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20746958 No.20746958 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you read contemporary poetry magazines? I have subscriptions to POETRY and American Poetry Review, and usually there's one or two really excellent poems in the middle of a sea of dreck.

>> No.20747560

I routinely pick up random issues of poetry magazines wherever I can find them. Helps me keep an eye on what's going on, and it's solid research material for my own submissions. CV2 is particularly good, I find. Most publications (including the ones I've been in) are super hit-and-miss, as you've suggested.

>> No.20748695

I routinely pick up random issues of poetry magazines wherever I can find them.

>> No.20748703
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I don’t have any magazine subscriptions at the moment.
It’s not a poetry magazine, but I made a post and someone recommended Cicero. They don’t ship to the US, though.