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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.2072394 [Reply] [Original]

I need your help /lit/ and I need it fast.

Tommorow I leave for a week with my family, I want to stock up on some audiobooks, but I have only room for around 3 on my player.

So please tell me which are the best from the following list:

Prince of Nothing

Joe Abercrombie's First Law

Tad Williams' "Memory, Sorrow and Thorn"



Hyperion (Simmons novel)

Wolf In Shadow by David Gemmel

The Princess Bride

Diskworld books

Good Omens

Farseer trilogy

Coldfire trilogy by C.S. Friedman

Magister trilogy by C.S. Friedman

Deeds of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon

The Steel Remains series by Richard K. Morgan

Rusalka series by C.J. Cherryh

Fortress in the Eye of Time series by C.J. Cherryh

Shadowmarch series by Tad Williams

Elric saga by Michael Moorcock

Solomon Kane stories by Robert E. Howard

Vampire Hunter D series by Hideyuki Kikuchi

Guin Saga

>> No.2072408

"To the Lighthouse" as read by Virginia Leishman.

>> No.2072416

in case you didn't notice im looking for fantasy

I know a few (most) people here spam that it's not real literature but it's what I like/am looking for at the moment, I have other genres

>> No.2072436

all of my list is recommended titles from /litl/ over time, I've read many good series and those I deleted as I finished them

>> No.2072445

I've read both of the first two series. I enjoyed them both, Prince of Nothing is somewhat more slower paced, but if you like a story to have a detailed background, it's pretty interesting. First Law was a fun read, and pretty light. I actually enjoyed Best Served Cold more, which is in the same universe, but is more standalone.

>> No.2072451

I'll definitely get Prince of Nothing now, thanks.

>> No.2072473

can't go wrong with the Elric saga.

>> No.2072480

>Vampire Hunter D series by Hideyuki Kikuchi
what? in english? when? where?

>> No.2072483

no ideea sorry

>> No.2072487

You can't read audiobooks, you "listen" to them.

>> No.2072491
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some I've read some I've listened in audiobook form

>> No.2072496

A Wizard of Earthsea read by Harlan Ellison
The Last Unicorn read by Peter Beagle
Howl's Moving Castle (great story but the writing is a bit childish)

they are not on your list but you should certainly try them if you haven already

>> No.2072511


I always add any titles recommended here and sooner or later get the it

earthsea, I think I've seen an animated movie with earthsea as title, any relation?

>> No.2072517

if you mean the one by studio ghibli then yes
but it's a thinned out and altered summary of 4 books kind of

>> No.2072523

The movie has next to nothing to do with the books.