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20723525 No.20723525 [Reply] [Original]

Why come all the far righters and fascists on here are obsessed with tradition when the original fascists were futurists?

I mean what does traditionalism even mean in the American sense, George Washington?

in conclusion are pol idiots?

>> No.20723547
File: 45 KB, 254x320, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you silly cunt, they were envisaging a future without leftist cunts, trannies and niggers. Their futurism was mainly architectural and technological, faggot.

>> No.20723560

jesus anon fascist and futurist are fucking different thing but they are still right winger.

right wing =/= traditionalist
Most right winger are traditionalist because their social orders and hierarchies are traditionalist unlike left wing who want to abolist hierachies because they lead to "Inequality" like anarchist and those communist who want the state to help them reach true equality.

fascist is traditionalist in a sense that they want to return to the glorious past like how mussolini want to go back to roman empire era while marinetti want to go forward to the futre with his new ideas. both of them are right wing because they still want to preserve the social structure of hierachies and hate the ideas of equality for everyone.

>> No.20723575

There were both futurists and traditionalists. It's why Mussolini liked to give his speeches from the balcony where he could point to the Collisseum and remind the populace of their heritage after which he would call for action to modernize. It's why the nazis revered ancient Germanic heroes while staying on top of technology.
Hate them all you want but to be this disingenuous is silly.

>> No.20723588

So you like glass and concrete skyscrapers and the James Webb telescope?

>> No.20723591

but doesnt technological advancement destroy tradition?

Its almost like they were idiots!

>> No.20723596

>in conclusion are /pol/ idiots?
Don't ever start with lines like this. The moment you make people defensive you instantly kill any actual discussion.
Whether someone is an idiot doesn't matter as much as the ""intellectuals"" here would like to think. Most ordinary people make their political decisions from an emotional place, not a rational one. They just reach for talking points after the fact.

>> No.20723610

Not necessarily though it can and usually it will. No need to throw the baby out with the bathwater ya know.

>> No.20723614

he's obviously a tranny or a Redditor/twitterfag, which are spiritually the same. that was the moment everyone new he wasn't arguing in good faith.

>> No.20723616

They originally got lured in by the savage racism. There really are several camps. Eugenicist progressivism in the old Democratic party reached from the north to some of the non-religious southerners, and neo-nazis would eventually come out of the Klan

Nowadays though, lets be honest, “traditionalism” means nothing. It never does. The past never returns and the authorities just consolidate their power. It’s the same old liberal rebranding, like putting “Coke-Cola Classic” on your bottles and it’s still just the caffeinated version, no cocaine

>> No.20723626

>but doesnt technological advancement destroy tradition?
Not quite, does modernizing language destroy the tradition? the answer is no because while the tradition has change in some way or form the core message is still there.
In my country we have tradition of throwing water to other people once the new year come out. Most people tend to use water bowl to splash other people but once a new technology advance come out aka "The water gun" everyone start using. They still continue with their tradition of splashing water to other people and as long as the core message is still there even if technology may come and change some aspect of it.
this reddit space is a huge red flag.

>> No.20723659
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Tearing down the current order that suffocates the life from you (as the artists) is the most futurist thing you can do (especially coupled with technology).
So going against the entire globohomo, liberal, capitalist, neo-marxist, postmodern, autocratic values and institutions is the futurist thing to do.

New York must be under 10 feet of water and LA and San Francisco must fall into the pacific and cause a tidal wave that destroys all of East Asia.

>> No.20723901

you will never be a woman

>> No.20723993

>fascist is traditionalist in a sense that they want to return to the glorious past

That’s not even correct:

>The Rome that we honour, and above all the Rome that we dream of and prepare, is something else: not of distinguished stones, but of living souls: not nostalgic contemplation of the past, but tough preparation for the future.

>Rome is our starting point and reference; it is our symbol, or if you will, our Myth. We dream of a Roman Italy—that is, an Italy wise, strong, disciplined, and imperial. Much of that immortal spirit of Rome is raised anew in Fascism: Roman is our Littorio, Roman is our organization of combat, Roman is our pride and our courage: "Civis romanus sum". And now it is necessary that the history of tomorrow, which we wish assiduously to create, shall not be the contrast to, or the parody of, yesterday.

Rome as myth, is a source of inspiration for the Italians. Italians were dreamers.

Italy ban was a bunch of city states city with princes fighting against each other, which which ruined Italy's commernace.

Fascism became, like Mazzini's Young Italy, the faith of all Italians who disdained the past and longed for renewal. So there's no RVTURN for the Blackshirts because they were completely done with the Renaissance, and so wished to modernize itself.

>> No.20724057

20th century fascists had the luxury of being futurists. 21st century fascists do not because the 20th century has illustrated clearly that futurism was a disaster. But let’s be honest. There are no genuine fascists anymore.

>> No.20724067

Because it is a complete disaster. As always.

>> No.20724070

americhuds usually attach to either the roaring 20s or some weird colonial religious sect like mormons or whatever

>> No.20724076

/pol/ is a simultaneous raid between russia and chinese shillbots.

>> No.20724097

That damned Marinetti! The downfall of the century!

>> No.20724134
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>> No.20724145

But the inspiration is still there isn't it? sure they might not be fully traditionalist and wanting to bring backroman empire but they draw inspiration from it alot. And when you compare it to Marinetti and his hate boner toward everything that's old and want burn them down, starting from the ash then you can count them as one.
The most traditionalist would probably Evola and his reactionary esoteristic world out look.
Trad to Forward
Evola > Mussolini > Marinetti

>> No.20724152
File: 22 KB, 137x150, 1591723747002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're traditionalist
>therefore you're right-wing
>therefore you're a fascist

>> No.20724169

I am not and have never been a traditionalist. I would venture that most of the traditionalists on this board are, conversely, not fascists. The identification of the two is essentially polemical.

>> No.20724183
File: 40 KB, 468x510, 1656780945340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fascism of today isn't the same as fascism of yesteryear aha bet you feel fucking stupid now
Wow /pol/ blown the fuck out

>> No.20724192

>the 20th century has illustrated clearly that futurism was a disaster
what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.20724229
File: 162 KB, 1000x1583, Sop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are pol idiots?

>> No.20724236

You are fucking retarded, trannies weren't even a thing at the time

>> No.20724239

>But the inspiration is still there isn't it?
Like what? It's an inspirational piece to build the ground world of a strong, contending, actionable, future Italy; an Italy that no longer wishes to be another puppet of London or France.

It's about tapping into the essential, vitalist values and principles to a national society, Fascism sought to strengthen in the people those virtues of devotion and discipline from which it drew its strength to build a better tomorrow. That doesn't mean they wish return to feudalism because they are proud of their heritage. Look at the architecture for example, it's clearly modern, they called it is “Rational Architecture", in the quote I posted Mussloni sees Rome as not material buildings, but in spirt of the General will. A reminder that if we work together as a nation, we can accomplish great advances.

>> No.20724243

>in the sense that they want to return to the glorious past
That isn't traditionalist.
Have you heard of !=

>> No.20724244
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Whoops, forgot the image.

>> No.20724250

Don't ever start with lines like this. The moment you make people defensive you instantly kill any possibility of actual discussion
So in conclussion /pol/ are idiots
(Starting with lines like this is what /pol/ does)

>> No.20724260

I sympathize with you (I don't hate trannies, jews, black people or leftists so maybe you'd object to that)

>> No.20724288

Martennit worked together with Mussolini, they aren't exactly separate. It’s interesting – a lot of the art in the 1930s and some of the 1940s is what can be described as Fascist pro-regime art. There are a lot of portraits of Mussolini done in a Futurist style for example. And the Futurists, while they were never the official state art of Fascism – because Mussolini never wanted to proclaim one art to be the state art of Fascism – the Futurists were still featured.

>> No.20724317

>why does my strawman perception of people no make sense????

>> No.20724341

Why are there no movements like this in the 21st century?

>> No.20724359

op here, i was reading about futurism mainly because peter theil seems like an actual futurist/fascist in an interview where he complains about the stagnation of culture/technolgy/progress, etc

>> No.20724432

Because history is over. The climax happened over 70 years ago. Every today is just extra and it sucks.

>> No.20724449
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Explain yourself then

>> No.20724455


>> No.20724461

they literally were though. One of the first modern transitional surgeries happened in weimar germany

>> No.20724471

>but doesnt technological advancement destroy tradition?

>> No.20724474


>> No.20724639
File: 47 KB, 600x600, richard-wagner-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wagner was the first futurist, which is why his Siegfried was such an important symbol to modernist artists.

>Art remains in its essence what it ever was; we have only to say, that it is not present in our modern public system. It lives, however, and has ever lived in the individual conscience, as the one fair, indivisible Art. Thus the only difference is this: with the Greeks it lived in the public conscience, whereas to day it lives alone in the conscience of private persons, the public un−conscience recking nothing of it. Therefore in its flowering time the Grecian Art was conservative, because it was a worthy and adequate expression of the public conscience: with us, true Art is revolutionary, because its very existence is opposed to the ruling spirit of the community.

>> No.20724688

I though Wagner was the Tradfag of his time?

>> No.20724757
File: 397 KB, 800x1096, 312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why come all the far righters and fascists on here are obsessed with tradition when the original fascists were futurists?
I've been reading about sexual morality in the Third Reich and it's interesting and isn't what I expected. The Nazis really pitted themselves against Victorian prudishness for a philosophy of "life" which encouraged people to "live it up" while simultaneously borrowing from from that Victorian-era conservatism to label various enemies (and the Weimar era) as spreading cultural decay, sexual immorality and degeneracy. At the same time, they had lavishly decadent carnivals like the "Night of the Amazons" to draw in international celebrities to attempt to turn Munich into a competitor to Paris. This is one of the posters from it. Nothing but the best for the German volk! And the whole aesthetic was like a Grimes music video or something.


It's very bizarre but probably made sense to them in their own way of thinking. It's not sexual liberation or conservatism but something else. Pretty bad too, I gotta say, but like a kind of "ideal" sexuality that's also seen as a patriotic duty to engage in much like military service and labor, like an ancient slave society with modern technology.

>Why are there no movements like this in the 21st century?
One German theorist drew parallels between the political aesthetics of ISIS and Italian futurism and used that painting in the OP as an example:


>op here, i was reading about futurism mainly because peter theil seems like an actual futurist/fascist in an interview where he complains about the stagnation of culture/technolgy/progress, etc
There's a book called "The Contrarian" about him that described his views as basically fascistic. Thiel thinks democracy and competition are stupid. "Competition is for losers" is one of his mantras and he seems like he wants the direct monopolistic rule of big business to rule society as a way of unleashing innovation. One tactic used at Paypal he called "blitzscaling." Elon Musk apparently thinks he's a sociopath (and Thiel thinks Musk is a fraud).

He also lives a pretty decadent and lavish personal lifestyle, apparently, and named his CIA contracting surveillance firm Palantir after the seeing stones used by Sauron in LOTR. Also pro-imperialist and thinks the West fell off when it stopped being explicitly imperialist and that salvation is in human lords and princes who embrace speed and technology. A very 1930s figure. Also he has said that the Chinese communists are real communists and that Khrushchev carried out a Thermidorian reaction by giving the anti-Stalin speech, whereas that didn't happen in China, so the spirit of the French Revolution continues there under Xi. Of course, he's very hostile to all of this.

>> No.20724786

The futurist manifesto explains everything and it's like two pages long.
The only background you need is the stagnated society (Russia, China and Italy) dealing with the more industrialized and modern countries (US and Germany) and the progress of the period (airplane, for example) while everyone knew there was a war looming since the late 1890s.

>> No.20724791

He was both.

>> No.20724813

>he seems like he wants the direct monopolistic rule of big business to rule society as a way of unleashing innovation
It's worth noting that this is completely antithetical to fascism and that the corporatist model of China is closer. People like Thiel and Musk do strike me as throwbacks to an earlier (I would argue better) era but they're more like captains of industry/robber barons than anything fascist. They're plutocrats, in the most literal sense, albeit plutocrats who are moderately less gay and retarded than most of their peers.

Also re: NS sexual morality there's a Goebbels speech/pamphlet that basically castigates people who became Nazis after the seizure of power for hating fun, I wonder if I can find it

>> No.20724969

Because they’re idiots.

>> No.20724978

Hey this guy reads

>> No.20725036

>ywn partecipate in state-mandated sexual celebrations with a drunken Hitler
it's not fair bros........

>> No.20725089

Dumb ESL

>> No.20725311
File: 111 KB, 800x1095, Thomas_Carlyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean what does traditionalism even mean in the American sense, George Washington?

Blood, soil & family. Same thing it has meant since it's inception. There is far more at that can be extracted and hanged upon the term, but ultimately these three things form the nexus.

Near blood bond with all those around you, shared heritage, history and ethnicity. Soil, you will have a connection with the very land you live upon, it has been worked, tilled and cared for by successive generations. Family, a nuclear family with a father and a mother and cherished children.

>> No.20725316

I dislike troons and negroes. Jews are alright, in fact, I admire many of them.

>> No.20725347

>private land ownership is tradition

>> No.20725355

If leftists love diversity, why don't they want white people to spread into every nation in the world?
And if they love minority rights, why wouldn't they want the whites in Africa and Asia and South America to have them then?
See I can do this idiot shit too, please fuck off and die you retarded faggot.

>> No.20725369


Trannies have existed among indo-European cultures like Scythians since ancient times


Trannies are very traditionally Aryan

>> No.20725370

Traditionalism now is weaponised nihilism, there is no future state humanity driven by self-actualised power of consciousness and rationality, severe oppression required to keep the potemkin village of human civilization running

>> No.20725577
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Nowhere did i say that. You have assumed a connection and working the land is presupposed by ownership of it. Dont assume you shit, you silly cunt.

So has violently slavery, let us return that tradition too.

>> No.20725598

Does anyone else like the futurist ideals but find all of their art extremely ugly? The music is so jarring too, and don’t even get me started on the “food”. It feels like an offshoot of dadaism.

>> No.20725754

Nah boccioni's paintings and marinetti's novels are top tier.

>> No.20725864

It is, in fact. The very fact you (presumably a european) are surprised is due to your own, very different land-owning traditions. In Europe, feudalism was king, and in it's wake the model for thinking of land was as a communal entity, something to be policed by the state, almost to the degree that it may infringe on the private individuals right to that land. It was into this social consciousness communism grew forth, with it's promises for shared wealth, and of course the clearest manifestation of wealth was land, especially in the pre-20th century world while there were still peasant farmers with little modern agricultural technology.
In America on the other hand, private land ownership was key. It stems from the revolutionary war, a war which in effect revolved around the American desire to own and manage their own land. Throughout the whole of American history, the ideal has been to protect private land ownership and hinder the state's controll. The civil war, while being driven forth by the unprofitable nature of slavery and the growing abolitionists, can also be seen as a war over private property: The right of landowners to their property (slaves and plantations). The reconstruction was viewed as an awfull injustice, not only because it was harsh to southerners, but also because it infringed on and often confiscated their previously inalienable right to their own land.

>> No.20726026
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America is not a traditionalist society. Land ownership is not tied to such. A natural heirarchy is, one not predicated on the acquisition of capital. Sadly America is precluded from ever being a Traditonalist society because ite founding principles are at odds with it. Neoliberalism and Traditionalism are not compatable.

>> No.20726034

>Nowhere did i say that.

Then you reduce the importance of nuclear family

>> No.20726068

the nuclear family is a modern invention

>> No.20726093
File: 56 KB, 384x576, 1653957134030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The nuclear family has existed in Europe for many centuries. One was granted domicile in exchange for service and duty. Your modern neo-liberal mindset is poison to your life.

>> No.20726117

Not him, but the extended family is superior.

>> No.20726263
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You cant have an extended family without the nuclear family at its core. Extended family is important.

>> No.20726308
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If that was true, Europe would not acheived dominance in every aspect of the world. Other, lesser, nations rely on extended family achieved far less as it creates lesser people. And now as the family breaks down in the West so too will the society is erected.

>> No.20726322

You do you

>> No.20726325


>> No.20726344

You go back.

>> No.20726365
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I wouldn't say extremely

>> No.20726370

You suck dick

>> No.20726377
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>> No.20726379
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>> No.20726390

I am a right winger but my version of right wing thought is not something most people on the right agree with. Hell my little brother thinks I’m a communist.

Anyway, my version of right wing thought is centered on the abolishing of the nation state, which is a liberal constructs. This makes me opposed to fascism.

>> No.20726391
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>> No.20726394
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>> No.20726396
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The WEF is the epitome of Futurism.

>> No.20726403
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>> No.20726426 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 640x415, pol-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're a Fascist, this is okay. Europe need not fear a hard heirarchy in society anymore. We are at the bottom now and will he increasingly attacked as demographics are further stacked against us. Embrace the fact that you have landed on the one political theory that can preserve all that you love and remove all that you despise.

>> No.20726441 [DELETED] 

Wtf is a race

>> No.20726460 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 640x415, pol-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those wrestling with Traditionalist views and mindsets but are concerned with where it leads, you are a Fascist. This is okay. Europe need not fear a hard heirarchy in society anymore. We are at the bottom now and will be increasingly attacked as demographics are further stacked against us. Embrace the fact that you have landed on the one political theory that can preserve all that you love and remove all that you despise.

>> No.20726479
File: 58 KB, 436x703, Monaco1966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute kino, why is action and speed so aesthetic, bros?

>> No.20726549

Futurism is the water down version of cubism
It’s like Joyce vs Cohelo
Can someone give more info I’m ignorant about futurism.

>> No.20726681

>NS sexual morality there's a Goebbels speech/pamphlet that basically castigates people who became Nazis after the seizure of power for hating fun
It's called 'More Morality, Less Moralism'. https://research.calvin.edu/german-propaganda-archive/goeb60.htm

>> No.20726707

Are you the guy who flipped out over that one Lil Nas X video and Amazon

>> No.20726728

Congratulations, you agree with Kalergi, and have convinced yourself that rootless technocratic arch-liberalism is actually trad and anti-liberal.
Learn primordialism and understand that a nationalist total state is the best way to bring ancestor worship into modernity.

>> No.20726730

Futurism is not only the watered-down version of Cubism, but the direction-brained politicized version, which anyone with a shred of taste should avoid at all costs

>> No.20726740

I don't care about tradition anon. I want new stuff, I want a world where Persophone Hindu Han people live in Central Africa. I want the world to be a place where new cultures and peoples are constantly being created.

>> No.20726752
File: 134 KB, 612x611, 1642036975601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard, you resentful hapa, you spiritual Jew, you died a hundred years ago, please stop posting on 4chan.

Also, you're not right-wing, and I say that as someone who does not place strong emphasis on being "on the right." Your brother is wrong, you're not a communist, you're a liberal of the worst sort who views all human beings as fungible. Marinetti (pbuh) and Evola (much as I dislike him) would both brain you with blunt objects.

>> No.20726753

Reposting in this thread in case Ezra Poundanon from the deleted thread sees it
>What do you think of Kenner's book? Any recommendations for how to approach Pound if I love his politics and occasional prose writings, but can't make heads or fucking tails of the Cantos aside from the famous Usura one?

>What do you think of the rumors that he actually sucked at Chinese, and the old anecdote that he was holding the book upside down?

>Can you recommend any books on The New Age milieu?

>> No.20726762

>Also, you're not right-wing
I am right wing, I believe in God

>you're a liberal
I oppose capitalism.

>> No.20726769
File: 19 KB, 680x382, 2e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you should reconsider your worldview. I have nothing more to say to you.

>> No.20726770

Traditional values and technological progress cannot coexist, it's an oxymoron, read fucking Ellul you guys, new values are needed, read fucking Neech you guys

>> No.20726779
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Yes they can

>> No.20726787

Because fascism had multple currents that could not see a fulfillment of what it was going to be due to temporal circumstances in the world war. One second, Mussolini is decrying the french revolution, later he returns to his socialist roots. Both Left Fascism and Right Fascism are interpretations of a movement unfulfilled

>> No.20726796

Interesting. What did you have in mind in opposition to capitalism?

>> No.20726826

That’s what I was thinking, it almost seems that it was formed to appeal to a younger audience.

>> No.20726840

Collective ownership of manufacturing, service and agriculture firms by the workers would be encouraged. Private ownership would be allowed but unions and the like would be mandatory, and the government would step in to ensure private firms remain a minority of the global economy. Resources would be managed by the people to promote sustainability in ecological terms first and foremost.

>> No.20726861

Read my book to find out why Ellul is wrong.

>> No.20726881

as with many other philosophers, he is good at diagnosis but weaker at propositions

>> No.20726900

The problem isn't even between those two features. You can't entirely shift the locus of activity from man to something operating on man. It's true that man can become passive with respect to an automated and algorithmic construction which is produced by himself (ie he ends up conforming his future actions to the rules of his own static, yet dynamically created in origin, construction), but there is nothing necessary about this relationship. The main thing Ellul was correct in diagnosing is that this relationship between man and technique is highly probable given his almost complete skepticism and the huge degree of power put into an entirely passive (yet intelligent) institution like academia. At the same time the solution would not be as simple as merely reverting to the opposite of skepticism, or destroying academia, in fact that could create a catastrophic movement which accelerates in the same direction things are already trending.

>> No.20726957

of course, Ellul inadvertently led to Ted Kaczynski killing and injuring dozens. Ellul needs a wholesale refinement, maybe a sort of tri-point linking together Foucault, Zizek and Ellul

have you heard of pneumatism?

>> No.20727102

Oh wow... centuries! How traditional. How blood and soil

>> No.20727192

And you out yourself as a retard just like that.

>> No.20727363

Woah... condescending quip conveyed through snarky sarcasm! How convincing. How clever

>> No.20727389

futurists envisaged gangs of youths roaming around in automobiles, beating up any filth they encountered on the road
the modern version comes from India, as the Indian Peninsula was populated for thousands of years by the quintessentially liberal kingdoms i.e. the kind liberals want to implement everywhere; so every kind of degeneracy existed over there for a LONG time

>> No.20727403

This like I see Natsoc and Communism as a try to integrate the Old Social Struktures with the Consequences of the industrial revolution.
You had huge fabric workers and menial jobs, and they tried to some extent to integrate the masses in a new cognitive construct, where they have a place and purpose.
Both system also had very different other elements, but I see this as similarity.

>> No.20727408
File: 58 KB, 605x323, except jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like the antithesis
Futurism wanted high quality humans who can have fun together and appreciate nature as their friend
WEF wants to fill earth to the brim with low quality humans, in order to destroy nature (or whatever nigger reason they have) and terrorize anybody over 5 feet and 100 IQ

>> No.20727418

Neoliberalism is not the only American political system: In the south the traditionalist landed gentry, molded after their English counterparts, maintained their own social order and culture.

>> No.20727424

OP u know ur right when the kids chimp out like this.

>> No.20727430

Southern agrarianism was buried a century before the rise of neoliberalism

>> No.20727434
File: 1021 KB, 1004x1004, nazi soy genocide nonsense so true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not your safe space fags. Not everyone on /lit/ is chud

>> No.20727524

Because what we actually need is neo-confucianism

>> No.20727525

The obsession with tradition is predicated on a future where traditional values preside over society. You CAN have a future with traditional values and as to why people think we'd be back to living in mudhuts under local feudal lords if we aren't constantly weakening society and destroying culture is fucking beyond me.
The "traditionalism" they all strive for is what you actually want to attack as nearly every decade has had a different ideal of what it means to be traditional. For some, it's the racial traditionalism of " Educated White Man" holding all the power in society, for others it's a return to the Baby Boomer's childhood of white-picket fences, neighborhood cookouts, and being able to walk down the street without getting shot by a nigger. Then there's traditional-mixes where people just want a return to sanity, or traditional-lites, or traditional-theocrats, really the ideal of what's "Traditional" just in America alone is so diverse that even if Traditionalists held every iota of power in the country, they'd still endlessly bicker and argue over what's right. That's not even to touch what traditionalism for other countries means.
>are pol idiots
Yes, but that's rather aside from the point.

>> No.20727536

>There are no genuine fascists anymore.
You say this like it's a bad thing. Even the most well-intentioned of fascist movements would be disastrous if it got into power because it'd take just one bad egg getting into a seat where he has all the power in the world to ruin (at minimum) an entire country.

>> No.20727547

There is - it's called "Frogtwitter".

>> No.20727582

>it'd take just one bad egg getting into a seat where he has all the power in the world to ruin (at minimum) an entire country.
like s.o.r.o.s. is doing right now?

>> No.20727592

It takes a lot more bad eggs to fuck up a democratic-republic like they're doing, but yeah essentially.
>inb4 this justifies fascism
Bullets work a lot faster in this regard and don't leave a government ripe for the taking by any survivors.

>> No.20727621



>> No.20727636

by definition a "democratic republic" is already 50% bad eggs, no matter who wins the election or what side you are on...

>> No.20727643

Bad eggs are not people you disagree with, anon.

>> No.20727682

if they were, i would have said 95%, not 50%
to be a bad egg it's enough to be a materialist who doesn't believe in private property

>> No.20727729

>only one you're not allowed to question

>> No.20727735

Keyboard fascists are so cringe lmao

>> No.20727739

>Materialist who doesn't believe in private property
I don't have a proper explanation to describe an egg that's not "bad" but rather severely brain damaged. When I'm saying "bad eggs" I'm speaking of ones that go for political power with willful malicious intent rather than committing malicious deeds due to their stupidity.

>> No.20727814

wow really makes you think xDDDDD

>> No.20727989

being a materialist without believing in private property _is_ malicious intent with the intention of gaining political power ("us vs. them") and using it to steal said private property from others...
the fact that the people believing that behaving like this makes them smarter than others, thus proving they have an IQ under 100, is a whole other matter

>> No.20728137

you mean Katyn massacre? Where executions used by weird chance 100% german guns?

>> No.20728181 [DELETED] 
File: 298 KB, 640x573, 1625243584262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>traditionalist landed gentry, molded after their English counterparts, maintained their own social order and culture.

There was not a lot Traditional about the South, they are the reason for the US being in the current situation. The decendants of their slaves have made the land ruinous, they are a plague with no capacity for abstraction or deeper reasoning. The systems they had crudely aped the British ones as it was predicated firstly on wealth.

>> No.20728325
File: 83 KB, 850x400, quote-a-nation-lives-forever-through-its-concepts-honor-and-culture-it-is-for-these-reasons-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-81-96-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then one day for no reason at all...

>> No.20728366

That is retarded nobody gave a fuck and also those weren't trannies but just good old homosexuals. Nazis succeeded because everybody was hungry and germany had a strong military tradition in the government

>> No.20728374

>blaming poverty and vulture capitalism on the poor because you don’t their skin tone

Not all conservatives are racists, and not all progressive/accelerationists are pro equal rights. That’s all you can take from this thread

>> No.20728378

nationalism is just a station to pass on the road to communism
especially second-hand nationalism of countries without history

>> No.20728400

So what, the nazis won because of avant garde surgery? Gtfo. The original comment was retarded, acting like fascism was somehow a holy reaction against degeneracy instead of just another offspring of the antiliberal movements that thrived in Europe due to the disaster that was the first world war and later the stock market crash.

>> No.20728402

Stalinist scum

>> No.20728410


silence retard

>> No.20728411

Digital neonazis and christianfags preaching about degeneracy and convincing themselves we're on some road to moral or traditional anhilation while drawing parallels to the more noble movements of the past seriously make me cringe

>> No.20728425

I know they were a center of LGBT culture *at the time* but that is not by any means the reason why they got popular

>> No.20728433

It absolutely was a reaction to the sexual degeneracy rampant in German cities but especially Berlin, you don't have a leg to stand on because the jews say it themselves, quite loudly.

>> No.20728442

It's not *THE* reason but it definitely is *a* reason. No idea what your weird agenda is here, what are you trying to do?

>> No.20728456

No it wasn't dummy and I don't give a damn about the jews or what they say. There was homophobia and the nazis promoted it but that's not the reason why they won (**nationwide**)

>> No.20728464

Wtf are you saying. It is such an unimportant reason in comparison it's almost wholly just a consequence.

>> No.20728470
File: 1.05 MB, 3249x2300, lib-dem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people are racist, despise what they profess and when it finally reaches a tipping point and Europeans and their descendants realize and associate by ethnicity, the West will begin to heal, burning out the malignancy that has lingered within for too long.

Nationalism is the banner under which a people can stand united and safe, made of blood, soil and history. Communism is the un-heirarchy that can only exist in strictly controlled environments wherein those at the bottom usurp those at the top and reduce all to the same level.

>> No.20728483

You very obviously have some kind of motivated reasoning for downplaying the role of sexually degeneracy.
>it's almost wholly just a consequence
No shit, it's a consequence of liberalism and jewish cultural elite, that's the whole thing.

>> No.20728488

Your picrel is literally propaganda against populism (you). Why?

>> No.20728503

Not everybody is a mason
Go to
If you want to talk to mason
I am heterosexual white male. You clearly have an undisclosed reason for exaggerating the role of homosexuality and degenracy.
I meant the backlash against LGBT was a consequence of the nazi wave, not the fact that they existed a cause for that wave

>> No.20728513
File: 32 KB, 612x612, fasces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Liberal Democracies are populist. Unknowingly the artist condemns his own position as well as his counterpart across the isle. He was not anti-democratic like i am, but anti-opposite-side. The irony is immense.

>> No.20728515

So fascism is not populism????

>> No.20728530

Literally all I've said is that reaction against sexual degeneracy contributed to the rise of Nazism, which is very obviously true, to which you've responded variously with
>transsexualism wasn't even a thing in weimar!
>Well it was but nobody cared!
>well people did care a little bit but that wasn't the ENTIRE reason for the nazis!
What are you basing all of this on?

>> No.20728539

Nation-states are a liberal construct, and in the end they are not friends of a nation. If you care about your nation, your people, you would oppose a nation-state for them.

>> No.20728558


>> No.20728560

>So fascism is not populism

>> No.20728567

No, I didn't say the last greenline. I still think the second. I am basing it mostly on the fact that I know why the fascists and communists rose, and also the fact that homosexuality etc etc is accepted know and that hasnt promoted a backlash fron fascists, if it played any part it wasn't because of "degeneracy" but change, and the only reason they could make that into an ideological point and execute it is because people were angry, not because of "degeneracy", but because of the collapse of the worldwide economy and the misery of their country after having humilliatingly lost the greatest of conflicts and having been blamed for it in its entirety

>> No.20728573

Meant to say
> Homosexuality is accepted now and that hasn't prompted

>> No.20728582
File: 207 KB, 540x810, 1640119988780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is anti-democratic, so no. It is precluded from being populist beyond its inception. Since populists means of governments are derived from the will of the people, not the aristocracy or elites, Fascism is born out of the collective need to preserve the nation and all under it. It does not serve the will of the polis, or a subgroup of, but instead the polis serve and uphold it.

>> No.20728587

You think mussolini knew how to fly a plane, or hitler?

>> No.20728591

Wtf are you talking about

>> No.20728593
File: 65 KB, 480x480, pol-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a polis in Ancient Greece?

What did S.P.Q.R stand for?

>> No.20728595

Polis means city

>> No.20728612

Mussolini wasnt a member of the elite, he was a failed communist. Hitler wasn an elite, he was a failed artist. Both used the emotions of the angered people and drove their countries once again to war and despair.

>> No.20728620

And defeat

>> No.20728624

>homosexuality etc etc is accepted know and that hasnt promoted a backlash fron fascists
what the fuck am I reading dude
have you missed the last 20 years of American politics and cultural conversation?
this has to intentionally be bait or something, nobody can be this ignorant. I'm erring on the side of malice this time.

>> No.20728645

>Says something retarded
>calls other people stupid
Jewish futurism is Trans humanist and anti environmental
Classical futurism is reduced impact on environment, higher efficiency and space travel.
So, as usual, (((they))) corrupted futurism.

>> No.20728651

The actual conversation is incel larps. And when the lgbt movement first started gaining traction after the war the reaction it met was similar to that of the war in essence, simply against change, at the end the LGBT people got recognition and nobody cares anymore appart from fascists (and people influenced by them) and maybe old hillbillies (IDK i'm not american)

>> No.20728678

If you mean the last 20 years since the 2000s I also don't know what I'm reading, I'll assume that to be a mistake. Idk which circles you move in but homosexuality is not a controversial issue in the west

>> No.20728682

Oh okay so first there is no fascist backlash and now it's only fascists that care about it. You're a very confused and/or dishonest person.

>> No.20728688
File: 608 KB, 1080x1678, 1654014346582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polis means the cultural manifestation of a state, its citizens, families, blood and land. It does not, nor has ever meant simply a city except when used by aspiring midwits.

>> No.20728705

Sorry I meant that major parts of the population didn't turn fascist. I realize how you can interpret that phrase wrong

>> No.20728713
File: 98 KB, 602x498, main-qimg-a0dcda0ecda0c1a159c48151bd9b7c74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wild how a mid sized nation, surrounded by enemies on all sides, that was just defeated in the biggest war the world had experienced was able to develope the lost advanced technology we had yet seen. Aristocracy, rulership by the greatest of a nation.

>> No.20728714

>IDK i'm not american
I'm gonna be completely frank with you. You having the opinions you do and not being an American citizen indicates to me that you're a European who has been completely mentally colonized by America. You are a pathetic specimen and I hope for the collapse of my country so that the saner people in your country can once again rule it.

>> No.20728777

>was able to develope the lost advanced technology we had yet seen
Germany was surrounded by enemies on all sides because it was powerful and rich, before and after the war, poverty hit germany as a result of the treaty of versaille's sanctions on the german economy and state, when it stopped obeying those rules the country developped again, besides it wasn't surrounded by enemies on all sides, only left and right

>> No.20728802

Wtf is picrel btw
>mentally colonized by america
????? Wtf
We are getting mentally colonized by the US, and the result will be us becoming triggerhappy christian faggots idk what you are talking about. Fascism never ruled europe. (Nazi germany did conquer France but it was an invasion and it didn't last long). Europe is not the continent of Fascism, it's the continent of Fascism as much as it's the continent of Communism, Liberalism and Socialism, the main ideologies of Europe are progressive socialists and chistian democrats (which are socialists but more conservative), you guys are way more right wing than Europe, and the colonization has only resulted in all these bitchass right wing populist parties

>> No.20728823

Nations and states have competing interests, and this makes a nation-state a inherently contradictory thing. Nations, collections of people with a common language, history, and culture, have the aim of existing peacefully and developing themselves. States are governments which manage land and people, and their aims are expanding their power, control, and influence (in and outside of their borders).

Europe is the best example of the failure of the nation-state. Look at France, a state engaged in various conflicts and neo-colonial activities in Africa. The French nation does not benefit from this, in fact they are worse off as the actions of the state creates enemies for the nation across Africa. Only the state benefits. There are other examples of this. Look at Sweden, which allowed mass immigration of peoples who did not share the values of the Swedish nation, and in fact opposed these values fiercely. Why did they do this? To grow the Swedish economy and workforce. The suffering this caused the Swedish nation was of no consequence to the state.

The point is that the sooner we drop the idea that states are the friends or tools of nations, the better.

>> No.20728831

You adhere to the American state ideology of neoliberalism. The things you believe are the same thing that every pissant bureaucrat or NGO worker in this country believes. Your countries have been mentally colonized by America for at least fifty years.

Do you think that when we collapse you'll somehow become less nationalistic? Without billions of dollars of American and Jewish money flooding into your country to prop up (jerk off hand motion) social democrats, the national movements will just go away? lol. lmao.

>> No.20728834

I'm genuinely amazed you think Christian groups are the threat facing Europe when you guys have the fastest-growing Islamist movements outside of Africa and the Middle East/South Asia. Fascism is bad but if you think it's the biggest threat European politics face, you're a moron.

>> No.20728843

Counter-jihad poster please return to Israel and/or 2014

>> No.20728889

>Most people are racist, despise what they profess and when it finally reaches a tipping point
How many times now has an angry white person been caught on camera going on some spoiled-child rampage? There's an actual term for it now, Karen.
All those idiots believed as you do, they all thought they were heroes saying what everyone was thinking but was too afraid to say.

>> No.20728938

>You adhere to the American state ideology of neoliberalism
No I don't. If you mean the states of Europe, depends on what you mean by neoliberalism, but in any case we are much less neoliberalist than you guys.
I don't think the US will colapse and I don't wish it does, I agree that would cause an increase in nationalism due to pure poverty and the traction that right wing larping has right now. My issue is not nationalism, although I am not a nationalist, I am just very confortable having normal people rule, not having people on the brink of a civil war, and staying rich and free. The worst part of political polarization is the possibility of political violence, which is not good for any nation.

>> No.20728944
File: 31 KB, 641x530, a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to smart to be racist

>> No.20728951

Gloating about negroes harassing white people is not a proof against state-supported anti-white animus

>> No.20728954

I don't think that's the biggest threat but wtf does it matter immigrants are muslims? Europeans are not going to become muslims because immigrants are, quite the opposite, which is what worries me. If the immigrants are muslims but europeans stay non religious that would be good. And no we are not gonna become a "minority" as a bunch of right wing ideologues on youtube (american) I know suggest about immigration.

>> No.20728974

That is not true about the French not benefiting from colonialism. The extraction of resources from Africa benefits the French. Although not all of it is useful and the state doesn't necessarily do it because it will benefit the French people

>> No.20728984

>the traction that right wing larping has right now
This is an extremely bizarre way to describe native resistance to the poison my country is pushing on yours.
Tonight I will drink to the success of National Rally or AfD or Brothers of Italy or whatever the equivalent is in your country. Where are you from, anon?

>> No.20728987

>futurists envisaged gangs of youths roaming around in automobiles, beating up any filth they encountered on the road
Is this bait or what?

>> No.20728992

None of what he said is true, it's a pure novelty take that he came up with because he's afraid to be a fascist

>> No.20728993
File: 254 KB, 415x914, PF_11.29.17_muslims-update-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wtf does it matter immigrants are muslims?
An Islamist government is not going to be one where the lifestyle and rights Europeans are so fond of will be allowed. I think importing hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who support such a government is unwise.

>as a bunch of right wing ideologues on youtube (american) I know suggest about immigration.
Picrel is a prediction of the situation in 2050 done by Pew Research, which is quite far from right-wing. You can get upset about it but statistics are statistics. Europeans will be a minority by 2100-2200. Whether that bothers you is up to you, but it is the reality.

>> No.20728994
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 03-38-48-images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such a thing as white or black, we are all pepes of the same womb
Matthew 12:3

>> No.20729000

This is not a religious issue but a racial issue. The immigrants acclimate to liberalism perfectly well by becoming antisocial gangsters and doing organized crime. There is no threat to liberalism from Islam, there is a threat to the native peoples of Europe from Zionist-sponsored immigration.

>> No.20729014

The one (1) bible verse you know
A Christian brotherhood of man does not in any way contradict the nations that God established btw

>> No.20729015

>There is no threat to liberalism from Islam
Muslims in Europe work to implement Islamist policies in European nations, and every generation is more radically Islamist than its parents. It is a religious, not racial issue. If every Muslim in Europe was replaced with 10 African Christians, the overall amount of tensions would go down.

>> No.20729021

>If every Muslim in Europe was replaced with 10 African Christians
lmao, even

>> No.20729022

>German child rape rings
>British child rape rings
How cime all the rapists are muslim and all the victims are white? Can't be religious and cultural differences, no way.

>> No.20729026

Racial differences. You don't have Muslims raping your children, you have Pakis and Turks doing it.

>> No.20729042

>Brothers of italy
>Brothers of italy

>> No.20729052

Youre a novelty idiot

>> No.20729053

The French people objectively did not benefit from the colonialism of the French state in the 1800s-1900s. It has created a region from Morocco to Syria, from Tunisia to the DRC filled with people who have a deep hatred for the French people. The French state and French oligarchy benefitted from draining the resources which belonged to various African nations. The French people did not (beyond what crumbs happened to trickle down), and they will take the fall for the French state.

I am not afraid of fascism, I just think it is a bad idea. The German people of the 1930s-1940s put their faith in fascism, and they were repaid with millions of deaths, ethnic cleansing, an mass rapes. An ideology built on the premise of eternal conquest is doomed to fail.

>> No.20729062

You are both retarded

>> No.20729064
File: 212 KB, 640x618, 16061780272794680323096495143385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If nazis were still alive I could be playing tennis on the moon

>> No.20729065

Getting bigger every day, friend, thanks to my country's disastrous war against Russia and its economic consequences. I have serious differences with them but until Third Way or Casa Pound march on Berlin or Rome I'll settle for the parliamentarians.
Seriously, what country? If you don't tell me I'll just to drink to national revival in Europe in general, but that won't be as satisfying.

>> No.20729075

It's a bad idea because it went up against liberalism and lost, is what you're saying.
Well, personally I prefer to actually challenge the ideology that is wrecking my nation and nations I admire. Even the communists, in their own weird misguided way, do that. You don't.

>> No.20729080

Fighting a proxy war in our Europe, are you?
Well I guess that's old news

>> No.20729093

Kys and leave europe alone

>> No.20729099

All right. Long live Europe in general it'll be then. I hope, wherever you're from, for your country to throw off the Judeo-American yoke.

>> No.20729100

>It's a bad idea because it went up against liberalism and lost, is what you're saying.
No, it's a bad idea because it is inherently unsustainable. Read Mussolini's writing on fascism, he describes it as an ideology of eternal conquest and imperialism. It's not something a people benefit from. Communists in the vein of Stalin, for all their flaws, are at least not launching themselves into destructive and unsustainable conflicts.

>> No.20729106


>> No.20729108

>in conclusion are pol idiots?

>> No.20729310

We gave you liberalism too, the british, not everything is about the US

>> No.20729336

Stalinists are dummies, their country got fucked in the ass for refusing to export the revolution
Yesh yesh, very realist, very realist unlike trotsky, having no allies while recovering from a civil war when every prole around the is dying to give their life to your cause is very realist

>> No.20729348

Socialism in one state is far more feasible than Trotsky's permanent revolution.

>> No.20729423

That’s all the soviet union did during the Cold War.

>> No.20729466

Are you serious? The Soviet Union also practiced its variation of imperialism and colonialism within eastern Europe and central Asia, it was to further the proletarian revolution by stabilizing the USSR and centralizing it into a national hegemony. In central Asia, Russian colonists were sent to populate the barren and vast lands to prevent the native populations from revolting by serving as a counter-balance to their influence, and in the Baltics, deportations occurred after WW2 to send in Russians for the same purpose. In addition to forming settler-colonies, the USSR also frequently invaded nations to exploit their resources to help with industrialization and the development of productive forces in the USSR itself.

Do you not recall the Soviet invasion of Finland? besides being motivated by wanting a security zone around Leningrad, but also they had shortage of copper, which they needed to produce the ammunition required by the quotas for the Third Five-Year Plan. The Invasion of the Baltics was also motivated by a similar need to gain access to more resources by having a proper port with access to the Baltic Sea all-year-round, as Leningrad was frozen for most of the year. This anti-imperialist shit nonsense. The USSR had a concentration of territorial blocs into a single economic-political which was the pinnacle of Russian power, you’re going to tell me that the Russian Federation is in a better standing before the fall of the Block? you’re out of your mind bro.

>> No.20729479

No, it's the complete opposite of feasible, please refer to the comment you were replying to

>> No.20729505

That post was nonsensical. The USSR for all its flaws worked for decades. Modern China is another example of socialism in one state, it works too. Trotskyists have made some impact but nothing close to the followers of Stalin.

>> No.20729588
File: 41 KB, 460x455, a374xQm_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My objective is not to last 50 years under a crushing dictatorship, that is not communism. Pic unrelated

>> No.20729737

It's a dictatorship (of the proles, but a dictatorship nonetheless) anon, it's going to be a miserable state of affairs

>> No.20729743


>> No.20729780
File: 1.47 MB, 783x821, screenshot4chin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the road and on the city streets
it's not bait because you have to be stupid to do it today with security cameras everywhere and everybody having a car; back then both driving and maintenance required real skill but the payoff was immense

>> No.20729967

>Why come
I know one person in the world who says that and he was forced to read Ayn Rand in high school.

Is that you... Austin?

>> No.20729983

They're Nazis. Nazis weren't futurists

>> No.20730068

This is what happens when you don't start with the sumerians

>> No.20730455

what a swindle...

>> No.20730704
File: 33 KB, 317x400, 1654898775416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many times now has an angry white person been caught on camera going on some spoiled-child rampage?

How many times are they condemned by the same community they belong to? We, as a society are fully aware of the terrible behavior exhibited by our own, blacks and other races are not. They condemn, approve and encourage such behavior.

Because Hitler himself, nor Mussolini, were not members of the upper class does not preclude the vast majority of their administration belonging to the most educated, most determined and most able of society to lead it. This shows, especially in the former, with huge numbers of incredibly intelligent men being involved in every aspect of societal planning.

That is what >>20728713 shows. Huge numbers of ranking, leading National Socialists were incredibly intelligent and gifted in their respective fields, be it logistics, organization, engineering or propaganda. I do not say this as proof of Germanic superiority, but on the superiority of the systems they used to obtain such incredible success.

>Wtf is picrel btw
IQ, measured g factor, of captured National Socialists in the Nuremberg trials. These are the ones that surrendered, many more escaped, committed suicide or died during the war itself. Who else could of organization and maintained an entire system of factories dedicated to the genocide of an entire people? For good or for ill, when intelligent upper class is motivated, the world quakes. This same was true for the British Empire as it ascended to prominence.

>> No.20730930

>Why come all the far righters and fascists on here are obsessed with tradition
Tradition but typing on a chinese computer, walking on shoes made on poor asian countries. Tradition with a smartphone in their pockets. Tradition but being on the internet more than half the day. These people are jokes.

>> No.20730945
File: 65 KB, 700x942, agRj7YRo_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tradition is not actions, morality and mindset
>Traditions is rejecting all advances in society

This is what Reddit does to your mind. Can you think about any other way of conceptualizing a term outside of consuming product?

>> No.20730959

(not him).
Abolishing Capitalism. It's pretty easy in fact. First, you list the needs of everybody. As individuals and society needs. Then, you produce those needs, allocating labor to the production of those needs. Finally, you distribute the production.

>> No.20730972

>So, as usual, (((they))) corrupted futurism.
Judaism is your shadow. You cannot see it, so you project it on the jews.

>> No.20730991

Incel an ideology always comes from the relations of production. Base dictates superstructure. Capitalism dictates globohomo culture. You are only not smart enough to understand this.

>> No.20731072
File: 7 KB, 240x240, 54e7dbafcd506_corneliu_zelea_codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judaism is your shadow. You cannot see it, so you project it on the jews.

For less than 2% of the population they have a strange habit of appearing in numbers in deleterious movements, practices and organizations that target their host nation. Why is this?

>> No.20732053

Pure ideology.

>> No.20732246

Pic rel reminds me of this

>> No.20732372

This thread sucks.

Picrel is interesting though. Can anybody explain wtf was going on with the Q-weapon?

>> No.20732547
File: 1.41 MB, 786x833, screenshot5chin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in fact I had a revelation and realized that you faggots live sheltered lives and were not exposed to harsh realities
so I will give you some food for thought:
do you think Mussolini and Hitler were elected into office because people were bored and wanted some fun? no, that barely gives you any votes (just look at Ron Paul for President!)
they were elected because the filth was spilling over the streets and thieves, whores, crazed women, and retarded immigrants were making the law, dominating every corner with their stink, shouts, and harassment of people going to work or school; police were incapable of doing anything because the communist parties (just like today) put pressure -- with extortion or otherwise -- on police chiefs and other factors of decision... not to mention that justice was based on bribes, policemen and judges either being bribed by the communists or the criminals directly
things are kind of hazy in Hitler's Germany but in Italy, things got cleaned up and people were reminded how order looks like

>> No.20732952
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>historically targeted and oppressed for ethnic and religious tribalism
Hitler and Goebbels were both at least 35% Jew, Mussolini had tons of jewish retainers and Balbo thought Jews made the best fascists. Just look at modern Israel, it's essentially a fascist nation masquerading as a parliamentary republic.

Combine high IQ with a bronze age my people over yours mind set and it's not hard to see why.

>> No.20732966

>, blacks and other races are not
an IQ score doesn't qualify anyone for ruling a nation and the smartest people are often part of the government or related, that has nothing to do with the ideology of fascism.

>> No.20732971

Because you're brainwashed

>> No.20732980

>do you think Mussolini and Hitler were elected into office because people were bored and wanted some fun? no, that barely gives you any votes (just look at Ron Paul for President!)
>they were elected because the filth was spilling over the streets and thieves, whores, crazed women, and retarded immigrants were making the law, dominating every corner with their stink, shouts, and harassment of people going to work or school; police were incapable of doing anything because the communist parties (just like today) put pressure -- with extortion or otherwise -- on police chiefs and other factors of decision... not to mention that justice was based on bribes, policemen and judges either being bribed by the communists or the criminals directly
>things are kind of hazy in Hitler's Germany but in Italy, things got cleaned up and people were reminded how order looks like
so, they shouldn't be elected now

>> No.20732988

why do you say Hitler was jewish?

>> No.20732993

both happened

>> No.20733006

most italians don't look this white,
russians are mongols

>> No.20733014

>so, they shouldn't be elected now
you shout all day X is fascist Y is fascist
but the sad fact is that you really do believe the utter idiocy you are thinking
this is the problem with you retards

>> No.20733016
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"...The third possibility is that Adolf Hitler's grandfather was Jewish. Rumours to that effect circulated in Munich cafes in the early 1920s, and were fostered by sensationalist journalism of the foreign press during the 1930s. It was suggested that the name `Huttler' was Jewish, `revealed' that he could be traced to a Jewish family called Hitler in Bucharest, and even claimed that his father had been sired by Baron Rothschild, in whose house in Vienna his grandmother had allegedly spent some time as a servant. But the most serious speculation about Hitler's supposed Jewish background has occurred since the Second World War, and is directly traceable to the memoirs of the leading Nazi lawyer and Governor General of Poland, Hans Frank, dictated in his Nuremberg cell while awaiting the hangman.

Frank claimed that he had been called in by Hitler towards the end of 1930 and shown a letter from his nephew William Patrick Hitler (the son of his half-brother Alois, who had been briefly married to an Irish woman) threatening, in connection with the press stories circulating about Hitler's background, to expose the fact that Hitler had Jewish blood flowing in his veins. Allegedly commissioned by Hitler to look into his family history, Frank reportedly discovered that Maria Anna Schicklgruber had given birth to her child while serving as a cook in the home of a Jewish family called Frankenberger in Graz. Not only that: Frankenberger senior had reputedly paid regular instalments to support the child on behalf of his son, around nineteen years old at the birth, until the child's fourteenth birthday. Letters were allegedly exchanged for years between Maria Anna Schicklgruber and the Frankenbergers. According to Frank, Hitler declared that he knew, from what his father and grandmother had said, that his grandfather was not the Jew from Graz, but because his grandmother and her subsequent husband were so poor they had conned the Jew into believing he was the father and into paying for the boy's support..."

>> No.20733022
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Read further, it says below that that those stories are bs, you are welcome

>> No.20733024

>you shout all day X is fascist Y is fascist
Idk how that critique extends to me

>> No.20733028

>yes goy, the stories about Hitler being an illegitimate rothschild are totally BS, nothing to see here, trust us over the SS Kommandant of the Eastern theater.
the idea that Hitler's destitute grandparents were running a long con on two of the most infamous and wealthy oligarchs in modern history seems like a massive cope to me.

>> No.20733029

USA is not our brother

>> No.20733034

That's not what is implied from what I remember

>> No.20733044

Read the rest

>> No.20733055

>Frank’s story gained wide circulation in the 1950s.25 But it simply does not stand up. There was no Jewish family called Frankenberger in Graz during the 1830s. In fact, there were no Jews at all in the whole of Styria at the time, since Jews were not permitted in that part of Austria until the 1860s. A family named Frankenreiter did live there, but was not Jewish. There is no evidence that Maria Anna was ever in Graz, let alone was employed by the butcher Leopold Frankenreiter. No correspondence between Maria Anna and a family called Frankenberg or Frankenreiter has ever turned up. The son of Leopold Frankenreiter and alleged father of the baby (according to Frank’s story and accepting that he had merely confused names) for whom Frankenreiter was seemingly prepared to pay child support for thirteen years was ten years old at the time of Alois’s birth. The Frankenreiter family had moreover hit upon such hard times that payment of any support to Maria Anna Schicklgruber would have been inconceivable.26 Equally lacking in credibility is Frank’s comment that Hitler had learnt from his grandmother that there was no truth in the Graz story: his grandmother had been dead for over forty years at the time of Hitler’s birth. And whether in fact Hitler received a blackmail letter from his nephew in 1930is also doubtful. If such was the case, then Patrick – who repeatedly made a nuisance of himself by scrounging from his famous uncle – was lucky to survive the next few years which he spent for the most part in Germany, and to be able to leave the country for good in December 1938.27 His ‘revelations’, when they came in a Paris journal in August 1939, contained nothing about the Graz story.28 Nor did a number of different Gestapo inquiries into Hitler’s family background in the 1930s and 1940s contain any reference to the alleged Graz background.29 Indeed they discovered no new skeletons in the cupboard. Hans Frank’s memoirs, dictated at a time when he was waiting for the hangman and plainly undergoing a psychological crisis,30 are full of inaccuracies and have to be used with caution. With regard to the story of Hitler’s alleged Jewish grandfather, they are valueless. Hitler’s grandfather, whoever he was, was not a Jew from Graz.

>> No.20733059

Perhaps, somehow, the evidence could have been hidden but I have no proof that that should be the case

>> No.20733063

>a lot more bad eggs to fuck up a democratic-republic like they're doing
>like they're doing
>but what about this now irrelevant hypothetical
Oh shut the fuck up. Watching people defend their shitty late republic corruption is disgusting.

>> No.20733074

It astonishes me that anyone can be a liberal at this point who does not directly monetarily benefit from the system

Communism? Sure. Monarchism, why not. Collapse cultism is even more retarded than both but at least they want out. But earnest defense of the system always thunderstrikes me when I come across it.

>> No.20733126
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Why were they historically persecuted? Does it have anything to do with the same reasons every nation in the last 2000 years has given? At what point do we finally admit that it is your behavior, not our rational reaction that causes judenhass, jew-hate.

A source? Look at any nation that is dark, the darker the area is the more dangerous it is. Both at the local and national level. This corralation is strikingly apparant, more so than any other dataset.

>> No.20733278

>Why come
Why come you talk like a nigger?

>> No.20733306
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>Traditional values and technological progress cannot coexist, it's an oxymoron,

Of course they can. You are confusing technological advancement with goyslop fastfood, mass media entertainment and base consumerism. Reddit mindset.

>> No.20733429
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>It astonishes me that anyone can be a liberal at this point who does not directly monetarily benefit from the system

Every stage of their life from early education to what they entertain themselves with now is geared towards the belief that a liberal democracy is the pinnacle of human society and the only way to achieve happiness. This is proven false by looking out the front door.

>> No.20733629
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Who would have a (think six million) reason why they'd want to obscure the fact that Hitler was Jewish? Aside from the man himself, of course, who doubtlessly had his SS gestapo police clean up any contrary evidence that the furher might be someone other than who he claimed to be. Besides, we all know that Jews are only ever where they are supposed to be, its not at all entirely possible that the wealthy rothschild connected Jews who hitlers grandfather and grandmother received life long allowances, were able to leverage the wealth and influence to live in Graz at a time when Jews were technically banned.

It could easily explain the life long endemnity to jews that hitler felt, himself being a second generation bastard from a powerful Jewish family that refused to recognize his father.

I mean, what, if anything, could the Jews have gained by leveraging Adolf's hatred and utilizing it to their own ends? I mean, shattering the entire world order, particularly the authoritarian eurocentric that had so long persecuted the jews, is nice but having yourself gain an entire country? The holy land, no less? That'd be worth a few million holocausts to appease the angry God of Judah.

Hitler was a Jew, and the summation of his efforts was the restoration of the Holy Land. If you think the Holocaust is Bullshit than you could argue he even achieved it without shedding the blood of even one of God's chosen people. Add a thousand years of interference in history, and future generations might just call him the Messiah.

>> No.20733670
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Please stop, your vulgar attempt at misinformation is both annoying and tiresome. It lends further evidence to the causes of the Holocaust, you are a dastardly, immoral people.

>> No.20733742

That image seems witty on the surface, but there isn't really a comparison to be made between a political leader and someone with an actual measurable skill. Being "good at politics" means being good at getting what you want through the political process, that's it. There's no being an "expert" like there is with maths, carpentry, engineering.

>> No.20733837
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>Being "good at politics" means being good at getting what you want through the political process, that's it. There's no being an "expert" like there is with maths, carpentry, engineering.

This is how far we have fallen, there used to be such a thing as Statecraft and statesmanship. This is now forgotten. Leaders in military and civic life who would lead a polis to greater heights. This

>> No.20733877

Or Hitler was not Jewish and he had 6trillion other reasons to hate them

>> No.20733962

Thiel is just the Alexander to Girard's Aristotle. Or the Chandragupta to his Chankya if you prefer. Everything he does is out of the master's playbook.

>> No.20734090

Imagine being the level of deluded white Incel that thinks ancestor worship and nationalist totalitarianism is even possible, let alone effective or good. This is what happens when your reading starts in 2020 and is limited to /litpol/ ‘reactionary’ meme writers and psychopathic thesophers masquerading as political philosophers.

>> No.20734105

Polish my Guenonian (haven't even read him, don't care to, but he lives rent free in your head apparently) balls.

>> No.20734138
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>What is Israel

In all seriousness though, many people do want a homogenous ethno-state. Especially those who have lived on thr fringes of civilization, urban cities, black neighborhoods, most places abroad. This naturally forms a unifying kultur one that, while not perfect or utopian, is sparred many of the problems that plague our Occidental Nations. It is a perfectly valid yearning, especially given the last decade of violence and widespread ethnic migration. Furthering this is the widespread use of Nazi and Fascist, these once loaded words have been used to frequently that people are desensitized to their actual meaning. This paves the way for actual Fascists to rise.

Thank you, rabbi.

>> No.20734159

I am a futurist though. Genetic engineering especially is extremely important

>> No.20734257 [DELETED] 

Their architecture sucked ass

>> No.20734276
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You, nor your transhumanist ilk, will ever be a woman.

>> No.20735386

>A source?...
That's called being poor. Look at any studies about race

>> No.20735394
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>> No.20735398

Perhaos evidence was cleared up, however it doesn't matter wheter or not hitler was jewish becaise being jewish does not influence one's actions

>> No.20735403

This is what OP means. You've lost the grand ambitions of Nazis and become sheep that just want to own the libtards. The libtards are mere obstacles to our true purpose you cretin

>> No.20735410

This thread is full of faggots

>> No.20735734
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What true purpose is that?

>> No.20735757
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>Oh but what about this now irrelevant hypothetical?
Like returning to monarchism? Or embracing fascism? Or communism?
It's all irrelevant hypotheticals until something is done about it brainlet-kun.
The conversation, in case you missed it was about the required number of bad-eggs needed to bring a country to ruin. In a fascist government, that number is a lot fucking lower than in a democratic-republic. Then it moves to the issue of the fact that we had a bad egg in our DR. I pointed out there are a lot more than that because that's the truth of the matter. Ending that, I mentioned that rather than turning to fascism which would be disastrous in its own way what with everyone and their mother wanting control over America, we should resort to good old-fashioned second amendment violence.
Regardless of whether or not you agree that's better than fascism, where in all of that do you find me defending where we currently are? Where in my statement am I slurping the cock of our overlords? Nowhere? Or do you not know because you just can't fucking read?
Don't ever reply to me again, fag.

>> No.20736328
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>In a fascist government, that number is a lot fucking lower than in a democratic-republic.

Not true at all, you are taking taking an alternative reading of the dataset after having excluded the vast majority of threats. If you exclude the majority of the population from influencing decisions, the number of 'bad-eggs' is markedly reduced, compared to an authoritarian government of educated people that are not predicating their decisions on Marxist theory. Not at all like the authoritarian governments of Africa or Latin America.

, the sheer number of bad eggs that can infect a nation is orders of magnitude higher in a liberal democracy, all it takes is a tiny, well-funded group with a specific agenda to destabilize a nation, as well as all the other members inside the system working against it. Under an authoritarian government the number is far far less, huge numbers of potential problems are precluded from even getting a heard. Pair that with a very strong focus on bettering the native and ethnic people of a nation and you have an ironclad means of long term stability and prosperity.