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20776079 No.20776079 [Reply] [Original]

So I went to my local Waterstones books shop in London and I was browsing books. I picked up American Psycho and Lolita from the shelf. Before heading to checkout I decided to go to childrens section and see my childhood faves. I wanted to buy some for my shelves. I picked out Green eggs and Ham and Kensuke Kingdom. All of a sudden this female bookshop assistant who had been eyeing me all the way through comes up and says hello.

I panicked and said hi then after a few seconds put books back and exited. I knew what she was thinking. She thought I was some creep or pedo and was checking up on me.

Feels so embarrassed that it has put me off ever going to physical books shop again.

>> No.20776083

Calm down you fucking psycho, she was just trying to help you.

>> No.20776085

Didnt happen/10
Try posting it on /b/

>> No.20776086

Yes, thanks. Come back again.

>> No.20776092

serves you right for buying fucking Lolita
also this didn't happen

>> No.20776109

This is the only realistic story I've ever read on here.

>> No.20776114

That didn't happen, who the fuck gives a shit about those 2 books? There are hundreds if not thousands of other books way "worse" than them.

>> No.20776134

I meant the staff member rightly suspecting OP of being a pedo. She didn't notice the books he'd picked up. She likely has never heard of them.

>> No.20776155

why are you a pedo?

>> No.20776164

>be pedo
>in a bookstore
Ah no, kids don't read books. Who the fuck used to go to a book store as a kid? You are fucking broke and children books are expensive as hell.

>> No.20776168


>> No.20776170

>buying Lolita, American Psycho, and Green Eggs & Ham together
Reminds me of when I got Superbad and Cannibal Holocaust together at my local video store and saw the cashiers trying not to stare at me.

>> No.20776171

Gave me a giggle, mate.

>> No.20776187

No, it's going nothing to do with books at all, silly. The girl simply picked up on OP's pedo vibes and OP picked up on her suspicions and fled.

>> No.20776200

>buys some of the most popular books in english, even their movie adaptations are popular
>"guys will they think im a pedo psychopath if i buy this book? :c"
No anon, it's just a book, bookshop assistants will at least know someone who read it before, and may even have read it themselves

>> No.20776233

That one greentext about the anon in high school getting approached by students and teachers for reading Stoner because /lit/ pushing it so hard is the best, even if it is made up

>> No.20776495

The sad thing is, lonely autismos will read this and think it really happened.

>> No.20777624
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>>buying Lolita, American Psycho, and Green Eggs & Ham together

>> No.20777639

Didn't happen/10

>> No.20777656

It is no where near as sad as the anon who has been reading through the archives for the past few months and reposting altered versions of bait threads with all the satire stripped out. He seems to be reading backwards straight through the archive.

>> No.20777681

was it at the waterstones in picadilly

>> No.20777702

>buying normal childhood classics in current year
>not getting concerned over seeing books that celebrate career criminals and homosexuality

>> No.20778330

The real career criminals are those clowns in congress

>> No.20778451

A normal person wouldn't feel so embarrassed about their selections. You are actually a freak and that's what you're embarrassed about.

>> No.20778477

In Buenos Aires I only see kids buying comics and manga, you were in the wrong section you pedo. GG.

>> No.20778517

Any more context on her tone of voice? Are you using Hemingway’s writing style by making us guess?

>> No.20778656

This is the same guy that posted some days ago asking if he could find a cute gf on a bookshop

>> No.20778684
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Have any anons ever fucking worked in a store before? I frequently see anons acting like people are judging them for what they buy, but if you work in retail you will very quickly find just stop giving a shit about what people buy. Cashiers are more often than not happy to get a customer so they don't stand their mind numbingly for another four hours. If you think she was judging you for looking at children's books, you are completely socially retarded, when I worked in a grocery store I wouldn't even notice if a customer bought nothing but oil and cucumbers. She was probably just asking if you needed anything because working a job like that is fucking boring as hell and it gets to the point where even interaction with customers is preferable to sweeping the same aisle for the 20th time in a day.

>> No.20778700

I've worked in a store. Maybe it's because I'm naturally more conscious than other NPCs, but I am usually aware of what most people in my vicinity are doing or browsing. It becomes suffocating being super-conscious of everything around me which is why it's hard for me to hold jobs for long periods of time, though.

>> No.20778797

No, you just have autism or something.

>> No.20778861
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>She was probably just asking if you needed anything because working a job like that is fucking boring as hell and it gets to the point where even interaction with customers is preferable to sweeping the same aisle for the 20th time in a day.
imagine being so bored you start to work, book based business ladies and gentelmen

>> No.20778870

Then order your books online, you faggot. Nobody's forcing you to go to a bookstore and demonstrate your social retardedness to the entire world.

>> No.20778871

This reminds me of that old ass copypasta where a guy steals a book from a book store because he was too autistic to pay. Someone have that laying around?

>> No.20778881

what a shitty redundant post, reflect on your boring mind you white noise generator

>> No.20778939

Being aware of your surroundings is good. Acting like your awareness is “suffocating” and the reason why you can’t work a mindless shit mcjob for more than a day you is retarded, dude.

>> No.20779059
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>I picked up American Psycho and Lolita from the shelf.

>> No.20779194

>So I went to my local Waterstones books shop in London and I was browsing books. I picked up American Psycho and Lolita from the shelf. Before heading to checkout I decided to go to childrens section and see my childhood faves. I wanted to buy some for my shelves. I picked out Green eggs and Ham and Kensuke Kingdom

Good choices. Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo is also one of my childhood faves. Animated film comes out in 2023

>> No.20779271

Just another moment that defines modern times. Being overly self-aware is a horsecock up your arse, is all. People working in retail are supposed to engage in a conversation with you and the ones that also more often than not help people find things they don't even know they wanted even more so. Retardo, she was simply trying to lend a helping hand and rec something for your child or a child of friends of yours. A fucking gift.

This is like paying for your groceries and seeing the cashier cough and instead of wishing her a speedy recovery and good health you take a step back, raise your eyebrows and say "C-CORONA?".

>> No.20779273

post it bro

>> No.20779331


Waterstones is fine, it's the only shop where I found a mini longclaw sword. Now it's out of stock.

>> No.20779349

If she wanted to lend him a hand she would do that instead of just saying hello. By just saying hello she is making sure he's aware of her presence, accosting him. It's a subtle threat. I've never had an employee do that to me.

>> No.20779359

reflect on how white noise and boilerplate your thoughts must be that you didn't even get what i'm criticising you fucking 2D crowd sprite in a 2010s sports game

>> No.20779360
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>It's a subtle threat

>> No.20779363

You're overthinking it, people who work in local bookstores are way more laid back than people who work as cashiers etc.

>> No.20779375

Eh, people at work are actually forced to both interact with you and be pleasent. If they aren't then they aren't doing their job, therefore you have more power than you think. As long as you're not making a scene there's very little that women could have done. If I accept she thought you was a creep and was coming over to talk with you, are you a creep? Do you have a thing or hide? You probably confirmed her thoughts based on your actions whereas an innocent none creep just talks to her about the books. Probably of embarrassed says it's a children book you read and it's for your nephew.

>> No.20779429

That's a good reason to never go to one then. I don't want some employee to try to act "friendly" with me in that way.

>> No.20779902

> I knew what she was thinking.
T h e r a p y

>> No.20780169

is it pronounced Waterstunz or Water Stones

>> No.20780173

This is a very funnypost, OP,
But you left out the part where you were dressed as a drag queen in a sequined thong-ensemble. Though it could be guessed by the books you were holding.

Shop Assistant.

>> No.20780180

>imagine being so bored you start to work
This is an agony everywhere you go.
t. Engineer in a glacially slow company

>> No.20780940

War-ur-stunz, if you're Bri'ish.

>> No.20780951

> Who the fuck used to go to a book store as a kid?
Me. I could afford maybe one book with my allowance so I had to spend 2 hours trying to find the one book that would be good. Pre smartphone too so just covers to judge by.

>> No.20780965

More like Ws-tnz, innit

>> No.20781662

My daughter Mattie was eager to pick up a few new books before she went into her secondary school so we took her to WURGHSTNZZ

>> No.20781677


>> No.20781693

>Based about children books are expensive as fuck

>> No.20781715

Holy fuck you are a massive loser. Forgot pathetic people like you actually exist.

>> No.20781725

Go to the Bible general thread if you want to post about things that didn't happen, OP

>> No.20783378

Seek help

>> No.20784919

This never happened.