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File: 264 KB, 1536x967, Matthew-and-the-Angel-caravaggio-1536x967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20775163 No.20775163 [Reply] [Original]

Prays for the demon-possessed jannies. I think he was the one posting skydaddy in the last thread before he got mad I called him out and started nuking them.

>> No.20775165

prime mover my ass

>> No.20775199
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St. Theophan the Recluse is a very comfy read.

>> No.20775212

yup thanks bro

>> No.20775585

I can't find any saint or doctor of the church, or anyone, explaining *why* there are miscarriages and infant death. Do you know any?
They're a part of the world by design, and it seems like an overlooked flaw that shouldn't be allowed.
You can't teach that this life is a test for obedience to God and that everyone has sufficient grace to attain salvation in a world where half the fertilized eggs abort before the woman knows she's pregnant and some infants die baptized and others don't.

>> No.20775619
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I think there are various opinions on the subject, but I am not sure about a definite teaching on the matter from the Orthodox perspective.

St. Gregory the Theologian teaches that infants who die before baptism “will be neither glorified nor punished by the righteous Judge, as unsealed and yet not wicked, but persons who have suffered rather than done wrong.” (Oration 40, XXIII) It sounds like the Roman Catholic doctrine of Limbo, but I think it is more apophatic, in other words, it does not say where infants will be, but rather where they won’t be. They won’t be suffering like the wicked, but they won’t be on the same level as the saints who have struggled to receive their crowns, either.
I think St. Gregory of Nyssa comes to a similar conclusion in his On Infants’ Early Deaths.

On the other hand, the Holy Innocents, who died in Christ’s stead, were not baptized but yet were glorified. I wonder, though, if this is an exception since they died a martyric death and thus were sealed by a baptism of blood.
I think there are more Orthodox people today who are willing to say unconditionally that unbaptized infants go to heaven.

Ultimately we hope in the mercy of God, with the knowledge that in the Father’s house there are many mansions (John 14:2) and that God desires all to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4).


>> No.20775990


>> No.20776400
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the nation of izrael was always monotheistic
christian theollogy was always greco roman
obedience to rome was always absolutely necessary
europe was always christian

>> No.20776530

I heard an orthodox monk saying everyone dies when their chances to be saved are the highest, in response to why cancer deaths happen.

>> No.20776914

There are many things built into Creation as examples to us for how fragile our lives in this world are. All is vanity, vanity of vanities.

>> No.20777384

To find God you should become humble, pray, go to the Orthodox Church, and study the Holy Tradition. All these are much more important than simply reading the Bible which is just one facet of the Holy Tradition.

>> No.20777414

>our made up fabricated heretical bullshit is more important than God's breathed Scripture
>t. crypto Ishtar worshiper

>> No.20777443

Your own hatred refutes you

>> No.20777477


>> No.20777488

please be honest, have any of you actually read the bible from beginning to end? have you read chronicles or kings or samuel? have you read ezra-nehemiah? did you even know there was a book called ezra in the bible?

>> No.20777579

You need to be over 18 to post here

>> No.20778002


>> No.20778050


>> No.20778073

Not the whole thing, no. It’s a big book and I have a small mind. No, literally. My name means narrow-minded.

>> No.20778097

What did he even ask that wrong in your eyes you effeminate sounding bugman?

>> No.20778231

>please be honest, have any of you actually read the bible from beginning to end
I’ve read most of the Bible. All of the New Testament, all of the Pentateuch, Judges through Chronicles, all of the Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, the twelve minor prophets, Daniel, Isaiah and Jeremiah. I have also read many of the deuterocanonical works. The only books I haven’t read are Ezekiel, Esther and Ezra and Nehemiah. I know their basic content.
>have you read chronicles or kings or samuel?
Yes, yes and yes.
>have you read ezra-nehemiah?
>did you even know there was a book called ezra in the bible?

>> No.20778308

The only things I hate are Babylon, Satanic lies, and paganism. God's word refutes your counterfeit churches. Mary cannot save, only God.

>> No.20778542

Reminder that salvation is simple: hear the gospel, believe the gospel, call out to God for salvation.

John 3:16 (KJV)
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Romans 10:9-11 (KJV)
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

Acts 16:30-31 (KJV)
30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

John 11:25-26 (KJV)
25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?

Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV)
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

Romans 11:6 (KJV)
6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

John 10:28-30 (KJV)
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.
30 I and my Father are one.

John 1:12 (KJV)
12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

No works of your doing, no repenting of all your sins, no baptism, no sacraments, no church membership. Only faith in Christ Jesus' finished work and calling upon the name of the Lord to receive the FREE GIFT of eternal life. Below are links to godly men giving the clear gospel:


Don't put it off, don't wait. Today is the day of salvation, for tomorrow may not come. You aren't promised your next breath.

2 Corinthians 6:2 (KJV)
2 (For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)

>> No.20778597


>> No.20778663


>> No.20778667

've been listening to the audio version by alexander scourby

>> No.20778725

>a "bible" rather than the Holy Bible
kino, I slow his down a bit.

>> No.20779149

Just because you just found out about the Bible doesn't mean you should assume people are just as ignorant as you

>> No.20779178

Enjoy eternal hell

>> No.20779192

>Mary cannot save
The Church doesn't believe that she can, so you are lying. You hate the truth, you slander God's Church, and your soul is dark.

>> No.20779195 [DELETED] 

I want to kill myself.

>> No.20779210

It's Satan that makes us kill ourselves, not free will. Godspeed anon.

>> No.20779463

>Near the cross of Jesus stood His mother and her sister, as well as Mary the wife of Clopas and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw His mother and the disciple whom He loved standing nearby, He said to His mother, “Woman, here is your son.” Then He said to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” So from that hour, this disciple took her into his home.
Why are you not treating Mary as your mother as Jesus commanded? You call her Ishtar, which is blasphemous. You attack those who rightly venerate her, which is heretical. I hope you come back to your senses and repent for these.

>> No.20779671

There's a difference between reading and READING the Bible. I've read the entire thing superficially as a form of completionism and to confirm my own presuppositions at the time. Now, I'm reading it in an entirely different way, on its own terms, and it's taking me a lot longer, but it's a lot more enjoyable

>> No.20779850
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Your blasphemous posts are ridiculous. Mary doesn’t save, she’s a saint who we honor on account of her closeness with God, given the fact that out of all women in human history she was blessed by God to give birth to the Word made flesh. All generations will call her blessed, as she said herself. Judge the tree by its fruits. The prayers of the righteous are powerful, and while Mary can do nothing without the grace of God, we ask for her prayers, because the Body of Christ is not destroyed by death.

Even the Protestant reformers were less vulgar than you.

>> No.20779858

Because the outcome for any one incarnation is not decisive. People can choose an incarnation to accomplish one specific task. Some go through a very short trial life ending in them dying at very young ages because that accomplishes their life task for that incarnation

>> No.20779866

Back to /x/, hippie

>> No.20779869

Cope and seethe

>> No.20779876


>> No.20780398
File: 67 KB, 687x446, Microfilm Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the smallest, commercially-available pocket Bible (with Apocrypha) we can buy?
The Gideon's has a good size but lack the Old Testament besides the Psalms and Proverbs, and Collins has a 'Gift' KJV but without the Apocrypha that fits the pockets of a dress coat or big cargo pants.
Microfilm perhaps?

>> No.20780748
File: 1.57 MB, 1589x2222, Michael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Most holy Theotokos ("Mary"), save us!"
Spoken by the "priests" at the end of each Vespers.

Enjoy these selections of Satanic Babylonian crypto Ishtar worship from the "Orthodox" prayers to a being other than God.

"To the Theotokos, let us run now most fervently,
As sinners and lowly ones,
Let us fall down in repentance,
Crying from the depths of our soul:
Lady, come and help us,
Have compassion upon us;
Hasten now for we are lost
In the host of our errors;
Do not turn your servants away,

O Lady, we shall not depart from you;

I ask you, O Virgin,
With both my soul and reasoning

That you are without fail
Only All-blameless One


A fervent prayer, and wall most unshakable
A merciful spring
Fervently, we cry to you
Theotokos, our Lady,
Come to us
And from all dangers now deliver us

Please reject not
Instead, come to us, for you are good (ANON'S NOTATION: MARK TEN EIGHTEEN, NONE ARE GOOD BUT GOD ALONE);
Your loving help bring to us,


With your strong hand, your protect;
We who sin have no one else,
Who intercedes for us
BEFORE GOD (ANON'S NOTATION: HEBREWS SEVEN TWENTY FIVE "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." + HEBREWS NINE TWENTY FOUR "Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us"


>> No.20780814

They just die, dude. They eat shit and die.

>> No.20780889

Yes. Did it last year completely from start to finish.

>> No.20780985

You realize you're going to hell, right?

>> No.20780995

You are an idolator, depicting angels. If you had read God’s King James Bible, you would know that images are a form of idolatry. You are just as bad as the papists, pagan

>> No.20781062

Again you continue to blaspheme against God and His Mother, who is also your own Mother (John 19:27). All of those who are with Christ are of one spirit with Christ—“But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.” (1 Corinthians 6:17). They are not dead, and we are not separated from the members of the Body of Christ who have fallen asleep in the Lord. Just as we can ask for the prayers of those alive in this life, so we are not separated from the departed. The prayers of the righteous avail much (James 5:16), and thus we ask Mary for her prayers on our behalf. Making intercessions has been a practice since Apostolic times, as can be seen in 1 Timothy 2:1.

Orthodox Christians not serve Mary, which would be idolatrous, we honor her, as the servants of a great king are honored on behalf of their association with a king. Research theosis, you will see that Mary has been deified by God’s grace, as have all the saints.

John 10:34
> Jesus replied, “Is it not written in your Law: ‘I have said you are gods’?

1 Corinthians 6:17
> But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.

Luke 1:48
> for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed;

John 17:20-32
> I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

Luke 6:40
> A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.

2 Peter 1:4
> he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature

Takeaway— Mary has become one spirit with God, perfectly one, partaking of the divine nature, a god by the grace of God, whom all generations will call blessed. So it is with all the saints, but she is the firstfruits of the saints.

If God sent bears to maul and kill those who mocked his prophet Elisha, I can only imagine what awaits you if you continue to mock and slander the Mother of God. Lord have mercy on your soul.

>> No.20781066


>> No.20781268

Not asking a being who isn't God to save me is not blaspheming God nor Mary. You can buy into twisted Scripture all you want, but Joshua 24:15. If Jesus would have wanted us to pray to anyone but God then He would have taught us so rather than specifying the Father (of which we are to call no one else by the title). If the early church would have been so focused towards Mary then she would have been more than a slight mention in Acts.

>> No.20781494

No one thinks Mary can save, it's about intercession. Where do you think lying will get you?

>> No.20781525

I say fuck Mary and kill Jesus, let Barabbas walk. Better yet pack Jesus with salt and wrap him in cloth.
If you join with him and have the same spirit and become one then you become a part of GOD, just as Jesus said is written in the Torah in John 10:34
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, Amen

>> No.20781577

>No one thinks Mary can save
>we just pray begging her to save us and proclaim FOR YOU ALONE ARE A HOPE TO US to her
Weird how one of the absolute primary roles of Christ is to be our ONLY intercessor, yet you need another one who was just a mere human like us. I'm merely directly quoting "Orthodox" prayer, so if anyone is lying, it's them. Obviously at some point Satan whispered lies to them to divert attention and prayer away from God, and they took the b8. No matter how many hundreds of years pass of carrying on the lies, they will never become Truth. Enjoy making an idol of your institution.

>> No.20781624

So you admit it's intercession and they don't think it's Mary who saves them. You really need to stop lying and being so hateful.

>> No.20781670

I pray to the LORD God Almighty to deliver (You) of either being a troll or a retard, whichever the case actually be (perhaps both).

>> No.20781698
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Any books that help dealing with lust? I try to be pure but after few days I keep finding myself watching fetish porn

>> No.20781713

Your prayers reach Satan and only Satan.

>> No.20781727

Nothing funnier than watching a godless incel blaspheme the Holy Mother. Theres a reason the whore that bore you gave you up for adoption.

>> No.20781827
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I read some of it. Now reading some saints.

>> No.20781914

Wouldn't you have to be equally godless to find his affliction funny?

>> No.20781921
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Yep, it's both.

>> No.20781932
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>> No.20781944

Neither of you are Christian, nor do you have any interest in Christianity.

>> No.20781978


You stink of jewish blasphemy. Never make claims on a mans faith unless youre ready for violence.

>> No.20782158

No chance of violence from me unless I (which includes loved ones) am being threatened with actual harm, otherwise, Jude 19.

>> No.20782485

Ignatius Brianchaninov - A Monastic's Lament For A Brother Who Has Fallen Into Temptation

>> No.20782923

The Bible

>> No.20783525

Watch said video on one side of the screen and watch something that really disgusts you (like spiders or gore or something) on the other. Maybe that'll disassociate the gratification.

>> No.20784468
File: 1.90 MB, 3078x3024, EE0CCCB3-FD27-4189-A554-8BEBBE6E6868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m going to eat the bread.

>> No.20784473
File: 2.42 MB, 3420x3024, C5E7D99B-3079-4A0D-B068-98C2E8441965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wrapper is off.

>> No.20784496
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It taste like fish biscuits.
Catholic ones ate better.

>> No.20784499


>> No.20784518
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>atheist humor

>> No.20784543

Is this about the bread?
No, I am Christian. I just saw it on sale and decided to give it ago thinking it would distract myself from the unique novelty of contemporary Eucharistic wafers materially speaking and focus more directly on the spiritual component after ingesting a large quantity thereof, and it hasn't been consecrated, so there is no sacrilege.
Using unleavened bread (as in a wrap) would be 'natural', but I do understand the logistics of producing for the communion of billions every week.

>> No.20784581

Oh I see

>> No.20784978

Who's your favourite pre Nicene father?

>> No.20785229

Irenaeus is my favorite because he documented so many different heresies and wrote so much.

>> No.20785313

Clement is honestly the coziest. Origen and Tertullian seem to have been the best thinkers from them but Clement is my favorite. He wrote in 150AD that "Zeus is dead." Which is where Nietzsche got it from.

>> No.20786258

>Nietzsche got his most famous ideas from Christianity
Classic atheist

>> No.20786922

and only the Christian was right

>> No.20786947

>I do understand the logistics of producing for the communion of billions every week
There are no such logistics required. Each church should be making their own. Do you think the Acts churches were buying mass produced factory widgets? It boggles my mind that there are churches who buy boxed wafers of barely breadish substances. If a church can't make their own communion bread then how can anyone take them seriously as authentic believers? Mixing some flour and water and browning it is too much time and effort for remembering Christ's sacrifice for us?

>> No.20787121

>when you learn about the targum texts and their theology of the divine Memra (Word)
Bros… this changes everything. I knew that that Philo wrote about the Logos and that there are references to a word and wisdom in the OT, but this goes out of the way to make it even more explicit.

>> No.20787166

>dad gets tiktok on his phone
>starts watching videos of le epic christian takedowns by atheist
>whenever the conversation comes to religion or god he now always makes smug remarks about le skydaddy

>> No.20787204

That's what happens when you breed with non-adamites, you might as well be complaining: "chimps aren't getting into heaven, that's an overlooked flaw and therefore there is not God"

>> No.20787216

My mum is like this, F

>> No.20787230

t. Talmudic heeb
Stop pretending to be a Christian

>> No.20787238

What an awful dad. Parents are supposed to raise their children in faith, it's their responsibility.

>> No.20787243

Quit the fetish first. Ask yourself why you have it and change those beliefs.

>> No.20787311

>What an awful dad
No, it's understandable. Unbelief is understandable in these times. Everyone is bombarded with very seemingly strong scientific "knowledge"/propaganda, and molded into thinking that Christian ideals are at best "backwards", and often framed as outright harmful/bad. His dad probably thinks he is doing his best to help steer his son into "proper thinking". It's sad stuff, so many people losing faith as society "progresses", but I'll leave the condemnations to the LORD God Almighty and do my best to advocate for His mercy on others, as I myself most certainly need as well. Never forget that Satan is the accusing prosecutor, so never do his lawyering work for him. Let's instead pray for those fooled by Babylon and lost.

>> No.20787326

I stopped posting on /pol/ because although I'm sympathetic to their goals, they clearly fail at loving their enemies. Then, whenever I want to post, I consider whether it would create more love, and I think it would not because it just creates activity for a toxic place. I do think many people on /pol/ are good people, but that's not the way. If you lose your soul as you attempt to save the world, you lost everything. Everything should start with Christ's words first.

>> No.20787334

I disagree, parents have a resposibility to their children. He's doing awfully at parenting. I'm not judging him by saying he's a bad person. He's just an awful parent.

>> No.20787353

>parents have a resposibility to their children
Absolutely, and his dad likely thinks he is doing the best he can for his son by "keeping him from believing superstitious nonsense". It's very understandable, Babylon is at all time peak power (though not yet the ultimate peak to come).

>> No.20787376

Well, still a bad parent. No reason to hide this fact. People should call out bad parenting. Christians should call out Satan, not pretend that everything is fine because "people are trying their best." They should try harder. We should all try harder, much harder. Taking advice from TikTok is less than trying at all. This is just lazy, terrible parenting. No excuses.

>> No.20787406
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Can't wait to go to the synagogue next Saturday. May the Lord be with you christfrens.

What's your favorite book from the Hebrew Bible?

>> No.20787408

>call out bad parenting
Yeah, that's sometimes not quite so easy to positively identify and there's a vast difference between being mistaken in one's "world view" and actual bad parenting. I've raised a now adult son so actually do have some direct experience on the matter. The most well meaning, effort investing parents in the world each and all make mistakes, even serious ones. You may not really understand just how warped things are in this fallen world. One of the shittiest things you can also do is take away from a son's respect for his father who is perhaps doing his very best to guide his son, even if he's chosen a mistaken world view within that endeavor.

>> No.20787448

You cannot convince me that guiding your parenting from TikTok videos is doing your best as a parent. You may as well tell me that encouraging your son to be homosexual, watch porn, and waste his life doing nothing is doing your best because of your "worldview". It requires an ungodly amount of arrogance to ignore all the advice, all knowledge for millennia, and decide you know better.

And the son should respect his parent regardless, but that doesn't mean he has to pretend he's a good father. That just warps his view of parenthood which is what you're encouraging now by justifying bad parenthood probably because of your own experience. You should own up to your mistakes, not excuse others.

>> No.20787467

There are probably many good notions spread on TikTok and other "social media", the media source in and of itself is a weak point of critique. He probably thinks he's seeking out things that reinforce his value of "logic", "critical thinking", and "facts". Those are not at all bad ideals in and of themselves, and it's *very* easy to get steered into directions that are counter to faith in God while pursuing them. You will someday face how badly you fail at your very own strongly voiced ideals. It always happens that way. The stronger you judge others, the more you set snares for yourself. Me, I'll just pray for that Anon and his father, and ask God for mercy on them, same as I myself require.

>> No.20787509

I'll just point out one more crucial thing...you're taking *one* point against this person and labeling them "awful parent", having zero clue anything else about them, what they are like on the whole. Talk about arrogance and thinking you "know better".

>> No.20787520

You can do that without defending bad parenthood. You defend it for your own sake because you feel guilty and you feel like justifying it justifies yourself. And now you switched to attacking me and pretending you know my life and regrets because God forbid I called out a clear example of bad parenting.

>> No.20787558

Trying to drive your children away from God when your role as a parent is to do the opposite is awful yes.

>> No.20787569
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>Ignatius Brianchaninov

Thanks for recommendation. Picrel seems interesting.

>> No.20787579

>You defend it for your own sake because you feel guilty
It would seem that you have not read the Bible. On this matter, however, I can say that I taught my son's Sunday School class in church, and have bought him several Bibles throughout life (gave him a new one just last year in fact). There's also a vast difference between calling out a specific example of sadness within this fallen world, and scorching someone's earth as being "an awful dad".

>> No.20787611
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I'm thinking of converting to Catholicism but I love rural living and my country only has Catholic churches in bigger cities. I guess I have to become city dweller :/

>> No.20787612

That's some nice parenting happy for you. Maybe I was too quick to call him an awful dad instead of just calling it an example of awful parenting.

>> No.20787667
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How am I supposed to know wether Catholic or Orthodox Church is "The One True Church"? Any good books that compare them?

>> No.20787670

>Maybe I was too quick to call him an awful dad instead of just calling it an example of awful parenting
At least this, yes, and it matters because that Anon should not lose sight of whatever good qualities his father has, and should also himself try to be understanding of his father's position who may well truly believe he is trying to help his son to value "logic/reason/facts" to his own best understanding of those things. Babylon is very tricky. The serpent was most subtle. Our fight is against those things, and not our own lost and wandering.

>> No.20787676

The Bible. Compare them to the Bible.

>> No.20787686

Suggestions to move to a city could only be the whispers of Satan.

>> No.20787707

I have to say I'm still not a fan of your trying to excuse these things. Temptations exist all the time. I know it because I was tempted too. I know I was wrong and I know I make big mistakes daily. You're absolving the parent of too much responsibility. I know a parent who physically abused her daughter regularly because she thought it was good parenting. You can't excuse wrong worldviews as if it's no big deal. It's a sin, it should be condemned even if it should be condemned with care.

>> No.20787742

>You're absolving the parent of too much responsibility.
No I'm not, I'm saying that you are wrong for labeling them an "awful dad" over one fault that we know of. Your statement there is yet another example of taking a single section of cloth and blowing it into a blanket. There's also a difference between being understanding of and "excusing" a wrong world view.

>> No.20787758

Worse then: you don't even acknowledge or realize what you're doing.

>> No.20787769

Any anons have good sources to recommend with The Bible (preferably NKJV) with a collection of church father commentaries for each verse??

>> No.20787777

OK kid, maybe we can converse again sometime after your prefrontal cortex is fully developed (typicaly by age 25 to 30). Until then you are literally physically incapable of proper thought.

>> No.20787787

Not surprised by this response from what you said you far. You're very lost.

>> No.20787808

I have quads of holy 7s backing me, you have nothing but arrogant blanket judgements against splinters despite your own logs. I advise you to learn some real humility ahead of time the easy way rather than deal with the blow back from the snares you are setting for yourself.

>> No.20787838

You have delusions of grandeur backing you and Satan whispering in your ear. You defended someone teaching their child to stay away from God (see Mark 10:35 to understand the Christian view and not your distorted view of parenthood), you denied any responsibility and guilt for your continually enabling evil, and then you showed your true face in the previous post. You have everything backwards, you're still deep into darkness, and your advice is worth little because it's not coming from a good heart.

>> No.20787962

>Mark 10:35

>> No.20787980

>You defended someone teaching their child to stay away from God
No, literal physical smoothbrain, I said that it is not right to label them "an awful dad" on the whole based on this one bit of information that we have, and I advocate for being more understanding of how easy it is for people in these times to come into such world views.

>> No.20788004

Evil hates when light is being shone onto it. It dresses up as tolerance and good will while showing its hatefulness in the very same breath. There's nothing good in your posts.

>> No.20788036
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>> No.20788309


>> No.20788318

Never read it. I read the old testament.

>> No.20788319

That's quite a dilemma. Perhaps you could talk to a priest. Put yourself in the hands of Divine Providence. You will be able to work it out.

>> No.20788345

The Catholic claim rests on the papacy. That is the key dividing line with respect to choosing between Rome and Orthodoxy.

There's a recent book, Pope Peter, that appears to be very good, written by a very smart young guy named Joe Heschmeyer. There are a bunch of books on the papacy. But I think this would be a good one for you to get the lay of the land on this subject.

>> No.20789255
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Can anyone give me a rundown on the state of the Saints?
Basic Church teaching tells us we are not "a ghost in the machine" (i.e. a soul controlling body), and neither purely animalistic, but a "person" is both soul and body.
From what I've learnt, there are two main positions on what happens after death:
(1) Corruptionist view: "persons corrupt along with their bodies—that is, they cease to exist at death and only begin to exist again when their souls are reunited with their bodies at the resurrection.",
(2) Survivalist view: "persons survive death along with their souls—that is, they continue to exist immediately after death, when their souls are separated from their bodies."
(I guess in both these quotes persons=soul?)
This leads me to believe that Catholics should (maybe we do) oppose the Corruptionist view as it is not compatible with the doctrine of intercession - how would a prayer be lifted up to God through a dead person/soul?
I also can't quite seem to piece together how either of these two views can coincide with Revelation - are we not taught that the Saints are IN paradise? and if so does that mean it is just their soul or have they been recoupled with another, more divine body?
How does this all fit together with the Second Coming and the resurrection of all?
How does this fit with some people (Elijah, possibly Enoch) being taken to Heaven alive?

>> No.20789744

As a kid, my parents rewarded me $100 every year I finished the Bible.

I bought my first mirrorless camera for $300.

>> No.20789818

today read Job for the first time, it was so amazing when got talked to job, the mention of behemoth was great, but leviathan was so neo-platonic, is there more references to that creatures i nthe traditional catholic bible?

>> No.20789887

I have to admit, Christianity having to state "Well, we can probably HOPE that our God doesn't torture unbaptized infants with excruciating agony for all eternity" makes the entire religion sound extremely suspect

Should this even be a question? Would anyone of remotely sound mind actually worship an entity that was willing to send even a single baby to Hell?

>> No.20789901
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You're seething at a strawman.
Christ went down into Hades to save the souls of all the righteous that came before Him i.e. people who - outside of their control - could not have known Him.

>> No.20789974

I think the issue may stem from the fact that heaven and everything else immaterial are also atemporal so there's no before and after, nor is it a realm familiar to us.

>> No.20789987

A person is spirit, soul, and body.

>> No.20789992

>spirit, soul
Yet no one can point to a consistent, well supported difference between the two. People just make up their own theories because they're the same. What you mean more likely is spirit, mind, and body.

>> No.20790003
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>yfw you realize that the signs prophesied about Jesus' followers at the end of Mark are subtly fulfilled in the episode of Paul's shipwreck at the end of Acts
Paul "picks up a serpent" (it bites him) and is poisoned, but is not harmed, and then he heals people.

>> No.20790022
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>In Andrei Rublev’s icon, the persons of the Holy Trinity are shown in the order in which they are confessed in the Credo. The first angel is the first person of the Trinity - God the Father; the second, middle angel is God the Son; the third angel is God the Holy Spirit. All three angels are blessing the chalice, in which lies a sacrificed calf, prepared for eating. The sacrifice of the calf signifies the Saviour’s death on the cross, while its preparation as food symbolizes the sacrament of the Eucharist. All three angels have staffs in their hand as a symbol of their divine power.

>> No.20790028

Monotheism everyone...

>> No.20790036


>> No.20790045

There are priest shortages in every Western country, and this secular culture wouldn't think to volunteer.

>> No.20790051

Atheists volunteer too but not to churches.

>> No.20790065

There is no such things as a-theists, only anti-theists

>> No.20790117

That's not true, I was an atheist sympathetic to Christians.

>> No.20790157

Anti-theist as in anti-God.

>> No.20790250

I need a small, cheap bible for my shirt pocket.
I work outdoors and need something I can read but also a bible that is cheap enough to be easily and frequently replaced due to damage from rain etc.

>> No.20790439

I have this one https://www.abebooks.co.uk/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=31140138877

>> No.20790516

be more misogynistic and less gay

>> No.20790613

Copied the ISBN and found it here.
3.15 " x 5.72 " is a tiny bit longer on the X axis than Gideon Size, yet height is exactly the same thereof on the Y axis. It doesn't mention its Z axis depth or if it has the Apocrypha, which is a real let-down.

>> No.20790646
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This flag looks like the Body and Blood of Christ.
Can't you see it? The red is the Wine, the circle is the Eucharist, and the 'Kreuz looks like the orthogonal view of a crucified body with arms slumped and a shoulder seen from the right-side, along with a bowed head and bent knees.

>> No.20790728

All of this theology and people are still consciously disgusting to eachother

>> No.20790732

No. Weird smear tactics and try again.

>> No.20790736
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And then the silly Christians raged at the epic post. SCORE.
Heh, saw it coming from a mile away (raises martini glass)

>> No.20790767
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Huh? No. I just came back from Adoration tonight.

>> No.20790816

>the people of the church can't make bread, it has to be a "priest"

>> No.20790884

Do you not know what a volunteer is?

>> No.20790977

I know what a false church is.

>> No.20791508
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Finishing work early to read the Bible.

>> No.20792166

Today I had an evil thought and entertained it in my mind for too long and too actively, welcoming it into my heart. I felt the Holy Spirit leaving me and saw darkness and death. May God forgive me and help me fight all my passions because I'm weak and sinful.

>> No.20792204

if you can read this you're not a christian

>> No.20792209

no. you're shitposting on a morally degenerate website

>> No.20792220

May God illumninate your heart one day, anon.

>> No.20792614

How are you celebrating the Feast of the Transfiguration tomorrow?

>> No.20792731

If you act in a Christian way towards people with love and compassion they really appreciate it and show gratitude and admiration. But sometimes when they find out you're Christian even by mistake they suddenly start thinking you're judging them or that you believe yourself superior to them despite these being contrary to Christian teaching and your behavior is not changing.

Anyone experienced this? Why is this happening?

>> No.20792889

Sorry, I'm not a crypto Jew Babylonian pagan. I celebrate all things Christ every day and with every meal.

>> No.20792905


>> No.20792911

Yeah you're a crypto atheist instead

>> No.20793318

No, the “spirit”/“soul” — whatever terminology you want to give it, in Scriptural terminology the “spirit” as the divinely gifted, highest internal portion of a human being, and the “soul” as the lower animalistic vital principle, the seat of emotions, sensations, impulses and the like — distinction (while something I actually at first struggled to grasp) makes sense.

In Hebrew it could be conceptualized as Nephesh (sentience, soul, ensoulment or the enlivening principle) vs Ruach (spirit), the latter also used in the Old Testament in phrases like Ruach Ha-kodesh (the Holy Spirit) or Ruach Elohim (the Spirit of God) which Christian theologians later conflated as the person/entity of the Holy Spirit of the Trinity; and which — the nephesh/ruach distinction — also corresponds neatly to the ancient Greek philosophical and linguistic division between the psyche and the pneuma. An animal could be considered as a living “nephesh”, as having a “soul,” being ensouled or enlivened as opposed to a mere insentient piece of machinery, a clod of dirt, a stone, or the like; it has emotions, sensations, it perhaps even dreams, experiences affection and aggression, it has a psyche. But it is dubitable — until we get to the much higher life-forms — that it has the deeper intellectual spirit which distinguishes man from the animals, has the pneuma, the ruach, or what-you-will.

An animal could be conceived of as having a body and a soul but perhaps not a spirit, the higher intellectual spirit which can receive divine revelation, self-consciously think and philosophize, ponder on the meaning of life and create abstract theological and ethical frameworks, turn to God, receive blessings, wisdom, and insight and the like (offensive as this may sound to Peter Singer and the like). The human, properly, and in addition to this, could be conceived of as a composite triad of body, soul, and spirit, by both the Christian and certain Ancient Greek philosophical conceptions.

In much simpler terms, soul = emotions and sentience, what enlivens the body as opposed to it being just an insentient machine, and spirit = higher intellectual and — well — the “spiritual” aspect of the human being.

I’m not a strict Christian theologian or follower myself but rather someone interested in the study of comparative religion, so I may not be the best source if you want to follow up with me on what I think about all this or further arguments BTW.

>> No.20793368

If you want an interesting (and no doubt perhaps heretical because of how broadly comparative and inclusive it is) little twist of a mindfuck in this analysis, you can realize it exactly matches up with the Hindu conception of the Sarira Triya (“three bodies”), which are the sthula sarira, the sukshma sarira, and the karana sarira, or the gross body, subtle body, and causal body. The Buddhists then appropriated this into a Buddhist framework and Pali terminology of the trikaya or also “three bodies” teaching, being the nirmanakaya, sambhogakaya, and dharmakaya. The nirmanakaya is literally the “body of transformations” or “body of creation” (nirmana = transformation/creation), or the physical body, apparently because it is something always transforming, shifting, growing and differentiating, dependent on the sustenance of physical matter for its upkeep. Hence, it is the earthly, physical body of a Buddha, the Buddha’s manifestation in time, space, and matter. The sambhogakaya, etymologically, is rather interesting when taken apart — it is usually translated as “enjoyment body.” Sam = complete, bhoga = pleasure, enjoyment, usually as of the senses, therefore it could also be rendered “the body of complete joy or pleasure.” Dharmakaya, finally, also has an interesting etymology, with “dharma” being able to stand in for such widely ranging concepts as “truth,” the cosmic law and order which pervades the universe, or the expounding of the supreme religious and spiritual truth by sages (as in, “the expounding of the dharma”). In Chan and Zen Buddhism, as well, there is the concept of the dharma transmission comprising the dharma lineage, which is the process of the highest, most fundamental truth of the teaching of the Buddha passed down from master to disciple as a deeply internalized, authentically highest realization of the teachings. So it is sometimes rather inadequately translated as the “truth-body.” Transformation-body, enjoyment-body, and truth-body, to recapitulate, or nirmanakaya, sambhogakaya, and dharmakaya.

So there’s the soma (body), psyche, and pneuma of the ancient Greeks, the body, soul (nephesh), and spirit (ruach) of the Jews and Christians, then the three bodies (trisarira or trikaya) of the Hindus and Buddhists, which makes a very interesting comparative religious analysis indeed. And furthermore, these traditions — it doesn’t have to be mangled, it’s rather organic — seem to have had a similar division of them all, with the “lowest” physical, gross body, the highest intellectual spirit, and the linking subtle/emotional/animating principle to connect the two and comprise the complete human being.

>> No.20794460

Daily reminder that God wrote the King James Bible before the foundation of the world, and everything that led up to it was a stepping stone towards its fruition, and everything that has come after it is fake and gay.

>> No.20794709
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>> No.20794713
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unironically based

>> No.20794722

because you worship her as a pagan goddess and literally call her the queen of heaven whish is the name for a pagan goddess in the Bible
Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

>> No.20794726
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>> No.20794734


cope heretic

>> No.20794741

Can anyone here explain Jesus’ sermon on the mount? I understand the value of humility and pacifism, but Jesus takes it so far it repulses me. How am I supposed to sit back and allow myself to be slapped and stolen from? How is it good to be weak?

>> No.20794747


>> No.20794753
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>> No.20794756
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Both would fall flat on their faces then

>> No.20794761

babies that die go to heaven. David's baby died and did, and Job says he wished he died in the womb and described heaven

>> No.20794769

>to be slapped
Slap doesn't hurt you physically, only damages your pride.
>stolen from
It's if someone sues you at the law and wins, meaning you were in the wrong

>> No.20794799


>> No.20794843

What country ? Here in the deep American south this can be a problem, but I can still find towns with a catholic church.

>> No.20794861

The byzantine schismatics hold a historically absurd position on things like tradition, development of doctrine, authority in the Church, ect. It is really a question between Oriental Orthodox (Coptic, Ethiopian, Armenian, ect) and Catholic. The eastern orthodox are a hypocritical half-step sect that followed the Catholic position until history got in the way and they began to develop something that is much more like the Oriental position. Looking at it like this reveals the true differences that might seem more subtle when looking at only these Byzantines. Also, the EO (eastern orthodox) objections to OO (oriental orthdox) practice and doctrine are absurd put in their historical context. So, fundamentally we have to ask ourselves about the nature of tradition, Schism, development of doctrine, and Church authority. Hope this clears some things up.

Also, make sure to make a distinction between the essentials of Catholicism and what is particular to the Roman Rite, as the Western tradition very much dominates discussions around Catholicism.

>> No.20794960

I really, really like judges

>> No.20794962

It’s happening because people are evil
I know the real reasons are more complex, but it all comes down to this simplicity

>> No.20794971

>Christian theologians later conflated as the person/entity of the Holy Spirit of the Trinity;
So you're preaching a heresy then

>> No.20794974

Well it’s quite easy actually, you are spiritually strong enough to not give a shit about the physical reality.

>> No.20794979

>Jesus was talking about physical reality not your soul
These threads are worse than nothing. Jannies shuold continue deleting them.

>> No.20794994

Hey instead of whining around, why don’t you explain your view? Doesn’t Jesus talk about getting slapped and giving material things? What’s there to talk about the soul? If someone wants to know more about the soul and experience it, then the first step is to follow the laws for the body.

>> No.20795003

>Hey instead of whining around, why don’t you explain your view?
Waste of time, 90% replies ITT are fundamentally wrong. Anyone interested in Christianity is better off staying away from these threads completely and follow a traditional route through sermons, sacraments, reading the church fathers, reading the biblle, etc.

>> No.20795012

I agree, but there’s no need to leave your shit stain of hate on here when people genuinely try to talk the topics of the thread out. Go away if it hurts you so much. If you aren’t a kid, participating on here won’t hurt you

>> No.20795015

Yes, there is a need to let others know so they don't get deceived by your ignorance.

>> No.20795024

I pray for you