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20764247 No.20764247 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read to learn about "knowledge of self"?

>> No.20764265

Go for a walk.
(Without electronics)

>> No.20764270

cringe hippy, go away

>> No.20764556
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>> No.20764616
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Don't read, DO.

>Hadst thou not Greek enough to understand thus much: The end of Man is an Action, and not a Thought, though it were the noblest?

>Temptations in the Wilderness! Have we not all to be tried with such? Not so easily can the old Adam, lodged in us by birth, be dispossessed. Our Life is compassed round with Necessity; yet is the meaning of Life itself no other than Freedom, than Voluntary Force: thus have we a warfare; in the beginning, especially, a hard-fought battle. For the God-given mandate, Work thou in Well-doing, lies mysteriously written, in Promethean Prophetic Characters, in our hearts; and leaves us no rest, night or day, till it be deciphered and obeyed; till it burn forth, in our conduct, a visible, acted Gospel of Freedom. And as the clay-given mandate, Eat thou and be filled, at the same time persuasively proclaims itself through every nerve,—must not there be a confusion, a contest, before the better Influence can become the upper?

>The painfullest feeling, is that of your own Feebleness (Unkraft); ever, as the English Milton says, to be weak is the true misery. And yet of your Strength there is and can be no clear feeling, save by what you have prospered in, by what you have done. Between vague wavering Capability and fixed indubitable Performance, what a difference! A certain inarticulate Self-consciousness dwells dimly in us; which only our Works can render articulate and decisively discernible. Our Works are the mirror wherein the spirit first sees its natural lineaments. Hence, too, the folly of that impossible Precept, Know thyself; till it be translated into this partially possible one, Know what thou canst work at.

>> No.20765580

eat shit, fed

>> No.20765662

Suite yourself. You won’t be knowing yourself anytime soon.

>> No.20766473
File: 1.95 MB, 3108x2840, Adi Shankara guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What should I read to learn about "knowledge of self"?
the greatest authority on the subject of course! see pic related

>> No.20766504

>Time is nothing else than the form of the internal sense, that is, of the intuitions of self and of our internal state. For time cannot be any determination of outward phenomena. It has to do neither with shape nor position; on the contrary, it determines the relation of representations in our internal state.

Kant, Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.20766510

The last chapter of Walden might be helpful and the whole book in general.