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20776455 No.20776455 [Reply] [Original]

What book will help me come to terms with the fact that I utterly wasted my youth?

>> No.20776472

Probably Heidegger shit.

>> No.20776476

You're not looking for a book, are ya

>> No.20776507

I know that feel bro

>> No.20776514

OP is probably like 27 and genuinely believes he's too old

>> No.20776555

I actually am 27 years old, not even kidding. The way things are going, I'll be heading to university next year, just as I turn 29. I fucked up my life real bad.

>> No.20776564

I'm 28 and I literally think I'm too old.

>> No.20776618

what did you waste it on?

>> No.20776634


>> No.20776840

I am not OP but I am legit looking for a book on that stuff.

I'm 23 and recently realized that it's been 5 years since I finished high school.

I have done nothing in that time. 5 years just gone.

I don't want the next five to end up like that.

>> No.20776880

You niggas are just weak. I let my mommy and my hoes financially support me well into my thirties. I'm now a professional shitposter and landlord.

>> No.20777091

Read Catcher in the rye and Greek state by Nietzsche, and stop being so self-centered. Stop looking at things in a progressive egocentric way, read more about traditional stuff like Unabomber and Edmund Burke. I haven’t read Heidegger, but I’ve read article where author talks about his concept of authentic and inauthentic life. Also don’t become delusional self improver. You should learn from your experience, friends and women are temporary. Realize that you will be always alone and life isn’t fairy tale

>> No.20777156

There's little to no improvement you can do after 25

>> No.20777181

I'm 40. I'm actually old

>> No.20777317

Genuinely curious. Please continue.

>> No.20778772

Yes, i need something more than me. I can't live for me. Left to my own devices, I'm a slave to the internet. I can and have spent a lifetime on the internet because I don't know any other way. I'm feeling like I'll find an answer in writing and books, i don't know..

>> No.20778808

life is so meaningless. culture is so suffocating. art is dead. why even live?

>> No.20778820

if you are below 30 and are not fat your life still ahs a lot of potential. you can still meet friends and have drinks and good times and whatever, probably have even better times than what kids have since you are an adult and you can drive places and have money

>> No.20780234
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What if you are fat but under 30? If you lose weight will your life have potential?

>> No.20780323

lol have you not been paying attention to the world events these past 6 years? these next 10 years you will be lucky to just alive.

>> No.20780350

Based nigger-tier intelligence poster. I was a bit of a degenerate as a teen I had some sugar mommies but hey I was genuinely attracted to them at least.

>> No.20781659

Byron and Lermontov poetry.
Despite the fact that they had most eventful youths in existences, their ability to describe all of their experiences as bigger or lesser degree of noises, in face of eternal. Will make even a nihilist feel content with the ways he ended up being.

>> No.20781689

I don’t think it’s possible to waste your youth, especially not anymore.

>> No.20781700

How far are you talking? I’m 20 and in College

>> No.20782736

Be thankful you're 23 and not 37 like me. If I could give any advice, it would be finding something to specialize in. That is my biggest regret, spreading myself to thin never knowing what to actually devote time to. But make sure whatever it is, you can make money from it. There's always time for hobbies. As for a book...maybe brave new world.

>> No.20782794

I'm 33 and this year I discovered that there's no profitable job I can be good at because I'm just not interested in the world. I have an engineering degree and I've been kicked out of every company I've worked in because I'm just not interested in being a good engineer. I only like writing poetry and shitposting and that's all I'll ever be minimally good at.