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20742180 No.20742180 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get some French book recommendations?
Fiction, nonfiction, history, philosophy, scientific text, even cookbooks whatever. I just want books originally written in French so I can improve my reading and comprehension skills.

>> No.20742201

Shouldn't you pick things that interest you then? Who is going to know better than you?

My advice, get on lingq (it's ten bucks a month so I'm technically shilling) and import things you actually want to read, in plain text pdfs that copypaste well, shit from gutenberg or wikisource, or anywhere else you can find it. The import function also works really well for wikipedia articles.

>> No.20742207

A lot of things interest me. I just don't know where to start with French literature.

>> No.20742334

I was thinking I'd go for
>Candide, Voltaire
>L'Étranger, Camus
>Notre-Dame de Paris, Hugo

>> No.20742357

The count of monte cristo

>> No.20742360

Thérèse Raquin, Justine, La-bas.

>> No.20742418
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Ok, you're fucking with me.

>> No.20743241

these are good picks, first two are very easy to read
I would recommend eventually reading Cyrano de Bergerac since it's a fun play in really polished verse and one of those books that are a lot worse in translation

>> No.20744003

À la recherche du temps perdu, there is a thread about reading it

>> No.20744550

Va dans une librairie française et tu trouveras tout ça.

>> No.20744990
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>une librairie française
Je vis en Amérique

>> No.20744997

Tant mieux. Une raison de plus pour faire un voyage au Québec.

>> No.20745005

>Une vie
>Pierre et Jean

>> No.20745042
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dual translations

>> No.20745043

>A lot of things interest me.

>> No.20745047

Do they translate books in their local French dialect or not?

>> No.20745048

le vice consul, marguerite duras
les cavaliers, joseph kessel
la condition humaine, andré malraux
souvenirs d'enfance, pagnol
all famous authors, but none too famous like hugo and with each their own styles

>> No.20745052

I hope so. Québec French is better.

>> No.20745059

it does not differ sufficiently for that to be possible, when done it is mostly when said dialect is relevent to the story. Litterary french is about the same everywhere

>> No.20745061

I don't know much about it but I hate it anyway
Is it similar to Amish German or something? In the sense that it's still basically stuck to how people spoke when they immigrated 3-5 centuries ago?

>> No.20745087

It's better than European French.

"Parking lot"
>"parking" in European French
>"stationnement" in Québec French

European French is too contaminated with Anglicisms. Québec French is purer.

>> No.20745099

Quebec language is retarded, it's like a provincial dialect of french mixed with english words.

>> No.20745124

>European French is too contaminated with Anglicisms.
Wait until you discover what actually happened

>> No.20745131

It's basically the same and most books to be had Quebec bookstores are from European publishers anyways.

>> No.20745161

I know, I know, but the words that make into Euro French are the disgusting Germanic ones.

>> No.20745379

René Guénon - La Crise du monde moderne