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/lit/ - Literature

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20750235 No.20750235 [Reply] [Original]

Is Anne Frank's diary actually worth reading? Is the plot good?

>inb4 "just read it"

>> No.20750292
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For the literary content, no. There are many better written accounts of the horrors of WWII

>> No.20750348

Just read it.

>> No.20750349

she can write better than most people on lit
can't recommend buying it, get it from a library

>> No.20750364

Its a meme book.

>> No.20750444

>The Diary of Anne Frank
>Number the Stars
Why does the American school system force this shit so hard?

>> No.20750453

Why do they force Atlas Shrug? Catcher in the Rye? It’s a book the teacher read

>> No.20750472

>Why do they force Atlas Shrug?
What school does this? I thought everyone treated Atlas Shrugged as a meme book, especially since liberals run the school systems.

>> No.20750483

>Why do they force Atlas Shrug
They don't? I have never heard of any school forcing to read any of Rand's works. Closest thing I've seen was her play being performed but that's it

>> No.20750497

He was an insufferable faggot though
Never made it finishing The Skin

>> No.20750509

she was my second waifu, behind laura ingalls of course.

>> No.20750512

No school forces Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.20750587
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Ain't she cute? Also, she hates her mother, just like me...
I wish i was Peter.

>> No.20750596

Read "if this is a man" by Primo Levi

>> No.20750606

>The holocaust happened
Jewish Historical Fiction is lame.

>> No.20750963
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Why would you read fiction.

>> No.20750967 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20751013

Antelme, The Human Race.

>> No.20751015

It wasn't forced when I was in school, especially Anne Frank's Diarrhea

>> No.20751029

The school system is run by leftists, dude. Why would they teach Ayn Rand?

>> No.20751035

Plz recommend me a good edition in what she said she touch herself at night.

>> No.20751054

>Why do they force Atlas Shrug?
they don't

>> No.20751257

tfw pow of qt 13yo jew girl abusing older bois. tfw you will never be one. is this book in a lenth of ulysses or IJ, which requires to make a decision prior reading it?

>> No.20751265

Written in ballpen.

>> No.20751295


>> No.20751388

Malaparte was literally a fascist, you retarded ignoramus

>> No.20751592

for people who spend their time reading 4chan threads, definitely yes

>> No.20751598

I was forced to read all three of those in 5th, 6th and 9th grade respectively.

>> No.20751613
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>Is the plot good?

>> No.20751883

Glad someone got my joke

>> No.20751891

Any other books you rec? All Curzio book's sound very interesting.

>> No.20751895

No not at all, I was wandering if it was one of those books that people read out of sympathy or literary merit. I'll probably read it some day.

>> No.20752194

>No school forces Atlas Shrugged.
Atlas Shrugged is, or was, a standard book read in many schools.
I know Catholic Schools read it, and some private schools.
Admittedly, book choice varies by school, and sometimes by teacher within a school, but AS was definitely on school reading lists in High Schools.

>> No.20752492
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>the Diary of Ann Frank wasn't heavily edited
>the holocaust happened

>> No.20752494

But it was written by her father

>> No.20752512
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For WWII literature? Kaputt and The Skin from Malaparte. Kolyma Tales by Shalamov is another great one about Gulags. Absolutely brutal what happened there. Solzhenitsyn

>> No.20752531

illusory superiority effect
social proof bias
authority bias
Confirmation bias
Anchoring bias
Halo effect
Empathy bias
Confirmation bias

>> No.20752659

Anne Frank never had a diary.

This, and some of them are even based on reality.

>> No.20753981

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.20754023

A ballpoint pen was only used to the page numbers and some notes at the very end. Don't think it's much of a stretch to assume those were added after the fact.
The authenticity of the diary has been confirmed in a forensic investigation comparing the handwriting to other things Anne Frank wrote and analyzing the materials (glue, ink, etc) found in the diary.

>> No.20754039

>girl kept a diary

>> No.20754059

>The authenticity of the diary has been confirmed in a forensic investigation comparing the handwriting to other things Anne Frank wrote and analyzing the materials (glue, ink, etc) found in the diary.
This is a lie. Meyer Levin sued Otto Frank in court, and Frank was ordered to pay Levin for writing the "diary". The foresics also concluded that none of the handwriting of the "diary" matched other known examples of Anne Franks handwriting.

>> No.20754079
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>This is a lie. Meyer Levin sued Otto Frank in court, and Frank was ordered to pay Levin for writing the "diary"
>This is a lie.
It's not hard to Google this stuff.

>> No.20754092

>calls others liars
I genuinely don't get what compels people to do this. I guess it's a cultist thing, but if you're consciously lying, you know the truth... it's strange.

>> No.20754099
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>> No.20754880

If you're interested in a girls feefees. No.
If you're interested in the historical context: skim it
If you're interested in anything concrete: read a critique
It's probably illegal in my country to claim anything about this book. But don't take my word for it. It becomes apparent enough when read.

>> No.20755529

"The “ballpoint myth” is based on the simple fact that, around 1960, two annotation sheets with ballpoint writing were inserted between the original pages. These texts were written by a graphological researcher, and are not included in any edition of the diary. In July 2006, the BKA found it necessary to state in a press release that the 1980 investigation in no way challenged the authenticity of the diary and the myth was largely driven by misinterpretations picked up by Neo-Nazi groups."

>> No.20755543

Why are /pol/tards so stupid

>> No.20755549
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>"The “ballpoint myth” is based on the simple fact that, around 1960, two annotation sheets with ballpoint writing were inserted between the original pages. These texts were written by a graphological researcher, and are not included in any edition of the diary. In July 2006, the BKA found it necessary to state in a press release that the 1980 investigation in no way challenged the authenticity of the diary and the myth was largely driven by misinterpretations picked up by Neo-Nazi groups."

>> No.20755570

>t. Amerimutt living in Kikmerica

>> No.20755810

Most of it was not written by her, the book is not real.

>> No.20756171

>he bailed
Shame, I hoped he cope for a few more posts.

>> No.20756199

Is it worth reading for the erotic parts?

>> No.20757787

"Is it possible i'm so rude, headstrong, stubborn, cocky, dumb and lazy as the van Daan say i am? I don't think so. I know i have my defects, but they exaggerate! If you only knew, Kitty, how i seethe inside when they censor and make fun of me! It won't take long until i explode in anger."

best fart of the book hands down.
(Translated by me, from a portuguese version)

>> No.20758081

The fictional bits the father or the professional writer he employed wrote are better than her dirge.

>> No.20758125

pilpul'd cretins

this. clearly atrocity propaganda taken to extreme lengths by satan's chosen

clever pilpul dodge. much of the handwriting was clearly not hers. it's propaganda

looks like level 3 pilpuling. are you one guy posting all these? much of the diary was faked with completely different handwriting. railroading this argument into some narrative you've set up to control doesn't change the fact that the 'diary' is not all her work.

>> No.20758253

I had to read an ayn rand novel in high school, can't remember which specifically but I think it was Atlas Shrugged
idk, I didn't actually read it, I just looked at the spark notes and bullshitted the essay

>> No.20758276


Wow, a scoop published exclusively in (((the daily hebrew)))?

>> No.20758478

Its a fake book written by her father to grift money and further the international Jewish agenda to punish whites across the world for any ethnic feelings whatsoever. Read it only if you hate yourself and want Jews to replace you with spics and Muslims.

>> No.20758531

Recently I found out that Anne Frank wasn't sent to a death camp nor wasn't executed and that the nazis actually tried to save her when she fell sick. WTF. This is as shocking as when I found out that the Schindler List was heavily fictionalized. Is anything true?

>> No.20758548

Yeah, but imagine if they did. If that were the case, why would you be mad that they make students read the diary of Anne Frank as well?

>> No.20759144

It's literally what the denier retard (probably you) above was citing dumbass retarded retard.

>> No.20759827

Fake and gay. I feel a little bad for the girl not only did she die from illness but how her life was twisted and exploited for an agenda.

>> No.20759879

You must be young

Rent free

>> No.20759881

You failed to address my implied point. It was only published in (((The Daily Hebrew))) without source or byline.

Just something made up so (((shills))) like you can post 'gotcha' replies.

>> No.20760011

Blessed digits

>> No.20760076

You're a moron. A real stupid person.
>without source
Your claim that Levin wrote the Diary is without source.
>It was only published in (((The Daily Hebrew))) without source or byline.
Nope, it's from Sarasota Journal, January 9, 1958
are you suggesting this newspaper made up the story? in order to cover up, I presume, the sourceless true story that Otto Frank had to pay Levin for writing the diary. You do realize that's insane, right?

>> No.20760126

No I claim the handwriting wasn't hers. most of the 'diary' is a fake.

In typical Jewish fashion you're defending an accusation i didn't make

>> No.20760143

A jewish newspaper making up a story? WHO WOULD DARE TO SUGGEST SUCH A SLUR?


>> No.20762005

Bump for (((shills))) calling everyone a '/poltard'

>> No.20762043

I can't imagine what the point would be of going to such elaborate lengths to forge something like Anne Frank's diary. It's not like it would convince a Holocaust denier that the Holocaust happened. It's not even one of the more graphic or brutal accounts of the Holocaust.

I just can't figure out how redpilled people think the world operates. Like there was a room full of evil Jews plotting, "And then we will make a fake diary about people hiding in an attic, and that will convince everyone that the Holocaust was real! BWAAAHAHAHA!!!"

>> No.20762095

The entire narrative is made up of small pieces of disinformation.

Imagine a jigsaw. It's made up of small pieces, yes?

Your argument is something akin to "I can't believe anyone would want to create something like one jigsaw piece... As if there are people deciding to make a whole series of jigsaw pieces that just happen to form together to make a whole picture"

Your argument consists of a disingenuous rhetorical framing - basically pilpul.

>> No.20762672

What are some books on pilpul?

>> No.20762693

>reeeeeeeeeeeeee (/pol/) reeee
The holocaust is a lie and you're retarded.

>> No.20762704

Explain to me how the holocaust didn't happen. Don't you think you should let the germans decide wether or not it was a lie. If it was you'd have almost an entire country of holocaust deniers, are you denying the existance of germans, or austrians, or poles?

>> No.20762710

That meme doesn't work, retard

>> No.20762757

None that I'm aware of. However it's in articles

Look how they use 'eruv' (specially hung wires which are maintained in every major city - used to represent the 'walls' that make up a 'home') to bend the rules so that they can basically pretend they're in their own homes when they're anywhere in a city. It's insane.

and of course when they're in (((their own homes))) they can morally do as they like.

Lying, cheating, raping, killing - all are encouraged in Judaism if you know how to manipulate the rules - PILPUL!

>> No.20762818
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>That meme doesn't work, retard

>> No.20762828

Make it a png

>> No.20762844

NTA, and I do think the holocaust probably did happen to some degree, but come on, anon. There's a lot of sketchy things when it comes to it, and the media is constantly trying to obscure them. Most people don't know that the vast majority of concentration camps weren't death camps, but working camps. They even had hospitals and made a somewhat genuine effort to save the ill, which was the case with Anne Frank. I assume at least one japanese kid must have died on the american camps. How is that different to Anne Frank's case?

>> No.20762907

If you really believe there’s some organization out there capable of forging and planting millions and millions of pieces of evidence and somehow contriving thousands of false eyewitness testimonies in support of an event that never occurred, how can you claim to know any historical event actually happened? Don’t you live in a state of uncertainty about everything you haven’t actually witnessed firsthand?

I don’t know what “pilpul” means; maybe I don’t spend enough time on the internet.

>> No.20762911

Most of the hospitals and recreational facilities, like the brothels you people like to bring up was intended for the guards.
I was in the same hole 4 years ago and thank god I realized how stupid and brainwashed I was.
Bad part is now my friend all remember the nazi phase I had, and I have to live with that shame.
Hope you get some sense in your head soon.

>> No.20762927

Watch the documentary 'one third of the holocaust' about Treblinka.

Literally everything the mainstream narrative maintains is a probable lie. However proving those lies will destroy your life in the public sphere.

>> No.20762935

Guess how I know you're lying...

NO ONE ever gets un-redpilled. It just doesn't happen.

You're a terrible shill anon.

>> No.20762955

I’m not going to watch a movie on your recommendation. I just wonder what your day-to-day experience of the world must be like if you believe there’s an infinitely competent, infinitely resourced organization running loose inserting made-up events into the historical record.

>> No.20763073

They're not infinitely competent. Serrano's assessment of the chosen is accurate. They're mere golems for something far bigger.

And I'm quite content. Evil is sent to teach us. Plus it'll all be swept away fairly soon. Moshiach arrives in a few years max and then by 2033 things will have improved greatly.

Don't take the vax. Don't join the new (((system))). Don't take the new (((passport))) or (((documents))) and don't take (((the mark))).

>> No.20763187

Ah, so you're insane. I see.

>> No.20763206

University of North Carolina had it as the freshman summer reading before starting back to school, I think 2007 or something. Odd because the campus was liberal as all hell even back then. The very next year was Covering which was about an Asian literalwho fag.

>> No.20763219

i had to read both atlas shrugged and anthem in high school. both under the same lit teacher though, so maybe she just really liked her work

>> No.20763241

I do not give a fuck about americans, but I will say "work camps" can perfectly well be death camps, by fatigation and terrible conditions, also germany back.in the day was trying heavily to obscure it (think totalitarian scale), and Nazi Germany is a state with a lot of ethnic hate, it is state ideology and basically the extermination of the jewish race was a more or less know in consensus conclusion to it, so there would be no reason to keep them alive, except for getting slave labor, but they clearly didn't save enough! In any case there are photographs of the mass deaths, if you don't call that extermination I don't know what you can call extermination.

>> No.20763248

Ok, so that wasn't even true, I had heard of the facilities from the account of Primo Levi, but I thought he would have some way to prove his statements.

>> No.20763351

>I don't understand your arguments therefore you are stupid

>> No.20763372

>I am incapable of questioning the public narrative intellectually and emotionally therefore there must be something wrong with YOU

>> No.20763378

If the nazis were so evil as the jews tell us, then why didn't they rape this cute to death?

>> No.20763385

>Is Anne Frank's diary actually worth reading?
Ask her dad he is the one who wrote it.

>> No.20763521

photographs of bodies - dead from typhus - because of infrastructure bombing by the (((allies)))

>> No.20763753

chuds will stop at nothing to deny something that has jack shit to do with them.

>> No.20763762


>> No.20764760
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Words contained within the name.

>> No.20764773

>Holocaust denier
Is "Holocaust" and absolute truth that cannot be refuted, only denied? If so, how is that the case? If not, what you have written here is meaningless.

>> No.20764781

>Explain to me how the holocaust didn't happen
The person making the case for the existence of something presents the evidence. "Prove something doesn't exist" is not a logical request.

>> No.20764794
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>Nazi Germany is a state with a lot of ethnic hate
Bullshit. There was a plan in place to destory the German nation before the First World War. After the Second World War, Eisenhower killed a million Germans through starvation. The German nation and National Socialism was a big threat to the globalists running the world (Communisim was designed to be international) and had to be destroyed.