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20755334 No.20755334 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20755346

This and Jane Eyre are both masterpieces. I love them both. I've spammed Powys and Ludovici's comments on WH a gazillion times before.

>> No.20755824
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"...the book that most thoroughly shook and staggered me, owing to the intensity of its passion and its psychological accuracy in the handling of a couple of human beings who live throughout their lives at white heat, was Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, which I read with bated breath; which I have read many times since; and which, at every fresh reading, I have admired more and more. Here was a book which to my mind outclassed everything, French, English or German, that I had so far read. I could not believe that anyone who had really understood it could have handed it to me in the cool and detached way Wright had done when he first told me to read it. Nor to this day, in spite of all the reading I have meanwhile done, have I found any reason to depart from the opinion of this work which I held when I was nineteen".

"When, however, I turned, as I soon did, to every source of information I could find about the authoress, her masterpiece and the reception it had been given by the so-called authorities of the day, I was shocked at finding no-one, male or female, who had shown the faintest sign of having grasped he meaning of this stupendous work. Indeed, I discovered that Wuthering Heights had not only been misunderstood and condemned by Emily’s own sister and many of the established literary celebrities of the day, but also that even those who had praised it most highly had always added some reservation or saving clause which indicated that they had missed the essential qualities of the book".

"In my opinion, Wuthering Heights is not merely, as Clement Shorter maintained, ‘a monument of the most striking genius that nineteenth- century womanhood has given us’; it is not merely, as Sir William Robertson Nicol declared, the work of ‘the greatest woman genius of the nineteenth century,’ it is the greatest work of fiction by any man or woman Europe has produced to date—and I am writing in the year 1961".

>> No.20756126

This and Jane Eyre are both masterpieces.

>> No.20756133

I read femcore novels and fantasize about meeting a girl who likes them.

>> No.20756167

A favourite at the age of 15

>> No.20756734

lonely victorian woman ghost porn

>> No.20756895

I'm going to read it next, what am I in for?