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/lit/ - Literature

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20726324 No.20726324 [Reply] [Original]

It's funny how bible threads are banned by the LGBTpedo mods on here, but they were one of the few threads that actually discussed literature.

Half of the threads on this board are just retarded bullshit, not even pretending to talk about any book or even magazine or comic or any written medium.

>> No.20726332

No they're not. Muh bible threads are little more than angsty pseuds chasing after "muh sovl", "muh tradition". There's little discussion to the meaning or message, only desperation for a moral highground over those they disagree with.
In short:

>> No.20726335
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>> No.20726345
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>newfag backseat janny can't even link boards right

>> No.20726354

>bible larping faggots getting banned

I fail to see how this is supposed to be bad

>> No.20726358

Just go to /his/ if you want to discuss the bible. That's about all they talk about over there.

>> No.20726360

you WILL discuss L(gbt)iterature

>> No.20726381


>> No.20726387

that's an r/atheism colony

site rules state bible threads belong on /lit/ anyway

>> No.20726584

Shouldn’t have let someone who explicitly stated multiple times that they were creating the threads primarily to proselytize run the show. No one raising objections to what he was blatantly doing only damned you as well. Next time just discuss the fucking book with no ulterior motive

>> No.20726651
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Also because the guy has denied it in the past here is an example of exactly what I'm talking about before I go to sleep
>It is my observation that no-true-scottsmaning is the fastest way to kill any sort of meaningful Christian discussion online. Casting a wide net of ecumenicalism is the only real way to stop that from happening. While I certainly have my own view on what constitutes 'real' Christianity, for the purposes of the OP and the well-being of the threads I would consider anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour to be a Christian.
>Propagating Christianity on /lit/ and 4chan more broadly is my main concern here. My own denominational views are secondary to that objective.
And here a little earlier where he discusses being the old OP and asking for permission to lead the newer OPs once again
>I do not think that would be in the best interests of Christianity on this board. The best thing I can suggest is that we make a gentleman's agreement to give me time to post the new OP once this one rolls over.
You lying snakes were definitely just trying to discuss a book here and nothing else yeah

>> No.20726897

I hate tranny raiders so fucking much it's unreal

>> No.20727255

Seriously, what's up with a bunch of /lit/ anons hating on the Bible (and religion in general)? There were a ton of athiest threads a few days ago, what's up with that?