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20774667 No.20774667 [Reply] [Original]

What is Esoteric Shakespeareanism and how do I get into it? Are there any books on this?

>> No.20774701

I'm not gonna post them because you are probably unworthy. Do you really want to read thousand page books on the influence of Ficino and Renaissance Hermeticism on the works of Shakespeare?

>> No.20774739

I'm quite familiar with Renaissance Hermeticism through the works of Culianu. I want to get more into Shakespeare and the esoteric side sounds more interesting that anything modern academia has to offer.

>> No.20774866

Martin Lings Shakespeare in the light of sacred art
Thomas o jones the influence of marsilio ficino on Elizabethan literature Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare
M. Walls the Renaissance hermetic tradition in Shakespeare's plays

>> No.20775194
File: 22 KB, 336x499, Wagner's Beethoven (1870).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Wagner's essays. Specifically Beethoven, The Destiny of Opera, and Actors and Singers.

>Schopenhauer’s hypothetical explanation that seeing spirits is [sleeping] clairvoyance occurring when the brain is awake – namely we see ghosts when the waking vision is disempowered; the inner compulsion to communicate with consciousness very close to wakening uses the now veiled appearance of this vision in order clearly to show it the form which has appeared in the innermost truth dream. This form, projected before our eyes from within, in no way belongs to the real world of appearance; and yet it stands alive before one who sees spirits with all the signs of a real being. Thus Shakespeare’s works are examples of this projection to the waking eyes of the images seen only by the inner will, a projection which the inner will succeeds in making only in rare and exceptional cases. We may explain Shakespeare as a visionary who knows how to depict to himself and to us the forms of men of all ages in such a way that they actually appear to be alive.
>As soon as we understand the enormous consequences of this analogy we may describe Beethoven, whom we compared with the clairvoyant sleepwalker, as the effective foundation of the visionary Shakespeare. That which produces Beethoven’s melodies also generates Shakespeare’s spirit forms and both of them will together attain a unity of identity if we allow the musician – while he enters the world of sound – to enter the world of light at the same time. This would happen comparably with the physiological process that on the one hand is the reason for seeing spirits and on the other hand produces sleepwalking clairvoyance. This assumes that an inner stimulus permeates the brain from the inside outwards in the opposite way to how external impressions do this when awake; on the outside the stimulus finally encounters the sensory organs and makes them externally aware of what has emerged from the inside as an object. We now state the undeniable fact that when we hear music inwardly sight is disabled in such a way that it no longer intensively perceives objects: this would thus be the condition, stimulated by the innermost dream world, which made possible the appearance of the spirit form through the disabling of sight.

>> No.20775197

>We can make use of this hypothetical explanation of an otherwise inexplicable physiological process from various angles in order to explain the artistic problem that now confronts us and with the same result. Shakespeare’s spirit forms would be given sound by the complete awakening of the inner organ of music or, conversely, Beethoven’s motifs would inspire the weakened power of sight to a clear awareness of those forms embodied in which they now moved before our perceptive eye. In either of these two essentially identical cases, an enormous power (which contrary to natural order moved from inside to outside in the above-mentioned sense of creating appearances) would have to be generated from deepest necessity. This would probably be the same necessity that in normal life produces the cry of fear of someone suddenly awakening from a distressing dream in deep sleep; except that here in the extraordinary, tremendous case shaping the life of the genius of mankind, the necessity leads to an awakening in a new world of the clearest knowledge and highest capacity, a world which can be revealed only through this awakening.

>> No.20775256

Just watch this channel and cultivate a schizophrenic mindset

>> No.20775325

Thanks! This is exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.20775328

The Shakespeare-Wagner esoteric connection. This is something worth studying.

>> No.20775334

I just caught schizophrenia by watching this thanks.

>> No.20775360

Is A Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespeare's most esoteric play?

>> No.20775371

Love's Labour Lost, maybe, since it has the most Ficino influence?

>> No.20775373

Lings wrote a few books on it
Prince Charles wrote the introduction in one of them too

>> No.20775398

Lings on Shakespeare

>> No.20775677
File: 10 KB, 157x321, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really good book on Shakespeare's knowledge of (and use of) alchemy, focusing on Lear.

>> No.20776057

Couliano was very based. I'm sad to see him gone so soon and sad to see the way he went.

>> No.20776810

I had no idea of this side of Shakespeare

>> No.20776820

>The Magic of Poetry
Part one of an investigation of the concealed wisdom in sublime poetry

>> No.20777332

This one is also great. Thanks!