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20748752 No.20748752 [Reply] [Original]

scroll to the end for a tl;dr
>be a precocious teenager
>form an LDR with a milf overseas at 15
>start shedding initial inceldom, misogyny as the relationship progresses and with it the outlook on women as individuals, maintain latent inceldom as she has a degenerate, high body count
>high school, find beautiful girlfriend with mild mental issues
>shed inceldom further but she's afraid of going on the pill and giving poon without a condom, only gives BJs, immense sexual frustration begins, latent inceldom reactivates
>breakdown of the relationship, separation
>tumultuous philosophical development and personal growth aided by contemplation provided by lockdowns
>the precocious teenager becomes an intelligent adolescent
>try to reunite with gf, agree to sex with a condom, disagree with her on children
>set off on an endeavor to approximate Truth
>the intelligent adolescent becomes a young intellectual
>finally find a local milf with a nice face and body who wants to have sex with you bareback with a creampie ending
>go for it
>lose piv virginity at 20 the way you wanted to
>realize sex is nothing special as an act and the only thing that's hot about it is the idea of sex itself (and what stereotypes and psychological reinforcements play in to the head as the act goes on), and less so the practice
>realize the only sexual act that is special and not a chore, mundane activity like any other, is sex with a person you truly love in the Lacanian sense
>Lacan on sex viscerally clicks ("sexual relationships do not exist")

>realize that the whole reason Incelhood even exists is because of the slave morality of incels who only think that sex is the most important thing in life because pop culture (their master) told them so, when in reality it's love that is the most important thing and sex is merely secondary
>realize incels are the only unironic Freudians left in AD 2022

>> No.20748755

not reading your midwit sex blog

>> No.20748772

Behold! an amazing example of Dunning-Kruger. Retard.

>> No.20748779

>>realize that the whole reason Incelhood even exists is because of the slave morality of incels who only think that sex is the most important thing in life because pop culture (their master) told them so, when in reality it's love that is the most important thing and sex is merely secondary
not complicated not revelatory unironically get checked for mental slowness

>> No.20748784

>not complicated not revelatory unironically get checked for mental slowness
you need to have sex first to know that sex is not special. qualia, my man
t. incels

>> No.20748789

>self awareness
nobody cares that you havent had sex

>> No.20748791

i did have sex

>> No.20748795

ask yourself why you need to tell others

>> No.20748796

OP has no self awareness. Also, not /lit/ related

>> No.20748801

what's your point. mine is that incels are pathetic because the whole programmatic point of inceldom is the assumption that sex is like this most important and best thing ever

>> No.20748804

you can't be considered an incel at 15 lmao
fuck off normoid, facebook is that way

>> No.20748814

The rise of sexlessness means incelism will develop their own intellectual tradition over time. The fuck rate is absolutely plummeting and it will influence politics for good or worse.

>> No.20748817

>the only reason people care about sex is because they havent had it
>ive had it tho guys lol im not the incel im talking about
self awareness

>> No.20748832

yeah i was incel-ish and also intellectualizing a lot of my experiences and found sex underwhelming and basically like augmented fapping, even bareback with a creampie ending, it's all so mechanical, in and out, its only special with someone you love because otherwise you're basically reducing another person to your own personal coom hole and while that sounds hot in theory in practice it gets boring quick and also the dehumanization kinda irks me as a humanist. it's just not as fun of an experience as i thought

it's still fun but not much more fun than fapping. in fact the sensation itself is worse than fapping

the idea that sex is super important is just pop culture, incels are slaves of narratives and can't realize what truly matters on their own. slaves of their libido and capital which exploits these forces

>> No.20748842

This shit needs to be transferred to /r9k/. Please fuck off.

>> No.20748850

take yourself and everything less seriously

>> No.20748851

Women cannot be asexual.
Women love sex and love to desire sex. This is why most books are about sex and targeted to women.

Men love sex but they do not love much, nor dislike much the desire for sex. In fact the desire for sex is more like an hindrance and a thing to eject, precisely by wanking and ejaculation that is the pinnacle of fucking a slag.
Men still despise not loving sex, since it removes the most effective mechanism of valuation that they have (a man feels valued by a woman once she picks him up out of the male competition, telling him he won and rewarding him with the right to fuck her), which leads them to the usual mockery of being shagless dildos remaining on the shelf of the sex market controlled by women, being baby dicks and being asexual.
Men despise asexuality in men, since it shows them that sex-havers are far less dominant than the story they plays in their heads about being stronger and better than vaginas.

Women despise asexuality in men, since the few asexual men (very few are handsome) no longer acknowledge women for sex nor for companionship. Some asexual men claim to still want a gf just to cuddle, but that's already a baby-level sex and we are still in the situation of validation (and the gf still wants sex anyway sooner or later) and once they have sex with a girl that they love they see sex is not so bad.

Women despise asexuality in women, precisely because women live on sex while their hate of their body for menstruating leads them to take pills which kills their desire for sex (but indeed kills their menstruation). They hate their life since through their own body, they acknowledge in their intimacy that they cannot win on both accounts: either have a comfy life or have an erotic life. Women want the erotic life.

In fact sex is so crucial to a woman, that if a woman is NOT fucked senseless EVERY WEEK, her natural hysteria starts to poor out of her pores and the neurosis kicks in. Sex is literally a medicinal drug to a woman.

>> No.20748864

True. I hate women.

>> No.20748919
File: 290 KB, 485x579, HD_ArthurSchopenhauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"sex is not important"
>makes a thread about it
schopenhauer is rolling in his grave at you, if sex is not that important then why are you letting will to life pull you around on a leash like a dog cultist of the mustache man? if you truly want to talk about slaves and masters and be free from all of that subjugation you need to read max stirner and arthur schopenhauer
if you want to truly overcome inceldom you have to accept few facts:
1. a person isn't obligated to return your feelings no matter how hard you feel for them in your head and heart
2. sex is a psychological trick your body plays on you to get you to make "balanced babies", your heart will gravitate you towards your polar opposite that has something you've yet to accept in yourself
3. all desire for sex and companionship is just you being unable to tolerate being alone, when you overcome those desires you realize relationships are pathetic clinging that will inevitably end up in suffering for all things that live must one day die
4. all philosophy that is written in stone is false, the only reason majority of people adopt a policy is because it already suits them, involuntary egoists will gladly promote someone elses idea if that idea elevates them without ever realizing the true scope of their potential freedom from all subjugations and hierarchies
congratulations, you now know that you are not entitled to shit but at the same time you are free to do literally anything which potential consequences you're willing to bear, most women will now look like toddlers to you, mature women will look like a cradle you've grown out of, gay men look like fellow suffering gone wrong and relationships in general are just something people who haven't integrated their shadow indulge in, you have ascended inceldom and become a voluntary celibate voluntary egoist, you have 0 need for relationships because it offers you nothing, the veiled face of love has been revealed and the hag of will to life glares back at you with a glistening skull smile
you are free from your desire to play the game of life and can focus on preparing yourself for the grave, every joy of life is seen as a nice bonus and every suffering was to be expected

>> No.20748926

>>realize sex is nothing special as an act and the only thing that's hot about it is the idea of sex itself
You just outed yourself for being bad at sex bro

>> No.20748928

>sex is a psychological trick your body plays on you to get you to make "balanced babies", your heart will gravitate you towards your polar opposite that has something you've yet to accept in yourself
this is something i have always been curious about, to say attraction is complex implies i have any understanding of it but it's very interesting nonetheless

>> No.20748931

sounds like a 0 pussy cope to me ngl

>> No.20748968

read schopenhauer he goes into detail on the topic
there is a difference between voluntary celibate and involuntary celibate, but if all you care about is checklist of having pussy yes/no then there is no difference

>> No.20748976

pussy is easy, i'll never understand why people come up with these ridiculous and intricate excuses instead of hitting up on hoes

>> No.20748986

i know it is easy, i've tried it with few women and found out that they are mostly trouts that just lay there like a corpse and expect you to do everything, the good ones are already gone TM

>> No.20749192


>> No.20749317

Maybe not the most pathetic but congratulations. You have figured it out. Now go back to /b/.

>> No.20749330

>pseudointellectual humble bragging
Peak /lit/ post

>> No.20749339

not /lit/, didnt read, drown in a bog, faggot

>> No.20749374

How much philosophy have you read studied?

>> No.20749564

the average /pol/tard says this shit 10 times per thread

>> No.20749575

Incel morality is slave morality, yes because it's funded on resentment (as same antinatalism). How's that for discussion?

>> No.20749583

If all self-identified incels had sex, most would just find a new thing to bitch about. The problem was never sex— It’s that many incels simply lead unfulfilling lives and lack inner peace.

But yeah, sex is unfulfilling unless it’s with a loved one or for procreation purposes.