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20746803 No.20746803 [Reply] [Original]

Is business the opposite of everything literary and intellectualism? The number of poets and writers who were businessmen is nearly zero. I have been working on a business idea for some time now and I already feel my brain degrading. Why does this happen?

>> No.20746826

>moderately intelligent frog poster
The problem with "business" or commerce as I say it is that ot mixes very smart people with everyone else. Its the mixing of groups that creates the stress, anxiety, ennui.

>> No.20746838

No I feel like it's the intense capitalism that does it.

>> No.20746883

Both TS Eliot and Franz Kafka worked white collar jobs. I think Eliot was in finance for a bit too. I have a pressing feeling we could come up with like a dozen such examples.

>> No.20746900

The simple answer is that most are just focused on money and probably consider pursuing art, which has no money guarantee, as a waste of time-- the "my time is worth money" mindset.

>> No.20746908

Tbh I find business kinda entertaining, it's like playing a strategy game.
Can you share your idea with us, or is it a hush hush one? I'm setting up an import and export business with my Czech friend

>> No.20746914
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It depends; in general the problem with mixing business and literature is that the kind of book that "sells" is the stupidest, because the widest possible section of humanity can read and understand it. That's how you get a James Patterson or Stephen King, who sell millions of units but never say anything meaningful. A certain amount of elitisim, unforunately, is needed - that, or a radical re-organization of society so everyone can understand great art, and there is no more "business." (In other words, your options are Ezra Pound or Mao, no in-between.)

>> No.20746932

>white collar jobs
Fucking retard

>> No.20746935

focusing on money itself is a brain degrador

>> No.20746955

don't care about being hush hush. It's a hub where amazon and ebay sellers can hunt for new products to sell

>> No.20746961
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businessmen know how to delegate tasks to people with the right talent which is why the medici hired michaelangelo to work on their tomb rather than trying to do it themselves on the weekend.

>> No.20746981

I meant like Kafka was in insurance and Eliot was in banking. Sounds like business to me

>> No.20746990

I think it's really just a coincidence that arises as a matter of natural impulse. Someone who is artistically-minded is unlikely to find much satisfying in business and vice versa. But you are wrong about no business people writers.

>> No.20746994

the margins on that shit is paper thin and if it made money someone with more capital which do it bigger with better economy of scale possibly operating at a loss until you go bust. i hope you dudes are well funded. also, i'm not sure what anyone would want from the czech republic. alibaba works because china has tons of cheap factories and jack ma got huge investments from american vcs. good luck but sounds not promising.

>> No.20747008

Successful business owners work non-stop so they have no time to write even if they wanted to.

>> No.20747137

Wallace Stevens worked as an executive at an insurance company while writing poetry.