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20770482 No.20770482 [Reply] [Original]

Martin Lings seems to think so:

Schuons books are on another level, there are many who have come out to attack him, and discredit his character and writings, very similar to what happened to many saints of ancient times.

>> No.20770507

What exactly did he do to become the black sheep of traditionalism? Just dance around naked, or did he diddle someone?

>> No.20770523
File: 403 KB, 512x598, cairo_1938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, he came up with his Transcendent Unity of Religions idea in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

and when his mother suffered a stroke and lost the ability speak, he fixed it

>> No.20770526
File: 73 KB, 263x300, schuon lings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lings' Muhammad book is still the single best book by a /trad/ IMO

>> No.20770541
File: 196 KB, 317x337, schuon painting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most people also don't know that Schuon was an infantryman in the French Army

also, he painted
his injun paintings are quite comfy

>> No.20770626

Schuon read the upanishads as a child aswell, insanely based.

>> No.20770699

it is plebeian christians who are seething about him, his visions of Marry are a normal thing in religions like Hinduism

>> No.20770705

The latter, allegedly

>> No.20770727
File: 11 KB, 480x360, Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad(pbuh).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prof. Dr. Saiyad Nizamuddin Ahmad does not seem to like him very much.

>> No.20770736

one of his ex-wives, who has a blog and is all over the internet spamming wall texts about how Schuon was a heretic and not a muslim, admitted that there were no sexual penetration in those native american ceremonies, but simply naked girls dancing in a traditional native way.

>> No.20770759

Why are there so many pedo-threads in the catalog this morning? Schuon ran a sex cult and was a complete freak. Trad shills getting desperate.

>> No.20770822

Youve been mislead.
Unverified the hearing found nothing, she is a schizo check out her youtube videos, charles upton the grifter commented on them too supporting the wife trying to clean his image,
>Schuon was a heretic and not a muslim
Obviously demonically possessed. And she is weirdly shilling for guenon and saying his writings are better than schuon like she would know! Everything in guenon is in schuon + more, guenons writings if anything are more amoral, schuon weighs in on all subjects, imagine taking her seriously. The hearing found nothing.
Good read;
Both plebian muslims and christians have problems with him, aswell as dialectical guenonians who have no grasp on things and skimread, and have not even read schuon, even being generous they are dead inside and cant see beyond letters, are stuck in dialectics as I said.

>> No.20770828

>pedophile and freak
>t. Troon
Schuon is based watch his responses to the allegations, my instinct tells me he is Not guilty!

>> No.20770876

>Everything in guenon is in schuon + more
I heard this from Lings but I don't agree with it. Where is in Schuon the concept of the king of the world and the supreme center? Moreover, I find much more interesting Guenon's writings on Atlantis, Hyperborea and races in general than Schuon's academical dialectic of the time between aryans and semites.
>aswell as dialectical guenonians who have no grasp on things and skimread, and have not even read schuon
I have read Schuon and I still find Guenon to be more interesting. I have no obsession with Schuon and I even partially agree with one of his different opinions from Guenon, which is that concerning mysticism in Sufism, I say only partially because Guenon's idea of mysticism being totally absent from Sufism is correct if we mean by that only the particular definition given by him of mysticism, that's why I do think that Schuon's concept of mysticism is more accurate since it can point better the differences of approach between Sufism and metaphysical traditions like Advaita.

Btw, even if there are lies and exaggerations about Schuon's spiritual ans personal life, there are also some dubious things which were pointed out by respectable people, some of which didn't fully agree with Guenon on everything either.

>> No.20770891

>falls for sex cult guru charisma
Hook, line and sinker

>> No.20770985

On the other hand Seyyed Hossein Nasr cannot stop talking about him. He even used some very strong terms in praising him, like the Pure Intellect or something. But Ahmad likes Evola whom Nasr pretty much called a pseud.

>> No.20771329

Traditionalism is complete and utter Spiritual Semitic filth. Stop mixing disparate traditions with each other.
Someone scholarly like Red Pine / Bill Porter is better.
I consider all of you Abrahamists to be icchantikas. Fuck off with your perennial bullshit.

>> No.20771353

All Traditionalists endorse heresy to both Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

>> No.20771356

Kys, lowlife demon possessed scum.

>> No.20771364

Based. Catholicism and Orthodoxy are both heretical to the truth so the truth must be a heresy to them.

>> No.20771368

>one of his ex-wives
It's always weird looking people into polyamory

>> No.20771379

Kys, icchantika filth. Abrahamism is fundamentally adharma, and it spreads the most heinous and despicable of delusions such as exclusively confining Buddha nature to a Jewish huckster's flesh or a heavily ethnocentric abstraction of God. You may have Buddha nature, but you will never awaken to your true natures by spreading such delusions.

>> No.20771381

Traditionalists cannot conceive of their conception of heresy for the simple fact that absolutely nothing in Traditionalism is justified. It is the same heresy as Rosicrucianism, exactly the same.

>> No.20771609

He was an esoteric nudist akin to BAP.

>> No.20771662

>one of his ex-wives,
Yes, certainly a saint.

>> No.20771672

I literally think there is some evil hidden intent of promoting this filth, I cant understand why anyone would care for this cookie cutter generic mysticism.

>> No.20771687

Are you saying I am promoting filth, or the people promoting the Traditionalists like Schuon are promoting filth?

I am highly suspicious of all of Abrahamism for the same reasons as Adam Green on Know More News, which is on Bitchute.

>> No.20771702

Schuon of course.

>> No.20771715

I think the evil intent largely stems in trying to reconcile Abrahamism with more sincere, genuine Eastern traditions for the purposes of corrupting the latter; the goal of Abrahamists is to get everyone "on board" with fulfilling their apocalyptic (Jewish) Messianic myths. This element is present in all three of the Abrahamic faiths. Eastern and Abrahamic traditions are obviously irreconcilable.

>> No.20771942

it was quite the surprise when he said that Evola was the second best /trad/ after Guenon
(I think the real quote was something like they are the twin pillars of traditionalism and he says elsewhere how guenon is the GOAT /trad/)
did not expect that from him
>Evola whom Nasr pretty much called a pseud.
who would've thunk that Nasr of all /trad/s was one of the people to visit Evola's apartment?

IIRC he said it was dimly lit and was disappointed that Evola knew so little about Roman Catholicism

>> No.20771950

Schuon is based af
read his letters
it's amazing

>> No.20772243

>Yes, certainly a saint.
are you retarded? King Solomon also had multiple wives.

>> No.20772403

This is a real meeting of the minds here.

>> No.20772477

Eastern religions posit an impersonal absolute one (how can you know anything about an impersonal absolute one - it’s impersonal, there are no distinctions, this makes no sense) and calls on you to extinguish yourself.lol

But yeah, Abrahamism is the mind virus…

>> No.20772535

>one (how can you know anything about an impersonal absolute one - it’s impersonal, there are no distinctions, this makes no sense)
This Absolute is our very own innermost awareness, which makes perfect sense and which explains nicely how we can know it. Mental distinctions are not self-knowing but to even speak of them being known by us is already presupposing a form of distinctionless knowledge in the form of the awareness which reveals the distinction to us as known content. The self-awareness of this awareness or its knowledge of itself is immediate and without distinctions.

>and calls on you to extinguish yourself.lol
No, they dont, the Hindu schools say that what you truly are or your Self/Atman is eternal and non-extinguishable. You seem clueless about this subject

>> No.20772568

>calls on you to extinguish yourself
Nope. In Mahayana it says to seek unifying the relative/conventional realm with the Absolute; that is, you see the Absolute, unclouded, in daily action. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. This is the true meaning of prajnaparamita, that is (without clinging) you awaken to the complementary relation of illusion and Absolute. To find Infinity in chopping wood.

The direct experience of the Absolute and dissolution of the individuate self is merely the first step to a great journey of assimilating this understanding in your daily life here and now. Does that make sense? It's not a tradition about cucking yourself Semitic claims of exclusive access to the Truth.

>> No.20773688

Cannot wait to dive into Esoteric Shakespeareanism down the road

>> No.20773862

Oh you watched that too? Watched the series yesterday, me too cant wait to get into the books by lings on it, he was very passionate about it, just ordered the "arden edition"

>> No.20774298

Link please to whatever Esoteric Shakespeareanism is. Sounds interesting.

>> No.20774366


He went full "religion of the future" by combining Sufism, Native American shamanism and touching his benis into a synchretic new religious movement.

>> No.20774379

>touching his benis
You are just projecting your own filth.

>> No.20774435


>> No.20774635


>> No.20774663

Yeah a Saint of Cock, who ran a sex cult.

>> No.20774761

Life demostrates that the truth by nature is singular whereas lies by nature are many. Being opposed to Christianity on the basis that it holds that all truth is vested in the flesh of a single individual is life denying.

>> No.20775366

I see you have created a thread about it


>> No.20775377

Do I have to be Muslim to be initiated in the modern west?

>> No.20775393

Great video! Thanks! I'll post it in the other thread also if no one else has done it already.

>> No.20775486

Vajrayana Buddhism is the main path among Traditionalists I know.

>> No.20775526

Didn’t Guenon say Buddhism was just Hindu heresy?

>> No.20775536

A.K. Coomaraswamy corrected him and he retracted that opinion in his later works.

>> No.20775652

Orthodox Christianity with its hesychasm is another venerable tradition. Schuon held it very highly.

>> No.20775712

He was wrong on this, and corrected by the introduction of Mahayana Buddhism Via Coomaraswamy and Pallis, Guenon was not well read on Eastern traditions, beyond Hinduism and Sufism, even then that didn't stop him from applying his penetrating intuition and insight with accuracy even to things he had not totally, the sheer magnitude and volume of Buddhist/Hindu philosophical literature is pretty much impossible to fully get through, the tibetan (not including the chinese etc.) buddhist canon alone is a quarter million pages, we even now with the internet have limited access to these writings.

>> No.20775724

i liked his book on the transcendental unity a lot. it's still the only traditionalist book i've read.

>> No.20775746

In Mahayana, all teachings are merely skillful means to reach the One Vehicle to awaken to one's nondual unborn nature, but arguing that "all truth is vested in the flesh of a single individual" does NOT constitute a skillful means. Therefore, it is a very big delusion.

>> No.20775865

>but arguing that "all truth is vested in the flesh of a single individual" does NOT constitute a skillful means.
Says who?

>> No.20775883

His books are boring and useless. Evola and guenon are at least fun

>> No.20776367


>> No.20776768

Bhakti yoga is fundamentally irreconcilable with the Incarnation.
All of Abrahamism is a psyops engineered by Jews to fulfill apocalyptic Messianic prophecies. Nothing originates organically in the Abrahamic world, and it's all largely manipulated by royals working closely with Jews (or crypto-Jews). They should have been eradicated a long time ago, so that way Abrahamic filth would not exist.