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[ERROR] No.2073177 [Reply] [Original]

Which Philosopher do you align yourself with?

I align with Epicurus' philosophy.

Pic related

>> No.2073188

Tao Lin.

>> No.2073193

I don't think Epicurus mentions drinking lite beer anywhere.

>> No.2073194


Why do you spam his name? are you Tao Lin in disguise? Have you even read Tao Lin? He's good, I like him, but fuck you for posting shit totally irrelevant to the topic of the thread.

>> No.2073198


So, it's safe to say you're an atheist who thinks on a very ground level because going any deeper into things is just smoke and mirrors? How great to know there are others

>> No.2073201

David Simon.

>> No.2073202

Some mix of Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, and Matthew Arnold. (Arnold isn't a philosopher, but w/e.)

I'm engaged in a polemic against basic bitches.

>> No.2073205

I think you're looking for Diogenes with that pic, OP.

>> No.2073210

>I align with Epicurus' philosophy.
Looks more like ipecac-us

>> No.2073218

Certain, but not all aspects of Nietzche's work. Epicurus and Socrates are good too.

>> No.2073224

ayn rand

>> No.2073232


I was trying to make a joke, seriously though I align more with Spinoza ( who is actually kind of quansi-hindu with his Pantheism)

>> No.2073234

inb4 every angsty teenie bopper on here says they align with existentialism.

>> No.2073249
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....but I do :(

and I am not a teenie bopper

>> No.2073250
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pics like diogenes,

i dig kerouac,

true and dead.

>> No.2073258

>excessive drink
this is a troll that could only work on /lit/

>> No.2073259

I'm basically absurdist.

But a lot of philosophers don't talk about their overall 'meaning of life' views.

If I said I align with Wittgenstein, what would that even entail? He doesn't really have a world-view so to speak.

>> No.2073263

I think he might have had one of those Buddhist/Taoist Eastern Mysticism things going on.

>> No.2073265

Well, you'd have to become a Christian

>> No.2073272


He was a sort of mystic (with aspergers).

>> No.2073276

Ayn Rand

>> No.2073287


I'm a bit confused on what Heidegger and Husserl's views about the meaning of life were, I tried reading them but I couldn't make heads or tails of it.

Does anyone here know if they were existentialist or not?

>> No.2073298

i hear existentialism was there
on the first ego saw the stars,
who isnt.

>> No.2073321

I don't know about Husserl, but Heidegger's "meaning of life" views were basically: respond authentically (that is, critically) to the conceptions of being and practices of the culture of which you are born into. Do this by answering "the call" of being, which means responding to something you see in your culture's practices (a fault you want to correct, or an idea, or God, or as a philosopher trying to reform ideas about being) and taking that as your meaning in life.

>> No.2073325

Camus' absurdism.

>> No.2073331


So if I wanted to create a new political structure, or reform something to make life better I would be Heideggerian?

>> No.2073337


No you would be a fuckin pleb.

>> No.2073340

I forgot your other question. Heidegger is an existentialist in the sense that his philosophy is all about ideas about existence and being. But he doesn't think one can just "project" meaning or essence onto world like Sartre and therefore he refused the label.

I have no idea where I stand.

>> No.2073352

Eh well, lots of ideologies advocate creating a new political system (Marxism, Liberalism, Anarchism etc). If you are using his system and find that to be your "call", then maybe it counts. But it has to be extremely close both to you personally, linking to the whole world in which you live and the life in which you were raised.

For example, I find myself having to deal with religion in some way because it has affected from the cradle upward and shaped me in ways I still am shocked to find.

>> No.2073359

Oh, and one more thing, don't say your politics are Heideggerian unless you want people to think you are Nazi. Because Heidegger thought he was responding to the call in the third reich apparently.

>> No.2073383

Oh look, Existentialists!

Get a real philosophy you lazy good for nothings.

I personally am kind of a Schopenhauer-Pessimist.

>> No.2073423


>> No.2073458

Soren Kierkegaard and Albert Camus.

>> No.2073471

I would consider myself most closely influenced by Nietzsche and Martin Luther. It's an odd pairing, I know.

>> No.2073494


>> No.2073498

While I dislike the idea of saying one aligns with any philosopher, I do very much like Schopenhauer's ethics.

>> No.2073500

Why does it seem like everyone is a fucking existentialist.

Is everyone here a godless atheist? Not that there is anything really wrong with that, life choices are life choices, but I figured there would be more people into religion here than there are..

>> No.2073505


/lit/ is full of idiots who think that existentialism is a legitimate position

>> No.2073515

It's an internet site, it's geared towards younger people and it has a reputation as being the vilest place on the internet.

Also you can be existensialist and theist. Kierkegaard for example. I can see how people would believe there was a god but not believe that objective values are possible.

>> No.2073518

Nietszche's thirst for life paired with Camus's view of suicide and a healthy portion of my own "we can't have a definite moral/ethical stance without first exploring the universe as whole, until that happens we should focus on experiencing as much as possible while making sure you have enough good karma stocked up just in case there is 20 gods waiting to kick your ass when you die"

Don't know who has that viewpoint though.

>> No.2073520

>figured there would be more people into religion here than there are

Then you have thought wrong.
I need to look up more evidence, but I have a strong suspicion that belief in God is correlated to your relationship to your primary authority figure (parents usually, generally father). Everytime I've seen 4chan discuss about their parents (and father in general) it's usually a shitty relationship. Which seems correlated with atheism.

Also, 4chan has I'm sure far more mental illness and generally abnormal/non-traditional people which contributes to the athiestm.

Oh, as well as its international. Europeans are a lot more atheist.

Then there's the anonymous aspect. Atheism is a very strong social stigma (taboo even in some places) in the U.S. so it's vastly underrepresented.

>> No.2073524


I'm pretty sure plenty of people on here are into something else existing beyond our plane, but they generally believe that whatever it is wouldn't/couldn't interfere in our lives.

>> No.2073525

stirner, alvin goldman, hobbes, nietzsche.


this does not mix

>> No.2073537
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Nietzsche, Spengler, Guenon, Evola, Schmitt.

I was born Catholic, but I'm disinclined to practice unless the Church gets its shit together. Pic related; less JPII, more Joseph de Maistre.

>> No.2073539
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Oh god. He really thinks that he's dong philosophy!

>> No.2073541



Just what gets me through the day bro. It's not like I plan on publishing that horseshit.

>> No.2073546

Kierkegaard? Really, guys? He was clever, but I can't stand behind his theological ideas at all.

I take from a lot of philosophers, but probably Aristotle more than any other.

Nah, I have a great relationship with both my parents, but I was questioning by the time I was six if the entire church was just telling made-up stories. Solidified by all the bigotry that goes on in the name of religion.

>> No.2073550

You're replying to an obvious troll.

>> No.2073556


>> No.2073558


It must suck to have a life as weak as yours.

>> No.2073563


It's not a troll. Social outsiders are not likely to conform to social standards (like religion.) 4chan is full of social outcasts.

>> No.2073564


I'd wage money it's better than yours. Inb4 pointless internet dickwaving

>> No.2073569


Not really, I'd like to think certain boards are more socially capable than others.

>> No.2073573


You are the religious thinker who won't turn to religion because atheism is hip.

>> No.2073579

Certainly there are boards more socially capable than others. They aren't the same. The ones that are socially capable tend to be antisocial though.

>> No.2073581

Whatever you say bro

>> No.2073585


But I'm not an athiest. I believe in (some sort of) god(s), just haven't encountered any religions that I would follow as a religion. I'm a theist, I just don't have a god to believe in.

>> No.2073603

Same with me. Found Gnosticism. I know it's mostly horseshit but it's really very interesting horseshit.

>> No.2073605

>I believe in god, I just don't believe in any god.

>> No.2073606

>I believe in (some sort of) god(s)
>I just don't have a god to believe in

So....>I believe there is at least one God, but I'm unable to pick which one I feel exists.

lol okay

>> No.2073609

Oops, messed up my greentexting there.

>I believe in (some sort of) god(s)
>I just don't have a god to believe in

So....>I believe there is at least one God, but I'm unable to pick which one I feel exists.

lol okay

>> No.2073614

Lets not let this turn to a religious shit fight.

I think I fall in line with Lao Tzu and his buddhist writings.

>> No.2073615


I believe that some sort of god exists, I just don't believe in any of the gods that I have thus far encountered.

Christ, autism much.

>> No.2073617


Have you ever actually read Nietzsche?

>> No.2073619



>> No.2073624


You've encountered gods? Wow, tell me more!

>> No.2073625

Nietzsche doesn't say God doesn't exist, he says God is irrelevant.

>> No.2073636


Did you not notice that affirming life entails a move away from the religious tendency (to flee from life with metaphysics, natural theology, asceticism etc.)and a move towards self-creation by exercising the will to power?

>> No.2073646


A focus on the 'move away' rather than complete abandonment of religious thought has worked well enough for me.


encountered = learned of

>> No.2073666 [DELETED] 

mfw nobody here is islamic.

You guys are going in the wrong direction

>> No.2073675


Dat post-number

>> No.2073681


So you don't understand Nietzsche.

Islam confirmed for the religion of Satan.

>> No.2073688


Do tell me why my understanding is so far off.

You do realise it's possible to disagree with some aspects and agree with others, right?

>> No.2073689

I don't align with any philosopher that I'm aware of. I go through my day accidentally making continuous errors in humility, jealousy, hatred, avarice, etc.. I sure would like to be better, and I reflect to be a better person. It just doesn't work out as easy as philosophers make it out to be.

>> No.2073691

foucault and kanye, primarily

>> No.2073706


You're pussyfooting out of Nietzsche's primary claim by playing on the words in my summary of it. Nietzsche philosophized with a hammer, he didn't just walk away from the ideals. To do so is anti-Nietzschean.

>The concept of "God" invented as a counterconcept of life—everything harmful, poisonous, slanderous, the whole hostility unto death against life synthesized in this concept in a gruesome unity! The concept of the "beyond," the "true world" invented in order to devaluate the only world there is—in order to retain no goal, no reason, no task for our earthly reality! The concept of the "soul," the "spirit," finally even "immortal soul," invented in order to despise the body, to make it sick, "holy"; to oppose with a ghastly levity everything that deserves to be taken seriously in life, the questions of nourishment, abode, spiritual diet, treatment of the sick, cleanliness, and weather.

>> No.2073712

Shestov and Mussolini

>> No.2073716


>> No.2073717

William Clifford. "It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence." The Ethics of Belief (1879)

Norman Swartz. For everything els.

Not surprisingly, given erlyer threds similar to this one, it is full of continental and specifically existentialism.

>> No.2073723


Is it anti-Nietschean if my ideals are not the same as Nietzsche yet I still conduct myself in an absolute manner as Nietzsche would though?

I didn't even define which parts of Nietzsche's philosophy I aligned myself with.

>> No.2073729


Then the is the fact that non-belief correlates with IQ. I think the average IQ here is higher than the avg. IQ of the general caucasian population.

>> No.2073736


IQ is irrelevant

>> No.2073743

>Is it anti-Nietschean if my ideals are not the same as Nietzsche yet I still conduct myself in an absolute manner as Nietzsche would though?


>I know my fate. One day my name will be associated with the memory of something tremendous—a crisis without equal on earth, the most profound collision of conscience, a decision that was conjured up against everything that had been believed, demanded, hallowed so far. I am no man, I am dynamite.— Yet for all that, there is nothing in me of a founder of a religion—religions are affairs of the rabble; I find it necessary to wash my hands after I have come into contact with religious people.— I want no "believers"; I think I am too malicious to believe in myself; I never speak to masses.— I have a terrible fear that one day I will be pronounced holy: you will guess why I publish this book before; it shall prevent people from doing mischief with me.

>I do not want to be a holy man; sooner even a buffoon.— Perhaps I am a buffoon.— Yet in spite of that—or rather not in spite of it, because so far nobody has been more mendacious than holy men—the truth speaks out of me.— But my truth is terrible; for so far one has called lies truth.

But it isn't Nietzschean unless you support your position with the utmost vehemence and intellectual seriousness. Consumer level religious shopping does not qualify.

>I didn't even define which parts of Nietzsche's philosophy I aligned myself with.

Ya you did:
>Nietszche's thirst for life

>> No.2073753

rofl stoics in 2011

>> No.2073762


>> No.2073767

You people are too busy arguing to notice this
>Lao Tzu

>> No.2073769
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>> No.2073784


But what I take from nietzsche is a stance on morals and ethics, his feelings on religion are irrelevant to me.

>> No.2073797

>The worst readers are those who behave like plundering troops: they take away a few things they can use, dirty and confound the remainder, and revile the whole.

>> No.2073807

What a dumb thing to say. What if someone just doesn't agree with everything he says?

>> No.2073809


Whoops meant Dogen, my bad, I'm currently reading Dao De Jing so I mixed them up.

>> No.2073816


>> No.2073821


Phenomenologists bro...

The Phenomena is their world view

>> No.2073822


His ethics cannot be separated from his polemic against religion unless you want to identify his ethics with the generic nihilism he rebukes. (And it is generic, meaning not essentially Nietzschean.)

You are not reading him very carefully. You don't even seem to understand the aphorism.

>> No.2073830

I'm not that guy. I was just commenting on how that's a dumb thing to say.

>> No.2073837


You think that a reader who misunderstands the work, blasphemes it in his ignorance (intentionally or unintentionally (like the kids who misread Nietzsche and then go on about life being meaningless or the Nazis), and then borrows husks of certain ideas is a good reader?

>> No.2073840

Nope. I think that the idea expressed in >>2073797
is dumb for reasons stated in >>2073807

>> No.2073847


That is what it means. It has nothing to do with agreeing with the author.

See >>2073822

>> No.2073856

Really. It sounds a lot more general than that.

>> No.2073883

I don't understand this thread.

I don't have any life view, or meaning of life or whatever, I've never really thought about it.

I just do what I do..

>> No.2073905


That is actually really disturbing.

>> No.2073913

Epicurus is more suitable for trustafarians. As a poor hard working soul, I have to content myself with following Epictetus, and for practical matters a little Dogen to keep my sanity. (Even though the latter went quite mad in his 50s)

>> No.2073919


Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

>> No.2073920

Mass-consciousness, FUCK YEAH!

>> No.2073925

this is what we want

>> No.2073932

J.S. Mill

>> No.2073939
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>> No.2073942

Scratch that, I misread the thread. I don't allign myself with any philosopher in particular.

>> No.2074584

Currently reading Søren Kierkegaard; Fear and Trembling, and Nietzsche; Thus spoke Zarathustra + and Antichrist. I think I'd be Nietzsche because I've been reading his works a lot lately, and I've enjoyed his poetic writing on religion and his views of the physical world but would earlier go with Schopenhauer. Or Kant/Spinoza originally.
>Anti-theist here. Or radical atheist

Interesting how /lit/ is based on philosophers literature, where 7chan just made a /phi/ board.

>> No.2074587


>> No.2074591

you seem more non intellectual than anti intellectual.

>> No.2074631
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>> No.2074637

I align with the greatest philosopher in /lit/'s history.

>> No.2074640

d and e?

>> No.2074648

I said greatest, not most popular.

>> No.2074650
File: 101 KB, 500x375, tumblr_ll4a31MsIH1qza3e8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marcus Aurelius

Feels good not being a depressed existentialist edgy art major fuck.

>> No.2074668

What's edgy about existentialism? Why does everyone hate on it so much?

>> No.2074679

Who? It's not onionring, if that's what you're thinking

>> No.2074708

People hate to think, thats why it's edgy.

>> No.2074718
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Your mom seems more non intellectual than anti--intellectual.

>> No.2074719

I guess because it has an overlap with teen angst in some ways, and a lot of the people who like existentialism are absolute morons. I have no problem with it though.

>> No.2074723

deepandedgy is the best tripfag on lit

>> No.2074732

King Buzzo

>> No.2074734

Daniel Dennett

>> No.2074735

Because some of us are out of our mid/late teens.

>> No.2074775


Derrida, Kristeva, Deleuze, Barthes, Butler, Foucault....

>> No.2074782

If being interested in existentialism is effected by being a teenager, disliking existentialism because the causes of the followers interest seems rather shallow.

Is it not just basically hating on teenagers in general?
Of course everyone above their teenager years have been through them, so hating it is meaningless since it's based on your relative age instead of opinion. All things aside, i can see why inexperienced teenagers are looked down upon, but for me it's a dull subject for the same reasons politics are, events that you have/had no effect on, caused this specific idea (e.i location of uprising highly effects if you're liberal or socialistic in my country).

>unrelated, uninteresting post; sage

>> No.2074783

Deleuze isn't poststructuralist

>> No.2074803

Diogenes of Sinope

>> No.2074807

This asbergers guy I know would always go around saying his philosophy of life was 'postmodernist'

One time I was at a party and the fucker was there and he started up about it.
'I'm a postmodernist blah blah blah'
Call him out on it saying 'wtf you mean postmodernist'

Basically gives a half-ass definition of existentialism, I point this out to him.

All the hipsters at the party(who were creative writing majors) start defending him saying that 'anything postmodern is down with us blah blah blah, ur just not knowledgeable about philosophy'

I am le pissed, but go on partying.

Postmodern dude gets really really really drunk, and starts trying to fight people, screaming at the top of his lungs, crying about his girlfriend from 7th grade, and trying to kill himself.

'is anyone here sober enough to take this guy home?'

'I AM!'

leave him in a ditch somewhere, and he gets arrested for public intoxication.

All worked out.

>> No.2074808

Diogenes, Bakunin and Thoreau

>> No.2074809

Can you sum up Deleuze and Guattari in a few sentences?

My brain was full of fuck with the rhizome and the intentional obtuseness.

>> No.2074812

i would say you are a good man
but you said 'le pissed' so fuck you

>> No.2074830


Sorry about that, It just popped into my head since that is how they do it when they tell ms paint stories. Oh well.

Also, in the newspaper the next day the police call thing said '' Report of a possible dead body '' on the road where we dumped him. lols were had.

>> No.2074842

no man, that's what reddit does in those ms paint comics
4chan doesn't do that
it's faggy

but that is funny, fucking cunt of a guy

>> No.2074852
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But it's not working - these dumbshits don't realise it's a troll.

>> No.2074906

Camus, because I used to be a goalie when I played football.

>> No.2074935

I align with russell.

'ain't nothing but a g-thang'

Thats mah boi.

>> No.2074967


>> No.2074979

What the fuck guys?

I guess you have to go to /sci/ for mature and not attentionwhoring outlooks nowadays

>> No.2075022


a Greek stoic philosopher, is believed to have died of laughter after giving his donkey wine then seeing it attempt to eat figs

>> No.2075050

Walter Benjamin

>> No.2075057

Max Horkheimer

>> No.2075070

Heidegger and Bataille changed my life.

>> No.2075097


As long as what he gets out of it is essentially good (let's not go into defining good), what does it matter?

I'd much rather have a bunch of christians that turn the other cheek to everything rather than christians that stone homosexuals to death. (Bad analogy, but fuck the police)

>> No.2075100



Also, does subjectivity not matter when it comes to philosophical literature?

>> No.2075138

Wow this thread still exsists?

Foucaoult, Lacan, Hegel