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/lit/ - Literature

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20748083 No.20748083 [Reply] [Original]

Why did not Tolkien include minorities in his original works? Was he a racist? He also stole huge bulk of his mythos from the Kalevala and never gave credit to the Finns and the great Finnish nation. Whole Silmarillion is basically a re-telling of the Kalevala (yes, look it up, even story of Kullervo is straight up the same as the tragic tale of Turin).

Is Tolkien your generic example how anglos treat rest of the world? ie. They invaded friendly countries all over the world, killed their hosts, enslaved their host's children, stole everything that they could, then went on and lied about it all.

>> No.20748089

Nice try but obvious bait. Just stay on /pol/, everyone there already agrees with you.

>> No.20748109
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hurr go away you troll boy back to /pol/ Mr. Tolkien is a genius!

Meanwhile in reality:
>Be Ol' Fakey
>Fake it all
>Fake it till you make it
>put Silmarillion in the drawer and never release it because understand it was not an original work, but rather a sad retelling of Kalevala
>Your son finds the manuscripts
>Puts them all together
>Call it "Silmarillion"
>Never mention the Finns or Kalevala
>Never give creadit to the Finnish national epic
>"My father was a genius! He invented all this mythos from his own head without the influence of Finns, at all!

How much Tolkien exactly did steal from the Finns and the Kalevala?

>Tolkien wrote that The Story of Kullervo was ‘the germ of my attempt to write legends of my own’, and was ‘a major matter in the legends of the First Age’; his Kullervo was the ancestor of Túrin Turambar, tragic incestuous hero of The Silmarillion. In addition to being a powerful story in its own right, The Story of Kullervo – published here for the first time with the author’s drafts, notes and lecture-essays on its source-work, The Kalevala, is a foundation stone in the structure of Tolkien’s invented world.

Verlyn Flieger, who wrote that above quotation, is the Professor in the Department of English at the University of Maryland.

Why does /lit/ say that the influence of Kalevala was rather minor, when university professors and academia say contrary things and tell us that the Finnish myths and national epics of Finland formed the very backbone of Tolkien's mythological world?

Who is right? Some neckbeards on 4chan or actual professors who study linguistics, mythology and literature?

>> No.20748115

Good Lord you're still here
Hell, I'm still here :|

>> No.20748125

I didn't know am*zon shilled here.

>> No.20748127

Explain orcs idiot.

>> No.20748390

You are not digging deep enough. Finns blatantly appropriated Kalevala from Karelians.

>> No.20748404

Orcs are blacks, elves are Asians.
There's plenty minority representation in Tolkien.
We've been over this.

>> No.20748422

Read the Bible

>> No.20748437

Cant get any more of a minority than the hobbits.

>> No.20748471

"Minority" is just another way of saying nigger. They mean the same thing and reflect the same mindset. Both enforce an idea of otherness and fear. One is fear of the unknown and strange, other is fear that the unknown and strange will know you think that of it. One thinks white man is above brown man and should stay there, other thinks white man is above brown man but should help him up.

It is all so tiresome.

>> No.20748544
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>Finns blatantly appropriated Kalevala from Karelians.
Karelians are Finns.
t. Karelian

>> No.20748585

>Why did not Tolkien include minorities in his original works?
Elves are finnish, dwarves are semites, numenoreans are egyptians, orcs are hurrians

>> No.20748671

hobbits (a branch-off of the Rohan people) are a blending of modern englishmen (shadow of the former glorious Old English self, no honor, capitalist mindset) and medieval icelanders (fucking peasants, living in isolated self-sufficient huts in a shithole corner of the world without any authority over them)

>> No.20748822


>> No.20748975

>no honor
is this the warhammer version of hobbits?

>> No.20748983

get dat ring out yo bussy playa

>> No.20748988

The haradrim are clearly MENA

>> No.20749023

They steal your silver spoons and give your Arkenstone to your sworn enemies.

>> No.20749027

>Demonic white people suddenly chose to invade friendly countries all over the world and steal from them.
I know its bait but it is really the average left-wingers understanding of world history.

>> No.20749032

The Shire is located near what was once the kingdom of Arnor, and there are fucking undead, fucking murderous trees and fucking Tom Bombadil prancing around.

>> No.20749094

What do you mean there was no minorities??? Tolkien clearly describes the elves, hobbits and humans as being completely separate races. It’s odd that /pol/ racists still see them as the same people or as the same race despite Tolkien saying otherwise. It shows how much stress that racists really put on skin colour beyond anything else.