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/lit/ - Literature

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20747436 No.20747436 [Reply] [Original]

A mysterious French gentleman inspects your bookshelf. Does he find anything worth taking?

>> No.20747448


>> No.20747461

I only have a dual language Leaves of Grass he could read

>> No.20747476

No. ):

>> No.20747477

Bonsoir monsieur, j'espère que vous trouverez une livre à votre goût !

>> No.20747498

Austen, Behn, Burney, Chaucer, Childers, Clemens (Twain), Cooper, Coward, Defoe, Dickens, Diderot, Dostoyevsky, Eco, Forster, Gogol, Hardy, Hemingway, Ishiguro, James, Kipling, Larkin, Lawrence, Lemontov, Mackenzie, Malory, McCarthy, Miller, Mishima, More, Murakami, Nabokov, Poe, Pynchon, Rand, Rousseau, Scott, Shakespeare, Stowe, Tolkein, Tolstoy, De Vega, Wells, Wilde, Williams, Woolfe, Wyndham.

Those are probably the most /lit/ authors on my bookshelf. So unless he wants a history book or a copy of Jurassic Park it's probably going to be one of them.

>> No.20747513

No and fuck the stupid french frogs

>> No.20747548

Baudelaire, Anais Nïn, Jean Lorrain, Bataille, Laurelle, Rousseau, Diderot, Mirbeau, Huysmans, Houellebecq, Dumas, Sartre, Marquis de Sade, Rousseau, Choderlos de Laclos, Gaston Leroux…..any of that worth taking?

>> No.20748257

and that gentleman is me

>> No.20748261

The curious book only known as the Book of Sands, but the joke's on him as it only contains his downfall or his road to insanity.

>> No.20748268

I would have replace Sartre with Merleau-Ponty or Emmanuel Mounier, mais sinon, vous passez.

>> No.20748304
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Depends on how highly he values his life.

>> No.20748372

ta guele
ne touche pas mes livres, con

>> No.20748633

No, since I don't own books.

>> No.20748662


>> No.20748707
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The peregrine. He will go back to his clandestine French reading group and tell the story of this obscure book he found on an English man's shelf, full of wonderful prose.

>> No.20749723
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>> No.20749741

Gide, L'Immoraliste : je pense que vous le trouverez assez aimable.

>> No.20749778

It's mostly non-fiction about cultures and civilizations he doesn't know or has colonized so he wouldn't care. Maybe if he wants to find new treasures he can nab around the world

>> No.20750678

Je vous en merde

>> No.20750682
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sheet i been robbed by lupin

>> No.20751396

I only have some JoJo mangas, an Agata Christie book and thus spoke Zarathustra, everything else i have in ePub form

>> No.20751514

Probably Queer by Burroughs tbqh.

>> No.20751574

I've got a bronze spearhead on my shelf. Or perhaps the 300 year old book might attract him, if it's the key to some mystery.

>> No.20751581

Bro didn’t I mix you with a pixie to get a magic horse or something? This is why you had to go, always stealing my shit. The little ice man never did that.

>> No.20751615

why yes he does, but he distracted by juicy butt

>> No.20751649

un livre*

>> No.20751669

I use the pickaxe

>> No.20751686

I have Foucault, Rousseau, Voltaire, and Bataille plus Andrew Robert's Napoleon biography, so I think he would like my bookshelf.

>> No.20751767

No, I'm a tasteless philistine.

>> No.20751874

my diary desu

>> No.20752553

I have a 19th century edition of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam he could liberate

>> No.20752615

No, I'd beat him to death before he even has a chance. Degenerates are not allowed in my house

>> No.20752740

The twist of most Lupin stories

>> No.20752757

You're right, idk why I always get "livre" in the feminine. Thanks anon

>> No.20753064

>Roux de Poux

>> No.20753970

You're trying too hard.

>> No.20754310

Only my books on cheese making

>> No.20754324

crypto Dracula alert!!!!!!!!!

(shot by VC)

>> No.20755758
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Tolstoï, Dostoïevski, Russell, Hobsbawm, Platon, Montesquieu, Zola, Eco, Proust, Guimarães Rosa.

>> No.20755772

My pornographic pop-up books

>> No.20755789

Yes. I have tons of out of print and first editions that go for ridiculous amounts of money on the second hand market.

>> No.20756817

The only book in French that I have is a bilingual edition of the Song of Roland, but I'd doubt he'd take it, because the text is is modern French.