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20774883 No.20774883 [Reply] [Original]

We are saved individually but damned in aggregate ... become like St. Nilus who could look at a naked woman with joy while the rest of the clergy averted their faces ... St. Nilus who gazes into the jouissantic vortex of the world with delight and without adhesion ... Who does not need to remind himself of its bowels because the body to him is already a superposition of grace and intestines ... the monk who imagines the object of his desire rotting in a grave wages a war on latency of his own ... the monk skins phenomena while the capitalist circumcizes them ...

>> No.20774903

Didn’t we just have this thread?

>> No.20774907

Alexa, activate the chip in poster number 20774883's brain. Set to destruct in 1 week.

>> No.20775354

It should be: become like St. Nilus who could look at a naked woman with joy while the rest of the clergy averted their eyes*

My bad.

>> No.20775787

Clement writes that what proceeds from the syzygies are new pleromas, while what proceeds from one alone (like Sophia) results only in images ... What proceeds from the proper conjugation of subject and world (rehabilitating the Gollum-function, as it were: the capacity for immanent damnation) is another world, born inside the pineal chamber after a true death ...

>> No.20775940

when the two male-friends hobbits call Gollum by his previous name, they perform an assault on a troubled fellow to drag him back ('you have to go back', 'you shall not pass', etc. noetic-cock block momentum). they serve the capitalist who should be understood as 'cap it'-alist: capping every true step not bound by economy of the hide-eggerTM. but now let's reverse it — 'NO CAP IT'-alist would open every possibility to render it salvific, a master memer who performs a reverse 'it's over' on a grand scale thus not alienating the intrinsic value as the cap-it-alist does but intrinsing-valuemaxxing until it sings in runes songs of the Ainur (formerly Gollum-Golem)

>> No.20775947

meds now

>> No.20775959

Good job anon. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.20776980

Become all eye (the monk), or simply become proportional (Nietzsche's Zarathustra) ... become the pineal gaze, or become a conglomerate of organs, none bigger than the others ... partial renunciation only inflames the demons left behind ...