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20760135 No.20760135 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me a basic plot summary of this series? Apparently it starts off as fantasy and the twist is that it turns out to be some crazy sci fi with aliens and shit?

>> No.20760171

Just read it or look on spark notes you whore. Christ this board is shit

>> No.20760178

No, I don't think I can.

>> No.20760179

It used to be better. I remember when recommendation threads were deleted on sight

>> No.20760192

„A young man goes on a journey at the end of which he becomes the supreme ruler of an empire and is met with a fate that holds the future of earth and all of humanity. Throughout this journey he goes through immense hardship and experiences the dying earth and its history of countless years of civilization.“ I’m sadly not very good at summarizing things but I could keep on going and going because there is so much taking place in TBotNS. Just do yourself a favor and read it. It is arguably one of the best works of the last century, if not one of the best ever.

>> No.20760218

Just read it, the book is pretty easy to fly through. The complexity comes from looking at the series as a whole and unpacking it, not from dense or intellectual prose.

>> No.20760222

it uses a lot of medieval-sounding language which conjures up fantasy language but if you pay any shred of attention you'll very quickly notice whats actually being described is like a high tech sci-fi civilization thats sort of fallen back into a more feudal society due to a dying sun. its pretty neat

>> No.20760241

Oh so another Dune ripoff, got it

>> No.20760247

You're not OP.

>> No.20760251

Bro, no. BotNS is about 100x better than Dune can ever even think of being, and I’m insulted you made the comparison

>> No.20760330

It's Harry Potter meets Malazan.

>> No.20760729

>Bro, no. BotNS is about 100x better than Dune
Lol ok

>> No.20761977

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.20762041

>"sell me on BotNS" threads daily
>zero discussion of the book or any of Wolfe's other shit

>> No.20762295

It’s Space Jesus guided by reverse time travelling aliens to fulfill his cosmic destiny. This is unironically the essence of Wolfe’s work.

This is core plot is fitted in between various vignettes and surreal, dreamlike stories. Personally, I think it’s a masterpiece and Wolfe is a genius.

>> No.20762357

>fantasy but actually it's the future and with sci-fi what a twist
Are people actually impressed by this?

>> No.20763810

I think it'd be cool to have a story where the characters think it's fantasy but later it's revealed to be sci fi and the creatures they were fighting were all aliens or robots or whatever.

>> No.20763963

It's sci-fi cosplaying as fantasy, with a protagonist that has actual multiple personalities of real (now dead) people due to eating the flesh of the deceased, which causes him to confuse the story he's telling as he's unable to differentiate between his own history and the history of the person he consumed, causing him to constantly lie to himself (and the reader) just to make sense of his own story while always declaring to have perfect recollection, who may also have died and been resurrected multiple times, and goes on a fucked up quest of self-fulfilling prophesy through time and space.

>> No.20763974

I'm here but I'm not taking bait and I can't summarize Botns without writing an essay.

>> No.20763987

BoTNS is about an autistic sperg having a fever dream where he is an asshole and fucks women. Far better than Dune.

>> No.20763993

Wolfefags have 100% overlap with anime-watching, Elden Ring-playing, My Bloody Valentine-listening pseuds. Do do not engage.

>> No.20764024


It is about a torturer who gets kicked out of his guild for showing mercy to a victim he is in love with, and then wanders a future earth in which the sun is dying and mankind has brought a bunch of fucked up alien species back to our planet from our adventures to the stars he has to contend with while he tries to fuck various women and gets toyed with by a vindictive giant homunculus.

>> No.20764041

Plot summary:
>I torture people for my job
>meet a revolutionary in a cemetery and save his life
>befriend a princess (who I have to torture in my dungeon)
>decide to show her the tiniest bit of mercy before executing her
>get banished from the torturers guild
>set off to a new town
>but before I can leave the city, some soldier challenges me to a duel
>hot babe who totally wants to fuck will accompany me to the botanical garden where I can get a special flower for my duel
>get into a 2 Fast 2 Furious Tokyo Drift stage coach race with my crazy girlfriend
>wake up in the wrecked stagecoach and find a magic jewel (sshhh, it's a secret)
>make it to the botanical garden and watch some old reruns of Tarzan King of the Jungle (seriously)
>get my dueling flower and pull a naked waifu out of the bog
>who are you, where are you from, do you have a name? Whatever, just come along.
>duel time, throwing flower petals at each other
>boy it was some duel, let me tell you, full of danger and excitement but actually I don't remember it very well, so use your imagination
>anyway the guy from the duel was the hot girl's sister and now I have to execute him
>whatever, time to leave the city with my mysterious bog waifu
>but first I have to preform in a play with a montebank Dr. Talos, his idiot giant Baldanders, and some waitress they picked up
>that was fun
>at the city ramparts people start rioting and I get separated from bog waifu and oh no I think the very fabric of reality is pulling apart
>anyway I'm sleepy so lets end the story here

>> No.20764090

>where should I pick up part 2 of my story? How about we flash forward several months?
>so I'm wounded and I lost bog waifu and Morwenna is dying (who's Morwenna? Not important)
>anyway I'm in a new village and have to execute someone in cahoots with the revolutionary I freed
>oh shit, is that my crazy girlfriend who wants to kill me for executing her brother?
>go to a fair and meet a man with green skin from the future
>anyway I execute Morwenna even though she was innocent
>get a letter from my crazy ex girlfriend saying she loves me and wants me to rescue her in a mine
>anyway, that was a trap, and the mine was full of ape monsters, but we escape
>then I got captured with Jonas and hey, we get to meet the revolutionary and he's going to share his LSD with me! What could go wrong?
>anyway blah blah blah cannibalism blah blah blah I think my soul is linked to that hot girl I executed in book 1
>anyway time to resume our travel
>get attacked by a magic bat which kills Cornet Mineas (don't worry, he's new) but then I bring him back to life with the magic jewel
>or maybe the magic jewel didn't bring him back to life and maybe he was never dead
>but I'm pretty sure the jewel is magic
>anyway we get captured and to go jail and I use the jewel to heal Jonas, but now he's acting weird (I told you it was magic)
>anyway, want to listen to a Greek Myth? It's reaaaaaly long.
>oh and we got out of prison, Jonas used a teleporter
>anyway I got my sword back, met a guy restoring a painting and then I walked into the painting
>in the painting some guy tells me the jewel is magic and I have to kill the Autarch
>oh hey, it's my friends Dr. Talos, Baldanders, and bog waifu! Long time no see!
>lets put on another play
>anyway during the play Baldanders goes nuts and starts killing the audience, but don't worry I'm pretty sure they were aliens
>time to say goodbye to Dr. Talos and Balnders
>then I met a giant who was so big she can only live underwater (she totally wants my cock)
>then I met three witches who told me about the future and then their witch tower exploded and I was all alone with bog waifu in the middle of nowhere
>anyway I'm sleepy so lets end the story here

>> No.20764151

Ay lmaos are mentioned literally mentioned within the first few chapters

>> No.20764201

It’s been a long time but I’m pretty sure he only ate one person

>> No.20764211

>decide to show her the tiniest bit of mercy before executing her
…he’s the one who signed her death

>> No.20764480


You should read this but stop at Urth of the New Sun. Do not read it. Just stop and pretend it all ends and stop. Urth being the book with a fictional version of itself jettisoned into space for its own shittiness.

>> No.20764520

Okay so a basic plot summary:
>Young man has a dalliance with a woman he shouldn't have, has to go on a journey as penance, becomes Jesus and the Emperor

>> No.20764573

He ate the Autarch's brain in Citadel, who also ate the brain of the previous autarch, who also ate the brain of the previous autarch so on so on

>> No.20765049

Do not listen to this guy. Read The Urth of the New Sun as well. It is a work of genius just like it’s predecessors.

>> No.20765427

Wrong and painfully inaccurate.

>> No.20765593

Forgot to mention, I'm trans - if that matters. Anyway that's where I dropped the series.

>> No.20765596

Summarizing any long work/series into paragraph always makes the work in question seem lesser. The problem arises when retards and people who pretend to read use this fact to rationalize not having to spend the time to read the thing, thinking they already experienced all it had to offer in their hyper-reductive summary.

>> No.20765614

forgot to mention I'm trans and tested positive for monkeypox recently. Any bug chasers in this thread?

>> No.20767047

Try just reading it anon, simply stop reading it if you start finding it boring

>> No.20767360

It's amusing how this silly genre fiction continues to filter /lit/. Imagine reading War & Peace or some shit and then not being able to understand a book where a time-traveling mind ghost appears at the end and explains what a deus ex machina is.

>> No.20767412

You say it like it's a bad thing. Elden Ring and My Bloody Valentine are amazing.

>> No.20768299

Case in point.