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20731378 No.20731378 [Reply] [Original]

What other pseuds should I avoid reading?

>> No.20731395


>> No.20731398

all 4channers

>> No.20731409


>> No.20731419

Oh. Should I leave? What shall I do when I feel lonely? I live in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.20731601


>> No.20731612

Unironically this. Too many anons are just interested in intellectual dick sizing or signaling their views. For all the “debates” on this board, I rarely see anyone budge an inch, give credit to another, or be willing to admit they are wrong and learn something

>> No.20731615

3 continental 4 me

>> No.20731627


>> No.20731783

You should at least read some Derrida, he is a fun writer. I recommend Mochlos, his address to the Columbia Grad School on its 100th anniversary. In it, he refers to Kant's Conflict of the Faculties and Heidegger's Self-Assertion of the German University.

He makes a point, one I came to independently after bugging most of my faculty about it, as to why no one writes about the University. I mean, it's not literally no one, but it is sort of the elephant in the room.

What is a University? How does it relate to Pharmacy?

>> No.20731812

>What is a University? How does it relate to Pharmacy?
Why suppose there is a relationship?

>> No.20731836

My diary desu ~

>> No.20731844

>>What is a University? How does it relate to Pharmacy?
>Why suppose there is a relationship?

The reference to Derrida is "writing as a pharmakon" (Plato's Pharmacy, http://www.occt.ox.ac.uk/sites/default/files/derrida_platos_pharmacy.pdf text p. 431)

IMO Derrida approaches the topic in a more literary way than necessary, but it is definitely a topic, unless one views the University as merely a "money making" machine, a sort of pragmatic view of everything as having a "cash value."

>> No.20731862

I hate how these fuckers refuse to make their arguments clear.

>> No.20731874

>I hate how these fuckers refuse to make their arguments clear.

Derrida is fairly clear, though he is flowery.

The others mentioned,


They are all fairly straight-forward. Heidegger is, again, a bit more like Derrida. If you find them difficult to understand, it is probably more your issue than theirs, plenty of people have some idea of what they are saying.

Before going to University, I programmed in an engineering firm, and the Engineer who trained me and was my boss was quite interested that I was going to do a humanities degree: he said "well, that's interesting---I know it all means something, but I have no stomach for it, I learned that in my compulsory English class."

The problem is that unlike engineering, where idiots are filtered out fairly easily, in the humanities, they never fail anyone out, and grading is mostly political.

>> No.20731883

their arguments are quite clear if you have read the literature they reference. Derrida is influenced by Bataille’s “sovereignty” interpretation of Hegel, and is otherwise interested in the suppressed / sublated “outside” which is, for whatever reason, left outside of reason, sense, history, the world of work, etc.

>> No.20731899

The greeks and the bible

>> No.20732052

Pseudo-French I'd say?

>> No.20732119

>plenty of people have some idea of what they are saying.
That really doesn't support the case that they were straightforward.
Though to be fair, the likes of Heidegger, Derrida, and sometimes Sartre are stylistically very different from that of Plato and Augustine, even if the latter come with their own set of challenges.

>> No.20732314

When there’s no identities attached to your posts everybody becomes a lot more selfish and self absorbed than they normally would in real life. I usually say things that I would never be saying in real life in fear of being proven wrong and embarassed.

>> No.20732332

Idk why philosophically impoverished Anglos think their opinions on these figures are significant, considering the tradition of interpreting philosophers wrongly since Russell

>> No.20732343

I guess that’s the big problem with total anonymity-there is no accountability. As this board has spiraled downward in the last year I’ve found myself entertaining the idea that trips are the way to go.

>> No.20732346

Hermeneutics is more or less just a scientific way of reading poorly.
Even Russell's worst takes in his history are a million times better and more insightful than something like Plato's pharmacy.

>> No.20733373


>> No.20733723

>this whole post
fuck off, butterfag
cvmgenvius and the rest of the crew should've been fucking banned immedately
>also last year
it became shit much earlier, 2016, 2018 was already gutter-level

>> No.20733772

>What other pseuds should I avoid reading?

>> No.20733823

>I’ve found myself entertaining the idea that trips are the way to go
Trip friendly boards are the worst, shut up

>> No.20733942


>> No.20734294

>That really doesn't support the case that they were straightforward.

*shrug*, I had a background in computer programming w/ engineers before I did my degree in philosophy, and I found all of it very easy to understand, even if I disagree w/ much of it.

>> No.20734309

>Even Russell's worst takes in his history are a million times better and more insightful than something like Plato's pharmacy.

The problem w/ guys like Russel is that they desperately want to "prove" that mathematics is natural (it isnt, it is stipulatory) and that, therefore, because they are really good at this natural reasoning called mathematics, we ought to listen to them about other things. It's utterly ridiculous.

Heidegger was good enough at math to be involved in it his entire career, afaik, I don't know about Derrida, but Plato's Pharmacy has an insight that is simply contrary to the idea of Russels' project, that sperges who are "good at math" should be obeyed as though their mathematical skills give them some special insight into everything.

Like, consider Derrida's suggestion, 'writing as pharmakon,' as drug. So all these guys like Russel try to do is drug you with their particular drug, one that they enjoy.

Russel's family was also, over many generations, involved in the disestablishment of the English Church. He was basically a perverted little fetal alcohol baby who was good at math.

>> No.20734328

I generally avoid Jewish authors unless they're socially reclusive and live with their mothers.

>> No.20734367

>The problem w/ guys like Russel is that they desperately want to "prove" that mathematics is natural (it isnt, it is stipulatory) and that, therefore, because they are really good at this natural reasoning called mathematics, we ought to listen to them about other things. It's utterly ridiculous.

Expanding on this, there is absolutely no evidence that being able to provide some foundational account of arithmetic, logic, etc. is all that useful to solving real world problems, e.g. farming, building engines, etc. It is a conceit.

And now, we actually have enough technology to give most people in the west a VERY good standard of living, but because sperges with "math skills" think "one world government makes sense!!" we are being over-run by foreigners, etc. etc.

>> No.20734388

Problem with trips are the autistic anons who follow them around to give them shit. The anti butterfly posters who followed her everywhere were worse than her herself