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/lit/ - Literature

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20758848 No.20758848 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, I was told that the best place to start reading philosophy is with the Greeks. Is Plato's Republic a good place to start?

>> No.20758867

Just read retard

>> No.20758917

I dont want to waste my time trying to get through this if there's another place I should start.

>> No.20758932

this is a good place to start anon.

>> No.20758939

Yes, you can, and in my opinion should, start with Republic. It:
>introduces you to the Socratic dialogue form of writing
>introduces you to Plato’s conception of metaphysics
>contains some of his most famous allegories and commentaries(most importantly the allegory of the cave)
>introduces you to his political philosophy
Republic is a pleasant read in general because, at the risk of sounding corny, it feels like you are taking a trip with Plato as he develops his arguments in real time.

>> No.20758945

republic, euthyphro, apology, crito, phaedo, phaedrus, timaeus, sophist, parmendeis

most of these are short, so don’t bitch about this looking like a lot

>> No.20758948

You’re missing essential context and will get filtered if you don’t start at least as early as the Sulawesi cave paintings.

>> No.20758950

actually true lol

>> No.20758962

look op, if you read primary texts like this, it’ll take you years to get past greek philosophy. read a new history of western philosophy by anthony kenny if you want to get anywhere.

>> No.20760733

yes, its the best entry to philosophy

>> No.20760796

My r/lit recommendation is that you start with the descartes, the French enlightenment writers, and move on to Kant from there. Those old Greek cats don’t know anything. Nobody really takes them seriously anyway since we have guys like deleuze and nick land these days.

>> No.20760833

deleuze references presoctatics, plotinus, etc. op needs a history of western philosophy text.

>> No.20760861

I’m just playing witchu my dawgz

>> No.20760875


>> No.20761331

Sir you need to go back to preddit

>> No.20761349

No, you need the pre-Socratics to be able to make sense out of later stuff. Get a textbook and then read whatever. The Republic isn't bad, but dunno, Plato is kinda cringe. To be fair, he was triggered because Athenians killed Socrates.

>> No.20761676

>Is Plato's Republic a good place to start?
Plato is a very good place to start, but you're better off reading some socratic dialogues first. Do learn about the surrounding historical context and do read some commentaries on what you're reading. This board is full of retards who think they can just read it without knowing what they are reading and they end up making dumb threads and generally spreading cancer. Don't be like them.

>> No.20761894 [DELETED] 

Start with Call of the Crocodile

>> No.20761935
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I really like this one. I don't think you should skip really interesting thinkers like Anaximander and Parmenides if you genuinely want to start with the Greeks. Parmenides is a nice little challenge too but can really change some of your conceptions about how you ought to form ideas

>> No.20762448
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I like this

>> No.20763626
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>the best place to start reading philosophy
Read Copleston.

>> No.20763633
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kys. see pic rel

>> No.20763639
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>> No.20763740

You should rather read short texts like gorgias, crito, protogoras, symposium and the apology.
If you like those and want more Plato, then maybe you should read the republic. Or just drop him completely.

>> No.20763954

What Version of The Republic is the best?

>> No.20764635

Simple as this: lots of good places to start and this is one of them. Consider looking up the syllabi of various universities to familiarise yourself with what's a key text.

>> No.20764645
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>cave paintings
Kek, ngmi. Start with the Acheulean stone tool tradition. Much like it did for our ancient ancestors, creating stone tools will train your brain to think. You will become more intelligent simply by practicing. Once you’ve mastered that, then MAYBE you’ll be ready to look at paintings.

>> No.20764672

Look up literary theory courses and what philosophy texts they use. Philosophy is easier to understand with an application, such as literature or visual art. Alternatively if you are interested in contemporary culture there is good overlap between philosophy and cultural theory though this is probably a bit much for a beginner.