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20754445 No.20754445 [Reply] [Original]

What books or articles look into the spread of HIV\AIDS during the 80’s?
Ones that don’t censors themselves nor excuse the gay community for the activities they continued to engage within.
With the spread of Monkeypox I feel the outbreak of HIV is something that should be revisited. I’m seeing gay men try and excuse themselves for participating in orgies several times a week and then expect sympathy when infected with STI’s and MonkeyPox. Was HIV the same? I feel this could really be the tip of of the iceberg when it comes to confronting the promiscuous behaviour of the gay community and how for most straight people they have no idea what truly goes on

>> No.20754455

The 80s would have loved you by the sound of it - rhetoric right at home with bible-belt evangelicals

>> No.20754461

HIV hreads from the former Salo Forum

>> No.20754465

And yet they were correct in their conclusions

>> No.20754536

What is your point

>> No.20754551

kek, chud btfo

>> No.20754579

Yeah, these were wild.

>> No.20754646

What’s the forum? I’ve never heard of it
Also brief run down of the threads?

>> No.20754680

>I’m seeing gay men try and excuse themselves for participating in orgies several times a week
sir, please unfollow baberogers on twitter, its for your own good

>> No.20754681

I'm gay and a virgin. I'm going to laugh when the straights get it because they can't stop having sex and I'm monkeypox free.

>> No.20754689

>driving cars causes car accidents
>oh so you got into a car accident? Well, we won’t be giving you medical attention, if you didn’t want to get into an accident you shouldn’t have drove a car. Serves you right!
This is textbook victim blaming. And the homophobes were proven wrong because AIDS spread to hets, proving the “gay disease” theory wrong.
Christians abstinence only sex Ed is the same kind of logic as the car analogy

>> No.20754697

Your car analogy would be fitting if you removed the "Well, we won’t be giving you medical attention" part and added "Well, you shouldn't have been intentionally going well over the speed limit."

Victims aren't always blameless.

>> No.20754699

>Also brief run down of the threads?
Fags and dykes thought that the government closing down bathhouses meant that their right were supressed. Doctors couldn't understand what's going on, they even thought that poppers were responsible. Some patients couldn't stop fucking even though tumors were destroying their faces.

>> No.20754710
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At what point do we say no more and begin enacting violence against those we hate?

>> No.20754732

I'm a gay (virgin) and hate these people too, I would join you if you didn't see me as exactly the same as the Twitter user and want me dead.

>> No.20754735

Yh one gay person on Twitter is indicative of whole group of people. Real big brain arguments here.

You seem to be conflating a small subset of gay people who have risky sex-lives with all gay people. You're surely being moronic here. And like you've ever been violent in your life you little pussy

>> No.20754742
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>This is textbook victim blaming. And the homophobes were proven wrong because AIDS spread to hets, proving the “gay disease” theory wrong.

It was spread almost exclusively by men who have sex with other men, men who may be lying and married. It was all the same demographic, however you name them.

What would of worked, stopping both AIDS and Monkeypox is destroying any business that allows men to meat for the purposes of sex. Beat them badly, destroy the building, maybe lynch the worst offenders.

This is a growing sentiment now.

>> No.20754745

I don't get it though. You're still not gonna get AIDS or Monkeypox if these orgies go on. You didn't get AIDS from gay people, they gave it to each other. Why do you care?

>> No.20754752

>Yh one gay person on Twitter is indicative of whole group of people.
He is. They aren't a small subset. AIDS spread the way it did for the same reason. Because they refused to limit their sexual activity in the face of a serious disease. They didn't do it then and they won't do it now because their sexual promiscuity constitutes their identity as humans. A large portion of homosexuals engage regularly in anonymous sex and orgies. Couple this with anal sex being an easy vector for disease spread since it spreads fecal matter among people. A gay orgy means many men each spreading their feces all around to each other. This is what homosexuality is. It's continually "punished" by nature due to it risk and its revelry in filth. The gay movement tricking people like you into thinking that gays are just like straight people, that gay sex is just like straight sex, just with different sexes involved, was one of their greatest propaganda victories. You being naive doesn't make it true, though.

>> No.20754756

This is literal bollocks - have you seen the AIDS epidemic in East African countries?

Let's stop gay people spreading a disease that kills them by brutally killing them?

Growing sentiment amongst basement dwelling virgins on 4chan, sure

>> No.20754765

>Why do you care bro? We like having anal sex and wallowing in human excrement so much that we're willing to become plague rats over it, okay? Just get over it
That's homosexuality for you.

>> No.20754772
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Of course you can still get it. Gay Men have families, still partake in this behavior, spread it to families and worse.

I don't care about what barbaric blood-drinking practices happen in Africa. They spread AIDS because they believe that raping virgin children cures them off it

The virgin clensing myth. Read a fucking book.

>> No.20754784

"punished by nature" is probably one of the most catastrophically brain-dead arguments ever made, it's hilarious that you flaunt your intellectual inadequacies as if they validate you, and freely show yourself to be as backwards as a medieval peasant with this 'nature has a will' drivel whilst delivering your non-argument with such petulance and arrogance

>> No.20754785

I'm not like that and hate those types as much as you since they force an image on me despite being a virgin and mostly closeted. I hate the fact that I can't simply be seen as an individual by either the left or the right.

>> No.20754794

Sexually transmitted diseases exist and have done throughout history in many forms in many contexts - you seem to have some fixation/aversion to anal sex. Again something done throughout history. Saying fecal matter and excrement doesn't really gross me out, sex in all its forms is intertwined with the base and with bodily functions. Your mind sounds like a Freudian nightmare

>> No.20754800
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Not of this refutes what he said. You are emotional and upset.

Because you make your non-standard sexual preference a major part of your personality. We are tired of it. When a homosexual man enters a peer group of straight men the entire dynamic is ruined, or at least changed sufficiently as to be different. Intentional or not most men resent this.

>> No.20754802

>Not all gays are like that!
You're just a dupe. Your little shtick doesn't do anything but deceive people into thinking homosexuals are normal and that the bathhouse piss drinkers aren't the majority.
It's telling that this is the only thing you could latch onto, ignoring the fact that I put "punished" in quotation marks so you can put words in my mouth about nature having a will. You have no response to any of the points I actually made do you? What do you think happens if you play around in human feces on a regular basis with strangers? Do you think you're eventually going to get sick maybe? I'm referring to the consequences of unhealthy behavior, you retarded faggot.
>Getting strangers' feces on my body isn't gross that's just what sex is bro.
Again, that's homosexuality for you.

>> No.20754806

What you said, you mean. Of course it refutes it. Your whole argument rested on being punished by nature, which is genuinely laughable, and would be even in Victorian times.

>> No.20754812
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Imagine thinking human waste is an essential part of procreation.

>> No.20754819

It's why they call infecting others with AIDS "breeding." They can't create life and can only create death. Their progeny is disease.

>> No.20754822
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>hello 4chan, o great internet hate machine
>pls suggest me books that tell me I'm right and smart and reinforce my self esteem
All of you cunts need to leave
P.S. kill yourself too, while you're at it

>> No.20754823
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Sorry, lit is a poo board

>> No.20754826

Haha you're so angry. Saying that's homosexuality for you whilst twisting my words isn't an argument

>> No.20754828
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>Community is diseased from dirty behavior
>Be healthy attractive lad
>Join community you know is dirty
>Catch uncurable disease that changes life for ever
>Fucking republicans did this to me

It was your nature.

>> No.20754830

At least Pynchon caught the link between scat and homosexuality. The turd is a phallic object to homosexuals, who are turned on by human shit.

>> No.20754833

>Simply dismissing iusnaturalism just like that
Yup, you can alway leave it to a gay apologist to be a shining beacon of intellectual dishonesty

>> No.20754834

I honestly don't know what you're on about now but I think you're slightly unhinged

>> No.20754835

It's over anon. Try harder next time, okay?

>> No.20754839

It was your argument, they were your words. Don't get all prissy and uptight now because you've been shown up for being intellectually bankrupt and forward the most retarded argument ever. Just walk away with your tail between your legs and cool off you silly twat

>> No.20754848
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>> No.20754850

Yeah but pudding isn't gay

>> No.20754854

I'm literally a fucking closeted virgin that calls out sick shit like drag queen storytime. I never saw myself as "gay," society forced it onto me so now I struggle internally with my attraction to men. What bothers me is that this alone is not enough for people if they found out, now I'm all sorts of things that are forced onto me and lumped in with other degenerates despite being more pure and rightous than most straights.

>> No.20754862

>Having unsafe sex with multiple partners and trying to control yourself
>same as driving a car and having an accident.
kek, you don't even believe that yourself. Such an obvious troll.

>> No.20754863
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This is all just personal attacks, with no attempt to engage with serious issues within the community. This is part of the problem and why societal patience is thinning.

>> No.20754893
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That sucks anon, and i am saddened to hear you are in that position. I can't offer you anything but words of encouragement, perhaps look in to Greek lit some and take clues from their behavior.

I can only say that to be made welcome by blue collar/ working class men, there must be no reference made to your homosexuality, even in jest. Not because it is unwelcome, but because it highlights you as different, every mention of it further 'others' you. When you introduce your partner at a function do it like a lad introducing his girl friend and keep your friends and your boyfriends worlds apart.

>> No.20754896

Societal patience isn't thinning. You just want it to be. Nothing wrong with personal attacks. His argument quickly devolved into nature having a will, which is a step removed from the people who claim hurricanes are God punishing the gays etc. It's honestly not worth engaging with on an intellectual level beyond that point. The poster believes all gay people are having orgies and covering each other in shit or something so again, very hard to argue with someone whose starting from a place so far removed. I'm very relaxed about calling him an imbecile and leaving him to his own devices. He's shouting into a void of his own construction. And the solution offered is lynching gays - again this is not the mark of a sane or rational person. Of course he will argue that he is the sane and rational one and that I am corrupted by the gay lobby or some such, so really this is a worthless discussion on all ends. No one is changed in their view. But he should know still that nature has will is very dumb and instantly discredits him

>> No.20754899

I don't think I'll ever have a partner or anything like that. I wish I were born 100+ years ago when homosex wasn't a thing. My life would be a lot happier.

>> No.20754909
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>His argument quickly devolved into nature having a will,

No, you took it as that. If your nature is to engage in behavior that exposes you to fecal matter, diseases and all manner of vectors for sickness that is your nature, the natural world, inflicting consequences on you for dangerous actions. This is no different to bemoaning falling out a tree after having climbed it. Very hard to fall out a tree and break a bone if you dont climb it, especially when the number one cause of broken bones is falling out of trees.

That is nature, the natural world, actions have consequences.

>> No.20754916

I'm so sorry, you really are dim. Trying to frame your argument as being about simple natural determinism whilst using phrases like 'inflicting consequences on you for your dangerous actions' shows you still have a long way to go in parsing your intellectual inconsistencies. It's actually quite a striking example, holding to disparate and contradictory things together in one sentence in the way you have, and not seeing the contradiction. It may simply be a rhetorical or semantic inconsistency on your part - either way I'd advise brushing up on your rhetorical skills because you've fatally weakened your own point

>> No.20754928
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This is ad-hominen and further highlights the refusal of the gay community, much like the black community, to condemn terrible behavior in their own cohort. When you fail to do so, another group must fo so.

>> No.20754959

This is getting embarrassing now. Please just take the criticism and improve your arguments in future if you want to be taken seriously rather than doubling down. You're arguing the point with me, and you failed. I doubt you're even convincing yourself now

>> No.20754967

Here is The Thread

>> No.20754966

>mass replying
>instagram-tier reaction image
>p-please no ad hominems
Nigger, tongue my anus

>> No.20754976

The Gift documentary
the most famous clip in the film

>> No.20754988

>AIDS in Africa
There are two factors here.
>they are "on the down low" as American blacks say
>they lie about the stats because they know it will get them money from Western charities

>> No.20754989

to spread monkeypox you need more than 2 partners a week, that's way above the straight average, way bellow the gay average

>> No.20755013

Just read some Foucault, he's an expert.

>> No.20755048
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>the sex parties were known as "Standard Fuck Parties." Condoms were traditionally barred from use, though at the time of filming the rule had been changed to mere discouragement of condom usage.

>Anywhere from 100 to 120 men would typically attend the Standard Fuck Parties, and despite this high attendance, seldom more than two or three condoms would be found on the floor in the morning - that was it.

>Doug Hitzel, a young man, reveals that after a year of unsuccessful dating he gave in to unprotected sex in an attempt to fit in; he is then seen crying. Doug Hitzel died September 26, 2017

>It was considered to be quite romantic. From then on, Kenboy would not have to worry about getting AIDS or not, or using a condom (failing to think of the possibility of catching other STIs). According to his Facebook page, Kenboy died August 22, 2017

It is natural to be repulsed by those who engage in this behavior.
It is natural to want these people removed from the public spac.
It is natural to be angry this happens near you.

>> No.20755063

You can't even justify their inclusion in society. You have to move the entire debate away from the subject matter.

>> No.20755070

>no, you don't get it, retard, you HAVE to have these dens of festering disease and death, or else!

>> No.20755085

Sounds more like an anal fixation to me ;)

>> No.20755103
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>> No.20755113

Then shouldn't your problem be with promiscuity rather than homosexuality?

>> No.20755127

Promiscuity is harmful but male/male homosexuality is uniquely a vector for disease + disgusting due to lack of the moderating influence of women who have innately lower sex drive.

You must revere these people bigot. Our Values. Tolerance. Inclusion. Disgust reflexes are fascism. Monkeypox is in the water in some US cities now.

>> No.20755151

My diary desu

>> No.20755167

Are you gay or bi? Well, you're in no position to comment. OP is correct. Most people, especially women, have no idea how promiscuous gay men are. With Grindr, I could find a guy to fuck within an hour. I haven't followed through, but I've had people begging me to. I went to a cruising spot to take a shit just for fun. Two guys who shouldn't have been there propositioned me in the time it took for me to take a shit. I've been there on other ocassions and seen other cruisers too. Some gay men are better than straight people about making sex as safe as possible, but it is true, gay men are incredibly promiscuous and don't expect consequences. STDs without good treatment or prevention, like early AIDS and monkeypox, are massive wakeup calls for gays; it is fun to watch their panic.

>> No.20755176

We spend tons of money every year subsidizing HIV treatments for gays.

>> No.20755187

Why, though? Even men are pickier with women than gay men are with men, it's fucking bizarre to me that it's as if they're just looking for an asshole to pump rather than a person they're genuinely attracted to

>> No.20755193

>It's fucking bizarre to me that it's as if they're just looking for an asshole to pump rather than a person they're genuinely attracted to
Because they are.

>> No.20755205

>It's why they call infecting others with AIDS "breeding." They can't create life and can only create death. Their progeny is disease.
That's not breeding. Breeding is just cumming inside a man's asshole as you would cum inside a woman's vagina so that you may breed her. You get AIDS from being bred. Your overly close reading is misinformed.

>> No.20755229
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They are attracted to the act, the scene, the thrill, the person does not matter. Has never mattered. This is why so few gays have no sex life when married or in a monogamous relationship.

You will struggle to be turned on by a rough copy of your own physiology. They are aroused by the acts, not the person. Like a fetish, this is not exclusively true for hetrosexual couples. Though it can be.

>> No.20755240

exactly. almost no homosexual is sexually attracted to men, they are men who are overly horny, and other overly horny men is the path of least resistance for sex. Hornyness overcomes disgust.

>> No.20755245

I am the anon you replied to, and I agree with this ( >>20755193 ) message. I am a bisexual and a virgin, but I sext with men and, very rarely, women. I am much more particular about what women I'd want to date than men I would sext or have sex with. Perhaps, this has to do with resources, as in what kind of commitment you are making/expected to make. With women, even if it is a hookup, you can have problems fucking a fatty and then leaving, but if you have sex with a gay guy you don't like, you can bust and get out without fearing you might get accused of rape or your car keyed. But even without introducing that logic to the discussion, I find that I am less picky about men because I am not really attracted to men. I just have homosexual desires to fulfill.

>> No.20755266

Herve Guibert "To the friend who didn't save my life" with Foucault unironically

>> No.20755358

>You get AIDS from being bred.
Your semantic quibbling only proved my point.

>> No.20755433
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Bro he's literally just saying that if you do shit that has the chance to give you a disease over and over again you will eventually catch a disease. You're literally having an anime villain moment over this guy's choice of words. You don't look cool arguing over semantics, it just makes you look scared of confronting the actual argument.

>> No.20755645

More than slightly

>> No.20755680

>the flu is a natural punishment for breathing the same air as other people. The breath of the natural man, who always keeps his distance and lives alone, creates life, is productively used by his body to exert energy in farming and living off the land. The breath of the unnatural man is a vehicle for spreading death, rather than being ejected onto the fertile earth during his labors it is ejected into the lungs of other men, where it breeds only disease.
>You’re making a bad argument
>bruh he is just saying don’t do dangerous things that spread disease
Incidentally I do think lime disease is an act of God meant to punish us for not wearing a set of hardy wader pants while walking in tall grass, and people who get bit by ticks should just be left to die by exposure since nature has already claimed them for itself.

>> No.20755696
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>calls out orgiastic gay culture of the 70s
>gets banned by gay bookstore
Was he right?

>> No.20755701

And the Band Played On

>> No.20755731

>Breathing air is the same as coating your dick in the feces of a large numbers of strangers so you can cum in their assholes
Just give up, man.

>> No.20755743

>Larry Kramer

Didn't that guy say that Fauci should be put before a firing squad and that his treatments for AIDS were actually worse than the disease itself? Or am I thinking of another Larry Kramer?

>> No.20755750
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If you are meeting people anonymously and finding ways for tics to sting you, going to parties to injest them, lining up in bathrooms to be stung by them, refuse to wear pants which prevent 90% of transmission, but you can't can you?
Can even just cut down on the sheer volume of stings you recieve in a month?

>> No.20755752

You would know

>> No.20755779

Did you not get your 2020 Progressivism update? It's perfectly acceptable for doctors to reguse to treat people now because they didn't take preventative measures during a global pandemic.

>> No.20755787
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You are now seeing ads for HIV medication on billboards because we would rather endager our entire society than be cut out the cancer in the heart of it.

>> No.20755792

>gay bookstore
That's a euphemism for gloryholes, they don't have books there

>> No.20755804

Your analogy with the flu doesn't work in this case. If I were to enter a place which I know to be filled with the disease (particularly if I were doing it for some frivolous reason) then yes, I could certainly be blamed for contracting the flu by breathing.

The simple fact is that homosexuals often catch venereal diseases due to the large amount of unprotected anonymous sex they have. It's a regular occurrence within the gay community; it certainly isn't all of them, but it is enough to make a difference.

>> No.20755828

>this place is a covid hotspot
>cant avoid it, have to get groceries
>wear a mask
>use hand sanitizer
>test a few days after to make sure i don't have covid

>this community is known for having diseases that can kill
>refuse protection
>actively seek out diseased partners
>have multiple partners a night
>do this multiple times a week
>make lifestlye geared around this lifestyle

Totally the same my guy

>> No.20755919

If you literally just check yourself for ticks and remove them within 36 hours you are very unlikely to get Lyme disease.

>> No.20756169

>/pol/niggers so desperate they try to shill on /lit/
Niggas, we pretend to read the Greeks here, what are you doing with your lives?

>> No.20756227
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>you must be a far-right incel to not believe a person has a right to spread fatal diseases

>> No.20756248

>to not believe a person has a right to spread fatal diseases
That's a far left position you down syndrome. Apply all your objections to the mandatory covid jab to this disease and you'll realise how retarded you are.
>But it doesn't affect me personally right now
Jesus Christ why did I even bother.

>> No.20756335

You need to be some kind of retarded incel to try and proselytize on fucking /lit/.
The specific beliefs are irrelevant, it's the desperation that matters: who would want the support of chronic contrarians, posers, and master baiters?

>> No.20756434

Wow there are still people who defend faggots from taking blame for the aids crisis?

>> No.20756453

I thought this board would be for smart people but after reading through this thread and seeing people legitimately believe gays weren't responsible for the AIDS crisis is ridiculous. Thats the kind of misguided shit my high school sister thinks

>> No.20756482
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This shit is just sad. Dude clearly wanted to improve his community but got labeled homophobic for stating the truth.

>> No.20756553

I doubt it will be easy to destigmatize monkeypox like they did with aids. They used to show videos of people hugging people with hiv/aids and drinking from the same glass of water. These kinda showings did help the public (straights) fear the usual suspects much less and gave them a "as long as you don't have unprotected sex with them you don't have to fear getting it" mindset.
You can't make these kinda videos with the monkeypox so aside from it becoming a taboo to discuss, it should be really hard to remove this fear the general public has/will develop.

>> No.20756554

I was banned there

>> No.20756559

The problem with gays is they're impervious to responsibility

>> No.20756566

I know Dischord records used to defend the Silence = Death thing but this isn't /mu/

>> No.20756582

Says the incel from mommy's computer