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/lit/ - Literature

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20722698 No.20722698 [Reply] [Original]

Share your thoughts. Bonus points if articulated in beautiful prose

>> No.20722702


>> No.20722723
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>> No.20722729

I don't know because I've only been here like 3 years and I have an incredibly shit memory when it comes to things like judging quality. I mean I don't even know how to answer questions like "how was your day." When I first came here I would browse only /pol/, but now when I go back there I am amazed at how I was able to stomach the pure retardation of that board. Everyone there must be below 90 IQ and I'm sure it was always like that, I was just used to it before. I'm pretty sure /lit/ /sci/ and /his/ have always been like this. /lit/ is the best board because half the threads on /his/ are atheist christcuck debate threads the exact contents of which you can tell without clicking on them, and since it's the board that's dedicated to philosophy all the philosophy threads fucking suck, whereas on /lit/ you get at least some people who are actually well read in philosophy and not more occupied with discussion pop-philosophy on philosophy forums than actually learning about philosophy. Plus since /lit/ is supposed to be for reading in general you get way more people who actually read, whereas on /his/ everyone just gets their "knowledge" from youtube or from the board itself. /sci/ is just a bait board for schizos and it was always going to be that way since you have to have a PhD or something to actually know what you are talking about these days. and there are not enough of those to populate a board. on /mu/ there are only ever like three threads where people talk about actually making or learning how to make music, it's just a board that acts as a mini-society to judge people's tastes and everyone there is oversocialized to it. /fit/ sucks for talking about fitness and it's basically a softcore porn board at this point. the best boards are /an/, /out/, and /lit/.

>> No.20722733
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>> No.20722741

Mouthbreathers are not allowed to comment

>> No.20722841

So you‘re telling me, that it really is a hopeless place

>> No.20722855

Off-topic. Post this in write what is in your mind thread. Just because you write “proses” at the end of your sentence does not make it /lit/-related.