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File: 12 KB, 220x279, egger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20735726 No.20735726 [Reply] [Original]

martin "hide egger" hid so many eggs that the nazis changed his name from hiedegger to hide egger. he would hide eggs in the nazi pariliament. many nazis would be like bro wtf where are all these eggs coming from! and there would be martin just chilling and smoking laughing at the pure win that was unfolding unbeknownst to the nazi parliament members. h e even hid an egg in hitlers bunker and hitler called him was like "bruh ur a savage i know it was you!!!!" and heidegger just chilled and lit up a cigar and said "yeah... lol". next day his office placard was changed to hide egger!!!! history of phil... just another win

>> No.20735730

Did you know that Heidegger let other men sleep with his wife and raised one of the children as his own? I thought that was interesting.

>> No.20735797

That was after or before the hiding eggs event?

>> No.20735807

>Heidegger let other men sleep with his wife

>> No.20735816

not him, but i know some guy was having an affair with his wife, and he was okay with it, because the guy and his wife were in love.

>> No.20735824

So his wife and the other guy played "hide the egg" together.

>> No.20735839

honestly who wouldn't

>> No.20735906

> Elfride then gave birth to Hermann [de] in August 1920. Heidegger knew that he was not Hermann's biological father but raised him as his son. Hermann's biological father, who became godfather to his son, was family friend and doctor Friedel Caesar. Hermann was told of this at the age of 14;[57] Hermann became a historian and would later serve as the executor of Heidegger's will.[58] Hermann Heidegger died on 13 January 2020.[59]

>> No.20735963

This is like the low quality trailer trash zoomer version of that excellent green text about Wittgenstein being an autist

>> No.20737391

I like that you keep posting this shitpost, even tho its not really funny

>> No.20737402

that nigga looks like he do be hiding them tho ngl

>> No.20737634
