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File: 135 KB, 800x986, 800px-Herman_Melville_by_Joseph_O_Eaton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20771106 No.20771106 [Reply] [Original]

Say Happy Birthday to the author of the greatest novel ever written.

>> No.20771264

happy birthday

>> No.20771591

happy birthday :)

>> No.20771752

Happy Birthday

>> No.20771839

Happy birthday, I started reading typee. Quite good

>> No.20772005

I'm almost finished with his essential short stories, I only have The Encantadas left; Billy Budd and Bartleby and Benito Cereno really do deserve the hype
and Redburn was supposed to come in mail today but it didn't

>> No.20772051

I’m excited to read these. What is it that makes melville so just instantly likeable. I feel like I enjoy him the way some people simply just do with like dickens or Dostoyevsky

>> No.20772066

“Oh how cheerfully we consign ourselves to perdition”
“We gave heavy hearted cheers and plunged blindly like fate into the lone Atlantic.”
“Wonderfullest things are ever the unmentionable”

>> No.20772394

he seemed like a pretty relatable down to earth guy despite the constant Bible and Shakespeare references, he could write multilayered allegories without seeming even a little bit pretentious
idk how he did it, probably some superpower autism

>> No.20772571

It's not his birthday

>> No.20772593

it is