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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 130 KB, 525x775, catch-22-in-comic-sans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20773411 No.20773411 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is way more entertaining and simultaneously wary more profound than the majority of the fiction posted here. It absolutely mogs everything else. It's a titan of 20th century literature (not simply an "American modern classic"). Hell it should be considered world literature at this point. It's fantastic and makes for gripping reading; funny and at the same time serious, it manages to have the feel of a light pulpy novel while dealing with some of the most universal of archetypes. It's great.

>> No.20773417

Because he actually experienced most of what he wrote about in the novel, hence making it funnier.

>> No.20773429

how did this post manage to use so many words without saying anything at all?

>> No.20773431

Didn't read, but it looked like it has no real plot and is more a series of vaguely connected character sketches

>> No.20773436

Yeah, pretty obvious you do not read.

>> No.20773841

Whole heartedly agree.

>> No.20773880

That it is. It's difficult to balance levity with seriousness, and a lot of authors undercut their serious moments with ill timed humour that makes everything too silly but Heller manages to do it without every ruining the serious moments (e.g the scene with Snowden). Hell, I'd even say that the humourous moments make the serious ones all the more impactful which is something you don't see very often.

>> No.20773903

t. plotfag

>> No.20774016

it's literally unironically Pynchon but watered down enough for genre fiction readers and mitwits to appreciate

>> No.20774374
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>tfw you'll never read it for the first time ever again

>> No.20774469

If Harry Potter is, as people claim it to be, one of the best books of all time, then this is its antithesis. Gather round muggles and read this review, or else the person that you've been dating will leave you for that professional football player and your parents and/or children will disown you and you'll be forced to live in the basement with that balding, 43 year old starwars geek. Catch-22 is about John Yossarian. He's an American soldier during WWII. However, don't mistake this book for your average war literature, because it's not. This book is CrAzY! From the get-go, you'll be confused. Not because you can't read but because the book isn't in chronological order, which gives the impression that Joseph Heller was having a seizure while writing this book and the editors didn't catch it. In my humble, yet clearly superior, opinion, this book is far too long and filled with meaningless content. There are some very important lessons to learn from the book, unfortunately, the book puts you to sleep before it can convey the moral of the story. You need to be some mythical, god-like English teacher to be able to finish this book without throwing it at the wall in frustration. The characters are insane, so insane that, at one point, I was actually wishing the German bombed the crap out of Yossarian and those around him. The book is funny. However, you need to be clinically insane to get most of the jokes, sadly, contrary to popular belief, I am not. Every time I read a piece of comedy from this book, the scene from Napolean Dynamite would flash in my head, where Napolean would slap someone on the cheek and run away. It's funny but after a while it gets old and feels as though you're being slapped on the cheek, which isn't fun at all. The humor fails to salvage this poor book and only hard-core literature analyzers will appreciate it and call it a work of art. I say pass this book up and read that Harry Potter book again for the 34th time.

>> No.20774555
File: 3.61 MB, 970x9227, Screenshot_20220802-010902_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rood. a) It makes me laugh several times every time I sit down to read it; and b) it doesn't matter if it's a bit bloated, because it's pure fucking kino.

>> No.20774781

He's a /lit/ poster

>> No.20774810

the joke isnt even that funny, the characters are complete shit, the prose is shit (this is not disputable), youre confusing a book having some positive qualities with it being a great book.

>> No.20774815

if you aren't mature enough to relate to normal writing like shakespeare or tolstoy, then you need to live and not read literature yet.

>> No.20774819


>> No.20774823

>normal writing like shakespeare or tolstoy
Huh? Shakespeare mostly doesn't write normal prose

>> No.20775142
