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/lit/ - Literature

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20739466 No.20739466 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I read books? Is there a tangible benefit to reading?

>> No.20739475
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No, come watch films with me bro

>> No.20739489

bitches love a reader, no cap. the other day I's be reading the Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy in my homies crib and honies be all over me fr.

>> No.20739502

So true king

>> No.20739535

Stupid frogposter

>> No.20739552

There are 80 iq people with magical thinking, sort of like those cargo cult primitives building airplanes out of sticks and leaves.
These think that reading books will make you smart, because the tv said so, the popular stereotype is that you will become smart if you wear glasses and read random pseud fodder.

There are also political leftism readers. Many such cases these days. Instead of recognizing they are poor because they are so devoid of marketable skills you can only give them minwage jobs to mop floors, they prefer to read 7 trillion page cope about capitalism fucking them over and them deserving all the yachts in society and how them remaining unskilled and uneducated and unemployable in 1st world countries in their 30s and later is everyone else's fault but theirs. These retards who take out loans to buy lattes are the oppressed Congo child miners/soldiers all along.

Finally you have people who read for fun. Just like doing math is fun for some people, or watching porn and sportsball and those 4 hour long toy commercials, they call it capeshit and I hear its very popular these days, and it was designed to sell plastic toys to rural illiterate Vietnamese and Chinese as well as mentally ill first worlders. Or watching women in the special forces, or watching nword astronauts and similar people who cant do highschool math planning orbital mechanics and rocket engines, or whatever else is popular these days.

>> No.20739556

Am I one of the 80 iq people with magical thinking?

>> No.20739558

This haircut is so fucking stupid, obviously trying to make white men indistinguishable from niggers by JUSTing their hair, making it look like a pube hair rats nest.

>> No.20739563
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No lol

>> No.20739568

No. Illiteracy is the future

>> No.20739575

No.. that haircut is called mutt something. Whites have blond hair and dont have to do much to distinguish themselves from the poopskins. I mean if you need your hair to distinguish you from the nwords, you are ngmi racially.

Maybe raceless gypsy countries such as brasil, unidos estados etc think you can change your race through hairstyle but that is just absurd anyone monoracial and monocultural.

>> No.20739577

Do you engage in leftism or fiction? Otherwise probably yes.
Also note that most of those leftist readers are also retarded, the only ones that aren't are just reading to understand how to exploit the masses by manipulating them.

>> No.20739602

I'm not saying it makes them niggers, it makes them look like niggers with gross-looking curly pube hair, the effect is moving society into further muttification.

Even if you have blonde hair, getting this fucking gay (trendy) haircut where they literally curl it negrifies/muttifies you. Get it cut pretty short and brush it over so you can mog nonwhites, wear a polo shirt and casual but nice jeans or shorts. Maybe smoke a cigarette too, not caring about anything. Automatically attract women.

>> No.20739608

Why are Americans like this?

>> No.20739627

I'm not American. I'm English and Scottish and I don't give a shit. Have fun being brown, you will be left bagholding the West after it rugs, kek.

>> No.20739635

>Maybe smoke a cigarette too,

>> No.20739656

you can potentially accumulate social capital and develop communicative skills. but those things aren't really tangible, are they?

>> No.20739673

no, now go away

>> No.20739683

>nicotine?? Le yikes! Give me a nice hoppy IPA and a faggot vape instead m'dude
>t. Soyy dude who doesn't attract women

>> No.20739695

you have to be underage to think that smoking and drinking coffee is cool

>> No.20739705

And you have to be a redditor to think anyone cares.

>> No.20739713



>> No.20739718

>he doesn't know that women have the minds of children
>he fell for the cigarettes are le bad meme

>> No.20739768

>doing retard type things to attract le muh women
woman obsession is another underage trait
we all have women
anyone older than underage has had women
multiple muh women
>haha look at me im inhaling stinky vapor, i fell for the marketing for low iq people and now im smoking chemical waste, am i cool yet my fellow adults?
only character traits you get from smokers is that they fell for the low iq mass marketing

>> No.20739798

>woman obsession is another underage trait
No it isn't. And that is beside the point.
>only character traits you get from smokers is that they fell for the low iq mass marketing
I've never seen an ad for cigarettes in my life, the marketing is against them, telling everyone how bad they are. Cigs are correlated with higher T levels, that is just a fact. Getting upset at people smoking is ultimate karen mode.

>> No.20739827

Honestly, no idea. I never asked myself that question, I just read for pleasure of reading, when I finish a book I don't expect some kind of 'tangible' benefit to manifest from thin air to justify time I spent reading. It was never work so why should I get paid?

>> No.20739853

if you want to prove you are 'hard' or whatever, join the french foreign legion
i really dont get smoking to impress adults

>> No.20740024
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Yes there is a effect from reading. Its a cumulative effect that works better if one reads regularly from childhood through life. But can still happen for adults and its always worth it to read. From using your imagination to learning new words to learning new concepts and ideas.

>> No.20740221
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>> No.20740236

fr fr books are not lit

>> No.20740238

pube hair shut up

>> No.20740257

Efter att flera gånger blivit kallad olika nedsättande saker av Sebastien Boudet rann bägaren slutligen över.

Sebastien må vara en gudabenådad bagare, men hans regelbundet återkommande idiotförklaringar av de som inte stöder alla hans åsikter är minst sagt beklämmande.

Att jag flera gånger ifrågasatt hans ovetenskapliga påståenden om mindre producenters förträfflighet och att större producenter är djävulen själva har jag löpande hamnat i hans skottglugg.

Jag, Johan Jureskog, Leif Mannerström med flera är de som fått utstå hans spott och spe.

Jag hade gärna tagit upp hans konstanta hat mot Pågen men då hade jag ju framstått som ännu mer "köpt" i hans ögon eftersom jag nyligen besökte deras fabrik. För att inte tala om jag hade sagt att jag gillar Lingongrova... :)

Sebastiens senaste kommentar om mig finns här (om han inte raderar den):

Min Instagram:

När jag kritiserade Saltå Kvarn för att vara ekonomisk stöttepelare för antivaccin-rörelsen i Järna så fick jag det här i ansiktet:

Min kritik mot Saltå Kvarn och Sebastiens försvar av dem. Jämförelsen mellan vaccinationsmotstånd och McDonalds haltar ju en aning :)

Påhoppen i samband med hans inlägg är svårt att länka till då han blockat mig på FB.

Det KAN vara så att jag i videon uttalar hans namn fel. Det är inte ett försök till simpel härskarteknik.

>> No.20740523

You'll either read or you won't. It's up to fate.

>> No.20741387

dead ass

>> No.20741404

Please. Elaborate on the social capital aspect

>> No.20741447

The tangible benefit is that reading is fucking fun. I don't think anyone gives a shit if you read or not, but it's really enjoyable