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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 390 KB, 1600x787, The Darkness THat Comes Before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20765905 No.20765905 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.20765908

diminishing returns

>> No.20765940

Some serious Mary sue shit

>> No.20765953
File: 348 KB, 585x902, Bakker’s blog war against the right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some leftist authors self-insert or something.

>> No.20765955

exponentially increasing returns

>> No.20765961

popular hacks like sanderson will be forgotten in a few years, but bakker’s psychotic baroque high fantasy schizokino will live on for generations as a cult classic

>> No.20765970

But only if we shitpost about it enough

>> No.20765977

Nearly flawless fantasy trilogy followed by extremely uneven tetralogy.

>> No.20766009

rightoids can't write. All great authors are leftist. Cope and seethe.

>> No.20766034

Really cool world building hampered by bakker's obsession with cuckolding and misery porn. Also bakker's distinctly "anti-magical" take on magic, religion, destiny etc. which stems from his private nihilistic atheism. Magic and gods etc all exist but it's all horrible mostly senseless phenomenon which does nothing but consume and ruin lives like a cancer. Just an incredibly bleak series that's carried by bakker being a phd and therefore writing pretty decent historical fiction. can't honestly recommend

>> No.20766039

>private nihilistic atheism
He's a closeted Gnostic, don't bully him

>> No.20766085
File: 29 KB, 541x423, Bakker seething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20766097

Your sound like you're obsessed with ascribing the leftie stereotypes to Bakker because you cannot abide a liberal author creating something good. How, for example, is he 'obsessed' with cuckolding? None of the characters in the story are cucks in the modern sense of the word, as in, none of them accept and agree that their beloved women are free to fuck whoever they want. Achamian goes insane with hatred after getting cucked, so does Cnaiur, and cuckolding is portrayed as vile and degrading.
>anti-magical" take on magic, religion, destiny etc. which stems from his private nihilistic atheism. Magic and gods etc all exist but it's all horrible mostly senseless phenomenon which does nothing but consume and ruin lives like a cancer
This shit doesn't even make sense. His take is anti-magical, yet magic is explicitly real, scientism (tekne) is what ends up consuming several worlds, and Gods are ever-present in every facet of human lives.

>> No.20766112

most of the tards who hate on the author and series do so only from a cursory, hearsay-tier understanding of the series’ themes
>people should not be talking endless shit about books they haven’t bothered to
well this is /lit/ after all, par for the course.

>> No.20766115

You sound like you're obsessed with coping with the obvious thematic and literal elements in Bakker's books because you enjoyed them, and don't want to feel bad for having enjoyed, which is understandable, I just don't want people other people to fall into the same trap. I mean, you more or less acknowledge everything I said was true you just found a way to qualify it so it sounds better. Just beware to anyone skimming this thread thinking of starting Bakker... it is indeed cuckold misery porn lol

>> No.20766121

whenever someone fixates on the few instances of cuckoldry, it's always clearly projection.

>> No.20766156

It's not like the cuckoldry is a footnote in the story, it happens each time to a major POV character, and shapes the direction of the story almost every time. When it happened the third time and ended up changing the course of history was when I said to myself "Alright, this is borderline cuckold porn" and started to feel a bit slimy for reading it. It's not that I didn't give Bakker the benefit of the doubt - my man just really likes stripping his male characters of all dignity, occasionally in detail.

>> No.20766163

This confirms it. obvious projection.

>> No.20766170

You're mentally ill

>> No.20766176

Don’t forget the gay sex scenes. Bakker really likes to shoehorn his leftybullshit in his story.

>> No.20766185

Wait really?


>> No.20766196

good riddance

>> No.20766238

Seethe finally broke 'em

>> No.20766255

>it's not cuckolding because it's not like the cuckold porn I watch!!!!!
Jesus Christ dude...seek some help. Cuckolding is when your wife/gf has sex with another man, whether you approve of it or not.

>> No.20766260

I know, Im superstraight too bro, hate that gay shit and won’t read anything even mentioning it for fear of being homo triggered. That’s why I refuse to read fag books like the Iliad and the Old Testament.

>> No.20766269

You didn't break anyone. You just embarassed yourself projecting your cuckold fetish onto a fantasy series and wrote it off because gay people exist, not even going into the fact that the gay scenes in the book are described as heaping damnation onto the actors. Nobody cares. Enjoy having no media or art to enjoy. The world has left you behind.

>> No.20766291

Le Morte D'Arthur must be hardcore cuckoldry porn to you

>> No.20766319
File: 210 KB, 838x983, Walking Bakker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the best part, guy is a fucking pseud and he seethes that no one takes him seriously.

>> No.20766357

I didn’t have that picture saved. Thanks

>> No.20766488

>must be cuckold porn
Not only does the idea of a cuckold escape you, but you don't understand the idea of porn itself. Just because cuckolding happens in a story doesn't make it cuckolding porn.
You're not as intelligent as you think you are.

>> No.20766517

Yeah, I'm aware cuckolding as a concept exists, idiot. The thing called cuckolding does happen in TSA. Lots of things happen in TSA. But when you hyper fixate on it and scream that the author is injecting some kind of fetish into the work any time it pops up, it's OBVIOUS projection. It's SO transparent, and if you deny it, you're engaging in the most pure, distilled act of cope.

>> No.20766525
File: 2.85 MB, 3400x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kino that has filtered many people