care if he was or wasn’t correct about anything or even everything. he’s the west’s version of the bugman.

>> No.20784476

Awesome. What else she into?

>> No.20784511

Person who made this image is definitely on the far left of the curve.

>> No.20784806

>Nobody reads.
i made it a point to never let people know i read, whether by willingly limiting my vocabulary or simply pretending i don't know about certain books or literary topics

>> No.20784816

Pegging and cucking.