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20760265 No.20760265 [Reply] [Original]

I am expected to die sometime in the fall. What books should I read in this limited window, if you could only pick one?

>> No.20760290

Damn, what's the diagnosis? I'll follow you in couple of years almost certainly, let us meet in shitposting heaven.

Book rec: The Tenant (Topor), my favorite novella

>> No.20760291

Some poetry, if you haven’t got a bucket list of books now, forget it. Go enjoy

>> No.20760347

Read Faust. Godspeed, Anon.

>> No.20760355

the pali canon

>> No.20760361

In death is life; in life, death.

>> No.20760366


>> No.20760377

Cicero and Paradise Lost. Also, I’m sorry anon.

>> No.20760537

Hōjōki by Kamo no Chōmei

>> No.20760580

>Everything That Rises Must Converge by O'Connor
my favorite short story collection, written by a woman who spent most her life sick with a fatal disease.
>Ficciones by Borges
my second favorite collection.
and the rest here are things that easy to read and might have some relevance to you:
>Invisible Cities by Calvino
>The Stranger by Camus
>The Metamorphosis by Kafka, and other stories of his like The Penal Colony and The Hunger Artist
>The Master and Margerita by Bulgakov

>> No.20760664
File: 313 KB, 864x1200, Holy Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20760749

Not that anon, but I have a low grade glyoma

>> No.20760884

Ivan Ilyich

>> No.20760914

if you haven't read it already:
Alice's adventures in Wonderland. I especially love this little pocket edition with gilded edges for the pages.

>> No.20760920

To completely reject modern medicine?

>> No.20760952

I think he meant the Tolstoy novella, not the Croatian cryptojew retard

>> No.20760978

Regarding attitudes to death I would read Plato’s Phaedo and Seneca and Montaigne’s views on the topic.
If you feel you that you are already fortified against the inevitable and simply want to enjoy reading, I would recommend some short story collections that show the colour of life, Boccaccio, Ovid, Chopin, Capote, Flaubert, Leskov.
I hope you find solace, my friend.

>> No.20760983

Does it hurt?

>> No.20760994

UG Krishnamurti. Kanada.

Learn about moksha and try to achieve it non-theistically (Kanada/UG style) if you're atheist and rebellious

It is the ultimate death-accepting philosophy. Born from nothing, returned to nothing. A Christian theme too, ultimately, except the soul doesn't go to heaven, just gets "resolved" and reintegrated as free quanta of energy within the rest of the universe. final succumbing to entropy

>> No.20760997

Yes anon he is the comfiest of them all, you can read all of his essais or the one where he is writing about his death experience and how it changed his perception to death

>> No.20761000

You're right, different spelling, but OP needs to consider iatrogenesis.

>> No.20761004

No, but I can't move my left hand and my left foot properly

>> No.20761017

are you expected to die due to this or not? and how old are you

>> No.20761030

It's not fully clear yet, but my chances are low. I am 23 btw

>> No.20761033

based gtfo of this life

>> No.20761044

We are the same age anon.
I waste my life so much. Be better if you took my shoes.
anon i wish you well really I do. Get better I am crying now good bye

>> No.20761055

Is it weird to envy people that know they're dying in a certain frame of time? I was on death's door in my twenties with a brain inflammation. I made my peace with death, but then I lived. I've never felt that peace of mind or inner calmness ever again.

>> No.20761076

The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. If you don't like it enough to continue just read the first book.

>> No.20761121

No its not weird but its a sin.

>> No.20761157
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>I am expected to die sometime in the fall

>> No.20761199

Game of thrones

>> No.20761211

you sound spooked

>> No.20761395

Never stop fighting, and for what it's worth Plato and tons of mystical and hermetic thinkers across all sorts of traditions intuitively knew that reincarnation is real and that this apparent life isn't the end, maybe it's only the beginning. Keep fighting all the way and have faith somewhere deep in your core that this kind of awful arbitrariness is only illusory, and it only wins if we lose hope. I don't know why evil exists but we have to keep reincarnating and raping its asshole until it shows itself and can be finally raped dead and defeated forever.

>> No.20761418

Add another vote for the Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.20761626
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try this

>> No.20761688


>> No.20761708

What film is this?

>> No.20761753

The bibe

>> No.20761868 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20761879

Some poetry, if you haven’t got a bucket list of books now, forget it. Go enjoy

>> No.20761896

The New testament

>> No.20762427

Go get Reiki therapy anon. This is what the CIA does

>> No.20762677

Then watch Matrix again
If you want something else, go for Permutation City by Greg Egan
See you next iteration frens

>> No.20762684

Have you ever smoked crack-cocaine?

>> No.20762755

The gospels

>> No.20762817

This. Start with John. Also, all C.S. Lewis you can. Read Ecclesiasties, Psalms, Proverbs, 1st Enoch, and know God loves you and you can trust His word.

>> No.20763482

Read it’s ok to die by Monica Williams Murphy

Do 1 our of self inquiry and listen to the Audiobook for the power of now or a new earth directot after taking LSD, do a vipassana retreat than do 1 hour of self inquiry and take 5 meo dmt

>> No.20763492

I wish I had a definite end date like you. I'm getting skin cancer but I can't be bothered to set up an appointment. Just going to ride this shit out and blindside my wife and kids when I die lol

>> No.20763897

The New Testament

>> No.20764153

Do you know what kind, or is it just based on imaging? You should find the best brain tumor center within a reasonable distance and get a second opinion ASAP if you can. They have better pathology departments, can do surgery in areas that most hospitals deem inoperable, more clinical trials, dedicated brain tumor MRI software, MR spectroscopy, proton therapy... Dana-Farber, Sloan Kettering, Mayo Clinic, MD Anderson and UCSF are the best in the USA. For Europe, I've heard France has the best general treatment centers while Germany has the most advanced immunotherapy industry.

A low grade brain tumor has a decent prognosis if you are treated somewhere with a brain tumor center, especially if it is grade I, which is considered cured with a total resection. But around 70% of grade II gliomas will progress into an anaplastic glioma (grade III) or glioblastoma (grade IV). Both are very lethal, 5 year survival is around 6% these days, probably a little higher if you're young and developed them from progression instead of de novo. Unless the glioma is in the pons, a good neuro-oncology team could get him a fighting chance.

>> No.20764156

The Human Condition (Yes, all 3, 3 hour parts)

>> No.20764220

Seconding Master and Margarita. Amazing book.

>> No.20764295


>> No.20764328

>I've never felt that peace of mind or inner calmness ever again.
You can with the buddhist jhanas >>20760355

>> No.20764336

>Never stop fighting, and for what it's worth Plato and tons of mystical and hermetic thinkers across all sorts of traditions intuitively knew that reincarnation is real and that this apparent life isn't the end, maybe it's only the beginning.
First if reincarnation is real, then stopping the fight is fine
second, reincarnation is abad thing, just like karma. This is what atheists completely fail to understand, because they are addicted to life, even though their lives are utterly shit and they say it's just chemicals lol

>> No.20764339

Gospel are jewish and not even canon.