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20764593 No.20764593 [Reply] [Original]

External belief systems are mind prisons
Life is a dream
Answers can only be found within, the sleeper must awaken

Books related to this theme?

>> No.20764896

I haven't read him, but I believe Jiddu Krishnamurti talks about this subject. Not in a weird new-age way, more just to value things like art, and not be a mindless consoomer.

>> No.20764902

Carl du Prel

>> No.20765015

The Upanishads

>> No.20765021

Tristan und Isolde
Finnegans Wake

>> No.20765432

Robert Monroe

>> No.20766122


>> No.20766491

Crime and Punishment

>> No.20766520

Brave New World

>> No.20766531

How so

>> No.20766677


>> No.20766712

JK is pretty good, his phrase
>the observer is the observed
can be literally all that's needed to "awaken from the dream", to use OP's language.
The way I put it is: the observer doesn't wake up, that which is observed wakes up to the fiction of the observer.

>> No.20766713

Literally google his name. Holy shit the state of /lit/.

>> No.20766730

Richard B Wells


>> No.20766757
File: 58 KB, 676x900, Paul Bond, Messenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"He who would enter into the realm of Wisdom must first divest himself of all intellectual pride. Prejudices, pre-conceived opinions and beliefs always stand in the way of true wisdom. Conceited opinions are always suicidal in their influences. They bar the door to the entrance of Truth."

>The great central fact in human life, in your life and in mine, is the coming into a conscious, vital realization of our oneness with this Infinite Life, and the opening of ourselves fully to this divine inflow. This is the great central fact in human life, for in this all else is included, all else follows in its train. In just the degree that we come into a conscious realization of our oneness with the Infinite Life, and open ourselves to this divine inflow, do we actualize in ourselves the qualities and powers of the Infinite Life.

>And what does this mean? It means simply this: that we are recognizing our true identity, that we are bringing our lives into harmony with the same great laws and forces, and so opening ourselves to the same great inspirations, as have all the prophets, seers, sages, and saviours in the world's history, all men of truly great and mighty power. For in the degree that we come into this realization and connect ourselves with this Infinite Source, do we make it possible for the higher powers to play, to work, to manifest through us.
Ralph Waldo Trine—'In Tune with the Infinite'

>> No.20767040

>the fiction of the observer.
Why can't it be the other way around?

>> No.20767429

You mean why isn't it "the observer wakes up to the fiction of the observed"? In a way that's true, it's just not the observer you currently believe yourself to be, and what's realized as fiction is the fiction that the observed is something separate from the observer.
The fictional person you believe yourself to be won't figure this out, because it's the activity that constructs that person, namely seeking and trying to get it intellectually, that stops waking up from occurring. To that person waking up can also sound like a kind of death or non-existence but it's not quite that as what "you" really are is already not that person, this is just obscured by layers of thought and identifying. The "observing" that you already essentially are is inherently happy/tranquil because it's only the fictional observer/person that has any desire or aversion.
The observer you believe yourself to be is that belief. When it's realized that the "I" you think you are is fictional, and identification as it is dropped, whatever you are currently observing realizes it is observing itself. I know this can sound like bullshit and I was skeptical too for a long time, but now I can assure you whatever it is it's not bullshit.
Feel free to ask more or let me know if I missed your point.

>> No.20768445

>Books related to this theme?
Try reading the works of Carl du Prel

>> No.20769234

Huxley in general is good

>> No.20769298

>I know this can sound like bullshit and I was skeptical too for a long time, but now I can assure you whatever it is it's not bullshit.
What happened to change your mind?

>> No.20769556

>The "observing" that you already essentially are is inherently happy/tranquil
This is Vedanta, yes?

>> No.20769578


>> No.20769916

"I" experienced what Buddhism, Chan and Zen, Advaita, Daoism, Mysticism etc all imo seem to be pointing to in their own way. Now there's often glimpses, insight, kensho, whatever you wanna call it, into non-self/ego nondual awareness. I wouldn't call it ego-death or ego-loss though, the fictional self/ego continues but it's seen to be fictional and nothing is identified with, which is why I can still be on 4chan at the same time lol
For a while I assumed it was some rare mythical event that only happens to a few monks after 30 years of meditation, but it's surprisingly common. I read/watched and learned the basics for a couple years and did occasional jhana, but I "got it" after only a few months of a few kinds of sincere self-inquiry and practicing relaxing/releasing/noticing attention itself. I'm definitely not fully "enlightened" or some shit like that, but it's unmistakable and in hindsight very obvious.

>> No.20769935

It can be. I'm not really aligned with any particular tradition though. I've gotten a lot out of all of them but currently I believe that Advaita, Buddhism, etc are essentially pointing to the same realization of the illusory/fictional self, but I won't deny they have their own ways of pointing to it and different ways of explaining it.

>> No.20770136

You're a stream enterer probably

>> No.20770194

Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.20771140


>> No.20771163

Plato, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, Psychoanalysis, Derrida, Baudrillard, the Matrix (the film)

>> No.20771170

also Adi Shankara helps, and neoplatonism

if you're a midwit:
try to work out something from there, if you're intelligent you might

>> No.20771485

>the Matrix (the film)
Also Dark City