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20764335 No.20764335 [Reply] [Original]

is this still worth a read?

>> No.20764341

OP here, forgot to mention I'm trans.

>> No.20764392

All of this alt-right shit is going to age so poorly, I can't wait

>> No.20764398

Going to? This already seems utterly obsolete and meaningless

>> No.20764445

Would this be considered /glowiecore/?

>> No.20764449

Counter-initiation, unironically

>> No.20764571

What do you guys think Trump running again will look like?

>> No.20764609

irresponsible rhetoric that will implicitly threaten america with another jan 6th if he doesn't get his way

>> No.20764615

Jay six was an outhouse jaw.

>> No.20764618

Like an old joke told twice.

>> No.20765849

saving this thread

>> No.20765868

read Guenon first

>> No.20765986


>> No.20765995
File: 69 KB, 1250x625, 9817532lpw-9817802-article-jpg_4505871_1250x625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start with the spics

>> No.20765997

The Dems stand no chance. They know they're getting blown the fuck out in the elections and none of the senior party heads want to take on this mess and all the young retards like the squad have no chance to win.

>> No.20766008

What's this little beaner up to lately?

>> No.20766128

Trump isn't going to be running ever again. It'll just be some nondescript rich cunt like Romney again, or maybe le based Florida man governor of we're lucky

>> No.20766165

I hate Trump (unless he goes nuts and becomes some kind of Buchananite wildcard) but hate Republican faggots even more, I just want whatever gets us strategically closer to fascism in whatever guise it will eventually take in America, probably some "New Nationalism" shit.

I don't want some neo-neocon trash usurping Trump's populist momentum but Trump himself has proved unworthy of it. Part of me is wondering whether the ideal isn't another lame duck Dem presidency that everyone knows is fake even more strongly than with Biden. Outrage over a transparently engineered/steered election, another round of trannies doing shit that makes their side totally unacceptable to the populist center and right, Republican control of the legislature so it's another pointless figurehead administration.. All this might be a better incubator for genuine fascism than some consolation prize neo-Reaganite boomer distraction turning down the heat for four years, and making boomer progressives do the same back to them the subsequent four years.

I don't know if now is the right time for meme candidates like Tucker. It would be another Trump, all talk because the dying system is still just strong enough to absorb and moderate the energies.

>> No.20766171

>It'll just be some nondescript rich cunt like Romney again
then Tucker (pbuh) would jump in and easily win

>> No.20766174

Going the Laura Southern route of being gradually reformed through a friendship with Destiny. This is after there was some big fallout within his group that caused a schism.

>> No.20766186

The memes themselves are funny, people who take them seriously and devote their lives defending them or fighting against them will look dumb if they don't already (they do).

>> No.20766200

>I just want whatever gets us strategically closer to fascism in whatever guise it will eventually take in America

I don't think you are going to get it, at least on an a national scale. My prediction, for what it is worth (nothing), is a refocusing on State Rights as it dawns on people that the time for winning the whole country (for both sides) has long since passed. Like the recent Roe-V-Wade shit. American foreign policy, which is what really matters to the elite, will chug along uncontested as people become satisfied with living in a their Woke or Based states, depending on preference.

>> No.20766229

I agree with you if things stay the way they are geopolitically, but I think the world is about to look very different, in a way that itself inherently makes people open to new solutions and "national renewal" projects as a way of confronting new uncertainties. And I think the deep state is so senescent even it is surprised at how crumbled it is now that a crisis bothered to test its foundations.

It probably will come down to regional power struggles, but these will become the basis for a seizure of the whole. For perfectly realistic reasons too, since the individual regional/cultural complexes will simply know that they need the federal state working decently well or their region will eventually be satellited or destroyed by China (or whoever).

>> No.20766259

Party politics is a sham. Tucker Carlson and his father, Dick Carlson, for example, are wonderful friends with James Alefantis and David Brock of pizza gate fame, and prior to the entire scandal, were regulars at comet ping pong. Roy Cohn, who ran a sexual blackmail ring, as well as Larry King of the Franklin Scandal, we’re deeply imbedded in the right side of the political divide. We all know the elite are pedophiles, but it’s on both sides of the aisles anons. Party politics is theater for the stupid. I’m not going to cite sources because this is 4chan and I don’t give a fuck, but everything I said can be verified if you look

>> No.20766309

The roe v wade shit is just a hard reminder that just because you live in a blue state doesn't mean that everyone agrees with your homo libshit.

>> No.20766346

It’s like lawyers who go at each other’s necks during a trial but go out for dinner and drinks afterwards.

>> No.20766349

>What do you guys think Trump running again will look like?
same as before but with less enthusiasm. he will get the boomer vote but he's lost a lot support from the alt-right. If he wins, the political divide will get worse. Democrats are literally trying to lock him up.
The ideal situation is that Biden strokes out in 2023 and Kamala takes the throne for a year. The result being that Trumps age will become a big problem and Republicans will thrown their support behind DeSantis who is objectively better than Trump in every measurable way

>> No.20766370

Exactly. But people get so emotionally involved in their team that they can’t see through the fucking ruse. It’s frustrating, this whole thread is filled with well meaning people who don’t understand that the game is fundamentally rigged. Just by virtue of being in power, the individual is necessarily compromised. No one rises to the top, they are placed there. And he who is placed must be able to be controlled.

>> No.20766384

The only reason my last lawyer was worth the money is because she used to be fuck buddies with my prosecutor.

>> No.20766403


>> No.20766420

Kek. Did you smash?

>> No.20766545

Glad someone else sees it. A politician is a politician. To rise up in the ranks you have to be narcissistic, sociopathic, power hungry and willing to play the game. Too many individuals put too much faith into people who couldn’t care less about them if it wouldn’t further their interest. Politicians are their own group behind closed doors. There is a reason that lawyers and politicians have such a negative stigma attached to them. You have to be two faced and sell out to succeed. It blows my mind that more people don’t question the whole lobbyist thing. USA is truly an oligarchy

>> No.20766683


>> No.20766796

fascism is never coming back, stop huffing memes.

>> No.20766806

it comes back every time a healthy state is born and shrugs off the bondage of interest

>> No.20766856

Unexpectedly quality thread. Is /lit/ back?

>> No.20766902
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>> No.20768254

saving this thread again