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/lit/ - Literature

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20730862 No.20730862 [Reply] [Original]

What order do I read these in?

>> No.20730874


>> No.20730876

Doesn't matter. What is important is understanding how the order in which you read them affects your interpretation.

>> No.20730881

Fellow Freud chad

>> No.20730924

Freud was an old Jewish pedophile and cocaine addict who told everyone to have sex with their mothers. He had a love affair with his wife's sister. His ideas are dangerous and all his books should be banned

>> No.20731067

Are they that bad? What will happen if i read them?

>> No.20731083

>What will happen if i read them?
You will get all the Freud jokes in sitcoms.

>> No.20731098

Great Scott...

>> No.20731102

bro that's too much freud. civilization and its discontents is enough

>> No.20731111
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>> No.20731118

low iq post. we take 9/10th of Freud's ideas completely for granted now and pretend like his worst ideas were his only ideas

>> No.20731132

Didn't Freud admit on his deathbed that his idea were complete nonsense?

>> No.20731145

I am being serious, that is all most people will get from it. Modern society is inundated with Freud's ideas to the point that much of it is common knowledge if a bit watered down. It can feel revolutionary at first since it very much seems like it is right, but that is because his ideas are so ever present, as you progress you realize that you have reversed cause and effect.

This is not to suggest that Freud is not worth reading, just that it is of more historical interest, part of how we became what we are more than why we are what we are.

>> No.20731167

No, he did not

>> No.20731211

Carl Jung is infinitely more sane, sensical, and developed than Freud ever could be.

He was literally just a pervert. Like, really, an 'anal stage'? What the fuck?

>> No.20731231

No, because his ideas were not complete nonsense. TREATING an ILLNESS by merely TALKING to someone is NOT nonsense, we all take it for granted. PROJECTING is NOT nonsense, we all take that idea for granted now. Both are unequivocally true ideas

Idiot. You have no clue what you're talking about so shut up. Freud and Jung agreed on a lot, and much of what they agreed on was completely sane and sensical and well-developed. Much of Jung's ideas were not of any concern to Freud, they did not care about the same exact things

>> No.20731236

t. jordan peterson fan

>> No.20731249

t. ranny

>> No.20731257

Do so anons just buy an author’s entire oeuvre before they have even read a single word of their’s? Autism

>> No.20731289

>t. has never been at the stage where a woman has already given up her pussy to you and is about to give up her asshole too

>> No.20731302


>> No.20731315

get out of your anal phase

>> No.20731326

That's /lit for you.
I'm pretty sure they just collect books here and never open them.

>> No.20731327

Beyond the pleasure principle and society and its discontents are nice, short and gives a good overview.

>> No.20731336

avoid those blue translations though - translates death drive as death instinct and does other funky shit like that.

>> No.20731363

the mistranslation of "Trieb" is the only significant flaw of the Strachey Standard Edition, it is still the translation used by all scholars

>> No.20731376

Unfortunately I think book collectors who don’t read are middle crust here now. I’d bet a sizable portion of this board neither reads nor owns books

>> No.20731431

stop being a dumbfuck

>> No.20733010

They were cheap/used. Freud influences people I am interested in so I just cleared their shelf

>> No.20733033

Lacan being one

>> No.20733251

Seething Freud-worshipper. No different than those that worship other quacks. There's no

That jew did NOT invent 'talking to someone to treat them' and many of the concepts contributed to him are verifiable fraud. Psychology has pretty much made him simply a legendary figure, undeservingly, despite the fact he is almost never cited in any scientific works and many of his ideas or so backwardly insane (Such as believing women's hysteria originated from the cartilage in the nose; his 'nasal-reflex neurosis' and thus he mutilated a woman's face with a scalpel.) that he himself admitted he is no 'scientist' (instead, he called himself a 'conquistador')

His scientific talks to other researchers were always barked down due to his unscientific dialogue and methods. He was a charlatan with a knack for (((public relations))) and that's why his works were distributed as widely as they were.

>> No.20733892

this. same goes for all the french philosophy creeps.