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20747206 No.20747206 [Reply] [Original]

Ahhhh, a result of inflation, a theory for the Big Bang with tons of support, doesn't predict that inflation magically ended with just our observable universe.

It predicts that it goes on forever.

There aren't just trillions of galaxies, their are infinite ones. Parallel universes we can't see because their space is further from us than light can travel (and the space keeps getting bigger from inflation).

But due to quantum mechanics there are only so many meaningful changes in how a universe can be. That means that there are only 10^10^124 Hubble Volumes of possible space. Which means that there are infinite exact copies of us, but also infinite slight variations.

All possibilities are actualized. The Pleroma is here. Hegel was right, the Absolute is coming into being.

My head is kind of spinning. Good book. I had read about inflation before and vast regions of space we can't see, but people tended to downplay the logical outcomes of positing it.

>> No.20747221

"Infinite" universe is a big cope. There's one (1) universe, and God created it.

>> No.20747277

This is the actual cope. You’re coping for your fear of death.

>> No.20747377

When I was a senior I was on a definite path to fucking Big Booty Betty and Big Titty Tanya at the same time. They were both grabbing on my shirt, touching my stomach, rubbing my dick, and kissing each other.

Then their fat friend barged in and made them go home with her, and she was only still awake and able to drive because fucking blue laws meant you couldn't buy beer on Sundays on three day weekends back then.

And so it never happened. I fucked Big Titty Tanya years later but she had put on a lot of weight.

But somewhere in this huge infinite space that bitch stayed asleep, or I had the thought to buy more beer earlier, and it happened. And now I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off me, because I did fuck them, several trillion quadrillion light years from here.

>> No.20747438

NDEs prove the afterlife, you are the one coping because of your sins and fear of accountability

>> No.20747483

most of the population cant even do highschool math and yet quantum mechanics is becoming a popular buzzword
i mean if you ever mention quantum mechanics in your life but dont have a phd in either math or physics, i dont know what to tell you
peak pseud thread

also its 21st century, thinking that the priests and the greeks and philosophers and other people who didnt even have toilet paper have anything meaningful to say about the universe is just absurd
if you are impressed by mental masturbators who go around smelling their own farts and think they are oh so smart while their work provides ~0 predictive power about the universe you are quite simply never gonna make it, might as well jump into a grave now because you are going to one without understanding anything anyway so you can save yourself a lot of time being wrong

>> No.20747493

you're right, people were so stupid for not using a rare and expensive resource to wipe their ass
fucking brainlet

>> No.20747527

why do you focus on that and not on the fact that whole fields of philosophy, psychology, political science, sociology etc etc combined have the exact predictive power and empirical/scientific methodology equal to gypsy fortune tellers?
seriously imagine thinking in the 21st century that the greeks and 'the philosophers' can tell you something meaningful about life, no wonder you cant get a job
>ahh but if i just randomly namedrop "quantum blockchains" somewhere for no reason, its just a matter of nanoseconds before every city on the planet starts building statues of me
that's like the whole business model of this pseud fodder book publishing, namedrop quantum or dynamics and watch the retards who cant do highschool math give you money

>> No.20747536

How many fingers am I holding up?