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20767083 No.20767083 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20767128

Dude, you just finished reading 1300 pages, can't you come up with something more substantial?

>> No.20767166

Dude I read it like a year ago, just wanted to discuss it

>> No.20767465
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>> No.20767722

The books are trash. The characters are unlikable. The only good thing about them is they talk about how shit the Chinese Bolshevik revolution was.
>don't respond to this message or we will destroy your planet
>responds to the message because fuck all of you
>the lamest, boring most predictly gay videogame with the solution literally as the name
>Advanced aliens can make a quantum multidimensional competitor that encapsulates a planet and quantum replicates but not planetary shields
>also we can dehydrate ouselfs!
Lame as fuck.

>> No.20767790

and that's just the top of an iceberg
I could make literally 1000+ objections to stupid stuff that happens in these books

I don't think this is all just nit-picking. It does detract from the story, that it's so fucking dumb.

>> No.20767825

I agree, the majority of the first book takes place in a game that's as interesting as math blaster. The beginning is great because its so unrelated to the remaining 99 percent of the book. Got midway through the second book before dropping it. Only detail I can remember is that he is on a plane at some point. Of course China's main contributions to fiction these past few years is a 3 book long math problem. Chinky chink chink

>> No.20767834

why didn't he just press the button?

>> No.20767850

Dude, you just finished reading 1300 pages, can't you come up with something more substantial?

>> No.20767860

You literally made no objections there other than the planetary shield thing, which isn't a very good objection anyways. How would a shield help in any way? It's just an arms race, while a black domain is true invincibility.

>> No.20767871

I was gifted the first book and read something something china something something and stopped reading

>> No.20767881

I mean nothing I can really say given you haven't finished it, but this isn't just some math problem lol. The first book is kinda weirdly unrelated to the rest.

>> No.20768019

how did it end again? i know it got to the end of time/universe, and they had that pocket dimension with the samurai robot where they hid for a long time. then they had to make a choice at the end? to enter a new dimension that would gradually decay with each new reincarnation from the spaceship engines that left the black streaks in space or . . . I can't remember.

I fucking loved reading this series though. It was so engaging. I think it was because there was a LOT of hooks, like there was always some new thing being revealed, and when it was resolved a new thing came along. it was well plotted. the scope of it was really huge too in terms of space and time.

>> No.20768118

The books ste trash and you're a midwit. Mosy of the characters are 2d and the characters with depth are unlikable. The aliens are unrealistic and the plot is clunky. I kept waiting for the plot twist where it got good happened and, spoilers, it never did

>> No.20768134

>Were invincibility smart
>we unfolded a dimension around our planet
>hurr de durr we can't control our planetary orbit or shield our planet but we can put our whole population on spaceship...oh never-ending a human solved the three body problem.

>> No.20768190

Are you stupid? Trisolaris was a low tech civilization, and no one "solved" the three body problem. Migrating to other planets is a perfectly fine idea over trying to somehow fix their fucked up planet system. I don't exactly recall but I don't believe they put their whole population in the spaceship, either.

>> No.20768194

>Aliens are unrealistic
It was never about aliens

>> No.20768592

>Launch a folded multidimensional computer with AI to earth that can propagate at the atomic scale
>but they were low tech
Consider suicide
No, it's about you liking garbage books and pretending they're more than they are. It's fine of you enjoyed them, just don't pretend it's deep or well written.

>> No.20768678

They were trying to sit things out in the pocket dimension since the universe is basically permanent war. They receive a message on the brane channel saying that the universe cannot collapse without some reclaimed matter from the pocket dimensions, so they decide to give up and go explore with the killer robot until the big crunch.

>> No.20768714

They're incredibly low tech compared to other civilizations so yes low tech

And I'm not saying anything about depth of being well written, but it's common sense that these books are about humanity not aliens. Like hell dude the trisolarans aren't even described.

>> No.20768873

>Can't advance physics without partle accelerators
The technical plotholes of this book are astounding. The characters are unlikable and the constant time jumps are just annoying.

Yes, it's a commentary on Chinese society and bugmen are inhuman as highlighted by one of the main characters heartlessly murdering her husband because she didn't love him and knowingly attempting to destroy earth because fuck you that's why.
The rest is bugmen literally working to end the world because, you know, fuck you that's why.
It absolutely described trisolarian tech and it was advanced enough to where they could have modified planetary orbit
Ffs they could manipulate the strong and weak force.
The entire science backdrop was shit. The alien motive was weak and stupid. The far reaching end of the universe was overly ambitious and contrived and the moral landscape was unpalatable Chinese dogs hit.
The only aspect I had no problem accepting was if anyone would work to destroy the world out of retarded dogmatic ideals it would be the Chinese

>> No.20769232

11th dimensional edenic age gave me crazy dreams. That somehow we were almost at the annihilation of the universe, there being only 3 dimensions left. And since higher dimensions were supposed to be more perfect, their disintegrations must have been slower, so that the trisolaran crisis is not only insignificant and naive on a universal scale but also a pan-existential one, us being like, almost at the end of existence completely.

It really piqued my imagination to just try to comprehend how spectacular the higher dimensions might have been, he did a really great job explaining the sensory overload of being able to optically perceive 3d objects in 4th dimensional space, with all the infinite cross sections of the object simultaneously visible, the organs in someones body etc.
Surprisingly evoking passages.

>> No.20770722

Modern physics doesn't define dimensions correctly at all. By classical mechanics dimensions, which are crap, you see in 4 dimensions not three. You wouldn't have depth perception in 3d. Even 3d video games are written in 4d matrix systems--3d is a marketing term. Also, the trisolarians have a three star system and they live on a planet orbiting the stars: This is a four body problem. Dude can't even get the name of the book right.. All of the science in this book is total shit. X,y,z aren't spatial dimensions they are positions in Euclidean geometry.

>> No.20771225

Its called 3 body because thats the simplest chaotic system. Any undergrad would know that sorry it went over your head...

>> No.20771228

The flattening of the Solar System

>> No.20771236

I liked the bit about the Trisolarans not being able to lie and having difficulty even conceptualizing it because of their communication method.
Gave the humies a serious mitigating factor to make up for their tech level

>> No.20771243

Yeah the first two books are pretty much detailing how difficult it is to corral humans that can live for 100 years into a 400 year plan. If there wasnt hibernation we would have had no chance.

>> No.20771248

woman post

>> No.20771255

As soon as the guy wakes up in The Future and everyone was chill about the impending invasion I knew Earth was going to get its shit slapped

>> No.20771545

>What is the logistics map function
>What is the Lorenz Attractor in 2d
>Who was Mandelbrot
Dunning Kruger: you got it bad.
If they solved the tri star orbit they still haven't Mapped the planetary orbit. They live on the planet not the stars midwit.
>Loves a book full of midwit tier trash science
Yes. I'm madme Curie and you live in your mother's basement.

The science in this book is awful. No wonder China can't survive econically without western IP.

>> No.20771610

>Dunning Kruger: you got it bad.
nobody here is claiming to be an expert except yourself. might wanna ponder over that
Especially after all that nonsense you've spouted in >>20770722

>> No.20771822

Your public school education is showing.
The books are awful; full of plotholes and the science is so awful it should be considered fantasy.
Feel bad about being retarded.

>> No.20771915

there, there
you seem tired. Maybe you should go to bed? :)

>> No.20772205

The event where the spaceship flew through a weird place in space and gained magic powers was retarded
Trisolarians broadcasting YOU ARE BUGS to the people investigating them was retarded, they shouldn't give any information away for free, were they retarded?
In spite of this, a truce has been negotiated in the next book, human and aliens are on seemingly good terms.
But humans have been tricked, actually the aliens are evil and figured out how to be manipulative now. Were they just acting irrationally earlier, when they admitted their real stance for no reason?
Some of the wallfacers plans do not seem.. efficient, I don't recall specifics
The wallbreakers motivations seems weird, but that's fine, we don't need to understand them fully
The trisolarian discovered life inside the proton they unfolded, what the chances of that? Did they forget?
Seems like the aliens should be able to make generational ships, they got literal magic.
If the Sophons can broadcast images on peoples retinas, it feels so implausible it can't just kill people, by broadcasting a seizure in their brain or something like that

Why did the Sophon robot pretend to be a Japanese lady and start cutting Australians in half with a Katana. Are the trisolarians being cruel for no reason?
The seemingly cruel Trisolarians then offers to help humanity for no gain to themselves, after a human caused the destruction of their planetary system. Why are they being kind for no reason now?

>> No.20772504

Is Death's End really worth reading if I found the first two mediocre?

>> No.20773308

They broadcasted their intents because they could not conceive of deception of any kind until they had adsorbed it from us

>> No.20773315

If you can do 3 you can do 4 it’s pretty simple

>> No.20774106

Um..no. I'm an insomniac and you're clearly retarded and have garbage taste in literature.
Three is exponentially harder than two, and four is orders of magnitude harder than three.
This book is midwit magic and chink garbage. The very premise of thinking the Hadrin collider has anything to do with quantum mechanics is already (((science))) midwit fantasy.

>> No.20774148
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No. Cut your losses.
Read Cosm by Gregory Benford (one of the westerners this bugman stole ideas from). The foundation series is also way better and has ideas lifted as well as forever war and even Olaf Stapleton's Star Maker.
This Chinese knockoff of westernern ideas mangles physics disgustingly and steals westernern scifi concepts. These books are trash and exemplify Chinese cheap repudiations of westernern innovation.

>> No.20774174

>start cutting Australians in half with a Katana
Only good part of the books.

>> No.20774726

Were you filtered?

>> No.20775595

As I thought. A post commie revolution bugman can't write anything with a soul and humanity.

>> No.20776246

It's ironic you don't understand what that means. Yes, I have too high an iq and empathy (both of which this bugman author lacks) to enjoy this trash. Shitting on these dumpster fire books is almost as fun as mocking the low iq Chinese shills that think you need Hadron colliders to do physics or that you three stars with a plant in orbit isn't a four body problem.

>> No.20776352

>Shitting on these dumpster fire books is almost as fun as mocking the low iq Chinese shills that think you need Hadron colliders to do physics or that you three stars with a plant in orbit isn't a four body problem.
It's a three body problem.
The mass of a star (if not three stars) is vastly bigger than the one of the planet by some magnitudes. A planet's mass is negligible small and has no influence on the orbits of those stars. It just gets tossed around the chaotic system of those three stars.
But since your IQ is so high you knew that already, didn't you? Otherwise you'd clearly be just some pseud.