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[ERROR] No.2072878 [Reply] [Original]

Got this book. Want to read it high. Dry as fuck. Does it matter?

Also, does /lit/ read while high?

>> No.2072881

Grow up. Stop smoking pot. Get a job.

>> No.2072884

Jesus motherfucking christ. Everyone who watches the daily show is like the same god dam person multiplied by a million.

>> No.2072887

I have a job. I don't like to call it pot as it sounds derogatory

That does not make cognitive sense.

>> No.2072886

i generally just read ya fantasy when i'm high

>> No.2072890

It's a pretty funny book. Better if you read America the book directly afterwards. Being high makes it better, like all things, so wait and ignore all the DARE faggots

>> No.2072915
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>cognitive sense

>> No.2073034

Haven't we warned you about reading books by jews?
Fucking pot smoking dope head hippie faggot liberals jesus they think that laughing at strawmen is winning a political argument.

>> No.2073049
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>> No.2073053

Even though Jon Stewart isn't like other Jews, he's still a Jew and therefore I don't trust him. It's like we're children and the Jews are using him like candy to trick us into getting into the van before they violently rape us.

>> No.2073060
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>cognitive sense

>> No.2073149

The book wasn't written by just Stewart, it was also written by the other writers and performers of the Daily Show

>> No.2073152
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>That does not make cognitive sense.

>> No.2073160

If all the opposition has for arguments are strawmen then laughing at them/pointing them out is tantamount to winning

>> No.2073169

>cognitive sense

How 'bout you leave the heavy lifting to someone else.

>> No.2073171

Is reading hard for you?

>> No.2073179

why do you figure?

>> No.2073181

god i lold

>> No.2073192

I don't have a problem with John Stewart, the problem lies in his dime a dozen pothead liberal following. They're just a bunch of bobble head hippies who like to put on airs.

>> No.2073200

There's a channel on YouTube called NewLeftMedia. They covered one of the Glenn Beck rallies and their video shows them all to be a bunch of retarded, inbred hicks who don't know what they're talking about. Then they covered the Stewart/Colbert rally and it turns out the people there were just as stupid.

>> No.2073208

>they don't know "pothead liberals" are more insightful about the world then they ever will be no matter how many books they read

>> No.2073211

>implying the Stewart and Colbert rallies weren't about having fun, meanwhilst the Beck rally was about promoting ignorance, racism and anger

>> No.2073215
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"if you’re on the far right or the far left, you know what you’ve done now? You’ve gone too far."

>> No.2073220


>> No.2073223

Whenever somebody tells me that they watch Colbert or Stewart religiously, I know immediately to avoid discussing politics with them. They are mostly your stereotypically edgy kids who have no real opinions outside of "fuck the mainstream."

Personally I find Colbert to be incredibly shallow and predictable and don't know how any intelligent person could be entertained by him for more than 5 minutes. Stewart is better but he's gotten way too good at playing the "moderate" card while at the same time plugging a really narrow view of economics.

>> No.2073233
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This. They were basically the anti-Beck rallies.

>> No.2073242

It was a reaction to the perceived ignorance and insanity of the "far-right" in the United States. But it doesn't really work out when the people who were criticizing them and then showed up at the rally were just as ignorant.

>> No.2073246

Beck's rallies were about anger, for sure. Anger at a government that is rapidly spinning out of control and spending us into ruin, all while attempting to destroy much of the free enterprise system on which this country has been based. I don't know where you got racism or ignorance from, but I imagine they make pretty good straw men if you can't own up to the truth of why people don't like Obama.

>> No.2073257

>Why people don't like Obama
The truth? It's because he's a big, dumb, black...socialist

Yeah. Explain what's wrong with socialism, racist.

>> No.2073269

>Tea Party
>Far right

Stay retarded America. Your conception of history is 5 years at the most. Far right would be fascism, which would entail things like state-based corporatism and ethnic nationalism.

Tea Party are just a bunch of mildly well meaning people who are sick of supporting nigs who ended up being co-opted by neo-cohens who want America to fight more wars for Pissrael.

>> No.2073278

>Liberals want to fight Israel's wars.
Uh...I think you mixed something up, partner.

>> No.2073281 [DELETED] 
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>mfw you're serious

>> No.2073283

The quotation marks are there for a reason.

>> No.2073285

>well meaning people
>not just rednecks who weren't even interested in politics until they heard a black man was president

1/10 for my response

>> No.2073288

I said neo-cohens, as in a pun on neo-cons.

But yeah, liberals are perfectly happy with warmongering too, look at that orthodox KIKE lieberman or the Serbian war under Clinton. I bet you think Jews are just mild mannered, powerless people, lol.

>> No.2073295 [DELETED] 


And what about all the niggers who vote Democrat? You think they vote for leftists because they give a shit about gay rights? They vote for Democrats because they're racial tribalists and vote in their racial interest.

Guess it's only bad if 'rednecks' do it though.

>> No.2073296
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>Genome-wide association studies establish that human intelligence is highly heritable and polygenic


Deal with it libtards.

>> No.2073300
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>basing your entire opinion on a person's religion
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.2073306

>Believes Jews are a religion and not a tribal ethnogroup

As I said, stay retarded.

>> No.2073303 [DELETED] 

>sticking up for hicks and rednecks
We know that niggers (separate from smart black people) only voted Obama because 1 - he's black and 2 - they want to keep their welfare. But that's it. They're not the ones who want Creationism in school, or to cancel teaching safe-sex ed, or wanting to make Christianity America's official religion (which is stupid. They're the ones who *always* bring up the Bill of Rights. Do they know what the First Amendment is?)

>> No.2073308

Ah, but the difference here is that the blacks aren't constantly bitching. When a white man is president again in 2016, I doubt they will throw shit for his whole term like these butthurt racist republicans.

>> No.2073312

>They're not the ones who want Creationism in school

You're aware that blacks are way more likely to believe in creationism than whites right?

Anyway, liberals believe human being are absolutely equal in biological terms, hence any inequality in outcome must be 'corrected' by social engineering. That's creationism too (the belief that humans are neurologically identical across and between groups).

>> No.2073316

>blacks aren't constantly bitching

What planet are you on? Planet "I get my opinions about society from cable news"?

Fucking dumbass.

>> No.2073319

Every 4-8 years we elect a president of the opposite political affiliation.Then, we remember we hate them just as much and go back to the latter for the next 4-8 years.

>> No.2073322

Racism is a meaningless buzzword. If racism is pursuing one's racial interests, then Whites are the least racist people on Earth. That's not a good thing by the way, enjoy going extinct and literally cheering about it as you do.

Extinguishing yourself as a viable ethnic group in your own homeland is Darwin Award territory.

>> No.2073326

>implying Lieberman is a liberal

>> No.2073336


Yeah, this. I'm not American but I'm sick of our political class here acting like there's nothing wrong with us becoming a minority and eventually being replaced by foreign ethnicities in our own fucking ancestral homeland.

What kind of brainwashing leads a person to this precipice?

>> No.2073338

Sorry, but I DON'T hear blacks bitching all the time like republicans do. Maybe when a Katrina happens and their whole city is ignored, or if a cop murders one for no reason.

Stay on Planet "I have severely flawed views"

>> No.2073339

This is spinning in to racial territory that I don't condone, but the continued mischaracterization of the Tea Party is only going to hurt liberals in the end. Sitting around and demonizing them as "ignorant rednecks" completely ignores the valid points raised by the group: that government spending is unsustainable, that the debt problem needs to be solved now, and that increased taxation and growth of the federal government won't cure our ills, nor will supporting a variety of failed private enterprises in the financial sector. When liberals ignore these points it just makes them seem even more out of touch with reality. It really has nothing to do with race- it has everything to do with the fact that we continue to spend trillions of dollars that we don't have and devalue our currency to the point of nullity.

You can slam the Republican track record on these issues, I won't stop you because a lot of the criticism is deserved. But that won't fix anything, and it sure as hell won't get us back on the right track economically. Any person who is rational enough to care about the future of this country would have to agree that the Tea Party at least raises valid questions about the current administration's ability to handle the ongoing financial crisis. I was lukewarm on the entire movement until the credit devaluation, but that was my wake-up call.

>> No.2073343

If i was president i'd raise taxes,kill all the old people, and let all the poor people die of starvation after i took away welfare(after i tested their intelligence to find out which ones are worth saving).Also i'd kill the offspring of most rich people.

>> No.2073348

No, fuck you too. Stop supporting foreign wars. If the Republicans had any balls they would have returned to Old Right values of people like Mencken. Instead you bow to Israel. Where were the Republicans when that fat fuck Ted Kennedy was passing the 1965 immigration act?

"Won't change the ethnic balance of the country" my ass.

Yeah, even in Europe we're just supposed to 'go quietly'.

Man fuck THAT, this is my home, I'm not having my grandkids grow up a hated minority in their own damned home where their ancestors have lived for thousands of years.

>> No.2073355

>Tea Party
founded by probably not racist republicans, mad that obama is not doing republican things and hence create a group about it
>Tea Partiers
racists who dislike obama

Prove me the fuck wrong. Take your average tea partier, holding up signs like she's at a WWE event, and ask her about the issues. She won't have any clue about anything.

>> No.2073360


You need to define racism first.

>have any clue about anything

I don't think that's something exclusive to tea partiers. Liberals think all races are equal in terms of cognitive ability despite all the psychometrics and GWAS studies that say otherwise.

>> No.2073363
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>> No.2073367

I'm not one of those uber-PC liberal, so no, I don't think everyone's equal. But I don't believe that that has anything to do with race or ethnicity - it's more about family genetics. If your family is stupid, there's probably a higher chance you'll be stupid.

Also, you know what I meant by Creationism. The idea that God created the world in 7 days, then created all the animals and humans and plants and what not. They'd like that taught instead of evolution.

>> No.2073374

>But I don't believe that that has anything to do with race or ethnicity - it's more about family genetics

You don't think average level group disparity exists? Race is just extended family that has been exposed to similar population bottlenecks. If these differences exist between individuals, they exist between taxonomically seperate GROUPS of individuals too that have been geographically isolated in their evolution.

To believe these isolated groups are neurologically identical is liberal creationism.

>> No.2073375

>Stop supporting foreign wars.
I don't. I would get out of Afghanistan tomorrow if it was my decision.
>returned to Old Right values of people like Mencken.
What, are we mindless utilitarians right now? The sad thing is that he would be spinning in his grave right now if he could see how incredibly abused his ideas are by racists, particularly anti-Semites.
>"Won't change the ethnic balance of the country" my ass.
It didn't, really, unless you think he's singularly responsible for Hispanic illegal immigration or something. Even then, I couldn't give 2 shits about "ethnic balance" because the idea of America as a white enclave is a fascist fantasy, and I really could care less about any reasoning that follows that route. It's all a bunch of misguided bullshit designed to pin systemic problems on minorities.

Sitting around and blaming Israel for everything won't balance the budget. It will only show that white nationalists are more irrelevant than they have ever been.

>> No.2073386


"The jews could be put down very plausibly as the most unpleasant race ever heard of. As commonly encountered, they lack any of the qualities that mark the civilized man: courage, dignity, incorruptibility, ease, confidence. They have vanity without pride, voluptuousness without taste, and learning without wisdom."

- H.L. Mencken

Mencken was far wiser than you, he knew the Semitic character of the Jew, his 'racial soul' if you will. The Jew has always lived not by settling down on a piece of turf of his own, but by living as a powerful and corrupting minority within a larger 'outgroup', that's how they survive, like rats by weakening the host body.

Most White Americans today don't have the faintest clue about their European roots because Jew sociologists/academicians have de-racified them, stripped them of their group identity while inculcating non-whites with a strong sense of grievance against whites at the same time.

>It didn't, really

You srs? Just look at the demographics stratified by ethnicity then and compare them to now.

America's immigration policy prior was based on the quite rational assumption that importing tens of millions of the most genetically dissimilar people is going to naturally lead to strife and conflict. Eventually you end up with the Jew run racket of identity politics.

>> No.2073392

I can't disprove a negative. All I can say is that you are completely missing the mark of what the Tea Party is really about, at least amongst those who care enough to really familiarize themselves with the issues.
You're confusing the Christian right with the Tea Party. The Tea Party at it's core is not about social issues. There might be some overlap between the two, but the Tea Party was never about advocating on social/religious issues, unless they affected the budget in some manner.
>To believe these isolated groups are neurologically identical is liberal creationism.
If you mean "neurologic" in the sense of "physically identical outside of minor phenotypic differences," then you are completely wrong and any competent evolutionary biologist would laugh at you. No matter how much you want to create "otherness" it isn't going to be there.

>> No.2073399

willing to stream some michael moore documentaries for this thread

>> No.2073406

>minor phenotypic differences

The claim that there has not been enough time for evolution to act on non-superficial traits is not scientific. First because nonsuperficial traits take no more time to evolve than superficial traits. More importantly, reasonable selection parameters allow for significant differences to arise between populations in 100 years, much less 100,000. See Henry Harpending's research on this, he illustrates how a 1 SD difference in a hypothetical trait, with a lower additive heritability than intelligence, could evolve in 500 years:


Furthermore, is it true that races only differ in a few appearance related genes? Nope. We already have this data and it's not true by a long shot.

>In a study of East Asians, Europeans and Africans, Dr. Pritchard and his colleagues found 700 regions of the genome where genes appear to have been reshaped by natural selection in recent times. In East Asians, the average date of these selection events is 6,600 years ago.

>Many of the reshaped genes are involved in taste, smell or digestion, suggesting that East Asians experienced some wrenching change in diet. Since the genetic changes occurred around the time that rice farming took hold, they may mark people's adaptation to a historical event, the beginning of the Neolithic revolution as societies switched from wild to cultivated foods.

>Some of the genes are active in the brain and, although their role is not known, may have affected behavior. So perhaps the brain gene changes seen by Dr. Pritchard in East Asians have some connection with the psychological traits described by Dr. Nisbett.


>> No.2073407


No, to believe that a geographic spread of people (not isolation) could create noteworthy differences in intelligence over such a short period of time is retarded. Its like you've never seen a smart family with stupid children, or the inverse.

>> No.2073409

>short period of time

See: >>2073406

The fact that there are differences is not surprising when you consider new evidence of recent evolutionary change (see 'The 10,000 Year Explosion: How Civilization Accelerated Human Evolution' for a summary). For example, you see new versions of SLC6A4, a serotonin transporter, in Europeans and Asians. There's a new version of a gene (DBA1) that shapes the development of the layers of the cerebral cortex in east Asia. Over time more of this will be understood.

>> No.2073416

>- H.L. Mencken
[citation needed]
>The Jew has always lived not by settling down on a piece of turf of his own
Maybe you should give the Romans a call about that. I'm pretty sure the Jews were pretty happy in Palestine before they came in and trashed the place. In any case, the characterization of Jews as "parasites" is about the oldest trick in the anti-Semitic book and it doesn't really surprise me here. Fostering a sense of "otherness" is always the first move in initiating racial discrimination.
>Most White Americans today don't have the faintest clue about their European roots
I'm pretty sure that we all know that white people came from Europe.
>have de-racified them,
This is absurd, can they not tell what color they are when they look in a mirror?
>going to naturally lead to strife and conflict
You seem to have completely sidestepped my point about illegal immigration and the '65 law, but whatever. If you think our current economy and social system could exist without millions of underpaid workers doing all of our shit jobs for pennies on the dollar, then you're pretty much delusional. In fact, it was the fault of the far right for not realizing that we needed a coherent and rational immigration policy 30 years ago (one not based on racial quotas) if we were ever going to sustain our level of economic growth, but you guys refused and millions of illegals started pouring in. And now you have the gall to bitch about some kind of super-secret Jewish conspiracy to keep the white man down.

>> No.2073417

Why should I call the Romans about it? The Romans never forced the Jews out of Judaea, they simply put down their unjustified rebellion with a vengeance.

>I'm pretty sure that we all know that white people came from Europe.

I'm talking about a coherent understanding of one's own ancestry and how that ties into one's own group identity.

>This is absurd, can they not tell what color they are when they look in a mirror?

White people believe in absurd shit like "we are all the same", and prioritizing the welfare of other races above their own race (and ending up getting exploited as a result), this is what happens to people who don't advance their own racial interests because they lack a racial identity.

>You seem to have completely sidestepped my point about illegal immigration and the '65 law, but whatever.

The 1965 Immigration Act removed the preference for immigration of people of European ancestry, it quite clearly changed the demographic ethnic balance, are you retarded?

>> No.2073418


>Anger at a government that is rapidly spinning out of control and spending us into ruin, all while attempting to destroy much of the free enterprise system on which this country has been based

More like a bunch of idiots, repeating what Beck tells them to, without even having a fucking clue what the word "socialist" means.

And so much for "anger" at the "spending us into ruin". Where were they when, I don't know, BUSH JR. was having fun?

>> No.2073420

That's all well and good, but I'm not seeing a single thing there that indicates any meaningful gap in intelligence or other cognitive ability between the races. They say that some genes could be active in the brain, but it appears to be highly theoretical in most respects.

>> No.2073426
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>reading propaganda

>> No.2073430

The gap is proven by the past century of cognitive testing, the question for the past 40 years has been whether or not intelligence is substantially heritable, and thus whether or not that gap is largely immutable. The overwhelming majority of evidence suggests it is (GWAS, transracial adoptions studies, twin studies, family studies, sibling studies, neurological investigations into physiological candidates for g etc).

As for your point in context, I was merely replying to your fallacious claim that there hasn't been enough time for evolution to produce group level differences, and that the only impact has been on superficial traits.

>> No.2073454

>they simply put down their unjustified rebellion with a vengeance.
But if they were white people fighting for national independence from a foreign power, you would think that it was heroic, wouldn't you? Still, I digress because your interpretation is based exclusively on one highly biased source, namely the Bible.
>I'm talking about a coherent understanding of one's own ancestry
White Americans generally have a pretty good grasp of their ancestry. We just tend not to make a big deal of it, because America was supposed to be about bigger and better things than petty nationalist identities or identity politics. Good luck on perpetuating that myth of white unity, though, just hope that your targets never study European history in any way, shape, or form.
>and prioritizing the welfare of other races above their own race
[citation needed]
[monolith fallacy noted]
>it quite clearly changed the demographic ethnic balance
No, you are clearly the retarded one because you don't know jack shit about demography or immigration policy, you just keep spouting this retarded meme while ignoring the fact that legal immigration was and still is very tightly restricted, and has had little or no effect on the demographic shifts in this country over the past 40 years or so, namely the large increase in the Hispanic population. Do yourself a favor and study the actual causes of demographic change rather than recycling whatever you got of the front page of Rense.

>> No.2073480
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>White Americans generally have a pretty good grasp of their ancestry

is this nigga serious?

>> No.2073522

>[citation needed]

Look at people like Amy Biehl, or the obsessive negrophilia in America (when was the last time a nigger played a bad guy in a film?) or the obsession with OVERSEAS charity.

The key to understanding the pathological nature of our political orthodoxy is that it is in effect a surrogate religion.

This secular religion derives its power from a loose, sentimental and largely incorrect understanding of Christian theology to which many white people subscribe.

The other factor in the equation is the moral relativism that is aggressively hawked by the Cultural Marxists/Jews. If we are told there are no moral absolutes, yet there is a consistent appeal to "morality," then that morality becomes unhinged from any standards or principles and becomes the free floating plaything of whoever has the largest megaphone. Thus, morality becomes the handmaiden of the political orthodoxy and shallow people become its most ardent exponents.

This is in effect a works based religion that creates a neurotic class of adherents frenetically rushing around trying to achieve salvation. "Donate to Tsunami relief!" "Save the children of Africa for only 50 cents a day!" "Contribute to the Haiti relief efforts!" "Show that you care!" It becomes a form of emotional terror after a while. It is a moral assault that never ends and never allows people to feel morally secure.

Just as school yard bullies have usually been themselves insecure victims of bullying, this constant moral assault turns others into moral bullies. They may not ever be able to be Holy, but by god they can be Holier-Than-Thou.

>> No.2073523

You are all so so retarded.

>> No.2073526

>America was supposed to be about bigger and better things than petty nationalist identities
>Implying the founding fathers believed in the concept of 'American' as a purely civic identity

>> No.2073534

>Implying the Judean rebellio is based on one source
>Implying White Americans don't believe in bullshit like "one race the human race"
>Implying legal per annum immigration ceilings haven't risen consistently for the past 40 years
>Implying America wasn't about an Anglo-Saxon identity

Read Franklin, nitwit.

>> No.2073576

>or the obsessive negrophilia in America (when was the last time a nigger played a bad guy in a film?)

Rise of the planet of the apes. So this summer?

Not that your retarded opinion is based in logic or reality

>> No.2073793

>implying it's not a humor book
>bumping this clusterfuck thread
>using daily show words

>> No.2073796

oh hey neat people posting serious responses to stormfront shit