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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 220x270, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20736334 No.20736334 [Reply] [Original]

>bro just try to imagine the unimaginable

>> No.20736362

>the creature was indescribable
>proceeds to describe it

>> No.20736433

>the creature has no name
>proceeds to name it

>> No.20736767

cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.20736810
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>> No.20736848

brutal fwhr

>> No.20736987

>describes the experience of witnessing the unimaginable

>> No.20737038
File: 75 KB, 909x720, Lovecraft point meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking H.P. BASEDcraft. To this day he lives rent free in the minds of "sff" woketards and N.K. Niggersin. Truly he was a master of the literary paradox.

>> No.20737158

god hplovecrafts prose is fucking terrible
everything in the cthulhu mythos is overdone and redundant at this point
cant you people take inspiriation from someone like edgar allen poe?
a better author

>> No.20738041

The guy died broke and tired while these comfortable idiots make bank off of his shit.

>> No.20738065

Yes, Lovecraft is a hack. It's nothing new.

>> No.20738296

the worse are the duplicitous ones. "lovecraft was a racist so we should take his name and face off the award that was made in his honor, and i denounce him as the awful and irredemable man he was. btw, my next collection 'cthulhu goes to westeros' is due next month, be sure to buy it :)))))"

>> No.20738318

Or The King in Yellow, which is actually decently written.

>> No.20739017

>bro just try to imagine the unimaginable

>> No.20739036

Only the first two stories in that book are good

>> No.20739876

This was unfair.

>World Fantasy Award nominees and winners are decided by attendees of the convention and a panel of judges, typically made up of fantasy authors. Winners receive a small trophy; through the 2015 awards it was a bust of H. P. Lovecraft designed by cartoonist Gahan Wilson. The bust was retired following that year amid complaints about Lovecraft's history of racism; a new statuette designed by Vincent Villafranca depicting a tree in front of a full moon was released in 2017.

>> No.20739911

Fucking angloids!

>> No.20740582

Ironically I would rather share a meal with Lovecraft than anyone at that convention.

These Americans are embarrassed by a heritage that they don't even live up to.

>> No.20740666

>hp lovecraft thread
>no one in it actually read lovecraft
>they just repeat memes from tv or similar 70 iq board

read the music of erich zann
its like a 30 minute read
zero squids, zero aliens
still the scariest thing ive read

also: evil half human half fish people infesting and infiltrating society is just a metaphor for multiculturalism
they pretend to talk like you, they try to look like you, but once you go to their source (random cannibalism village in congo) and come back to society just to notice that half of the people in it are racemixed primitive tribals looting and pillaging and doing nearly all the rape and crime, and you being utterly powerless to do anything about it, you get the taste of lovecraftian horror

that's the horror of the squid/fish people
dont google lovecraft's cat

>> No.20740748
File: 6 KB, 187x187, lovecat_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20740754

I don't know if it was very scary, when I read it. I might not have been visualizing it properly, or maybe it just bounced off of me in a weird way. The image it painted to me was more somber. The sensation I got from Erich Zann in his attic reminded me of opening an old crazy person's trailer and finding it absolutely blown out with garbage and feces. The dark void outside his window, his attempts to try and describe what is going on in mortal terms are consistently thwarted. He's isolated with some horrible secret that no one else will ever understand.

>> No.20740787

erich zann horror was that the one solitary schizo retard is actually right above everything and was seeing the truth the whole time and the rest of us were actually delusional
that is pretty scary when you consider that most schizophrenics actually have very similar takes which shouldnt even be possible, all these disconnected people having near identical paranoias

that reminds me of that one old schizo from the 70s who tried to do an armed takeover of a radio station in order to warn the people that in the future we will have 5 megacities full of gays and aids and how these 5 gay megacities with junkies shitting everywhere on the street will spread plagues and destroy the world
well its 2020 now, we are having gay megacities and they are spreading plagues

>> No.20740812

Still doesn't frighten me, really. It just makes me sad.

Maybe it's because I've had so much exposure to those schizo retards.

>> No.20740834

>bro trust me, it was scary but I can't describe it

>> No.20741044

>evil half human half fish people infesting and infiltrating society is just a metaphor for multiculturalism
>they pretend to talk like you, they try to look like you, but once you go to their source (random cannibalism village in congo) and come back to society just to notice that half of the people in it are racemixed primitive tribals looting and pillaging and doing nearly all the rape and crime, and you being utterly powerless to do anything about it, you get the taste of lovecraftian horror
Now that you mention it everything make sense.

>> No.20741059

>also: evil half human half fish people infesting and infiltrating society is just a metaphor for multiculturalism
>they pretend to talk like you, they try to look like you, but once you go to their source (random cannibalism village in congo) and come back to society just to notice that half of the people in it are racemixed primitive tribals looting and pillaging and doing nearly all the rape and crime, and you being utterly powerless to do anything about it, you get the taste of lovecraftian horror
>that's the horror of the squid/fish people
Partially, he wrote that story after he learned he was welsh

>> No.20741983

Los Angeles, San Francisco, NYC
What’s the other two? Atlanta? DC?

>> No.20742035
File: 870 KB, 907x1297, lovecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20742048

madness and prophecy share a bedroom

>> No.20742226

Literally the oldfag version of F Gardner

>> No.20742243

God has something a cookin for em just you wait

>> No.20742248

I can imagine the unimaginable

>> No.20742576

What's it like?

>> No.20742623

How can you forget portland my niggerman

>> No.20742644
File: 132 KB, 958x366, 3-Figure1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this confuses, scares, and drives lovecraft insane

>> No.20742688

It's as if /lit/ actually read books.

>> No.20742705

He has the best name to pick up chicks
>Baby, there is a reason I have love in my name

>> No.20743056

>evil half human half fish people infesting and infiltrating society is just a metaphor for multiculturalism
no they are mixture between grecoromans myths and its nightmares like most of its other creatures.
when Lovecraft wanted to criticizes multiculturalism he did so quite openly in its books

>> No.20743070

Shit take.

>> No.20743094

Everyone's first introduction to Lovecraft these days is through vidya, so you already have an image of what these monsters look like

>> No.20743111

>Playing vidya in 20xx

>> No.20743397

>the "le here's my coopting of Cthulhu in my fiction" meme
Libshits just don't have what it takes to make iconic characters anymore so they take public domain ones and say "FUCK YOU" to the og author.

>> No.20743433

woooaaooaaoohhh i' ogin insaaaane!

>> No.20743436


>> No.20744138

>that is pretty scary when you consider that most schizophrenics actually have very similar takes which shouldnt even be possible, all these disconnected people having near identical paranoias
This sounds quite interesting, how can i research more into that specific subject, a simple google search fed me a bunch of shit journo sites about shit thats completely different from what i searched

>> No.20744246

i want to read up on that too
i posted that post yesterday, its just a random thing i noticed, its an original observation i guess and i cant really find additional sources or documents or anything about it

think how similar all paranoid schizophreniaks are: they all think they are under surveillance (technically correct lmao), they all think someone is trying to secretly implant a radio device in their tooth or idk, they are all listening/searching for a secret radio code (irl spies used to use shortwave radio codes for comms), they all distrust major institutions (which shit the bed enough time to justify this) and they all think there is some grand conspiracy out there
details vary, but nothing major

finally there are religious schizos who all have in common delusions of messianic grandeur but i find those less interesting

>> No.20744632

Chicago's up there for sure

>> No.20744653

Bloodborne is babby's first cosmic horror and is nothing like the actual stories you idiot.

>> No.20745397

Gleefully, I opened the email containing my Ancestry results. Never could I have suspected such horrors dwelling within a short electronic correspondence. I sat at my computer, aghast at the evils I now knew were coursing through my veins. For, as the email conveyed, my lineage had once been tainted by the foul stench of Wales!

>> No.20745711

>that one old schizo from the 70s
What's his name?

>> No.20746448


>> No.20748052

>antisemite but had a Jewish girlfriend anyway

Yup, he'd have been perfect here.