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20772883 No.20772883 [Reply] [Original]

Books on how women seem utterly incapable of fathoming male friendships platonically?

>> No.20773009

My diary desu

>> No.20773034

I was just thinking today about how often English professors bring up some gay theory anytime there are two male friends in literature. Sometimes I can see it, like with Queequeg and Ishmael, but other times it’s really just them stretching.

>> No.20773043

In Vino Veritas by Kierkegaard is basically a bunch of men discussing how moronic a relationship with a woman is and how she's incapable of a true bond with a man.

>> No.20773052

A Mind of Her Own: The Evolutionary Psychology of Women, Anne Campbell
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature, Ridley
Why Women Have Sex: Understanding Sexual Motivations, Cindy Meston, David Buss

>> No.20773055

they can, only that this shit is porn to them (see it's mever done to fat old and ugly characters, only handsome/cute/otherwise attractive ones). It's like asking "why can't men view women's breasts nonsexually, their biological purpose is feeding babies"

>> No.20773056

A tale as old as time. You still have femoids and fags getting degrees writing filth on Gilgamesh and Enkidu.

>> No.20773691

>It's like asking "why can't men view women's breasts nonsexually, their biological purpose is feeding babies"
Yes and the purpose of sex is to birth babies. Being attracted to breasts is completely inline with biology.

>> No.20774245
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>This imposes on me at the outset a very tiresome bit of demolition. It has actually become necessary in our time to rebut the theory that every firm and serious friendship is really homosexual.

>The dangerous word really is here important. To say that every Friendship is consciously and explicitly homosexual would be too obviously false; the wise-acres take refuge in the less palpable charge that itis really—unconsciously, cryptically, in some Pickwickian sense—homosexual. And this, though it cannot be proved, can never of course be refuted. The fact that no positive evidence of homosexuality can be discovered in the behaviour of two Friends does not disconcert the wiseacres at all: “That,” they say gravely, “is just what we should expect.” The very lack of evidence is thus treated as evidence; the absence of smoke proves that the fire is very carefully hidden. Yes—if it exists at all. But we must first prove its existence. Otherwise we are arguing like a man who should say “If there were an invisible cat in that chair, the chair would look empty; but the chair does look empty; therefore there is an invisible cat in it.”

>A belief in invisible cats cannot perhaps be logically disproved, but it tells us a good deal about those who hold it. Those who cannot conceive Friendship as a substantive love but only as a disguise or elaboration of Eros betray the fact that they have never had a Friend.

The Four Loves by C.S. Lewis

>> No.20774275

Does Demian count? I read it 19 years ago, but the relationship between Sinclair and Demian looked quite platonic and symbolic to me.

>> No.20774626

>Those who cannot conceive Friendship as a substantive love but only as a disguise or elaboration of Eros betray the fact that they have never had a Friend.
No need to be mean about it ;_;
This book is pretty funny, btw. He spends about half the time talking about how it isn't gay (very amusingly; he actually wrote "All pansies?:) and the other half talking about how yes women are wonderful and what not, but wouldn't it be truly marvelous if they could be wonderful on their own, and leave men to talk of silly and insipid stuff such as politics and god with only men?

>> No.20774678

It would be truly marvelous...

>> No.20774710

The Descent of Man - Darwin

>> No.20774892

>The fact that no positive evidence of homosexuality can be discovered in the behaviour of two Friends
>written by an Anglo

>> No.20774939

Frodo Faggings, hehe

>> No.20774956

Women are incapable of both understanding and not understanding the concept of platonic male friendship, as women are incapable of forming thoughts and opinions - instead their minds are molded to reflect the most prominent male ideas surrounding them.

And naturally, two males cannot enjoy a wholesome and emotional platonic friendship without all the other males implying they they are gay, which rapidly becomes the most prominent male idea surrounding this relationship. This inevitably leads to women adopting this idea.

Women act like this because we make them.

>> No.20774977

Granted Frodo and Sam aren't gay whatsoever, the Peter Jackson trilogy made them look and act kind of gay. Sorry but the movies aren't perfect and the fag hags aren't unjustified in their error.

>> No.20774981

The Iliad

>> No.20774989

I don't see how a woman wouldn't be able to understand it unless she had no friends herself. Do you see how women treat each other as friends? Finishing each other's sentences, always touching each other, whispering gossip, singing together spontaneously, doing each other's hair and changing clothes in front of one another. To a different extent guys, especially if they've been on a sports team or in a war, together, are like that too. Except guys don't need to help with hair and instead of touching it's usually mock fighting and instead of compliments its banter.

>> No.20774996
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>> No.20775000

I love the way he writes. Thanks for sharing anon.

>> No.20775023
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They can, they're just horny. It's not that complicated.

>> No.20775035

>Granted Frodo and Sam aren't gay whatsoever
Hobbits are gay, because degenerate island Anglo culture >>20774892
Why do you thing Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli would decide to drag with them 4 useless boy-looking twinks, if not to make them keep their beds warm?

>> No.20775182

that's because 'literary theory' as taught in colleges is actually just a guide on how to project your retarded agendas onto every text you encounter so that you don't actually have to engage with what you read.

>> No.20775207

You don't need a book, you just have to understand that, from a woman's point of view, intimate interactions between people are almost always perceived as sexual in nature.

>> No.20775246

And from a man's point of view, displaying emotional weakness makes you a bottom bitch. But the spergs here are too autistic to realize that.

>> No.20775279


>> No.20775302

Men limit their fetishisation of lesbians to porn and jerking

Women expand their fetishization of faggots to the literature they read, the movies they watch, etc etc,

Kinda like how, to jack of, men just use porn, and women fund thousand dollar budget movies or ‘erotica’. It’s all the same spiel

>> No.20775339

I think this is stupid.
As men we can experience platonic male relationships but women can't, women are reliant on what culture tells them about male friendships.
For most men the relationship between Frodo and Sam can seem odd at times since that's just not what society expects of close male friendships anymore.
I don't like women just as much as the rest of you do but I hate how people use this to shit on women.
Also as someone who has read a bit of fanfiction women don't need something to be canon in order to 'ship it'.

>> No.20775363

if fujos weren't a thing most common take on these two would be "haha gay"

>> No.20775409

No they can't. Women are incapable of forming a true bond with anyone. To them men are a means to find money, resources, status, and their and their children's protector and provider. Other women to them are just competition and adversaries that they need to fend off in the game of social climbing they play all their lives. Women are natural born politicians, but they can't do anything grand or meaningful with that skill. They use it to constantly pull each other down, because that's their source of "meaning" and entertainment in life. So, no, they don't understand a selfless, platonic bond between anyone, let alone between two men.

>> No.20775417

>Tell me you’ve not held a woman’s hand in decades and have a soaring hatred for your own mom, without telling me just that

>> No.20775421

>And naturally, two males cannot enjoy a wholesome and emotional platonic friendship without all the other males implying they they are gay
That only happens in the west, because it's christkiked to hell. So any close friendship between two males immediately makes you guilt trip about "muh sodomy".

>> No.20775504

Stop that, anon. Fucking dudes, even voluptuous twinks, is how you get monkeypox.

>> No.20775530

there was no monkeypox or AIDS in Tolkien's times

>> No.20775553

My friend’s dad used to read her LOTR she was a kid and she shilled me into reading it so I teased her that Sam and Frodo were gay and she got really upset and called me sick lol. She’s homeschooled and doesn’t start college until next semester, she’s in for a shock

>> No.20775584

>whole argument relies around burden of proof
>was himself massively religious
Lol. His argument here is quite correct but it's always funny to see people applying a more rigorous level of logic to others than to themselves so blatantly.

>> No.20775651

There was good ol’ GRIDS instead

>> No.20775667

>he's never felt divine grace
Open your heart, anon.

>> No.20775670
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Desu I used to hate them for it, but then I watched Brideshead Revisited with Irons, and it started making sense. All these theories come from the Anglosphere. Anglos are really big faggots and thus their male friendships do have homosexual leanings. It makes sense. Femoids are able to pick it up because Anglosphere fellas are just so goddamn faggy that their entire being revolves around it. They hate their women so much they became entirely warped around faggotry. Or they were always faggots. I don’t know. But the more you read the more you’re likely to find subtext that supports the usual femoid faggotry readings.

Damon Anglos (and other assorted Germanics) and their faggotry. All you need to do is read up on some Anglo aristocracy and see how their unis/schools function, and you’ll see how faggy their entire civilisation is.

>> No.20775734

What did the movie add that made them gay?

>> No.20775744

No women are utterly incapable of comprehending male friendships. Even if Sam and Frodo acted less "gay" many women would still see them as homosexuals.

>> No.20775798

what should i read to think more like you?

>> No.20775809

>As men we can experience platonic male relationships but women can't, women are reliant on what culture tells them about male friendships.
Behold, the strange mythical creature called the 'male', which womankind knows only from ancient tales

>> No.20775822

This. I'm glad I left a PhD in "literature" because now I actually read.

>> No.20775839

The biggest redpill on Anglos is realizing that their entire society is built on noncery. Top to bottom ignoring class and race its just an all pervading culture of kid fucking filth.

>> No.20775855

>would still see them as homosexuals
in most cases they don't see them as objectively gay, they just think it would be hot/funny/interesting if they were, and they are well aware that their fanfictions aren't canon (outside the cases where the belief is substantiated by some objective evidence, and legitimate schizos)

>> No.20775862

My therapist said it's a form of inferiority complex against males

>> No.20775873
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>You still have femoids and fags getting degrees writing filth on Gilgamesh and Enkidu.
oh this one is just the worst

>> No.20775888

It honestly explains so much, especially about the modern world. But what made them like that? Is it genetic? Sexual deviancy seems to be inherent in the Anglo and it manifests in various forms. They are unable to find the balance in life.

>> No.20776011

In sam and frodo's case many of them do see them as positively gay/

>> No.20776015

They must have gotten it from the Greeks.

>> No.20776065
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Sam/Frodo isn't even a popular ship. You guys don't know fujos.

>> No.20776143

I really don't think so, at least not before the aforementioned schizos started writing smart sounding academic articles that serve the purpose of the aforementioned objective evidence

>> No.20776169

It’s more that women can only empathise with men, not sympathise and vice versa, thus they cannot know what male bonding is ‘like’, because they fundamentally can’t experience it.

A woman’s opinion on what accounts for masculinity, being a man, make bonding etc(and men doing vice versa- is the equivalent to a blind man describing clouds.

>> No.20776188

D&G: Anti-Oedipus

>> No.20776266

Anglos are the one pushing the
>le faggot paradise Antiquity
through mistranslations and disinfo.

>> No.20776943

>tfw Irish and reading this
What did my ancestors do to deserve to be conquered by these people?

>> No.20777895

Why are homosexuals utterly incapable of fathoming male friendships platonically?

>> No.20778055

Interview with the vampire

>> No.20778146

Because they want the platonic relationships for themselves. They're jelly as fuck and get mad that men just use them for sex. They're projecting.

>> No.20778335

The gays ruined platonic relationships. Had a best friend in college. It was great. Then he spazzed out and started acting like a retard. The reason? Gay. Found out ten years later. I wouldn't even have cared.

>> No.20778592

The difference being that the Christian religion has a collection of books describing different people's communication with that God and the moral laws he laid down, while the invisible cat theorem has nothing and argues specifically from that nothing.

>> No.20779542

Fideism is the worst response you could have made.

Lewis isn't a fideist. He used transcendental argumentation. It's a proof of God through the epistemic logical impossibility of the contrary.

>> No.20779554

>a proof of God through the epistemic logical impossibility of the contrary
That means that the retard deifies logic instead of his god.

>> No.20779571

I can't experience female friendship, but the fact that women are always hugging, touching and grooming each other doesn't make me think that they're secretly all lesbians. Social bonding isn't some alien concept.

>> No.20779579

>Paizuri is approved by thomism

>> No.20779702

>Yes and the purpose of sex is to birth babies. Being attracted to breasts is completely inline with biology.
I wonder then why women would be attracted to men that can form close bonds with other men. You can't find ANY biological advantage for a woman's mate to not be a friendless outcast incapable of emotional attachments?

Breast size btw has no correlation to ability to feed children btw. Most species inflate their breasts with milk after giving birth. Scientists really have no idea why breasts in humans are so large other than a reverse form of peacocking that gives no advantage to the species as a whole.

Using "logic" to justify all male experience and deny all female experience is how you get feminism.

>> No.20779740
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Nah but you don't get it. Sam and Frodo were totally gay as fuck bro.

>> No.20779745

Because humans are not driven by pure biology. We're not animals. We can subvert and ignore evolution, instincts, genetics, everything. And I think we should. We should strive to be higher and better than animals.

>> No.20779904

>two males cannot enjoy a wholesome and emotional platonic friendship without all the other males implying they they are gay
where do you live where that is true? Seems pretty miserable to me.

>> No.20779910

>men are like that too
>except they do literally the opposite of everything I just said

>> No.20779919

>Why do you thing Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli would decide to drag with them 4 useless boy-looking twinks, if not to make them keep their beds warm?
Damn anon, you got filtered THAT hard by LOTR?

>> No.20779947

certified low IQ post

>> No.20779952
