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20758779 No.20758779 [Reply] [Original]

>now for my next cruel misanthropic punishment, i will give the gay guy... a huge cock

wtf did he mean by this?

>> No.20758780

Jews are gay I dunno

>> No.20758788

Remember when PewDiePie read this to a livestream of like 20k 12 year olds because it was an oooo spooky story but then he got to the part where the woman only wants to have her pussy mangled by the man with the gargantuan cock.

>> No.20758794

>the woman only wants to have her pussy mangled by the man with the gargantuan cock
Many such cases, women are trash

>> No.20758799

what did this moid mean by this?

>> No.20758806

I'll have you know that my penis has perfectly healthy adult dimensions (6x5) but I still got repeatedly insulted because modern women are mentally ill whores who form harems around the biggest cock in class as soon as they get periods.

>> No.20758809

Anon I...

>> No.20758819

Exactly, average is insufficient now. Unless you're Chad Thundercock are willing to debase yourself to a simp, don't bother with women. Fortunately I had active teenage sex life, learnt my lessons and moved on.

>> No.20758994

I thought the punishment was that he made Ellen lust over Benny's big monke cock and have sex with him despite him being gay. Giving him a giant penis wasn't the problem, making him fuck women was.

>> No.20759013

It's a computer with the power of a demigod that's too stupid to figure out how to leave Earth, so its just sitting at the bottom of the gravity well, dejectedly playing with the only toys it has left.

>> No.20759017

Doubt it's true, only for whores with 10+ partners.

>> No.20759023

Kek, that's every semi-attractive women over 18 yo now

>> No.20759027

>only for whores with 10+ partners.
so every woman over 21?

>> No.20759053

>t. Dude who hasn't spoken to a female in years
You're just coping with your own failings, or justifying your failings/inaction by telling yourself stuff like this. If there were still decent women out there for you to meet, that would make you a loser fag and not someone who has simply chosen to opt out because he "knows better". That cannot be so, since it would harm your delusional ego, so instead you surround yourself in a bubble of what you'd rather see, which is also very feminine. If I were female I wouldn't want to date a pussy man like that. There are inferior whores out there, and there are weak and delusional "men" like you, who lie to themselves because it is more comfortable that way.

I know you're wrong too, because I actually talk to women and know some, mostly 19 to 24. Your pathetic r9k shit is reprehensible.

>> No.20759061

>doesn't talk to women and barely goes outside
>watches porn every day and masturbates regularly
>"let me tell you what women are like"

>> No.20759071

>I talk to women
>thinks women are telling you anything resembling truth
Hopeless simp

>> No.20759081

Imagine the only woman around to have sex with for eternity is black, and you HAVE to have sex with her. You also have to share her among the three of you, and one of you is a gorilla with a giant dick and it isn't you. Hell.

>> No.20759086

I also know them and what they're up to, which you convieniently ignore. How am I simping? Anyone who disagrees with your idiot worldview is now a le simp? Funny thing is, you are extremely feminine (in the pejorative sense) in your behaviour here. Unwilling to look at things rationally, seeking comfort in delusion.

Like i said, you believe all women are like this because it is the more comfortable belief. If it were otherwise, you'd have to cope with the fact that you're afraid to go talk to them and find a decent one (they do exist, even in shithole big cities), you would have to overcome your anxieties, which is uncomfortable. Hence why I say you are a weak man, and you will never find a decent woman while acting like suchba childish faggot .

>> No.20759093


Based on that gay story, heavy af

>> No.20759094

lol please tell me this is still up somewhere

>> No.20759097

You have no idea what those women are up to, they're presenting an illiusion to extract resources from you - which in your case is attention, since you're so fond of "talking to them". Unless you fuck a dozen, do drugs with them and spend at least a couple of years in commited relationship, you know precisely shit about womemes.

>> No.20759115

Even if that were true I'd know more than you, since you judge them all based off of whores you see on 4chan from incels who hate women or only fans whores, or porno actresses you see every day. But yes I do know a lot of what they do, I know they have boyfriends or went to visit their grandparents or went to the beach or something.

You know my analysis is correct at least in part too, stop coping like a weak faggot.

>> No.20759122

you guys realise the massive cock lust was intended as torture for the woman too, right?

>> No.20759128

Their minds have been ruined by porn.

>> No.20759130

No, I did fuck a dozen, do drugs with them and spend a couple of years in commited relationship. I've also heard how they talk about simps who feed them attention for free (You). You're getting played, but that's true for everyone who chooses to get involved with women.

>> No.20759169

>spend time with degenerate whores who do drugs
>think they're all like that
>think im simping for them because i dont buy into your incorrect, irrational r9k worldview
>implying im doing all of this because i care about women instead of the truth
>they come to me or i just work with them and make conversation
>I've called a woman a bitch to her face on multiple occasions because i didnt like her and had all the holes mad at me and i didnt apologize
Actually it was worse than that. Anyway, the point is you're just wrong. Too irrational and attached to the situation, like a woman, which is ironic. Keep watching porn and being a delusional, meek fag. Meanwhile I'll find some good women.

>> No.20759181

>degenerate whores
They all are, as you'd know if you socialized properly instead of playing the gay bff role for free. Women are cynical and manipulative by nature, they're only showing you what you want to see so you give them what they want. That's all there is to it.

>> No.20759279
File: 45 KB, 625x559, FYnH_yfXwAAK2qd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

41:00 is when he starts, 48:40 is the mention of his cock https://youtu.be/ih_7oLSzS6Y

>> No.20759289

lol the realisation

>> No.20759321

Trust me bro, you're just delusional.
Skanks manipulate retarded men that are attracted to skanks the same as douches manipulate retarded women that are attracted to douches.
Sorry if you've had such experience, but as with everything in life, you just have to git gud.

>> No.20759340

It's good experience though, I won't fall for their games now in adult life and I've had some fun too. I can also safely dismiss lectures from guys whose experience amounts to "talking to women".

>> No.20759354

You're pathetic

>> No.20759360

>he can only read when his finger traces the line
is this a mark of autism?

>> No.20759363

You're naive and inexperienced, lashing out is natural reactiom when someone pokes at your illusions, but at least try to process couple of things you've read here. Good luck with women, you'll need it.

>> No.20759367

You fucking incel retards, the length of the vagina is something like 9.5 to 12 centimeters. Unless you have a malformed micro penis you're gonna be tickling her cervix. Girth is what women feel the most during sex, and there's hardly any variety among men in that area (not that a wider penis makes sex more enjoyable, it's the exact opposite actually). Total disconnection from reality caused by being terminally online.

>> No.20759369

>now in adult life
>"women are... le evil"
lol, pick one.

>> No.20759391

>He doesn't know about vaginal elongation during arousal
Anon. It's okay to have a small penis.

>> No.20759416

I'm sorry, but he's right. Even the nice girl I know who's in a relationship with her bf for 10 years had a cock carousel phase in high school. Once, she said her body count is 3 while she was drunk, but I said it's probably twice as much. She replied that I was right. I probably wasn't. It's way higher, but there was no need to push it.

>> No.20759486

Yeah it gets super long, like all the way to her diaphragm sometimes. If your giga-long giga chad cock pummels her hard enough you could give her lung trauma even, literally taking her breath away. Literally no girl will look your way if you can't do that.

>> No.20759501

He's right though, when a woman gets extremely aroused like after orgasming you can feel the difference. In my experience with the one girl I was with, it's kind of unpleasant because the pussy feels looser and is very wet so there's a lot less sensation.

>> No.20759550
File: 30 KB, 960x960, 1619621399042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After weeks of work and research we found that the average dildo measures up at a full length of 7.52" (19.1 cm), beating the average penis which stands at 5.16" (13.1 cm).

>> No.20759572

>discussion about a book devolves into who's the biggest virgin

Seriously guys, get help

>> No.20759577

Sex is largely emotional for women, a 13cm penis attached to a real man you're in love with is miles better than a 19cm dildo with no face or personality or bodyheat.

>> No.20759696

>women are manipulative
Woah real big redpill here, now im mgtow xD

>> No.20759697

You sound like a jaded ex-girlfriend, not a man. You're definitely a beta, the "women are all whores" is just a cope for not having enough strength and courage to go find some good ones.

>> No.20759703

>You're naive and inexperienced,
>t. 16 year old who smoked weed with some skank who didn't really "love" him like in his movies
Back to r9k, emotional faggot.

>> No.20759713

No he isn't right, you fucking retard. I could list off 4+ women I've known since high school who have had 3 or fewer partners. You sit inside and watch porn and masturbate every day, then tell me all women are whores, you're retarded children. You need all women to be whores because that justifies you not talking to them. It's very pathetic, r9k pussy shit that should be mocked, since it's an unnecessary blackpill coming from immature losers.

>> No.20759722

Oh no, now im gonna kill myself or play videogames and mastubate all day because all women are whores and i project my insecurities evetywhere like a girl instead of living life

That is not the mindset of a man, that is the mindset of a future tranny.

>> No.20759725

I have no mouth is a shitty short story not a book

>> No.20759730

>a 19cm dildo with no face or personality or bodyheat
oh it's me

>> No.20759741

I love pewds bros :) he's a cool dude

>> No.20759851

Cope, the post

>> No.20759856

Either you live in Saudi Arabia or you have no idea what life is like for a good looking woman

>> No.20760022

>what life is like for a good looking woman
She wakes up with menstrual blood gushing out of her vagina and plugs it with a stopper. She cleans herself and shaves off her hair to resemble a baby, painting her face, several hours later, exhausted, she leaves the house and enters the world where random men with very tiny eyes stare at her and make pleasing noises all day long.

Sometimes when she's walking around she begins to gush blood again, like a power jet, and the force of it raises her into the air and she screams and waves her arms around.

>> No.20760058

Number gaming is nonsense. If she has even a single partner other than her lawfully wedded husband then she's a whore

>> No.20760062

And then I point at her and say "Look at that dumb bitch taking off!" and all the other men laugh uncontrollably until they fall over in the street

>> No.20760088


check the average of dildos on amazon, fucking virgins

>> No.20760092

This incel obsession shit is symptomatic of our society where social institutions have broken down and sex, which most of our male ancestors took for granted is now considered an achievement

>> No.20760095

second two are me. the first is directly addressing dildos and the second is about the book.

>> No.20760100

also i'm a woman. with a dildo. it's 4x3 for ease of insertion. it's all about the clit vibes dawg, the dildo's just a seat filler.

>> No.20760102

You can cope all you want tranny. Almost every urban american women has a body count of 3+ by the time she leaves high school

>> No.20760104

kekek meant to quote >>20760088/>>20760095

>> No.20760112

>a body count of 3+
a what? high school? Are you a pedophile, bro? Accusing someone else of being a tranny for making a joke? jeez

>> No.20760120

>t. Dude who watches porn every day and hasn't talked to women in years
Nice projection btw. Start arguing any time.

>> No.20760123

I don't care

>> No.20760133

>Almost every urban american women has a body count of 3+ by the time she leaves high school
Lol no, nice virgin talk. Maybe 40% do. Unless things have changed A LOT since i graduated 5 years ago, that number is complete bs and cope fron your end for never talking to women. You idiot.

>> No.20760150

The fact that you have to constantly allude to alleged virginity of your opponents is further proof of how weak your original position is. Besides it being pure protection on your part.

Think about it logically. Why would any hot blooded teenage woman NOT have a bodycount of 3+ in modern society.

Give me one good reason.

>> No.20760156

Don't reply to women.

>> No.20760228

Damn this fucking sucks I like this story and the entire thread is arguing about who is a chad and who is a virgin
You’re all fucking losers shut up lets talk about IHNMAIMS

>> No.20760320

>is further proof of how weak your original position is.
No it isn't, it's just a fact that r9k incels use the same broad-brushed arguments to cope with the fact that they don't talk to women.

They might be shy/reserved, they might have a bf, they might not talk to men much, idk. I know your wrong about them drom high school though, wrong at least saying all of them or near all of them, unless it has changed a lot since I graduated. Obviously the culture is more promiscuous and degenerate but its been that way for a while anyway. The r9k incel shit about all women having 10+ partners after 20 is so idiotic, almost en par with feminist myths.

>> No.20760494

>Think about it logically. Why would any hot blooded teenage woman NOT have a bodycount of 3+ in modern society.
>Give me one good reason.
Maybe she's not a ho?
Why would any hot blooded teenage guy NOT go and bang every chick he can until he catches a ton of STDs? Maybe he's not a man-ho?

>> No.20760603

Incredible how real this is.
Dated a girl in highschool, she was quite /lit/, socially somewhat isolated. Virgin (confirmed upon our union) etc.
I was two years older than her. One day when some guy came to our school from another one, she said, "Oh, that guy has an absolutely massive dick".


>> No.20760616

How did she know?

>> No.20760623

Heard other girls in school talking about it, presumably. This was before snapchat and such came out.

>> No.20760674

Damn, I could have been a chad. I have a big dick but no balls to go with it. A girl left me a lovenote in highschool and we would text on our flip phones (she had a Razr to give you an idea of her desirablility), but I could never approach her physically, nevermind sexually. I may as well put back on that old Catholic highschool uniform when I return to work on Monday to show everyone the shameful truth: I'm still a boy in a suit. Sorry for the blogpost, it's a quarter hour past noon so I'm drunk

>> No.20760681

I dunno I've been in six relationships and I think they have a point

>> No.20760707

This. Anyone who settles for anyone less than a virgin is a cuckhold and asking for problems.
I got lucky and married a virgin.
I also don't like the way White Americans handle relationships. Most of them act like the blacks they claim to despise and seem just as sexually charged.
The idea of marrying a non-virgin completely repulses me, and I want to hang everyone who acts like it's normal to marry a woman who's been with more than one man (unless she was widowed).

>> No.20760940

>check the average of dildos on amazon, fucking virgins
What is a gay man?

>> No.20761401
File: 129 KB, 855x1024, Barbara Villiers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this is all subjective and stupid but what exactly does a "body count 3+" even mean? like, what is that scale exactly?

Where does Barbara Villiers fit in?

>> No.20761411

>I also don't like the way White Americans handle relationships. Most of them act like the blacks they claim to despise and seem just as sexually charged.
Ultimately it all comes down to 20 seconds in and out, no matter who you're with. Best remember this.

>I got lucky and married a virgin.
That's actually pretty bad; she's going to have the fantasy in her head, unbroken, until the day she cheats, which she surely will. Better to get with someone who's had plenty of experience and knows how boring and empty the world and other people really are.

>> No.20761434

>What is a gay man?
He's a director or movie writer I think, or maybe a bookman writer; first name Neil.

>> No.20761519

>Maybe she's not a ho?

That's a value judgement that doesn't exist in modern society. Remember slut walk? If women ever cared about not being percieved as hoes they would save themselves for marriage. If she can fuck a guy, she can fuck 3 and if she can fuck 3 , she can fuck 30.

>Why would any hot blooded teenage guy NOT go and bang every chick he can until he catches a ton of STDs?

Because he literally can't. Modern men would be just as promiscuous , even more so, if they had the option. But they don't, that's why incels exist. But all women do have a choice and there's literally no reason left for her to not ride the cock carousal. No fear of pregnancy. No fear of social ostracization. No conservative values. No fear of men rejecting her over this. Literally no reason at all.

The concept of marriage itself doesn't make sense otherwise. If you can fuck anyone outside marriage then there's nothing sacred left. Its just another sexual relationship that can just as easily be broken. No wonder divorce rates are where they are.

>That's actually pretty bad; she's going to have the fantasy in her head, unbroken, until the day she cheats, which she surely will.

Women who've been around a lot are more likely to cheat.

>> No.20761527
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Fuck, I think I don't get you younglings anymore ...

>> No.20761542

Elder, what is a +3 body count?

>> No.20761551

>Women who've been around a lot are more likely to cheat.
idk man, someone who's blitzed themselves on drugs or booze and gone thorugh hard life work to get over it and off it is oethe most least likely people to succumb again, compared to the one to who the thing is"new and mysterious".

lol i'm just jealous that you're married and finding fault, obviously.. still.. i may be right..

>> No.20761563
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Something of little concern if you pick a decent girl (means had actual relationships and didn't just fuck around) and know how to exercise a modicum of control over your woman ... a guiding hand so to speak.

>> No.20761579

I'm not married lol. Past behaviour is usually a food indicator of future actions

>> No.20761588

Retarded boomer values really did fuck over future generations

>> No.20761608
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Boomers mostly failed to pass on the flame (I know, there are rare exceptions). And now I gotta live in a world full of insecure fags and tards and I can't even really be mad at them.

>> No.20761619

They were too busy using the flame to burn everything that came before them

>> No.20761644
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Hey, at least most of them will still live to see it all crumbling before their very eyes. Consequences of failure. They were too complacent ... saw the decline happen in real time yet did little to nothing to deal with it accordingly. Willfully blind.

>> No.20761755

I think Harlan Ellison is one of the greatest writers of the last century; but why 'this' is his most well known book is beyond me.

>>now for my next cruel misanthropic punishment, i will give the gay guy... a huge cock
I think his idea of gay men was that they were effeminate or shy of masculinity, which is kind of a common 1970's take on the thing. I don't really get it either.

>> No.20761781

What's his best work?

>> No.20761831

>his best
hard choice between
?) A Boy and His Dog
?) Jefty Was Five
?) Run For The Stars

>> No.20761850

probably a boy and his dog should be no.1, my favorite is jefty, but run for the stars kicks the sit out of star wars for spacey sci-fi.

>> No.20761856

also- and there's a great interview or after-thought on the audio recording where he says how bad his writing was on the book lol, it's fucking great though

>> No.20761897


I sometimes forget that, accidental or not, the funniest fucking arrangements of words exist here

>> No.20761923

Anon I...

>> No.20761945
File: 3 KB, 720x104, double nomination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm touched by this.

>> No.20761991

shut the fuck up sex haver, dont try to compare yourself to me, dont ever reply to my posts ever again, dont ever think were in the same boat, were literally in opposite situations, you are a low iq below average normgroid who cant comprehend what a luxury it is to have relationships with other girls. youre nothing but a normal failed normie, you had sex, which means you have had at least a few girls in your life that you could interact with, you had girls like so you much even that they were willing to get to the highest form of intimacy, you having had sex means you had intimate relationships and got the highest accomplishment you can have biologically. Sex and generally being intimate with a girl is a physiological necessity for humans and you being a nigger with your inability for introspection and empathy means you could never possibly comprehend the psychological torture that people like me endure, you wouldnt be able to live even a week without jamming a fork into the nearest outlet if you would know what it feels like to be forever alone, the mental problems from knowing that youre totally fucked and will never have a person that will understand you and be willing to be intimate with you will make you reevalute if a death penalty would really be a punishment in this situation

>> No.20762054

I'm literally 23 years old and have had one partner, and that was another woman.

>> No.20762093

I wish I could help the people who sit around on hobby boards waiting for somebody to vaguely mention women and then spend their afternoon posting all the reasons they're demons
Just go to a college town and talk to like five frumpy girls that don't normally get much attention and you will lose this giant stone you've been lugging around your whole life

>> No.20762101

Obligatory YWNBAW

>> No.20762116

Yes, yes, we know, trans people live rent free in your head so hard that you think actual women don't exist.

>> No.20762133

They don't exist on 4chan. Trannies on the other hand unfortunately do.

>> No.20762159

4chan is majority male, but not exclusively.

>> No.20762183

Doesn't change the fact that you/he WNBAW

>> No.20762190

What would it take to convince you someone on 4chan who claims to be a woman is one?

>> No.20762320

>someone on 4chan who claims to be a woman
If it ever did happen it would happen on a Harlan Ellison thread.

>> No.20762325
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oh btw, lady, I saw crystalcafe the other day, that place was hilarious..

>> No.20762361

I've been there a couple times, it seems pretty toxic though.

>> No.20762505

You are all reading it wrong

>> No.20762533

Can someone post the "I have a mouth and ice cream" pic?

>> No.20762737

>Better to get with someone who's had plenty of experience and knows how boring and empty the world and other people really are.
Marry a harlot, by this logic. Won't you?

>> No.20762754
File: 14 KB, 559x423, 1629571400915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally 23 years old and have had one partner, and that was another woman.
>was another woman

>> No.20762809

>The concept of marriage itself doesn't make sense otherwise.
To a man it really doesn't. But to a woman it's still a lucrative endeavor. They catch the unsuspecting ones, that's their trade.
A woman can often turn her life around by the right marriage; a man, on the contrary, might get completelly financially ruined. And you don't have to be really wealthy in order to fall for this trap:
A man of modicum means can still pay a pension and a mortgage.
I know many such cases.

>> No.20762836

>>was another woman
A picture of contemporary women.
By the "table of conversion", it's equivalent to 10 men, sorry. kek

Also, it's worth noticing that men nowadays are competing with another women for the women. lol
This game is increasingly unplayable..

>> No.20762849

>This game is increasingly unplayable..
the solution is to date younger and younger women that have yet to ruin themselves and their emotional capabilities

>> No.20762914

>the solution is to date younger and younger women that have yet to ruin themselves and their emotional capabilities
Unfortunatelly, they start early these days. Also, women will push for legal changes in order to preserve their "reserve of market". Since they know deep inside they can't compete with younger women. They will use once again Daddy-State to save them and almost compel you to a relationship, and even if you don't marry them you will pay for their children with your taxes anyway
(Wasn't it Plato's dream?).

>> No.20762946

Which brings us to our original problem. Women shouldn't have the right to vote

>> No.20762976

Then abandon the idea of traditional monogamous marriage. Run though as many acceptable woman as possible, create as many kids as possible and let the chips fall where they may.
If you cannot change the world then you must adapt to it.

>> No.20763076

No, I mean my first and so far only sexual encounter was with another woman. A few months afterwards I got involved with a guy, but we didn't actually have sex.

>> No.20763079

>so far only sexual encounter was with another woman
what happened? how did you wind up with another woman?

>> No.20763091

She was a friend of mine in university, we met through an LGBT resource center event. She's more or less a lesbian, whereas I'm bi. I forget how exactly the sex ended up happening; I think basically she cracked a joke to the effect, and I was like "I mean if you're down..." and we ended up screwing. Though most of it consisted of cuddling. Cuddling is the best.

>> No.20763098

>A few months afterwards I got involved with a guy, but we didn't actually have sex.
And what are you waiting for to suck his cock? lol
How would you describe your sexual inclinations?

>> No.20763106

>Cuddling is the best.
Redpilled. kek

>> No.20763114

gross. why cant you find a man?

>> No.20763128

>And what are you waiting for to suck his cock? lol
Well now he's back in China so...
>How would you describe your sexual inclinations?
Bisexual, maybe slightly more leaning towards girls but not that much.
At the time I wasn't particularly looking for one. I did find one not long afterwards.

>> No.20763143

>lonely woman resorts to gay sex
Today I learned that women are basically just sexual objects. Absolute redpill.

>> No.20763148

Like I said, I wasn't particularly looking for a guy at the time. It wasn't a matter of 'resorting', I find men and women both appealing.

>> No.20763154
File: 85 KB, 1596x1600, 1633146850297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find men and women both appealing.
again, reinforcing my opinion that women are sexual objects

>> No.20763157

>Imagine believing its a real woman

Lit really is getting desperate

>> No.20763160

Lol, no. Only pussy dudes are "competing" with woman lmao.

>> No.20763164
File: 68 KB, 800x534, E4AE5DE4-C238-4CEC-B170-F668B2F5D7E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am gay with a 7” cock and I svffer immensely.

>> No.20763167

>Lol, no. Only pussy dudes are "competing" with woman lmao.

>> No.20763174

How so?

>> No.20763190

>How so?
not equal to men in any way
whole identity, both to themselves and society, revolves around sex

>> No.20763197

Nah, sex is a fairly minor part of my life. I enjoy it, sure, but so do men. I'm talking about it mainly because it's relevant to the thread topic.